- /*
- * ordins.c - Ordinary insertion
- * Kernel of GNU SQL-server
- *
- * This file is a part of GNU SQL Server
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, Free Software Foundation, Inc
- * Developed at the Institute of System Programming
- * This file is written by Vera Ponomarenko
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * Contacts: gss@ispras.ru
- *
- */
- /* $Id: ordins.c,v 1.248 1997/04/15 11:45:41 vera Exp $ */
- #include <assert.h>
- #include "destrn.h"
- #include "strml.h"
- #include "fdcltrn.h"
- #include "xmem.h"
- extern struct ldesind **TAB_IFAM;
- extern struct ADBL adlj;
- extern i4_t ljmsize;
- extern struct d_r_t *firstrel;
- extern u2_t S_SC_S;
- static u2_t wild_pn = (u2_t) ~0;
- ARR_DECL(l_emp,u2_t,static); /* declaration of local dynamic stack/array 'l_emp'.*/
- ARR_PROC_DECL(l_emp,u2_t,static); /* declaration of routines for it */
- static u2_t
- along_leaf_pages (struct A *pg, u2_t necessary_size, char *pnt, u2_t n,
- u2_t *pfms, u2_t *loc, char *key)
- {
- u2_t pn, table_pn, ksz = size4b +1, sn;
- struct ind_page *indph;
- char *asp = NULL, *lastb;
- asp = pg->p_shm;
- sn = pg->p_sn;
- for (;; pnt += ksz)
- {
- indph = (struct ind_page *) asp;
- lastb = asp + indph->ind_off;
- for (; n != 0; n--)
- {
- table_pn = t2bunpack (pnt);
- pnt += size2b;
- *pfms = t2bunpack (pnt);
- pnt += size2b;
- if (*pfms >= necessary_size)
- {
- *loc = pnt - size2b - asp;
- return (table_pn);
- }
- }
- if (pnt < lastb)
- {
- putpg(pg, 'n');
- return (wild_pn);
- }
- pn = indph->ind_nextpn;
- putpg(pg, 'n'); /* make asp & indph etc undefined */
- if (pn == wild_pn)
- return wild_pn;
- while ((asp = getpg (pg, sn, pn, 's')) == NULL);
- pnt = asp + indphsize;
- n = t2bunpack (pnt);
- pnt += size2b;
- if (f4b (pnt + 1, key, size4b, size4b) != 0)
- {
- putpg(pg, 'n');
- return (wild_pn);
- }
- }
- }
- static u2_t
- find_suit_page (struct A *pg, u2_t sn, char *key, u2_t necessary_size,
- u2_t *pfms, u2_t *loc)
- {
- char *aggr = NULL, *a, *lastb, *asp = NULL;
- u2_t pn, n = 0;
- i4_t ksz = size4b + 1, elsz = 2*size2b, l = 0;
- struct ind_page *indph;
- pn = S_SC_S; /* rootpn for Allocation Memory Index */
- for (;;)
- {
- while ((asp = getpg (pg, sn, pn, 's')) == NULL);
- indph = (struct ind_page *) asp;
- lastb = asp + indph->ind_off;
- for (a = asp + indphsize; a < lastb; a += ksz + n * elsz)
- {
- aggr = a;
- n = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- if ((l = f4b (a + 1, key, size4b, size4b)) >= 0)
- break;
- }
- if (a == lastb)
- {
- putpg(pg, 'n');
- return (wild_pn);
- }
- if (indph->ind_wpage == LEAF)
- break;
- pn = t2bunpack (aggr + size2b + ksz + size2b); /* pn down */
- putpg(pg, 'n');
- }
- if (l != 0)
- {
- putpg(pg, 'n');
- return (wild_pn);
- }
- a += ksz;
- return (along_leaf_pages (pg, necessary_size, a, n, pfms, loc, key));
- }
- static u2_t
- cont_search_suit_page (struct A *pg, char *key, u2_t necessary_size,
- u2_t *pfms, u2_t *loc)
- {
- char *aggr = NULL, *a, *lastb, *asp;
- u2_t n = 0;
- i4_t ksz = size4b + 1, elsz = 2*size2b, l = 0;
- asp = pg->p_shm;
- lastb = asp + ((struct ind_page *) asp)->ind_off;
- for (a = asp + indphsize; a < lastb; a += ksz + n * elsz)
- {
- aggr = a;
- n = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- if ((l = f4b (a + 1, key, size4b, size4b)) >= 0)
- break;
- }
- assert (a != lastb);
- if (l != 0)
- {
- putpg(pg, 'n');
- return (wild_pn);
- }
- a = asp + *loc + size2b;
- n -= (a - (aggr + size2b + ksz)) / elsz;
- return (along_leaf_pages (pg, necessary_size, a, n, pfms, loc, key));
- }
- static void
- mod_free_size (struct A *pg, u2_t offloc, u2_t size)
- {
- char *asp, *a;
- i4_t idm;
- u2_t sn, pn;
- sn = pg->p_sn;
- pn = pg->p_pn;
- while (BUF_enforce (sn, pn) < 0);
- asp = pg->p_shm;
- a = asp + offloc;
- idm = begmop (asp);
- recmjform (OLD, sn, pn, idm, offloc, size2b, a, 0);
- MJ_PUTBL ();
- t2bpack (size, a);
- putpg (pg, 'm');
- }
- static void
- free_pages (u2_t sn, i4_t rn, i4_t i)
- {
- u2_t empn;
- i4_t i1;
- char *a;
- char key[size4b + 1], key2[size2b];
- a = key;
- *a++ = BITVL(0) | EOSC;
- t4bpack (rn, a);
- for (i1 = i; i1 < l_emp.count; i1++)
- {
- empn = l_emp.arr[i1];
- t2bpack (empn, key2);
- icp_rem (TAB_IFAM[sn], key, key2, size2b);
- /* delrec (TAB_IFAM[sn], rn, empn);*/
- emptypg (sn, empn, 'f');
- }
- BUF_unlock (sn, l_emp.count - i , l_emp.arr + i);
- l_emp_ini();
- }
- struct des_tid
- ordins (u2_t sn, i4_t rn, char *cort, u2_t corsize, char type)
- {
- struct page_head *ph;
- struct d_r_t *desrel;
- u2_t pn, pfms, offloc;
- i2_t delta;
- struct des_tid tid;
- char *asp = NULL;
- struct A pg, pg_ifam;
- char key[size4b];
- struct id_rel idr;
- for (desrel = firstrel; desrel != NULL; desrel = desrel->drlist)
- if (desrel->desrbd.relnum == rn)
- break;
- idr.urn.segnum = sn;
- idr.urn.obnum = rn;
- if (rn != RDRNUM)
- {
- idr.pagenum = desrel->pn_r;
- idr.index = desrel->ind_r;
- }
- delta = corsize + size2b;
- tab_difam (sn);
- l_emp_ini_check();
- t4bpack (rn, key);
- pn = find_suit_page (&pg_ifam, sn, key, delta, &pfms, &offloc);
- m1:
- if (pn != wild_pn)
- {
- u2_t lind, *ai, ind, fs;
- i4_t idm;
- while ((asp = getpg (&pg, sn, pn, 'x')) == NULL);
- lind = ((struct page_head *) asp)->lastin;
- fs = *((u2_t *) (asp + phsize) + lind) - (phsize + size2b * (lind + 1));
- assert (fs <= BD_PAGESIZE - phsize);
- if (fs < pfms)
- {
- i4_t i;
- if ((i = testfree (asp, fs, delta)) == 1)
- { /* this page is empty */
- putwul (&pg, 'n');
- l_emp_put (pn);
- pn = cont_search_suit_page (&pg_ifam, key, delta, &pfms, &offloc);
- goto m1;
- }
- else if (i == -1) /* no allocation */
- {
- putpg (&pg, 'n');
- pn = cont_search_suit_page (&pg_ifam, key, delta, &pfms, &offloc);
- goto m1;
- }
- }
- idm = begmop (asp);
- if (fs < pfms)
- rempbd (asp, sn, pn, idm);
- ai = (u2_t *) (asp + phsize);
- for (ind = 0; ind <= lind && *ai != 0; ai++, ind++);
- tid.tindex = ind;
- tid.tpn = pn;
- if (type == 'w')
- wmlj (INSLJ, ljmsize + corsize, &adlj, &idr, &tid, 0);
- inscort (sn, &tid, idm, asp, cort, corsize);
- MJ_PUTBL ();
- putpg (&pg, 'm');
- mod_free_size (&pg_ifam, offloc, pfms - corsize - size2b);
- if (l_emp.count != 0)
- free_pages (sn, rn, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- u2_t size;
- if (l_emp.count != 0)
- {
- pn = l_emp.arr[0];
- asp = getwl (&pg, sn, pn);
- }
- else
- {
- pn = getempt (sn);
- asp = getnew (&pg, sn, pn);
- }
- tid.tpn = pn;
- tid.tindex = 0;
- if (type == 'w')
- wmlj (INSLJ, ljmsize + corsize, &adlj, &idr, &tid, 0);
- size = BD_PAGESIZE - corsize;
- bcopy (cort, asp + size, corsize);
- ph = (struct page_head *) asp;
- ph->lastin = 0;
- t2bpack (size, asp + phsize);
- ++ph->ph_ph.idmod;
- if (l_emp.count != 0)
- {
- putpg (&pg, 'm');
- modrec (sn, rn, pn, -(corsize + size2b));
- free_pages (sn, rn, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- putwul (&pg, 'm');
- insrec (TAB_IFAM[sn], rn, pn, size - phsize - size2b);
- }
- }
- l_emp_ini();
- return (tid);
- }