- /*
- * errors.h - file with errors description for GNU SQL compiler
- *
- * This file is a part of GNU SQL Server
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, Free Software Foundation, Inc
- * Developed at the Institute of System Programming
- * This file is written by Konstantin Dyshlevoj
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * Contacts:
- *
- */
- /* $Id: errors.h,v 1.245 1997/03/31 03:46:38 kml Exp $ */
- #ifdef DEF_ERR
- #if defined(__deftr_h__)
- # error "errors.h and deftr.h declare almost the same things and can't be used together"
- #endif
- #if defined(__pupans_h__)
- # error "errors.h and pupans.h declare almost the same things and can't be used together"
- #endif
- DEF_ERR (OK, "OK")
- DEF_ERR (NU, "The key of this tuple isn't unique")
- DEF_ERR (NCF, "Incorrect conditions")
- DEF_ERR (NDR, "Incorrect relation identifier")
- DEF_ERR (NMS, "Incorrect scan mode")
- DEF_ERR (NCR, "Current tuple is absent")
- DEF_ERR (NIOB, "Incorrect object identifier")
- DEF_ERR (NDSC, "Incorrect scan identifier")
- DEF_ERR (NDI, "Incorrect index identifier")
- DEF_ERR (N_SORT, "Not sorted")
- DEF_ERR (H_DBL, "Has doublicates")
- DEF_ERR (D_DRCTN, "Sort directions are not matched")
- DEF_ERR (N_EQV, "Objects are not equivalent")
- DEF_ERR (EMFL, "The filter is empty")
- DEF_ERR (EOSCAN, "End of scan")
- DEF_ERR (NO_SUCH_SEG, "No such segment")
- DEF_ERR (SYER, "Synchronization error")
- DEF_ERR (ER_1, "Incorrect data in the tree")
- DEF_ERR (ER_3, "Incorrect operation in the tree")
- DEF_ERR (ER_4, "Initialization error")
- DEF_ERR (ER_5, "Incorrect section number")
- DEF_ERR (ER_6, "Incorrect cursor operation")
- DEF_ERR (ER_8, "Incorrect command code in module")
- DEF_ERR (ER_9, "There isn't enaugh memory space to work")
- DEF_ERR (ER_RET, "SubQuery handling error")
- DEF_ERR (ER_SQ, "More than one row in SubQuery")
- DEF_ERR (ER_OpCur, "Attemp to open unclosed cursor")
- DEF_ERR (ER_Fetch, "Attemp to fetch data by unopened cursor")
- DEF_ERR (ER_Close, "Attemp to close unopened cursor")
- DEF_ERR (ER_Delete, "Attemp to positional delete before cursor open")
- DEF_ERR (ER_CRETAB, "Table creation error")
- DEF_ERR (ER_DRTAB, "Table dropping error: integrity violation")
- DEF_ERR (ER_CREIND, "Index creation error")
- DEF_ERR (ER_PRIVLG, "There is not enaugh priveleges")
- DEF_ERR (ER_BD, "Incorrect information from the low level")
- DEF_ERR (ER_CLNT, "Client calling error")
- DEF_ERR (ER_SERV, "Incorrect work with server")
- DEF_ERR (ND_INDIC, "NULL result for parameter without indicator")
- DEF_ERR (NOCRTR, "Transactiion can't be created now")
- DEF_ERR (NEED_WAIT, "There is not result yet")
- DEF_ERR (MEM_ERR, "Memory allocation error")
- DEF_ERR (MDLINIT, "Error in work with module initialization")
- DEF_ERR (NOTRNANS, "Client can't receive answer from server-transaction")
- DEF_ERR (TRN_INIT, "Error in transaction initialization")
- DEF_ERR (TRN_EXITED, "Transaction is finished")
- DEF_ERR (NULLRES, "Empty result from interpretator")
- DEF_ERR (TRN_ID, "Dispatcher: Incorrect identifier of transaction process")
- DEF_ERR (ER_SEL, "More than one row in the result of operator SELECT")
- DEF_ERR (ER_BUF, "Inetrnal buffer overflow (copy.c)")
- DEF_ERR (CHECK_VIOL, "CHECK constraint violation")
- DEF_ERR (REF_VIOL, "RERERENCE constraint violation")
- DEF_ERR (VIEW_VIOL, "WITH CHECK OPTION constraint violation")
- DEF_ERR (DS_STMT, "Invalid SQL statement name")
- DEF_ERR (DS_CUR, "Invalid SQL cursor name")
- DEF_ERR (DS_CURST, "Invalid cursor state")
- DEF_ERR (DS_DESCR, "Dynamic SQL: Incorrect descriptor")
- DEF_ERR (DS_DESCRLEN, "Dynamic SQL: Too little static size of descriptor")
- DEF_ERR (DS_NMARG, "Dynamic SQL: Incorrect name-argument")
- DEF_ERR (DS_CURDECL, "Dynamic SQL: Repeated using of cursor name in declaration")
- DEF_ERR (DS_SYNTER, "Syntax error or access rule violation in dynamic SQL statement")
- DEF_ERR (TNERR, "Incorrect table name in dynamic SQL statement")
- DEF_ERR (DS_EXE, "More than one row in the result of dynamic SQL execute statement")
- DEF_ERR (DS_NOPAR, "Dynamic SQL error-using clause required for dynamic parameters")
- DEF_ERR (DS_NORES, "Dynamic SQL error-using clause required for result fields")
- DEF_ERR (DS_CNT, "Dynamic SQL error-invalid descriptor count")
- DEF_ERR (DS_BADTAR, "Dynamic SQL error-using clause does not match target specification")
- DEF_ERR (DS_BADPAR, "Dynamic SQL error-using clause does not match parameter specification")
- #endif