- /*
- * treecode.def - description of nodes, used by GNU SQL compiler
- * tree library
- *
- * This file is a part of GNU SQL Server
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, Free Software Foundation, Inc
- * Developed at the Institute of System Programming, Russia
- * This file is written by Michael Kimelman
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * Contact:
- *
- */
- /* $Id: treecode.def,v 1.245 1997/03/31 03:46:38 kml Exp $ */
- /*************************************************************************.
- * Each used by compiler tree node has to described here in the *
- * following format *
- * *
- * DEF_TOKEN(CODE,"code","prdav",'o',"01S") *
- * *
- * where: *
- * CODE - node code, used as a symbolic constant in compiler *
- * "code" - string, which contains the same literal as a CODE, but *
- * in a bit more readable form. Used in dumps as image of *
- * CODE. *
- * Note: uppercase("code") = "CODE" - it's important for tree *
- * recognizer *
- * "prdav" - node fields' descriptors *
- * p - posiiton (just source line), *
- * r - reference to the right, *
- * d - reference to the down ( to subtrees), *
- * a - arity, (generally need for self-testing) *
- * v - reference to the vocabulary (we don't print twice recursive *
- * 'v' fields) *
- * V - obsolete *
- * t - regular tree reference (in addition to 'right' & 'down' ) *
- * s - reference to stored literal (string) *
- * l - i4_t i4_t *
- * x - i4_t i4_t but dumped in hexadecimal format *
- * f - float, *
- * y - SQL type descriptor, *
- * R - compound construction (dumped just as set of i4_t ) *
- * T - vector of tree references *
- * L - vector of i4_t ints; *
- * 'o' - node class *
- * 'o' - OPERATION, *
- * 's' - STATEMENT, *
- * 't' - DB_TABL, *
- * 'i' - DB_OBJ (item), *
- * 'K' - Kitty actions, *
- * 'C' - struct column (vocabulary), *
- * 'T' - struct table (vocabulary), *
- * 'R' - struct cursor (vocabulary), *
- * 'S' - struct corr_name -- scan name (vocabulary) , *
- * 'N' - struct constant (vocabulary) , *
- * 'P' - struct parameter (vocabulary); *
- * "01S" - each letter in this string means class of flags applyable to *
- * this node *
- * *
- '*************************************************************************/
- #ifdef DEF_TOKEN
- DEF_TOKEN(UNKNOWN,"UnKnown" ,"*" ,' ',"")
- DEF_TOKEN(NIL_CODE,"nil" ,"*" ,' ',"")
- #endif
- /*******==================================================*******
- ******* Special tree nodes *******
- *******==================================================*******/
- #ifdef DEF_TOKEN
- /*---------<< Statements nodes >>----------------------------------*/
- DEF_TOKEN(PREPARED ,"Prepared" ,"prda0s0V",'s',"0v")
- DEF_TOKEN(INSERT ,"Insert" ,"prdal0tV",'s',"0iv")
- DEF_TOKEN(SELECT ,"Select" ,"prdal00V",'s',"0tsv")
- DEF_TOKEN(UPDATE ,"Update" ,"prdalLtV",'s',"0v")
- DEF_TOKEN(DELETE ,"Delete" ,"prdalLtV",'s',"0v")
- /*- - - - - < Cursors processing > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
- DEF_TOKEN(CUR_AREA ,"Cur_Area" ,"prdal000",'s',"0v")
- DEF_TOKEN(DECL_CURS ,"Decl_Curs" ,"prda000V",'s',"0v")
- #if 0
- /*- - < Not used because the statements below are too easy > - - - -*/
- DEF_TOKEN(CLOSE ,"Close" ,"prdal000",'s',"0v") /* not used */
- DEF_TOKEN(OPEN ,"Open" ,"prdal000",'s',"0v") /* not used */
- /*- - < Not used because replace to direct engine call > - - - - -*/
- DEF_TOKEN(ROLLBACK ,"Rollback" ,"pr00l000",'s',"0v") /* not used */
- DEF_TOKEN(COMMIT ,"Commit" ,"pr00l000",'s',"0v") /* not used */
- #endif
- DEF_TOKEN(FETCH ,"Fetch" ,"pr00l00V",'s',"0v")
- /*- - - - - < Schemes processing > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
- DEF_TOKEN(CREATE ,"Create" ,"prt0l00V",'s',"0v") /* v-table pointer */
- DEF_TOKEN(DROP ,"Drop" ,"prt0l00V",'s',"0v") /* v-table pointer */
- DEF_TOKEN(ALTER ,"Alter" ,"prt0l00V",'s',"0v") /* v-table pointer */
- DEF_TOKEN(GRANT ,"Grant" ,"prdal000",'s',"0Gv")
- DEF_TOKEN(REVOKE ,"Revoke" ,"prdal000",'s',"0Gv")
- #else
- #define Is_Statement(node) (STRUCT(CODE_TRN(node))=='s' && TstF_TRN(node,HAS_VCB_F))
- #define Is_statement(node) (STRUCT(CODe_TRN(node))=='s' && Tstf_TRN(node,HAS_VCB_F))
- #define STMT_NAME(node) XLTR_TRN(node,5)
- #define STMT_UID(node) XLNG_TRN(node,4)
- #define STMT_VCB(node) XVCB_TRN(node,7)
- #define UPD_CURS(node) XVCB_TRN(node,6)
- #define UPD_CLMNS(node) XVEC_TRN(node,5)
- #define SCAN_PTR(node) XVCB_TRN(node,6)
- #define CREATE_OBJ(node) XVCB_TRN(node,2)
- typedef struct statement{ /****************************/
- enum token code; /* statement code */
- MASKTYPE mask; /* mask of statement's flag */
- POSITION line_nmb; /* source line info */
- TXTREF right; /* next statement */
- TXTREF down; /* chain of childrens */
- i4_t arity; /* number of childrens */
- /****************************/
- i4_t stmt_nmb; /* source line number */
- TXTREF upd_clmns; /* vector of numbers of up- */
- /* dated columns */
- VCBREF cursor; /* vocabulary reference to */
- /* updated cursor if need */
- VCBREF vcbl; /* local vocabulary chain */
- /****************************/
- #endif
- #ifdef DEF_TOKEN
- /*---------<< Operation nodes >>----------------------------------------*/
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------<< Kitty operations >>--------------------------------------*/
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* (Rule "rule_name" (pattern) "Cstyle test" [ (action) ...]) */
- /* !!!!!!! 0 - is used like STMT_UID in statement */
- DEF_TOKEN(RULE ,"Rule" ,"srda0Ps" ,'K',"0R")
- DEF_TOKEN(RUN_RULE ,"Run" ,"srt" ,'K',"0")
- /* (Op:n "test_routine_name") <-- in pattern */
- /* or simple (Op:n) in actions (perhaps even without parentheses) */
- DEF_TOKEN(OPERAND ,"Op" ,"Srda" ,'K',"0")
- /* if - operator when kitty is used in C-code directly */
- /* P - pattern, S.1 - reference to tested variable, */
- /* S.2 - buffer address TXTREF bufer[15] ( for example ) */
- /* (? "in_tree" "Ops" (Add {(Const) (Const) }) */
- DEF_TOKEN(IF ,"?" ,"sr0sP" ,'K',"0")
- /* (C_code "C text with special processing for " . ; ") */
- /* Can be used outside of rules */
- DEF_TOKEN(TRLcmd_CCODE ,"C_code" ,"sr000" ,'K',"0")
- /* SET is used for assignment local variables (==Operands) */
- /* Example: (SET:5 (tr_expression)) */
- DEF_TOKEN(TRLcmd_SET ,"SET" ,"tr" ,'K',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(TRLcmd_DOWN ,"DOWN" ,"tr" ,'K',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(TRLcmd_RIGHT ,"RIGHT" ,"tr" ,'K',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(TRLcmd_COPY ,"COPY" ,"tr" ,'K',"0")
- /* IMAGE returns pointer to image of Op1, which has Op2 node as a */
- /* ancestor, in Op3 tree, which must be a image of Op2 tree */
- DEF_TOKEN(TRLcmd_IMAGE ,"IMAGE" ,"trtt" ,'K',"0")
- /* DELETE deletes operand 0 from list of son1 or from list of OpR */
- /* Example: (DELETE (DOWN (Op:1)) <(RIGHT (Op:3))> ) */
- DEF_TOKEN(TRLcmd_DELETE ,"DELETE" ,"trt" ,'K',"0")
- /* INSERT inserts op0 in list of parameters of op2 before or after */
- /* op3 or, if op3 is omitted, at the begin or end of the whole list */
- /* Example: (INSERT<:before> (Op:1) (Op:2) <(Op:3)> ) */
- DEF_TOKEN(TRLcmd_INSERT ,"INSERT" ,"trtt" ,'K',"0I")
- DEF_TOKEN(TRLcmd_REPLACE ,"REPLACE" ,"trtt" ,'K',"0")
- /* (REMOVE<:tree> (Op:5)) */
- DEF_TOKEN(TRLcmd_REMOVE ,"REMOVE" ,"tr" ,'K',"0I")
- /* SWITCH define local var CC and set it to 0; than SW executes each*/
- /* son and checks value of CC after it. When CC become 1 SW finished*/
- /* CC==0 at the end of SW is recognized as a error */
- DEF_TOKEN(TRLcmd_SWITCH ,"SWITCH" ,"trda" ,'K',"0a")
- DEF_TOKEN(TRLcmd_CASE ,"CASE" ,"sr" ,'K',"0")
- /* SKIP_CODE (or even '-') in pattern means not to compare node */
- DEF_TOKEN(SKIP_CODE ,"Skip_Code","0r" ,'K',"0")
- /* SKIP_CODES (or '--') means any number of any kind of parameters */
- DEF_TOKEN(SKIP_CODES ,"Skip_Codes","0r" ,'K',"0")
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------<< SQL tree operations' codes >>-----------------------------*/
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- DEF_TOKEN(ORDER ,"Order" ,"prda" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(CHECK ,"Check" ,"prda" ,'o',"0") /* a equal 1*/
- DEF_TOKEN(UNIQUE ,"Unique" ,"prdaRRRR" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(PRIMARY ,"Primary" ,"prdaRRRR" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(INDEX ,"Index" ,"prdaRRRR" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(FOREIGN ,"Foreign" ,"prda" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(REFERENCE ,"Reference" ,"prda" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(LOCALLIST ,"LocalList" ,"prda" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(PRIVILEGIES ,"Privilegies" ,"prda" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(GRANTEES ,"Granties" ,"prda" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(CONSTRAINTS ,"Constraints" ,"prda" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(NOT ,"Not" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0") /* a equal 1*/
- DEF_TOKEN(AND ,"And" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(OR ,"Or" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(UNION ,"Union" ,"prda" ,'o',"0u") /* ts->u 12.3*/
- /* TBLEXP -- form for expressions QUERY,SUBQUERY etc. */
- DEF_TOKEN(TBLEXP ,"TblExp" ,"prda00" ,'o',"0t")
- DEF_TOKEN(SUBQUERY ,"SubQuery" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0ts")
- DEF_TOKEN(QUERY ,"Query" ,"prda00" ,'o',"0ts")
- DEF_TOKEN(FROM ,"From" ,"prda" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(WHERE ,"Where" ,"prda" ,'o',"0") /* a equal 1*/
- DEF_TOKEN(HAVING ,"Having" ,"prda" ,'o',"0") /* a equal 1*/
- DEF_TOKEN(GROUP ,"Group" ,"prda" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(SELECTION ,"Selection" ,"prda" ,'o',"0")
- /* Result is the same thing as Selection but for subqueries where 'a' */
- /* be equal 1 */
- DEF_TOKEN(RESULT ,"Result" ,"prda" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(IVALUES ,"Ivalues" ,"prda" ,'o',"0") /* operator INSERT */
- DEF_TOKEN(VALUES ,"Values" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0") /* predicate IN */
- /* INTO - param list in SELECT and column list in INSERT */
- DEF_TOKEN(INTO ,"Into" ,"prda" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(EQU ,"Equ" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0o") /* a equal 2*/
- DEF_TOKEN(NE ,"Ne" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0o") /* a equal 2*/
- DEF_TOKEN(LE ,"Le" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0o") /* a equal 2*/
- DEF_TOKEN(GE ,"Ge" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0o") /* a equal 2*/
- DEF_TOKEN(LT ,"Lt" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0o") /* a equal 2*/
- DEF_TOKEN(GT ,"Gt" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0o") /* a equal 2*/
- DEF_TOKEN(CALLPR ,"Callpr" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0" )
- DEF_TOKEN(NOOP ,"Noop" ,"lrday0" ,'o',"0" ) /* a equal 1*/
- DEF_TOKEN(EXISTS ,"Exists" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0") /* a equal 1*/
- DEF_TOKEN(SOME ,"Some" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(ALL ,"All" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(IN ,"In" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0o") /* a equal 2*/
- DEF_TOKEN(LIKE ,"Like" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0o") /* a equal 2-3*/
- DEF_TOKEN(BETWEEN ,"Between" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0o") /* a equal 3*/
- DEF_TOKEN(ISNULL ,"IsNull" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0o") /* a equal 1*/
- DEF_TOKEN(ISNOTNULL ,"IsNotNull" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0o") /* a equal 1*/
- DEF_TOKEN(ASSLIST ,"AssList" ,"prda" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(ASSIGN ,"Assign" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0") /* a equal 2*/
- DEF_TOKEN(ADD ,"Add" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(SUB ,"Sub" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0") /* a equal 2*/
- DEF_TOKEN(MULT ,"Mult" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(DIV ,"Div" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0") /* a equal 2*/
- DEF_TOKEN(UMINUS ,"Uminus" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0") /* a equal 1*/
- DEF_TOKEN(AVG ,"Avg" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0s") /* a equal 1*/
- DEF_TOKEN(MAX ,"Max" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0s") /* a equal 1*/
- DEF_TOKEN(MIN ,"Min" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0s") /* a equal 1*/
- DEF_TOKEN(SUM ,"Sum" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0s") /* a equal 1*/
- DEF_TOKEN(COUNT ,"Count" ,"prday0" ,'o',"0s") /* a equal 1*/
- #else
- #define VAL_HOLE(node) XLNG_TRN(node,5)
- #define OPRN_TYPE(node) XOP_TRN(node,4).type
- #define FUNC_OBJ(node) XTXT_TRN(node,2)
- #define IND_INDID(node) *((Indid*)&(xOp_PARMS(Ptree(node),4,"RRRR")))
- #define Is_TRLService(node) (STRUCT(CODE_TRN(node))==' ')
- #define Is_Operation(node) (STRUCT(CODE_TRN(node))=='o')
- #define Is_Predicate(node) (FLAGS(CODE_TRN(node))[1]=='o')
- #define Is_Function(node) (AVG<=CODE_TRN(node) && CODE_TRN(node)<=COUNT)
- #define Is_Log_Oper_Code(code) (NOT <= (code) && (code) <= OR)
- #define Is_Comp_Code(code) (EQU <= (code) && (code) <= GT)
- #define Is_Arithm_Code(code) (ADD <= (code) && (code) <= UMINUS)
- #define Is_Predic_Code(code) (EXISTS <= (code) && (code) <= ISNOTNULL)
- #define Is_SQPredicate_Code(code) ((EXISTS <= (code) && (code) <= ALL) || (code) == SUBQUERY)
- #define Is_Typed_Operation(node) (FORMAT(CODE_TRN(node))[4]=='y')
- typedef struct operation{ /*==== operation (subtree) ============*/
- enum token code; /* code of the operation */
- MASKTYPE mask; /* detalizing of the operation */
- POSITION line_nmb; /* source line number */
- TXTREF right; /* next operation (right brother) */
- TXTREF down; /* reference to the first operand */
- i4_t arity; /* number of operands (children) */
- sql_type_t type; /* operation result's type */
- i4_t valuehole; /* pointer to node's value */
- } OPERATION, * POPERATION; /*=====================================*/
- #endif
- #ifdef DEF_TOKEN
- /* semantics of array is : [ 0 2 0 1 ] === order by (col 4) (Col 2) */
- DEF_TOKEN(SORTER,"Sorter" ,"Lrt" ,' ',"0s")
- /* T is array of expressions, which computes values of assotiated column */
- /* in MakeGroup output table */
- DEF_TOKEN(MAKEGROUP ,"MakeGroup","Trt" ,' ',"0")
- /*---------<< Tree node for table ponters >>---------------------------*/
- DEF_TOKEN(TBLPTR,"TblPtr" ,"prt" ,'t',"0")
- #else
- #define TABL_DESC(node) XVCB_TRN(node,2)
- #define Is_TblPtr(node) (STRUCT(CODE_TRN(node))=='t')
- typedef struct db_tabl{ /*=====================================*/
- enum token code; /* node code */
- MASKTYPE mask; /* node flags */
- POSITION line_nmb; /* source line number */
- TXTREF right; /* next leaf (right brother) */
- VCBREF descr; /* vocabulary reference */
- } DB_TABL, * PDB_TABL; /*=====================================*/
- #endif
- #ifdef DEF_TOKEN
- /*---------<< Tree object nodes >>--------------------------------------*/
- DEF_TOKEN(OPTR ,"OPtr" ,"pr0t" ,'i',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(COLPTR ,"ColPtr" ,"pr0t" ,'i',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(PARMPTR ,"ParmPtr" ,"pr0t" ,'i',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(STAR ,"Star" ,"pr" ,'i',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(NULL_VL ,"Null_vl" ,"pry" ,'i',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(SORT_COL ,"Sort_Col" ,"pr0t" ,'i',"0c")
- DEF_TOKEN(SORT_POS ,"Sort_Pos" ,"prl" ,' ',"0c") /*!!!*/
- DEF_TOKEN(COL ,"Col" ,"lr" ,' ',"0c") /*!!!*/
- DEF_TOKEN(USERNAME ,"UserName" ,"prys" ,' ',"0") /*!!!*/
- DEF_TOKEN(VALUEHOLE,"ValueHole" ,"prs" ,' ',"0") /*!!!*/
- #else
- #define OBJ_ADDIT(node) XTXT_TRN(node,2)
- #define OBJ_DESC(node) XVCB_TRN(node,3)
- #define OBJ_AUX(node) XVCB_TRN(node,4)
- #define SORT_CLM(node) OBJ_DESC(node)
- #define SORT_IND(node) XLNG_TRN(node,2) /* for Sort_Pos */
- #define USR_NAME(node) XLTR_TRN(node,3) /* for UserName */
- #define USR_TYPE(node) XOP_TRN(node,2).type /* for UserName */
- #define NULL_TYPE(node) XOP_TRN(node,2).type /* for Null_vl */
- #define HOLE_NAME(node) XLTR_TRN(node,2) /* for valuehole */
- #define Is_Object(node) (STRUCT(CODE_TRN(node))=='i')
- typedef struct db_object{ /*=====================================*/
- enum token code; /* object type code */
- MASKTYPE mask; /* detalizing of the object type */
- POSITION line_nmb; /* source line number */
- TXTREF right; /* next object of the same level */
- TXTREF addit; /* additional tree reference */
- VCBREF descr; /* reference to vocabulary */
- VCBREF aux_ref; /* additional referencnce to vocabulary*/
- } DB_OBJ, * PDB_OBJ ; /*=====================================*/
- #endif
- #ifdef DEF_TOKEN
- /*---------<< Column nodes >>-------------------------------------------*/
- DEF_TOKEN(COLUMN ,"Column" ,"srlyvt000" ,'C',"0")
- DEF_TOKEN(SCOLUMN,"SColumn" ,"srlytt0l0" ,'C',"0") /* scan column */
- #else
- #define COL_NAME(node) XLTR_TRN(node,0)
- #define COL_NEXT(node) RIGHT_TRN(node)
- #define COL_NO(node) XLNG_TRN(node,2)
- #define COL_TYPE(node) XOP_TRN(node,3).type
- #define COL_TBL(node) XVCB_TRN(node,4)
- #define COL_DEFAULT(node) XTXT_TRN(node,5)
- #define COL_CONSTR(node) XTXT_TRN(node,6)
- #define COL_ID(node) XLNG_TRN(node,7)
- #define COL_ADR(node) XTXT_TRN(node,7)
- #define COL_STAT(node) XLNG_TRN(node,8)
- #define Is_Column(node) (STRUCT(CODE_TRN(node))=='C')
- struct column{ /*===================================*/
- enum token code; /* */
- MASKTYPE flags; /* */
- LTRLREF name; /* column name */
- VCBREF pcolumn; /* next column of the same table */
- i4_t column_no; /* column number in table (DB info) */
- sql_type_t type; /* column type */
- VCBREF ptable; /* reference to the table, containing*/
- /* this column */
- TXTREF default_val; /* reference to column default value */
- TXTREF constraint; /* */
- i4_t cl_id; /* number of the column in */
- /* the scan (? ? ) */
- i4_t col_stat; /* pointer to structure with statistic *
- * info (max & min values in column) */
- }; /*===================================*/
- #endif
- #ifdef DEF_TOKEN
- /*---------<< table nodes >>--------------------------------------------*/
- DEF_TOKEN(TABLE ,"Table" ,"srsNlNRRR0N000l" ,'T',"0T")
- DEF_TOKEN(TMPTABLE ,"Tmptable" ,"srsNlt000000f000" ,'T',"0T")
- DEF_TOKEN(VIEW ,"View" ,"srsNltR00V00000" ,'T',"0T")
- /* code ANY_TBL used for table nodes, which actual type isn't known yet */
- /* and can be seen after parser but before semantic pass only */
- DEF_TOKEN(ANY_TBL ,"Any_Tbl" ,"srsNl00000000000" ,'T',"0T")
- #else
- #define TBL_FNAME(node) XLTR_TRN(node,0)
- #define TBL_NAME(node) XLTR_TRN(node,2)
- #define TBL_COLS(node) XVCB_TRN(node,3)
- #define TBL_NCOLS(node) XLNG_TRN(node,4)
- #define VIEW_QUERY(node) XVCB_TRN(node,5)
- #define TBL_CONSTR(node) XVCB_TRN(node,5)
- #define TBL_TABID(node) XREL_TRN(node,6)
- #define VIEW_UNID(node) XLNG_TRN(node,6)
- #define VIEW_VCB(node) XVCB_TRN(node,9)
- #define VIEw_VCB(node) XVCb_TRN(node,9)
- #define IND_INFO(node) XTXT_TRN(node,10)
- #define TBL_VADR(node) XTXT_TRN(node,11)
- #define BUILD_COST(node) XFLT_TRN(node,12)
- #define CONSTR_INFO(node) XLNG_TRN(node,13)
- #define TBL_NNULCOL(node) XLNG_TRN(node,14)
- #define NROWS_EST(node) XTXT_TRN(node,15)
- #define Is_Table(node) (STRUCT(CODE_TRN(node))=='T')
- #define Is_table(ptr) (STRUCT(CODe_TRN( ptr))=='T')
- #include "type.h"
- struct table{ /*============================*/
- enum token code; /* code of the node */
- MASKTYPE flags; /* */
- LTRLREF autor_name; /* table authorization name */
- VCBREF next; /* next vcb entry */
- LTRLREF name; /* table name */
- VCBREF pcolumn; /* chain of the table columns */
- i4_t column_no; /* total number of columns in */
- /* the table */
- VCBREF query; /* query for view or */
- /* constraints for table */
- Tabid tblident; /* table identifier in DB */
- TXTREF local_view_vcb; /* */
- TXTREF ind_info; /* chain of table indexes */
- /* each represented by tree */
- VADR tab_vadr; /* is used by codegen */
- /* - VADR of TABID */
- float build_cost; /* for TMPTABLE: cost of this */
- /* table building */
- i4_t constr_info; /* pointer to constraints *
- * (is used only by codegen) */
- i4_t nnulcolnun; /* number of first 'NOT NULL' *
- * columns of the table */
- /* the table */
- i4_t nrows_est; /* is used for TMPTABLEs for */
- /* saving of estimated rows count */
- }; /*============================*/
- #endif
- #ifdef DEF_TOKEN
- /*---------<< scans nodes >>--------------------------------------------*/
- DEF_TOKEN(SCAN ,"Scan" ,"srlVt000000v" ,'S',"0T")
- #else
- #define COR_NAME(node) XLTR_TRN(node,0)
- #define COR_NEXT(node) RIGHT_TRN(node)
- #define COR_COLUMNS(node) XTXT_TRN(node,3)
- #define COR_TBL(node) XVCB_TRN(node,4)
- #define COR_NO(node) XLNG_TRN(node,2)
- #define COR_SCANID(node) XTXT_TRN(node,5)
- #define COR_TID(node) XTXT_TRN(node,6)
- #define COR_MASK(node) XLNG_TRN(node,7)
- #define COR_TAB_SP(node) XTXT_TRN(node,8)
- #define COR_IND_SP(node) XTXT_TRN(node,9)
- #define IND_CLM_CNT(node) XLNG_TRN(node,10)
- #define COR_VIEW(node) XVCB_TRN(node,11)
- #define Is_Scan(node) (STRUCT(CODE_TRN(node))=='S')
- struct corr_name{ /*======================================*/
- enum token code; /* code SCAN stored here */
- MASKTYPE flags; /* */
- LTRLREF name; /* corellation name reference */
- VCBREF next; /* next vcb entry (right reference) */
- i4_t instance_no; /* table instance number */
- VCBREF pcolumn; /* chain of scaned columns */
- VCBREF pvocab; /* reference to scaned table */
- TXTREF scan_id; /* address of ScanId hole */
- TXTREF table_id; /* address of TabId hole */
- i4_t mask; /* */
- TXTREF tab_sp; /* list of simple predicates applied to */
- /* scan */
- TXTREF ind_sp; /* list of simple predicates applied to */
- /* the used index */
- /* = NULL, if no index used, */
- /* = 1, if some index used but there */
- /* aren't any appliable SP for it */
- i4_t ind_clm_cnt; /* number of columns in used index */
- TXTREF see_via_view;/* scan table throuth this view */
- }; /*======================================*/
- #endif
- #ifdef DEF_TOKEN
- /*---------<< Cursors nodes >>------------------------------------------*/
- DEF_TOKEN(CURSOR,"Cursor" ,"sr0" ,'R',"0r")
- #else
- #define CUR_NAME(node) XLTR_TRN(node,0)
- #define CUR_DECL(node) XTXT_TRN(node,2)
- #define Is_Cursor(node) (STRUCT(CODE_TRN(node))=='R')
- struct cursor_name{ /*==========================*/
- enum token code; /* code CURSOR stored here */
- MASKTYPE flags; /* */
- LTRLREF name; /* reference to cursor name */
- VCBREF next; /* next vcb entry */
- TXTREF declare; /* */
- }; /*==========================*/
- #endif
- #ifdef DEF_TOKEN
- /*---------<< constant nodes >>-----------------------------------------*/
- DEF_TOKEN(CONST ,"Const" ,"sryy0" ,'N',"0")
- #else
- #define CNST_NAME(node) XLTR_TRN(node,0)
- #define CNST_STYPE(node) xOp_PARM(Ptree(node),2,'y').type
- #define CNST_TTYPE(node) xOp_PARM(Ptree(node),3,'y').type
- #define Is_Constant(node) (STRUCT(CODE_TRN(node))=='N')
- struct constant { /*==========================*/
- enum token code; /* code CONST stored here */
- MASKTYPE flags; /* */
- LTRLREF text; /* string image of constant */
- VCBREF next; /* next vcb entry */
- sql_type_t type_source; /* original type */
- sql_type_t type_target; /* required type */
- TXTREF valueptr; /* reference to internal */
- /* representation */
- }; /*==========================*/
- #endif
- #ifdef DEF_TOKEN
- /*---------<< parameters nodes >>---------------------------------------*/
- DEF_TOKEN(PARAMETER,"Parameter" ,"sryy0t" ,'P',"0T")
- #else
- #define PAR_NAME(node) XLTR_TRN(node,0)
- #define PAR_STYPE(node) XOP_TRN(node,2).type
- #define PAR_TTYPE(node) XOP_TRN(node,3).type
- #define PAR_ID(node) XLNG_TRN(node,4)
- #define PAR_ADR(node) XTXT_TRN(node,4)
- #define PAR_INDICATOR(node) XTXT_TRN(node,5)
- #define Is_Param(node) (STRUCT(CODE_TRN(node))=='P')
- struct parameter { /*==========================*/
- enum token code; /*code PARAMETER stored here*/
- MASKTYPE flags; /* */
- LTRLREF name; /* reference to par name */
- VCBREF next; /* next vcb entry */
- sql_type_t type_source; /* source type */
- sql_type_t type_target; /* required type */
- i4_t par_id; /* unique parameter ident. */
- TXTREF indicator; /* reference to associated */
- /* indicator */
- }; /*==========================*/
- #endif
- /**************************************************************.
- *****---------<< additional nodes description >>----------*****
- `**************************************************************/
- #ifdef DEF_TOKEN
- /* scan column hole before context search pass */
- /* (3 names - perhaps partially empty) */
- DEF_TOKEN(COLUMN_HOLE,"Column_Hole" ,"sss" ,' ',"0")
- #else
- #define CHOLE_AUTHOR(n) XLTR_TRN(n,0)
- #define CHOLE_TNAME(n) XLTR_TRN(n,1)
- #define CHOLE_CNAME(n) XLTR_TRN(n,2)
- #endif
- #ifdef DEF_TOKEN
- #undef DEF_TOKEN
- #endif