- ; MS-Windows driver config matching some basic modes of the
- ; Linux-USB Ethernet/RNDIS gadget firmware:
- ;
- ; - RNDIS plus CDC Ethernet ... this may be familiar as a DOCSIS
- ; cable modem profile, and supports most non-Microsoft USB hosts
- ;
- ; - RNDIS plus CDC Subset ... used by hardware that incapable of
- ; full CDC Ethernet support.
- ;
- ; Microsoft only directly supports RNDIS drivers, and bundled them into XP.
- ; The Microsoft "Remote NDIS USB Driver Kit" is currently found at:
- ; http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/hwdev/resources/HWservices/rndis.mspx
- [Version]
- Signature = "$Windows NT$"
- Class = Net
- ClassGUID = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
- Provider = %Linux%
- DriverVer = 09/10/2008,
- ; catalog file would be used by WHQL
- ;CatalogFile = Linux.cat
- [Manufacturer]
- %Linux% = LinuxDevices,NT.5.1
- [LinuxDevices]
- %LinuxDevice% = RNDIS, USBVID_0525&PID_a4a2
- [LinuxDevices.NT.5.1]
- %LinuxDevice% = RNDIS.NT.5.1, USBVID_0525&PID_a4a2
- [ControlFlags]
- ExcludeFromSelect=*
- ; Windows 2000 specific sections ---------------------------------
- Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_PHYSICAL + NCF_HAS_UI
- BusType = 15
- DriverVer = 09/10/2008,
- AddReg = RNDIS_AddReg_NT, RNDIS_AddReg_WIN2K
- CopyFiles = RNDIS_CopyFiles_NT
- [RNDIS.NT.Services]
- AddService = USB_RNDISY, 2, RNDIS_ServiceInst_NT, RNDIS_EventLog
- [RNDIS_CopyFiles_NT]
- ; no rename of files on Windows 2000, use the 'y' names as is
- usb8023y.sys, , , 0
- rndismpy.sys, , , 0
- [RNDIS_ServiceInst_NT]
- DisplayName = %ServiceDisplayName%
- ServiceType = 1
- StartType = 3
- ErrorControl = 1
- ServiceBinary = %12%usb8023y.sys
- LoadOrderGroup = NDIS
- AddReg = RNDIS_WMI_AddReg_NT
- HKR, , MofImagePath, 0x00020000, "System32driversrndismpy.sys"
- ; Windows XP specific sections -----------------------------------
- [RNDIS.NT.5.1]
- Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_PHYSICAL + NCF_HAS_UI
- BusType = 15
- DriverVer = 09/10/2008,
- AddReg = RNDIS_AddReg_XP
- include = netrndis.inf
- needs = Usb_Rndis.ndi
- ; no copyfiles - the files are already in place
- [RNDIS.NT.5.1.Services]
- include = netrndis.inf
- needs = Usb_Rndis.ndi.Services
- ; Windows 2000 sections
- ; DO NOT MODIFY ServiceName
- [RNDIS_AddReg_NT]
- HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, "USB_RNDISY"
- HKR, NdiInterfaces, UpperRange, 0, "ndis5"
- HKR, NdiInterfaces, LowerRange, 0, "ethernet"
- [RNDIS_AddReg_WIN2K]
- HKR, , ReclaimRecv, 0x00010001, 1
- HKR, NDIparamsNetworkAddress, ParamDesc, 0, %NetworkAddress%
- HKR, NDIparamsNetworkAddress, type, 0, "edit"
- HKR, NDIparamsNetworkAddress, LimitText, 0, "12"
- HKR, NDIparamsNetworkAddress, UpperCase, 0, "1"
- HKR, NDIparamsNetworkAddress, default, 0, " "
- HKR, NDIparamsNetworkAddress, optional, 0, "1"
- [RNDIS_EventLog]
- AddReg = RNDIS_EventLog_AddReg
- [RNDIS_EventLog_AddReg]
- HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%System32netevent.dll"
- HKR, , TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7
- ; An optional Property to demonstrate adding advanced properties on Windows XP
- [RNDIS_AddReg_XP]
- HKR, NDIparamsXPProperty, ParamDesc, 0, %NetworkAddress%
- HKR, NDIparamsXPProperty, type, 0, "edit"
- HKR, NDIparamsXPProperty, LimitText, 0, "12"
- HKR, NDIparamsXPProperty, UpperCase, 0, "1"
- HKR, NDIparamsXPProperty, default, 0, " "
- HKR, NDIparamsXPProperty, optional, 0, "1"
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 1=%SourceDisk%,,1
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- usb8023y.sys=1
- rndismpy.sys=1
- [DestinationDirs]
- RNDIS_CopyFiles_NT = 12
- ; DO NOT CHANGE ServiceDisplayName
- [Strings]
- ServiceDisplayName = "USB Remote NDIS Y Network Device Driver"
- NetworkAddress = "Network Address"
- Linux = "Embedded SW Platform of System LSI Division"
- LinuxDevice = "SAMSUNG USB Remote NDIS Network Device"
- SourceDisk = "Ethernet/RNDIS Gadget Driver Install Disk"