- using System;
- using System.IO;
- namespace Silverlight.Samples
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// PngEncoder class courtesy of Joe Stegman and opmized by Nikola:
- ///
- /// </summary>
- public class PngEncoder
- {
- private const int _MAXBLOCK = 0xFFFF;
- private static byte[] _HEADER = { 0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A };
- private static byte[] _IHDR = { (byte)'I', (byte)'H', (byte)'D', (byte)'R' };
- private static byte[] _GAMA = { (byte)'g', (byte)'A', (byte)'M', (byte)'A' };
- private static byte[] _IDAT = { (byte)'I', (byte)'D', (byte)'A', (byte)'T' };
- private static byte[] _IEND = { (byte)'I', (byte)'E', (byte)'N', (byte)'D' };
- public PngEncoder(int width, int height)
- {
- PrepareBuffer(width, height);
- }
- public Stream GetImageStream()
- {
- MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
- ms.Write(_buffer, 0, _buffer.Length);
- ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
- return ms;
- }
- public void SetPixelSlow(int col, int row, byte red, byte green, byte blue, byte alpha)
- {
- int start = _rowLength * row + col * 4 + 1;
- int blockNum = start / _blockSize;
- start += ((blockNum + 1) * 5);
- start += _dataStart;
- _buffer[start] = red;
- _buffer[start + 1] = green;
- _buffer[start + 2] = blue;
- _buffer[start + 3] = alpha;
- }
- public void SetPixelAtRowStart(int col, int rowStart, byte red, byte green, byte blue, byte alpha)
- {
- int start = rowStart + (col << 2);
- _buffer[start] = red;
- _buffer[start + 1] = green;
- _buffer[start + 2] = blue;
- _buffer[start + 3] = alpha;
- }
- public int GetRowStart(int row)
- {
- int start = _rowLength * row + 1;
- int blockNum = start / _blockSize;
- start += ((blockNum + 1) * 5);
- start += _dataStart;
- return start;
- }
- byte[] _buffer;
- int _rowLength;
- int _blockSize;
- int _dataStart;
- private void PrepareBuffer(int width, int height)
- {
- uint widthLength = (uint)(width * 4) + 1;
- _rowLength = (int)widthLength;
- uint dcSize = widthLength * (uint)height;
- uint rowsPerBlock = _MAXBLOCK / widthLength;
- uint blockSize = rowsPerBlock * widthLength;
- _blockSize = (int)blockSize;
- uint blockCount;
- ushort length;
- uint remainder = dcSize;
- if ((dcSize % blockSize) == 0)
- {
- blockCount = dcSize / blockSize;
- }
- else
- {
- blockCount = (dcSize / blockSize) + 1;
- }
- uint totalSize = 51 + (dcSize + 12 + 4 + blockCount * 5) + 12; // header, (data), end
- _buffer = new byte[totalSize];
- int currIndex = 0;
- // ********************************
- // ******* write png header *******
- _HEADER.CopyTo(_buffer, (int)currIndex);
- currIndex += _HEADER.Length;
- // ********************************
- // ******* Write IHDR *******
- // Width: 4 bytes
- // Height: 4 bytes
- // Bit depth: 1 byte
- // Color type: 1 byte
- // Compression method: 1 byte
- // Filter method: 1 byte
- // Interlace method: 1 byte
- byte[] size;
- size = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)13); // sizeof(data(IHDR))
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[3]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[2]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[1]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[0]; currIndex++;
- // "IHDR"
- _IHDR.CopyTo(_buffer, (int)currIndex);
- currIndex += _IHDR.Length;
- size = BitConverter.GetBytes(width);
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[3]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[2]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[1]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[0]; currIndex++;
- size = BitConverter.GetBytes(height);
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[3]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[2]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[1]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[0]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = 8; currIndex++; // 8 bits
- _buffer[currIndex] = 6; currIndex++; // RGBA format
- currIndex += 3; // skip to end of IHDR
- currIndex += 4; // skip CRC, assume 0
- // ********************************
- // ******* Write gAMA chunk *******
- size = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)4); // sizeof(data(gAMA))
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[3]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[2]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[1]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[0]; currIndex++;
- // "GAMA"
- _GAMA.CopyTo(_buffer, (int)currIndex);
- currIndex += _GAMA.Length;
- // Set gamma = 1
- size = BitConverter.GetBytes(1 * 100000);
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[3]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[2]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[1]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[0]; currIndex++;
- currIndex += 4; // skip CRC, assume 0
- // ***************************************
- // ******* Write IDAT (data) chunk *******
- size = BitConverter.GetBytes(dcSize + 2 + 4 + blockCount * 5); // image data size + 2 bytes for compression header + 4 bytes for adler checksum + blocks overhead
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[3]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[2]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[1]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[0]; currIndex++;
- // "IDAT"
- _IDAT.CopyTo(_buffer, (int)currIndex);
- currIndex += _IDAT.Length;
- // write compression header
- _buffer[currIndex] = 0x78; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = 0xDA; currIndex++;
- _dataStart = currIndex;
- // write image data
- //currIndex += (int)dcSize; // !!!
- for (uint blocks = 0; blocks < blockCount; blocks++)
- {
- // Write LEN
- length = (ushort)((remainder < blockSize) ? remainder : blockSize);
- if (length == remainder)
- {
- _buffer[currIndex] = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- _buffer[currIndex] = 0;
- }
- currIndex++;
- size = BitConverter.GetBytes(length);
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[0]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[1]; currIndex++;
- // Write one's compliment of LEN
- size = BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)~length);
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[0]; currIndex++;
- _buffer[currIndex] = size[1]; currIndex++;
- // Write blocks
- //for (int i = currIndex; i < currIndex + length; i++)
- //{
- // _buffer[i] = 200;
- //}
- currIndex += length;
- // Next block
- remainder -= blockSize;
- }
- currIndex += 4; // skip adler32 checksum, assume 0
- currIndex += 4; // skip CRC, assume 0
- // ********************************
- // ******* Write IEND chunk *******
- currIndex += 4; // sizeof(data(IEND)) is 0
- // "IEND"
- _IEND.CopyTo(_buffer, (int)currIndex);
- currIndex += _IEND.Length;
- _buffer[currIndex] = 81; currIndex++; // CRC
- _buffer[currIndex] = 189; currIndex++; // CRC
- _buffer[currIndex] = 159; currIndex++; // CRC
- _buffer[currIndex] = 125; currIndex++; // CRC
- }
- }
- }