- /*
- * tmpob.c - Temporary objects manipulations
- *
- * This file is a part of GNU SQL Server
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, Free Software Foundation, Inc
- * Developed at Institute of System Programming of Russian Academy of Science
- * This file is written by Vera Ponomarenko
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * Contacts:
- *
- */
- /* $Id: tmpob.c,v 1.245 1997/03/31 03:46:38 kml Exp $ */
- #include "xmem.h"
- #include "destrn.h"
- #include "strml.h"
- #include "fdcltrn.h"
- extern u2_t EXNSSIZE;
- extern struct des_nseg desnseg;
- struct ans_ctob
- crtrel (i4_t fn, i4_t fdf, struct des_field *df)
- {
- struct ans_ctob ans;
- struct des_trel *destrel;
- struct des_field *dftr;
- i2_t n;
- struct A pg;
- if (fdf > fn)
- {
- ans.cpncob = NCF;
- return (ans);
- }
- destrel = (struct des_trel *) gettob (&pg, dtrsize + fn * rfsize, &n, TREL);
- putwul (&pg, 'm');
- destrel->fieldn = fn;
- destrel->fdftr = fdf;
- destrel->keysntr = 0;
- dftr = (struct des_field *) (destrel + 1);
- for (; fn != 0; fn--)
- *dftr++ = *df++;
- ans.cpncob = OK;
- ans.idob.segnum = NRSNUM;
- ans.idob.obnum = n;
- return (ans);
- }
- struct ans_ctob
- crfltr (struct id_rel *pidrel)
- {
- struct ans_ctob ans;
- struct des_fltr *desfltr;
- i2_t n;
- struct d_r_t *desrel;
- struct A pg;
- if (pidrel->urn.segnum == NRSNUM)
- {
- ans.cpncob = NIOB;
- return (ans);
- }
- if ((ans.cpncob = contir (pidrel, &desrel)) != OK)
- return (ans);
- desfltr = (struct des_fltr *) gettob (&pg, dflsize, &n, FLTR);
- putwul (&pg, 'm');
- desfltr->pdrtf = desrel;
- ans.cpncob = OK;
- ans.idob.segnum = NRSNUM;
- ans.idob.obnum = n;
- return (ans);
- }
- static struct des_exns *
- getext ( u2_t *pn)
- {
- struct des_exns *desext, *dd;
- u2_t mn, n;
- ADMT_getext (pn);
- for (mn = desnseg.mexnum, desext = desnseg.dextab, n = 0;
- n < mn;
- n++, desext++)
- if (desext->efpn == (u2_t) ~ 0)
- goto m1;
- dd = desnseg.dextab;
- desnseg.dextab = (struct des_exns *) xrealloc ((char *) dd, (mn + DEXTD) * dexsize);
- for (n = 0, desext = desnseg.dextab + mn;
- n < DEXTD;
- n++, desext++)
- desext->efpn = (u2_t) ~ 0;
- desnseg.lexnum = mn;
- desnseg.mexnum += DEXTD;
- desext = desnseg.dextab + mn;
- m1:desext->efpn = *pn;
- desext->funpn = *pn + 1;
- desext->ldfpn = (u2_t) ~ 0;
- desext->freecntr = EXNSSIZE;
- return (desext);
- }
- struct des_tob *
- gettob (struct A *pg, u2_t size, i2_t * n, i4_t type)
- {
- u2_t *b, pn;
- struct des_exns *desext;
- struct des_tob *a;
- struct listtob *l;
- char *asp;
- *n = lunt (&desnseg.tobtab, &desnseg.mtobnum, TOBPTD);
- a = (struct des_tob *) xmalloc (size);
- *(desnseg.tobtab + *n) = (char *) a;
- a->prdt.prob = type;
- a->prdt.prsort = NSORT;
- desext = getext (&pn);
- desext->freecntr--;
- a->firstpn = pn;
- a->lastpn = pn;
- a->osctob = 0;
- asp = getnew (pg, NRSNUM, pn);
- l = (struct listtob *) asp;
- l->prevpn = (u2_t) ~ 0;
- l->nextpn = (u2_t) ~ 0;
- b = (u2_t *) (asp + sizeof (struct listtob));
- if (type == FLTR)
- {
- *b = phfsize;
- a->free_sz = BD_PAGESIZE - phfsize;
- }
- else
- {
- a->free_sz = BD_PAGESIZE - phtrsize;
- *b++ = 0;
- *b = 0;
- }
- return (a);
- }
- static
- struct des_exns *
- ludext (u2_t pn)
- {
- struct des_exns *desext;
- u2_t mext, n;
- pn = pn / EXNSSIZE * EXNSSIZE;
- mext = desnseg.mexnum;
- desext = desnseg.dextab;
- for (n = 0; n < mext; desext++, n++)
- if ( desext->efpn == pn )
- return (desext);
- return (NULL);
- }
- static
- void
- freeext (struct des_exns *desext)
- {
- desext->freecntr++;
- if (desext->freecntr == EXNSSIZE)
- {
- ADMT_putext (&desext->efpn, 1);
- desext->efpn = (u2_t) ~ 0;
- }
- }
- int
- deltob (struct id_ob *pidtob)
- {
- struct des_tob *dt, *des_tob;
- struct des_exns *desext;
- char **a, *asp;
- u2_t sn, pn, fpn, num_tob, n;
- struct A pg;
- sn = pidtob->segnum;
- if (sn != NRSNUM)
- return (NIOB);
- a = desnseg.tobtab + pidtob->obnum;
- dt = (struct des_tob *) * a;
- fpn = dt->firstpn;
- num_tob = desnseg.mtobnum;
- for (n = 0; n < num_tob; n++)
- {
- des_tob = (struct des_tob *) *(desnseg.tobtab + n);
- if (des_tob != NULL && dt != des_tob)
- if (fpn == des_tob->firstpn) goto m1;
- }
- for (pn = fpn; pn != (u2_t) ~ 0;)
- {
- desext = ludext (pn);
- if (desext == NULL)
- break;
- asp = getwl (&pg, NRSNUM, pn);
- pn = ((struct listtob *) asp)->nextpn;
- putwul (&pg, 'n');
- freeext (desext);
- }
- m1:
- delscd (dt->osctob, (char *) dt);
- xfree ((void *) dt);
- *a = NULL;
- return (OK);
- }
- int
- instr (struct des_tob *dt, char *cort, u2_t corsize)
- {
- u2_t pn;
- char *asp;
- struct A pg;
- pn = dt->lastpn;
- asp = getwl (&pg, NRSNUM, pn);
- minstr (&pg, cort, corsize, dt);
- putwul (&pg, 'm');
- dt->prdt.prsort = NSORT;
- return (OK);
- }
- void
- minstr (struct A *pg, char *cort, u2_t corsize, struct des_tob *dt)
- {
- char *a;
- a = getloc (pg, corsize, dt);
- bcopy (cort, a, corsize);
- }
- char *
- getloc (struct A *pg, u2_t corsize, struct des_tob *dt)
- {
- u2_t *ai, off;
- struct p_h_tr *phtr;
- char *asptr;
- if (dt->free_sz < corsize + size2b)
- {
- asptr = getptob (pg, dt);
- phtr = (struct p_h_tr *) asptr;
- phtr->linptr = 0;
- off = BD_PAGESIZE - corsize;
- dt->free_sz = BD_PAGESIZE - phtrsize;
- }
- else if (dt->free_sz == BD_PAGESIZE - phtrsize)
- {
- asptr = pg->p_shm;
- phtr = (struct p_h_tr *) asptr;
- phtr->linptr = 0;
- off = BD_PAGESIZE - corsize;
- }
- else
- {
- asptr = pg->p_shm;
- phtr = (struct p_h_tr *) asptr;
- off = *((u2_t *) (asptr + phtrsize) + phtr->linptr) - corsize;
- phtr->linptr += 1;
- }
- if (corsize != 0)
- {
- ai = (u2_t *) (phtr + 1) + phtr->linptr;
- *ai = off;
- dt->free_sz -= corsize + size2b;
- }
- return (off + asptr);
- }
- char *
- getptob (struct A *pg, struct des_tob *destob)
- {
- char *asp;
- u2_t pn, oldpn, *b;
- struct des_exns *desext;
- struct listtob *lsttob;
- i4_t i = 0;
- oldpn = destob->lastpn;
- if (destob->prdt.prsort == SORT)
- {
- desext = getext (&pn);
- }
- else
- {
- u2_t cpn;
- desext = ludext (oldpn);
- if ((pn = desext->funpn) != (u2_t) ~ 0)
- {
- cpn = pn + 1;
- if (cpn == desext->efpn + EXNSSIZE)
- desext->funpn = (u2_t) ~ 0;
- else
- desext->funpn = cpn;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((pn = desext->ldfpn) != (u2_t) ~ 0)
- i = 1;
- else
- {
- desext = desnseg.dextab + desnseg.lexnum;
- if ((pn = desext->funpn) != (u2_t) ~ 0)
- {
- cpn = pn + 1;
- if (cpn == desext->efpn + EXNSSIZE)
- desext->funpn = (u2_t) ~ 0;
- else
- desext->funpn = cpn;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((pn = desext->ldfpn) != (u2_t) ~ 0)
- i = 1;
- else
- desext = getext (&pn);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- asp = pg->p_shm;
- lsttob = (struct listtob *) asp;
- lsttob->nextpn = pn;
- putwul (pg, 'm');
- asp = getnew (pg, NRSNUM, pn);
- lsttob = (struct listtob *) asp;
- if (i != 0)
- desext->ldfpn = lsttob->prevpn;
- lsttob->nextpn = (u2_t) ~ 0;
- lsttob->prevpn = oldpn;
- b = (u2_t *) (asp + sizeof (struct listtob));
- if (destob->prdt.prob == FLTR)
- {
- *b = phfsize;
- destob->free_sz = BD_PAGESIZE - phfsize;
- }
- else
- {
- destob->free_sz = BD_PAGESIZE - phtrsize;
- *b++ = 0;
- *b = 0;
- }
- desext->freecntr--;
- destob->lastpn = pn;
- return (asp);
- }
- void
- deltr (struct d_mesc *scpr, char *asp, u2_t * ai, struct des_tob *destob, u2_t pn)
- {
- u2_t *afi;
- afi = (u2_t *) (asp + phtrsize);
- comptr (asp, ai, calsc (afi, ai));
- *ai = 0;
- if (frptr (asp) == 1)
- frptob (destob, asp, pn);
- scpr->prcrt = 0;
- destob->prdt.prsort = NSORT;
- }
- int
- frptr (char *asp)
- {
- u2_t *ali, *afi;
- afi = (u2_t *) (asp + phtrsize);
- ali = afi + ((struct p_h_tr *) asp)->linptr;
- for (; afi <= ali; afi++)
- if (*afi != 0)
- return (0);
- return (1);
- }
- void
- comptr (char *asp, u2_t * ai, u2_t size)
- {
- u2_t *ali, *afi;
- char *a, *b, *c;
- afi = (u2_t *) (asp + phtrsize);
- ali = afi + ((struct p_h_tr *) asp)->linptr;
- for (; ai <= ali; ai++)
- if (*ai != 0)
- *ai += size;
- for (a = asp + *ai - 1, b = a - size, c = asp + *ali; a <= c;)
- *a-- = *b--;
- }
- static
- void
- corltob (u2_t pn, u2_t type, u2_t newpn)
- {
- char *asp;
- struct A pg;
- asp = getwl (&pg, NRSNUM, pn);
- if (type == 1)
- ((struct listtob *) asp)->prevpn = newpn;
- else
- ((struct listtob *) asp)->nextpn = newpn;
- putwul (&pg, 'm');
- }
- void
- frptob (struct des_tob *destob, char *asp, u2_t pn)
- {
- struct listtob *phtob;
- struct des_exns *desext;
- u2_t npn, ppn;
- phtob = (struct listtob *) asp;
- npn = phtob->nextpn;
- phtob->nextpn = (u2_t) ~ 0;
- ppn = phtob->prevpn;
- phtob->prevpn = (u2_t) ~ 0;
- desext = ludext (pn);
- if (desext != NULL)
- {
- *(u2_t *) asp = desext->ldfpn;
- desext->ldfpn = pn;
- if (pn == destob->firstpn)
- {
- if (pn != destob->lastpn)
- {
- destob->firstpn = npn;
- corltob (npn, 1, 0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (pn == destob->lastpn)
- {
- destob->lastpn = ppn;
- corltob (ppn, 2, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- corltob (ppn, 2, npn);
- corltob (npn, 1, ppn);
- }
- }
- freeext (desext);
- }
- }
- struct ans_ctob
- trsort (struct id_rel *pidrel, u2_t kn, u2_t * mfn, char *drctn, char prdbl)
- {
- struct des_tob *dt, *dtnew;
- struct des_trel *destrel;
- u2_t *a, *b, fn, fdf, size;
- i2_t n;
- struct des_field *adf;
- u2_t fpn, lpn;
- struct ans_ctob ans;
- if (pidrel->urn.segnum != NRSNUM)
- {
- ans.cpncob = NIOB;
- return (ans);
- }
- dt = (struct des_tob *) * (desnseg.tobtab + pidrel->urn.obnum);
- if (dt->prdt.prob != TREL)
- {
- ans.cpncob = NDR;
- return (ans);
- }
- fpn = dt->firstpn;
- destrel = (struct des_trel *) dt;
- fn = destrel->fieldn;
- fdf = destrel->fdftr;
- adf = (struct des_field *) (destrel + 1);
- srtr_trsort (&fpn, adf, fn, fdf, mfn, kn, prdbl, drctn, &lpn);
- n = lunt (&desnseg.tobtab, &desnseg.mtobnum, TOBPTD);
- size = dtrsize + fn * rfsize;
- dtnew = (struct des_tob *) xmalloc (size + kn * size2b);
- *(desnseg.tobtab + n) = (char *) dtnew;
- bcopy ((char *) dt, (char *) dtnew, size);
- ((struct des_trel *) dtnew)->keysntr = kn;
- for (a = mfn, b = (u2_t *) ((char *)dtnew + size); kn != 0; kn--)
- *b++ = *a++;
- dtnew->prdt.prob = TREL;
- dtnew->prdt.prsort = SORT;
- dtnew->prdt.prdbl = prdbl;
- dtnew->prdt.prdrctn = *drctn;
- dtnew->osctob = 0;
- dtnew->firstpn = fpn;
- dtnew->lastpn = lpn;
- ans.cpncob = OK;
- ans.idob.segnum = NRSNUM;
- ans.idob.obnum = n;
- return (ans);
- }
- struct ans_ctob
- flsort (struct id_ob *pidtob, u2_t kn, u2_t *mfn, char *drctn, char prdbl)
- {
- struct des_tob *dt, *dtnew;
- struct des_fltr *desfltr;
- struct d_r_bd *drbd;
- u2_t *a, *b, sn, fn, fdfn, size;
- i2_t n;
- u2_t fpn, lpn;
- struct des_field *adf;
- struct ans_ctob ans;
- if (pidtob->segnum != NRSNUM)
- {
- ans.cpncob = NIOB;
- return (ans);
- }
- dt = (struct des_tob *) * (desnseg.tobtab + pidtob->obnum);
- if (dt->prdt.prob != FLTR)
- {
- ans.cpncob = NIOB;
- return (ans);
- }
- fpn = dt->firstpn;
- desfltr = (struct des_fltr *) dt;
- sn = desfltr->pdrtf->segnr;
- drbd = &desfltr->pdrtf->desrbd;
- fn = drbd->fieldnum;
- fdfn = drbd->fdfnum;
- adf = (struct des_field *) ((char *) drbd + drbdsize);
- srtr_flsort (sn, &fpn, adf, fn, fdfn, mfn, kn, prdbl, drctn, &lpn);
- n = lunt (&desnseg.tobtab, &desnseg.mtobnum, TOBPTD);
- size = dflsize + desfltr->selszfl;
- dtnew = (struct des_tob *) xmalloc (size + kn * size2b);
- *(desnseg.tobtab + n) = (char *) dtnew;
- bcopy ((char *) dt, (char *) dtnew, size);
- ((struct des_fltr *) dtnew)->keysnfl = kn;
- for (a = mfn, b = (u2_t *) ((char *)dtnew + size); kn != 0; kn--)
- *b++ = *a++;
- dtnew->prdt.prsort = SORT;
- if (prdbl == 'd')
- dtnew->prdt.prdbl = NODBL;
- else
- dtnew->prdt.prdbl = DBL;
- if (*drctn == 'g')
- dtnew->prdt.prdrctn = GROW;
- else
- dtnew->prdt.prdrctn = DECR;
- dtnew->osctob = 0;
- dtnew->firstpn = fpn;
- dtnew->lastpn = lpn;
- ans.cpncob = OK;
- ans.idob.segnum = NRSNUM;
- ans.idob.obnum = n;
- return (ans);
- }