- /* memcr.c - Memory Crash Recovery Utility
- * Kernel of GNU SQL-server. Recovery utilities
- *
- * This file is a part of GNU SQL Server
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, Free Software Foundation, Inc
- * Developed at the Institute of System Programming
- * This file is written by Vera Ponomarenko
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * Contacts:
- *
- */
- /* $Id: memcr.c,v 1.245 1997/03/31 03:46:38 kml Exp $ */
- #include "setup_os.h"
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <sys/uio.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #endif
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #endif
- #include <sys/ipc.h>
- #include <sys/msg.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include "destrn.h"
- #include "strml.h"
- #include "admdef.h"
- #include "adfstr.h"
- #include "fdclrcv.h"
- #include "xmem.h"
- key_t keylj, keymj, keybf, keymcr;
- i4_t msqidmcr, msqidl, msqidm, msqidb;
- i4_t fdmj, fdcurlj;
- u2_t trnum;
- extern CPNM curcpn;
- char **scptab;
- extern i2_t maxscan;
- unsigned ljmsize;
- u2_t S_SC_S;
- char mjpage[RPAGE], ljpage[RPAGE];
- i4_t minidnt;
- extern struct ADREC bllj;
- extern i4_t idtr;
- extern struct ADBL adlj;
- struct ldesind **TAB_IFAM;
- i4_t TIFAM_SZ;
- static int
- mrllb_tr(i4_t cidtr, struct ADBL adfix, struct ADBL cadlj, u2_t blsz, char *a,
- char type)
- {
- i4_t newidtr;
- idtr = cidtr;
- if (cadlj.npage <= adfix.npage && <=
- {
- cadlj.npage = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- backactn (blsz, a, type);
- }
- while (cadlj.npage >= adfix.npage || >
- {
- rcv_LJ_GETREC (&bllj, &cadlj);
- a = bllj.block;
- type = *a++;
- if (type == GRLBLJ)
- continue;
- if (type == EOTLJ)
- {
- getmint (a, bllj.razm - size1b);
- continue;
- }
- newidtr = t4bunpack (a);
- a += size4b;
- cadlj.npage = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- = t2bunpack (a);
- if ( == 0)
- return (0);
- }
- r_tr (cadlj);
- return (0);
- }
- static void
- mrollb_nftr(struct ADBL adfix, struct ADBL adstart, char *nftr, u2_t n)
- {
- register u2_t i, NFTRANS, blsz;
- register char *a, type;
- struct ADBL cadlj;
- i4_t cidtr, newidtr;
- char *pnt, mas[RPAGE];
- NFTRANS = n / size4b;
- for (i = 0; i < NFTRANS; i++, nftr += size4b)
- {
- cidtr = t4bunpack (nftr);
- newidtr = cidtr;
- do
- {
- cadlj = adstart;
- blsz = LJ_prev (fdcurlj, &cadlj, &pnt, mas);
- a = pnt;
- type = *a++;
- if (type == EOTLJ)
- {
- getmint (a, blsz - size1b);
- continue;
- }
- newidtr = t4bunpack (a);
- a += size4b;
- }
- while (newidtr != cidtr);
- mrllb_tr (cidtr, adfix, cadlj, blsz, a, type);
- }
- }
- #define GET_OFFBEG()
- {
- if (N == 1)
- offbeg = RTPAGE + RTJOUR;
- else
- offbeg = RTPAGE;
- }
- static int
- MJ_prev (i4_t fd, struct ADBL *adj, char **pnt, char *mas)
- {
- u2_t N, offbeg, n, blsz, n1;
- char *end_of_record;
- N = adj->npage;
- n = adj->cm;
- if (n == offbeg && N == 1)
- {
- *pnt = mjpage + RTPAGE;
- return (0);
- }
- n -= offbeg;
- if (n < RTBLK)
- { /* the endtop-block places in two pages*/
- char buff[size2b];
- n1 = RTBLK - n;
- bcopy (mjpage + RTPAGE, buff + n1, n);
- N--;
- read_page (fd, N, mjpage);
- bcopy (mjpage + RPAGE - n1, buff, n1);
- blsz = t2bunpack (buff);
- end_of_record = mjpage + RPAGE - n1;
- n = RPAGE - offbeg - n1;
- }
- else
- { /* the top-block places in (N)-page */
- end_of_record = mjpage + offbeg + n - RTBLK;
- blsz = t2bunpack (end_of_record);
- n -= RTBLK;
- if (n == 0)
- {
- N--;
- read_page (fd, N, mjpage);
- n = RPAGE - offbeg;
- end_of_record = mjpage + RPAGE;
- }
- }
- assert (blsz < RPAGE);
- if (n < blsz)
- { /* block-record places in two page */
- n1 = blsz - n;
- bcopy (mjpage + RTPAGE, mas + n1, n);
- N--;
- read_page (fd, N, mjpage);
- bcopy (mjpage + RPAGE - n1, mas, n1);
- *pnt = mas;
- n = RPAGE - offbeg - n1;
- }
- else
- {
- *pnt = end_of_record - blsz;
- n -= blsz;
- if (n == 0 && N != 1)
- {
- bcopy (*pnt, mas, blsz);
- *pnt = mas;
- N--;
- read_page (fd, N, mjpage);
- n = RPAGE - offbeg;
- }
- }
- adj->npage = N;
- adj->cm = n + offbeg;
- return (blsz);
- }
- static void
- get_last_page (i4_t fd, char *jpage, u2_t *pn)
- { /* Search the last page of a journal */
- i4_t PCP, RFILE;
- u2_t N;
- i4_t NV;
- struct stat buf;
- if (fstat (fd, &buf) < 0)
- {
- perror ("MCR.get_last_page: fstat");
- exit (1);
- }
- RFILE = buf.st_size / (RPAGE);
- N = *pn;
- read_page (fd, N, jpage);
- NV = t4bunpack (jpage);
- while (N != RFILE)
- {
- PCP = *(jpage + size4b + size2b);
- break;
- read_page (fd, ++N, jpage);
- if (NV != t4bunpack (jpage))
- {
- read_page (fd, --N, jpage);
- break;
- }
- }
- *pn = N;
- }
- static struct ADBL
- recov_mj (char *mj_name)
- {
- register char *a, *b, *d, *asp, *beg;
- struct ADBL adfix, cadmj;
- i4_t idm, cidm;
- u2_t sn, pn, fs, off, blsz, prevpn, size;
- i2_t shsize;
- char *pnt, type, prmod;
- char mas[RPAGE];
- struct A pg;
- if ((fdmj = open (mj_name, O_RDWR, 0644)) < 0)
- {
- perror ("MCR: open current MJ");
- exit (1);
- }
- pn = 1;
- get_last_page (fdmj, mjpage, &pn);
- cadmj.npage = pn;
- = t2bunpack (mjpage + size4b);
- asp = NULL;
- for (prevpn = (u2_t) ~ 0, prmod = 'n'; (blsz = MJ_prev (fdmj, &cadmj, &pnt, mas)) > 0;)
- {
- a = pnt;
- while (blsz != 0)
- {
- a += adjsize;
- type = *a++;
- assert (type == OLD || type == SHF || type == COMBR || type == COMBL);
- idm = t4bunpack (a);
- a += size4b;
- sn = t2bunpack (a);
- assert (sn != 0);
- a += size2b;
- pn = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- if (pn != prevpn)
- {
- if (prevpn != (u2_t) ~ 0)
- putpg (&pg, prmod);
- asp = getpg (&pg, sn, pn, 'x');
- prmod = 'n';
- prevpn = pn;
- }
- cidm = ((struct p_head *) asp)->idmod;
- if (idm <= cidm)
- prmod = 'm';
- off = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- fs = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- size = adjsize + 1 + size4b + 4 * size2b;
- if (type == OLD)
- {
- if (idm <= cidm)
- bcopy (a, asp + off, fs);
- a += fs;
- size += fs;
- }
- else
- {
- size += size2b;
- shsize = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- if (type == SHF)
- {
- if (idm <= cidm)
- {
- beg = asp + off;
- if (shsize < 0)
- {
- shsize = -shsize;
- bcopy (beg + shsize, beg, fs);
- }
- else
- {
- for (b = beg + fs - 1, d = b - shsize; fs != 0; fs--)
- *b-- = *d--;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (idm <= cidm)
- {
- beg = asp + off;
- if (type == COMBR)
- {
- b = beg - fs;
- bcopy (b - shsize, b, fs);
- }
- else
- {
- for (b = beg + fs - 1, d = b + shsize; fs != 0; fs--)
- *d-- = *b--;
- }
- bcopy (a, beg, shsize);
- }
- size += shsize;
- a += shsize;
- }
- }
- blsz -= size;
- }
- }
- if (prevpn != (u2_t) ~ 0)
- putpg (&pg, prmod);
- bcopy (pnt, (char *) &adfix, adjsize);
- close (fdmj);
- return (adfix);
- }
- static void
- ini_mcru (void)
- {
- struct ADF adf;
- i4_t fdaf;
- /* Getting queue for MCR */
- if ((msqidmcr = msgget (keymcr, IPC_CREAT | DEFAULT_ACCESS_RIGHTS)) < 0)
- {
- perror ("ADM: Getting queue for MCR");
- exit (1);
- }
- if ((msqidm = msgget (keymj, DEFAULT_ACCESS_RIGHTS)) < 0)
- {
- perror ("MCR.msgget: Get queue for MJ");
- exit (1);
- }
- if ((msqidl = msgget (keylj, DEFAULT_ACCESS_RIGHTS)) < 0)
- {
- perror ("MCR.msgget: Get queue for LJ");
- exit (1);
- }
- if ((msqidb = msgget (keybf, DEFAULT_ACCESS_RIGHTS)) < 0)
- {
- perror ("MCR.ini_mcru.msgget: Get queue for BUF");
- exit (1);
- }
- if ((fdaf = open (ADMFILE, O_RDWR, 0644)) < 0)
- {
- perror ("ADMFILE: open error");
- exit (1);
- }
- if (read (fdaf, (char *) &adf, sizeof (struct ADF)) != sizeof (struct ADF))
- {
- perror ("ADMFILE: read error");
- exit (1);
- }
- minidnt = 1;
- close (fdaf);
- }
- static void
- mfrwrd_mtn (struct ADBL cadlj, struct ADBL last_adlj, char *idtr_pnt, u2_t n)
- {
- char *a, type, *cur_idtr_pnt, *eo_idtr_pnt;
- u2_t blsz;
- i4_t cidtr;
- char *pnt, mas[RPAGE];
- eo_idtr_pnt = idtr_pnt + n;
- while (cadlj.npage != last_adlj.npage || !=
- {
- blsz = LJ_next (fdcurlj, &cadlj, &pnt, mas);
- a = pnt;
- type = *a++;
- if (type == CPRLJ)
- continue;
- if (type == EOTLJ)
- {
- getmint (a, blsz - size1b);
- continue;
- }
- idtr = t4bunpack (a);
- for (cur_idtr_pnt = idtr_pnt; cur_idtr_pnt < eo_idtr_pnt; cur_idtr_pnt += size4b)
- {
- cidtr = t4bunpack (cur_idtr_pnt);
- if (cidtr == idtr)
- goto end;
- }
- forward_action (a + size4b, type, blsz - ljmsize);
- end:;
- }
- }
- int
- main (i4_t argc, char **argv)
- {
- register char *a;
- u2_t n, blsz;
- struct ADBL cadlj, ladlj, adfix;
- char type, *pnt, mas[RPAGE];
- i4_t preot = 0, repl;
- u2_t pn, s_sc_s;
- struct msg_buf sbuf;
- setbuf (stdout, NULL);
- fprintf (stderr, "MCR.main.b: Memory Crash Recovery Utility is runningn");
- sscanf (argv[3], "%d", &keymj);
- sscanf (argv[4], "%d", &keylj);
- sscanf (argv[5], "%d", &keybf);
- sscanf (argv[6], "%d", &keymcr);
- {
- i4_t x;
- sscanf (argv[7], "%d", &x);
- s_sc_s=x;
- }
- trnum = CONSTTR;
- S_SC_S = s_sc_s;
- TIFAM_SZ = 2;
- TAB_IFAM = (struct ldesind **) xmalloc (TIFAM_SZ * sizeof (struct ldesind **));
- tab_difam (1);
- ljmsize = size1b + size4b + 2 * size2b + 2 * size2b + size2b + size4b + 2 * size2b;
- scptab = (char **) xmalloc (chpsize * maxscan);
- for (n = 0; (i2_t) n < maxscan; n++)
- scptab[n] = NULL;
- /*------------Recovery by MICROJ------------------*/
- ini_mcru ();
- adfix = recov_mj (argv[1]);
- if ( == 0)
- goto end;
- /*------------Recovery by LOGJ------------------*/
- /* The search of the last EOTLJ from the end of LJ */
- /* If EOTLJ is after adfix, rollback unfinished transactions */
- if ((fdcurlj = open (argv[2], O_RDWR, 0644)) < 0)
- {
- perror ("MCR: open current LJ");
- exit (1);
- }
- pn = adfix.npage;
- get_last_page (fdcurlj, ljpage, &pn);
- adlj.npage = pn;
- = t2bunpack (ljpage + size4b);
- cadlj = adlj;
- while ( cadlj.npage != adfix.npage || !=
- {
- blsz = LJ_prev (fdcurlj, &cadlj, &pnt, mas);
- a = pnt;
- type = *a++;
- if (type == EOTLJ)
- {
- preot = 1;
- ladlj = cadlj;
- getmint (a, blsz - size1b);
- n = blsz - size1b;
- mrollb_nftr (adfix, cadlj, a, n);
- mfrwrd_mtn (adfix, ladlj, a, n);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (preot == 0)
- ladlj = bmtn_feot (fdcurlj, adfix);
- rcv_wmlj (&ladlj); /* The record about global rollback */
- rcv_ini_lj ();
- repl = LOGJ_FIX ();
- dubl_segs ();
- end:
- /* ini_mj (argv[1]);*/
- sbuf.mtype = ANSADM;
- sbuf.mtext[0] = 0;
- if (msgsnd (msqidmcr, (MSGBUFP)&sbuf, 1, 0) < 0)
- {
- perror ("MCR.msgsnd: Answer ADM");
- exit (1);
- }
- fprintf (stderr, "MCR: Memory Crash Recovery has finished successfullyn");
- sleep (1);
- return 0;
- }