- /*
- * ind_scan.c - Index Control Programm
- * functions dealing with scanning of an index
- * Kernel of GNU SQL-server
- *
- * This file is a part of GNU SQL Server
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, Free Software Foundation, Inc
- * Developed at the Institute of System Programming
- * This file is written by Vera Ponomarenko
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * Contacts:
- *
- */
- /* $Id: ind_scan.c,v 1.245 1997/03/31 03:46:38 kml Exp $ */
- #include "xmem.h"
- #include "destrn.h"
- #include "sctp.h"
- #include "strml.h"
- #include "fdcltrn.h"
- extern struct des_field *d_f, *d_f2;
- extern u2_t seg_n;
- extern u2_t *afn;
- extern u2_t k_n;
- extern i4_t k2sz;
- static char *
- find_first_key (struct A *pg, u2_t pn)
- {
- char *asp = NULL, *a;
- u2_t cpn, ppn;
- struct ind_page *indph;
- while ((asp = getpg (pg, seg_n, pn, 's')) == NULL);
- indph = (struct ind_page *) asp;
- for (; indph->ind_wpage != LEAF;)
- {
- a = asp + indphsize + size2b;
- a += kszcal (a, afn, d_f) + k2sz;
- cpn = t2bunpack (a);
- putwul (pg, 'n');
- ppn = pg->p_pn;
- while ((asp = getpg (pg, seg_n, cpn, 's')) == NULL);
- indph = (struct ind_page *) asp;
- BUF_unlock (seg_n, 1, &ppn);
- }
- return (asp);
- }
- #define BETWEEN_CMP (t == SS || t == SES || t == SSE || t == SESE)
- static int
- cmp_with_dia (char *key, char *diasc, char *diaval)
- {
- char *kval, *keyval;
- i4_t sst, k1, ftype, v, v1;
- char *a1, *a2;
- u2_t k, nk, n1, n2;
- unsigned char t;
- sst = 1;
- kval = keyval = key + scscal (key);
- t = selsc1 (&diasc, sst++);
- v = v1 = 0;
- for (k = 0, k1 = 0; t != ENDSC && k < k_n && key < keyval; k++, k1++)
- {
- if (k1 == 7)
- {
- k1 = 0;
- key++;
- }
- if ((*key & BITVL(k1)) != 0)
- {
- if (t == EQUN)
- return (1);
- ftype = (d_f + afn[k])->field_type;
- if (t == NEQUN || t == ANY)
- kval = proval (kval, ftype);
- else
- {
- switch (ftype)
- {
- case T1B:
- diaval = ftint (t, diaval, &a1, &a2, size1b);
- v = f1b (kval, a1, size1b, size1b);
- v1 = f1b (kval, a2, size1b, size1b);
- kval++;
- break;
- case T2B:
- diaval = ftint (t, diaval, &a1, &a2, size2b);
- v = f2b (kval, a1, size2b, size2b);
- v1 = f2b (kval, a2, size2b, size2b);
- kval += size2b;
- break;
- case T4B:
- diaval = ftint (t, diaval, &a1, &a2, size4b);
- v = f4b (kval, a1, size4b, size4b);
- v1 = f4b (kval, a2, size4b, size4b);
- kval += size4b;
- break;
- case TFLOAT:
- diaval = ftint (t, diaval, &a1, &a2, size4b);
- v = flcmp (kval, a1, size4b, size4b);
- v1 = flcmp (kval, a2, size4b, size4b);
- kval += size4b;
- break;
- case TFL:
- nk = t2bunpack (kval);
- kval += size2b;
- diaval = ftch (t, diaval, &a1, &a2, &n1, &n2);
- v = ffloat (kval, a1, nk, n1);
- v1 = ffloat (kval, a2, nk, n2);
- kval += nk;
- break;
- case TCH:
- nk = t2bunpack (kval);
- kval += size2b;
- diaval = ftch (t, diaval, &a1, &a2, &n1, &n2);
- v = chcmp (kval, a1, nk, n1);
- v1 = chcmp (kval, a2, nk, n2);
- kval += nk;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (v == 0) /* current == first */
- {
- if (t == SML)
- return (EOI);
- if (t == NEQ || t == GRT || t == SS || t == SSE)
- return (1);
- }
- else
- if (v > 0) /* current > first */
- {
- if (t == EQ || t == SML || t == SMLEQ)
- return (EOI);
- if (v1 == 0) /* current == last */
- if (t == SS || t == SES)
- return (EOI);
- else {}
- else if (v1 > 0) /* current > last */
- return (EOI);
- }
- else /* current < first */
- {
- if (!(t == NEQ || t == SML || t == SMLEQ))
- return (1);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- { /* values are absent into the key */
- if (!(t == EQUN || t == ANY))
- return (EOI);
- }
- t = selsc1 (&diasc, sst++);
- }
- if (key == keyval && t != ENDSC)
- return (EOI);
- return (OK);
- }
- #undef BETWEEN_CMP
- static char *
- find_next_agr (struct A *pg, char *diasc, char *diaval,
- i4_t elsz, char *key, i4_t *agrloc)
- {
- char *lastb, *agr, *asp = NULL;
- struct ind_page *indph;
- u2_t pn, ppn, n, off;
- i4_t keysz, l;
- asp = pg->p_shm;
- pn = pg->p_pn;
- indph = (struct ind_page *) asp;
- for (;;)
- {
- off = indph->ind_off;
- lastb = asp + off;
- for (; key < lastb; key += keysz + n * elsz)
- {
- agr = key;
- n = t2bunpack (key);
- key += size2b;
- keysz = kszcal (key, afn, d_f);
- if (diasc == NULL)
- {
- *agrloc = agr - asp;
- return (key + keysz);
- }
- if ((l = cmp_with_dia (key, diasc, diaval)) == EOI)
- return (NULL);
- if (l == OK)
- {
- *agrloc = agr - asp;
- return (key + keysz);
- }
- }
- pn = indph->ind_nextpn;
- if (pn == (u2_t) ~ 0)
- return (NULL);
- putwul (pg, 'n');
- ppn = pg->p_pn;
- while ((asp = getpg (pg, seg_n, pn, 's')) == NULL);
- indph = (struct ind_page *) asp;
- BUF_unlock (seg_n, 1, &ppn);
- key = asp + indphsize;
- }
- }
- static char *
- first_key_frm (char *diasc, char *diaval, char *mas)
- {
- char *a;
- i4_t ftype;
- u2_t size;
- unsigned char t;
- t = selsc1 (&diasc, 1);
- if (t == EQ || t == GRT || t == GRTEQ || t == SS || t == SES || t == SSE || t == SESE)
- {
- a = mas;
- ftype = (d_f + afn[0])->field_type;
- if (ftype == TCH || ftype == TFL)
- {
- size = t2bunpack (diaval);
- diaval += size2b;
- t2bpack (size, a);
- a += size2b;
- }
- else
- size = (d_f + afn[0])->field_size;
- bcopy (diaval, a, size);
- }
- else
- mas = NULL;
- return (mas);
- }
- static int
- cmpfval (char *key, char *aval)
- /* key - in the index, aval - from diasc */
- {
- char *kval;
- i4_t ftype, v = 0;
- u2_t nk, n1;
- kval = key + scscal (key);
- if ((*key & BITVL(0)) != 0)
- {
- ftype = (d_f + afn[0])->field_type;
- switch (ftype)
- {
- case T1B:
- v = f1b (kval, aval, size1b, size1b);
- break;
- case T2B:
- v = f2b (kval, aval, size2b, size2b);
- break;
- case T4B:
- v = f4b (kval, aval, size4b, size4b);
- break;
- case TFLOAT:
- v = flcmp (kval, aval, size4b, size4b);
- break;
- case TFL:
- nk = t2bunpack (kval);
- kval += size2b;
- n1 = t2bunpack (aval);
- aval += size2b;
- v = ffloat (kval, aval, nk, n1);
- break;
- case TCH:
- nk = t2bunpack (kval);
- kval += size2b;
- n1 = t2bunpack (aval);
- aval += size2b;
- v = chcmp (kval, aval, nk, n1);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- v = 1;
- return (v);
- }
- static char *
- flookup (struct A *pg, u2_t pn, char *key, i4_t infsz, char **rasp)
- {
- char *asp = NULL, *a, *lastb;
- u2_t ppn, off;
- i4_t elsz;
- u2_t n;
- struct ind_page *indph;
- while ((asp = getpg (pg, seg_n, pn, 's')) == NULL);
- indph = (struct ind_page *) asp;
- for (; indph->ind_wpage != LEAF;)
- {
- off = indph->ind_off;
- lastb = asp + off;
- elsz = k2sz + size2b;
- for (a = asp + indphsize; a < lastb; a += kszcal (a, afn, d_f) + n * elsz)
- {
- n = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- if (cmpfval (a, key) >= 0)
- {
- a += kszcal (a, afn, d_f) + k2sz;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (a == lastb)
- {
- *rasp = asp;
- return (a);
- }
- pn = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- putwul (pg, 'n');
- ppn = pg->p_pn;
- while ((asp = getpg (pg, seg_n, pn, 's')) == NULL);
- indph = (struct ind_page *) asp;
- BUF_unlock (seg_n, 1, &ppn);
- }
- elsz = k2sz + infsz;
- off = indph->ind_off;
- lastb = asp + off;
- for (a = asp + indphsize; a < lastb; a += kszcal (a, afn, d_f) + n * elsz)
- {
- n = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- if (cmpfval (a, key) >= 0)
- {
- a -= size2b;
- break;
- }
- }
- *rasp = asp;
- return (a);
- }
- int
- fscan_ind (struct ldesscan *desscn, char *key2, char *inf, i4_t infsz, char modescan)
- {
- char *a, *diasc, *diaval, *ckey;
- u2_t rootpn, d_fn;
- struct ldesind *desind;
- struct A pg;
- i4_t agrloc, keysz;
- char *asp, *key;
- char mas[BD_PAGESIZE];
- desind = desscn->pdi;
- rootpn = desind->ldi.rootpn;
- seg_n = desind->i_segn;
- diasc = desscn->dpnsc;
- diaval = desscn->dpnsval;
- afn = (u2_t *) (desind + 1);
- k_n = desind->ldi.kifn & ~UNIQ & MSK21B;
- d_f = desind->pdf;
- d_fn = k_n;
- if ((k_n % 2) != 0)
- d_fn += 1;
- d_f2 = (struct des_field *) (afn + d_fn);
- k2sz = d_f2->field_size;
- if (diasc != NULL)
- {
- diasc += size2b;
- key = first_key_frm (diasc, diaval, mas);
- if (key != NULL)
- {
- a = flookup (&pg, rootpn, key, infsz, &asp);
- }
- else
- {
- asp = find_first_key (&pg, rootpn);
- a = asp + indphsize;
- }
- a = find_next_agr (&pg, diasc, diaval, k2sz + infsz, a, &agrloc);
- asp = pg.p_shm;
- if (a == NULL)
- {
- desscn->curlpn = (u2_t) ~ 0;
- putpg (&pg, 'n');
- return (EOI);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- asp = find_first_key (&pg, rootpn);
- if (((struct ind_page *) asp)->ind_off == indphsize)
- {
- desscn->curlpn = (u2_t) ~ 0;
- putpg (&pg, 'n');
- return (EOI);
- }
- a = asp + indphsize;
- agrloc = a - asp;
- a += size2b;
- a += kszcal (a, afn, d_f);
- }
- bcopy (a, key2, k2sz);
- a += k2sz;
- if (inf != NULL)
- {
- bcopy (a, inf, infsz);
- a += infsz;
- }
- /* write cursors into desscn */
- desscn->curlpn = pg.p_pn;
- desscn->offa = agrloc;
- desscn->offp = a - asp - k2sz - infsz;
- desscn->sidmod = ((struct p_head *) asp)->idmod;
- a = asp + agrloc + size2b;
- keysz = kszcal (a, afn, d_f);
- ckey = (char *) xmalloc (keysz);
- desscn->cur_key = ckey;
- bcopy (a, ckey, keysz);
- if (modescan == FASTSCAN)
- putwul (&pg, 'n');
- else
- putpg (&pg, 'n');
- return (OK);
- }
- static
- int
- find_next_key(struct ldesscan *desscn, struct A *pg, char *diasc, char *diaval, i4_t elsz, char *agr, char *pnt, i4_t *agrloc, i4_t *lockey)
- {
- i4_t agsz;
- u2_t n;
- char *asp;
- asp = pg->p_shm;
- *agrloc = agr - asp;
- n = t2bunpack (agr);
- agsz = size2b + kszcal (agr + size2b, afn, d_f) + n * elsz;
- pnt += elsz;
- if (pnt == agr + agsz)
- {
- pnt = find_next_agr (pg, diasc, diaval, elsz, pnt, agrloc);
- if (pnt == NULL)
- {
- putpg (pg, 'n');
- desscn->curlpn = (u2_t) ~ 0;
- return (EOI);
- }
- asp = pg->p_shm;
- }
- *lockey = pnt - asp;
- return (OK);
- }
- static
- char *
- look_up(struct A *pg, u2_t pn, char *key, char *key2, i4_t infsz, char **agr, char **loc)
- {
- char *a, *lastb, *asp = NULL;
- i4_t elsz, l, l2 = 0, ksz;
- u2_t n, ppn;
- struct ind_page *indph;
- while ((asp = getpg (pg, seg_n, pn, 's')) == NULL);
- indph = (struct ind_page *) asp;
- elsz = k2sz + size2b;
- for (; indph->ind_wpage != LEAF;)
- {
- lastb = asp + indph->ind_off;
- for (a = asp + indphsize; a < lastb; )
- {
- n = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- ksz = kszcal (a, afn, d_f);
- if ((l = cmpkeys (k_n, afn, d_f, a, key)) == 0)
- {
- a += ksz;
- for (; n != 0; n--, a += elsz)
- if ((l2 = cmp2keys (d_f2->field_type, a, key2)) < 0)
- continue;
- else
- break;
- if (n == 0 && l2 < 0)
- continue;
- if (n == 0)
- a -= elsz;
- break;
- }
- else if (l > 0)
- {
- a += ksz;
- break;
- }
- a += ksz + n * elsz;
- }
- if (a == lastb)
- {
- *loc = NULL;
- return (NULL);
- }
- a += k2sz;
- ppn = pn;
- pn = t2bunpack (a);
- putwul (pg, 'n');
- while ((asp = getpg (pg, seg_n, pn, 's')) == NULL);
- indph = (struct ind_page *) asp;
- BUF_unlock (seg_n, 1, &ppn);
- }
- lastb = asp + indph->ind_off;
- a = asp + indphsize;
- if (a == lastb)
- {
- *loc = NULL;
- return (NULL);
- }
- elsz = k2sz + infsz;
- for (; a < lastb; a += kszcal (a, afn, d_f) + n * elsz)
- {
- *agr = a;
- n = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- if ((l = cmpkeys (k_n, afn, d_f, a, key)) == 0)
- {
- a += kszcal (a, afn, d_f);
- for (; n != 0; n--, a += elsz)
- {
- if ((l2 = cmp2keys (d_f2->field_type, a, key2)) < 0)
- continue;
- if (l2 == 0)
- {
- *loc = a;
- return (a);
- }
- *loc = a;
- return (NULL);
- }
- *loc = a;
- return (NULL);
- }
- else if (l > 0)
- {
- a += kszcal (a, afn, d_f);
- *loc = a;
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- *loc = NULL;
- return (NULL);
- }
- int
- scan_ind (struct ldesscan *desscn, char *key2, char *inf, i4_t infsz, char modescan)
- {
- char *asp = NULL, *a, *lastb, *diasc, *diaval, *ckey;
- u2_t pn, n, d_fn, off;
- i4_t elsz, agrloc, loc;
- struct ind_page *indph;
- struct ldesind *desind;
- struct A pg;
- char *agr, *lockey;
- i4_t keysz;
- i4_t l, l2=0;
- pn = desscn->curlpn;
- if (pn == (u2_t) ~ 0)
- return (EOI);
- diasc = desscn->dpnsc + size2b;
- diaval = desscn->dpnsval;
- desind = desscn->pdi;
- seg_n = desind->i_segn;
- afn = (u2_t *) (desind + 1);
- k_n = desind->ldi.kifn & ~UNIQ & MSK21B;
- d_f = desind->pdf;
- d_fn = k_n;
- if ((k_n % 2) != 0)
- d_fn += 1;
- d_f2 = (struct des_field *) (afn + d_fn);
- k2sz = d_f2->field_size;
- elsz = k2sz + infsz;
- if (modescan == FASTSCAN)
- asp = getwl (&pg, seg_n, pn);
- else
- while ((asp = getpg (&pg, seg_n, pn, 's')) == NULL);
- indph = (struct ind_page *) asp;
- off = indph->ind_off;
- lastb = asp + off;
- if (desscn->sidmod != indph->ind_ph.idmod)
- {
- ckey = desscn->cur_key;
- a = asp + indphsize;
- if (a < lastb && cmpkeys (k_n, afn, d_f, a + size2b, ckey) <= 0)
- { /* look up in this page */
- for (; a < lastb; a += kszcal (a, afn, d_f) + n * elsz)
- {
- agr = a;
- n = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- if ((l = cmpkeys (k_n, afn, d_f, a, ckey)) >= 0)
- {
- a += kszcal (a, afn, d_f);
- if (l == 0) /* current key is present */
- {
- for (; n != 0; n--, a += elsz)
- if ((l2 = cmp2keys (d_f2->field_type, a, key2)) < 0)
- continue;
- else
- break;
- if (l2 == 0) /* current key2 is present */
- {
- if (find_next_key (desscn, &pg, diasc, diaval, elsz, agr, a, &agrloc, &loc) == EOI)
- return (EOI);
- goto m1;
- }
- else /* current key2 is absent */
- {
- agrloc = agr - asp;
- loc = a - asp;
- goto m1;
- }
- }
- else /* current key is absent */
- {
- if (cmp_with_dia (agr + size2b, diasc, diaval) == EOI)
- {
- putpg (&pg, 'n');
- return (EOI);
- }
- agrloc = agr - asp; /* next key */
- loc = a - asp;
- goto m1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- putpg (&pg, 'n');
- look_up(&pg, desind->ldi.rootpn, desscn->cur_key, key2, infsz, &agr, &lockey);
- /* a = icp_lookup (&pg, desind, desscn->cur_key, key2, infsz, &agr, &lockey);*/
- asp = pg.p_shm;
- if (lockey == NULL)
- {
- desscn->curlpn = (u2_t) ~ 0;
- putpg (&pg, 'n');
- return (EOI);
- }
- if (a == NULL) /* current key is absent */
- {
- if (cmp_with_dia (agr + size2b, diasc, diaval) == EOI)
- {
- putpg (&pg, 'n');
- return (EOI);
- }
- loc = lockey - asp;
- agrloc = agr - asp;
- }
- else /* current key is present */
- {
- if (find_next_key (desscn, &pg, diasc, diaval, elsz, agr, lockey, &agrloc, &loc) == EOI)
- return (EOI);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- agr = asp + desscn->offa;
- a = asp + desscn->offp;
- if (find_next_key (desscn, &pg, diasc, diaval, elsz, agr, a, &agrloc, &loc) == EOI)
- return (EOI);
- }
- m1:
- asp = pg.p_shm;
- a = asp + loc;
- bcopy (a, key2, k2sz);
- a += k2sz;
- if (inf != NULL)
- bcopy (a, inf, infsz);
- /* write cursors into desscn */
- desscn->curlpn = pg.p_pn;
- desscn->offa = agrloc;
- desscn->offp = loc;
- desscn->sidmod = ((struct p_head *) asp)->idmod;
- if (desscn->cur_key != NULL)
- xfree (desscn->cur_key);
- a = asp + agrloc + size2b;
- keysz = kszcal (a, afn, d_f);
- ckey = (char *) xmalloc (keysz);
- desscn->cur_key = ckey;
- bcopy (a, ckey, keysz);
- if (modescan == SLOWSCAN)
- putpg (&pg, 'n');
- else
- putwul (&pg, 'n');
- return (OK);
- }
- char *
- icp_lookup (struct A *pg, struct ldesind *desind, char *key, char *key2, i4_t infsz, char **agr, char **loc)
- {
- u2_t d_fn;
- seg_n = desind->i_segn;
- afn = (u2_t *) (desind + 1);
- k_n = desind->ldi.kifn & ~UNIQ & MSK21B;
- d_f = desind->pdf;
- d_fn = k_n;
- if ((k_n % 2) != 0)
- d_fn += 1;
- d_f2 = (struct des_field *) (afn + d_fn);
- k2sz = d_f2->field_size;
- return (look_up(pg, desind->ldi.rootpn, key, key2, infsz, agr, loc));
- }