- /* sv_funcs.c - TCPechod, TCPchargend, TCPdaytimed, TCPtimed */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #define BUFFERSIZE 4096 /* max read buffer size */
- extern int errno;
- void TCPechod(int), TCPchargend(int), TCPdaytimed(int), TCPtimed(int);
- int errexit(const char *format, ...);
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * TCPecho - do TCP ECHO on the given socket
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- void
- TCPechod(int fd)
- {
- char buf[BUFFERSIZE];
- int cc;
- while (cc = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf)) {
- if (cc < 0)
- errexit("echo read: %sn", strerror(errno));
- if (write(fd, buf, cc) < 0)
- errexit("echo write: %sn", strerror(errno));
- }
- }
- #define LINELEN 72
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * TCPchargend - do TCP CHARGEN on the given socket
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- void
- TCPchargend(int fd)
- {
- char c, buf[LINELEN+2]; /* print LINELEN chars + rn */
- c = ' ';
- buf[LINELEN] = 'r';
- buf[LINELEN+1] = 'n';
- while (1) {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<LINELEN; ++i) {
- buf[i] = c++;
- if (c > '~')
- c = ' ';
- }
- if (write(fd, buf, LINELEN+2) < 0)
- break;
- }
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * TCPdaytimed - do TCP DAYTIME protocol
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- void
- TCPdaytimed(int fd)
- {
- char buf[LINELEN], *ctime();
- time_t now;
- (void) time(&now);
- sprintf(buf, "%s", ctime(&now));
- (void) write(fd, buf, strlen(buf));
- }
- #define UNIXEPOCH 2208988800UL /* UNIX epoch, in UCT secs */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * TCPtimed - do TCP TIME protocol
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- void
- TCPtimed(int fd)
- {
- time_t now;
- (void) time(&now);
- now = htonl((unsigned long)(now + UNIXEPOCH));
- (void) write(fd, (char *)&now, sizeof(now));
- }