- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <!-- Proxy config is used to set the ArcGIS Server services that the proxy will forward to.
- mustMatch: true to only proxy to sites listed, false to proxy to any site -->
- <ProxyConfig mustMatch="true">
- <serverUrls>
- <!-- serverUrl options:
- url = location of the ArcGIS Server, either specific URL or stem
- matchAll = true to forward any request beginning with the url
- token = (optional) token to include for secured service
- dynamicToken = if true, gets token dynamically with username and
- password stored in web.config file's appSettings section.
- -->
- <serverUrl url=""
- matchAll="true" />
- <serverUrl url=""
- matchAll="true"
- token="" />
- <serverUrl url=""
- matchAll="true"
- token="bUIhUq3gQIglJzta55X81uA6gDgOHof5Ho68_N6Q_f1clp6dP8GWp1Yf2pC3eTih3uEIdhg6I1f3Nmm0HLUTJQ.." />
- <serverUrl url=""
- matchAll="true" />
- <serverUrl url=""
- matchAll="true" />
- <serverUrl url="http://hummer/ArcGIS/rest/services"
- matchAll="true"
- dynamicToken="true" />
- <serverUrl url=""
- matchAll="true" token=""/>
- </serverUrls>
- </ProxyConfig>