- default.doesnt.match.message=クラス[{1}]プロパティ[{0}]の値[{2}]は、[{3}]パターンと一致していません。
- default.invalid.url.message=クラス[{1}]プロパティ[{0}]の値[{2}]は、URLではありません。
- default.invalid.creditCard.message=クラス[{1}]プロパティ[{0}]の値[{2}]は、正当なクレジットカード番号ではありません。
- default.invalid.email.message=クラス[{1}]プロパティ[{0}]の値[{2}]は、メールアドレスではありません。
- default.invalid.range.message=クラス[{1}]プロパティ[{0}]の値[{2}]は、[{3}]から[{4}]範囲内を指定してください。
- default.invalid.size.message=クラス[{1}]プロパティ[{0}]の値[{2}]は、[{3}]から[{4}]以内を指定してください。
- default.invalid.max.message=クラス[{1}]プロパティ[{0}]の値[{2}]は、最大値[{3}]より大きいです。
- default.invalid.min.message=クラス[{1}]プロパティ[{0}]の値[{2}]は、最小値[{3}]より小さいです。
- default.invalid.max.size.message=クラス[{1}]プロパティ[{0}]の値[{2}]は、最大値[{3}]より大きいです。
- default.invalid.min.size.message=クラス[{1}]プロパティ[{0}]の値[{2}]は、最小値[{3}]より小さいです。
- default.invalid.validator.message=クラス[{1}]プロパティ[{0}]の値[{2}]は、カスタムバリデーションを通過できません。
- default.not.inlist.message=クラス[{1}]プロパティ[{0}]の値[{2}]は、[{3}]リスト内に存在しません。
- default.blank.message=[{1}]クラスのプロパティ[{0}]の空白は許可されません。
- default.not.equal.message=クラス[{1}]プロパティ[{0}]の値[{2}]は、[{3}]と同等ではありません。
- default.null.message=[{1}]クラスのプロパティ[{0}]にnullは許可されません。
- default.not.unique.message=クラス[{1}]プロパティ[{0}]の値[{2}]は既に使用されています。
- default.paginate.prev=戻る
- default.paginate.next=次へ
- # Applicat messages
- application.create=Create Applicat
- application.edit=Edit Applicat
- application.list=Applicat List
- application.new=New Applicat
- application.show=Show Applicat
- application.created=Applicat {0} created
- application.updated=Applicat {0} updated
- application.deleted=Applicat {0} deleted
- application.not.found=Applicat not found with id {0}
- application.id=Id
- application.appRequestman=App Requestman
- application.appType=App Type
- application.appAmount=App Amount
- application.appPosition=App Position
- application.appFrom=App From
- application.appTo=App To
- application.appCause=App Cause
- application.appState=App State
- application.appPermitman=App Permitman
- application.appPermitopinion=App Permitopinion
- application.appPermittime=App Permittime
- application.appCreatetime=App Createtime
- application.appCreater=App Creater
- application.appLastchange=App Lastchange
- application.appLastchanger=App Lastchanger
- # Authority messages
- authority.create=Create Authority
- authority.edit=Edit Authority
- authority.list=Authority List
- authority.new=New Authority
- authority.show=Show Authority
- authority.created=Authority {0} created
- authority.updated=Authority {0} updated
- authority.deleted=Authority {0} deleted
- authority.not.found=Authority not found with id {0}
- authority.id=Id
- authority.authority=Authority
- authority.description=Description
- authority.people=People
- # Ckind messages
- ckind.create=Create Ckind
- ckind.edit=Edit Ckind
- ckind.list=Ckind List
- ckind.new=New Ckind
- ckind.show=Show Ckind
- ckind.created=Ckind {0} created
- ckind.updated=Ckind {0} updated
- ckind.deleted=Ckind {0} deleted
- ckind.not.found=Ckind not found with id {0}
- ckind.id=Id
- ckind.ckiName=Cki Name
- ckind.ckiFlag=Cki Flag
- ckind.ckiState=Cki State
- ckind.ckimemo=Ckimemo
- ckind.codes=Codes
- # Code messages
- code.create=Create Code
- code.edit=Edit Code
- code.list=Code List
- code.new=New Code
- code.show=Show Code
- code.created=Code {0} created
- code.updated=Code {0} updated
- code.deleted=Code {0} deleted
- code.not.found=Code not found with id {0}
- code.id=Id
- code.codName=Cod Name
- code.codValue1=Cod Value1
- code.codValue2=Cod Value2
- code.codValue3=Cod Value3
- code.codValue4=Cod Value4
- code.ckind=Ckind
- # Contract messages
- contract.create=Create Contract
- contract.edit=Edit Contract
- contract.list=Contract List
- contract.new=New Contract
- contract.show=Show Contract
- contract.created=Contract {0} created
- contract.updated=Contract {0} updated
- contract.deleted=Contract {0} deleted
- contract.not.found=Contract not found with id {0}
- contract.id=Id
- contract.conId=Con Id
- contract.conStarttime=Con Starttime
- contract.conEndtime=Con Endtime
- contract.conType=Con Type
- contract.conSigntime=Con Signtime
- contract.conStoptime=Con Stoptime
- contract.conContrat=Con Contrat
- contract.conMemo=Con Memo
- contract.conDel=Con Del
- contract.conCreatetime=Con Createtime
- contract.conCreater=Con Creater
- contract.conLastchange=Con Lastchange
- contract.conLastchanger=Con Lastchanger
- # Customer messages
- customer.create=Create Customer
- customer.edit=Edit Customer
- customer.list=Customer List
- customer.new=New Customer
- customer.show=Show Customer
- customer.created=Customer {0} created
- customer.updated=Customer {0} updated
- customer.deleted=Customer {0} deleted
- customer.not.found=Customer not found with id {0}
- customer.id=Id
- customer.cusId=Cus Id
- customer.cusName=Cus Name
- customer.cusEname=Cus Ename
- customer.cusCompany=Cus Company
- customer.cusSex=Cus Sex
- customer.cusBirth=Cus Birth
- customer.cusCard=Cus Card
- customer.cusImage=Cus Image
- customer.cusTel1=Cus Tel1
- customer.cusTel2=Cus Tel2
- customer.cusLinkman=Cus Linkman
- customer.cusLinktel=Cus Linktel
- customer.cusEmail=Cus Email
- customer.cusClan=Cus Clan
- customer.cusNative=Cus Native
- customer.cusAddress=Cus Address
- customer.cusEducation=Cus Education
- customer.cusProfession=Cus Profession
- customer.cusWorkstate=Cus Workstate
- customer.cusSchool=Cus School
- customer.cusHealth=Cus Health
- customer.cusType=Cus Type
- customer.cusServer=Cus Server
- customer.cusLikegoods=Cus Likegoods
- customer.cusMemo=Cus Memo
- customer.cusDel=Cus Del
- customer.cusCreatetime=Cus Createtime
- customer.cusCreater=Cus Creater
- customer.cusLastchange=Cus Lastchange
- customer.cusLastchanger=Cus Lastchanger
- # Inovice messages
- inovice.create=Create Inovice
- inovice.edit=Edit Inovice
- inovice.list=Inovice List
- inovice.new=New Inovice
- inovice.show=Show Inovice
- inovice.created=Inovice {0} created
- inovice.updated=Inovice {0} updated
- inovice.deleted=Inovice {0} deleted
- inovice.not.found=Inovice not found with id {0}
- inovice.id=Id
- inovice.inoId=Ino Id
- inovice.inoBuyname=Ino Buyname
- inovice.inoBuycompany=Ino Buycompany
- inovice.inoBuytel=Ino Buytel
- inovice.inoBuyaddress=Ino Buyaddress
- inovice.inoCargoid=Ino Cargoid
- inovice.inoCargoname=Ino Cargoname
- inovice.inoCargostandard=Ino Cargostandard
- inovice.inoCargounit=Ino Cargounit
- inovice.inoCargonumber=Ino Cargonumber
- inovice.inoCargoprice=Ino Cargoprice
- inovice.inoSellman=Ino Sellman
- inovice.inoSellcompany=Ino Sellcompany
- inovice.inoSelltel=Ino Selltel
- inovice.inoSellAddress=Ino Sell Address
- inovice.inoRate=Ino Rate
- inovice.inoRatebefore=Ino Ratebefore
- inovice.inoRateafte=Ino Rateafte
- inovice.inoMemo=Ino Memo
- inovice.inoCreatetime=Ino Createtime
- inovice.inoCreater=Ino Creater
- inovice.inoLastchange=Ino Lastchange
- inovice.inoLastchanger=Ino Lastchanger
- # Person messages
- person.create=Create Person
- person.edit=Edit Person
- person.list=Person List
- person.new=New Person
- person.show=Show Person
- person.created=Person {0} created
- person.updated=Person {0} updated
- person.deleted=Person {0} deleted
- person.not.found=Person not found with id {0}
- person.id=Id
- person.staff=Staff
- person.username=Username
- person.userRealName=User Real Name
- person.passwd=Passwd
- person.enabled=Enabled
- person.authorities=Authorities
- person.description=Description
- person.email=Email
- person.email_show=Emailshow
- person.pass=Pass
- # Quotation messages
- quotation.create=Create Quotation
- quotation.edit=Edit Quotation
- quotation.list=Quotation List
- quotation.new=New Quotation
- quotation.show=Show Quotation
- quotation.created=Quotation {0} created
- quotation.updated=Quotation {0} updated
- quotation.deleted=Quotation {0} deleted
- quotation.not.found=Quotation not found with id {0}
- quotation.id=Id
- quotation.quoId=Quo Id
- quotation.quoName=Quo Name
- quotation.quofactory=Quofactory
- quotation.quoNumber=Quo Number
- quotation.quoEffectivetime=Quo Effectivetime
- quotation.quoPrice=Quo Price
- quotation.quoMemo=Quo Memo
- quotation.quoCreatetime=Quo Createtime
- quotation.quoCreater=Quo Creater
- quotation.quoLastchange=Quo Lastchange
- quotation.quoLastchanger=Quo Lastchanger
- quotation.quoType=Quo Type
- # Requestmap messages
- requestmap.create=Create Requestmap
- requestmap.edit=Edit Requestmap
- requestmap.list=Requestmap List
- requestmap.new=New Requestmap
- requestmap.show=Show Requestmap
- requestmap.created=Requestmap {0} created
- requestmap.updated=Requestmap {0} updated
- requestmap.deleted=Requestmap {0} deleted
- requestmap.not.found=Requestmap not found with id {0}
- requestmap.id=Id
- requestmap.url=Url
- requestmap.configAttribute=Config Attribute
- # Roster messages
- roster.create=Create Roster
- roster.edit=Edit Roster
- roster.list=Roster List
- roster.new=New Roster
- roster.show=Show Roster
- roster.created=Roster {0} created
- roster.updated=Roster {0} updated
- roster.deleted=Roster {0} deleted
- roster.not.found=Roster not found with id {0}
- roster.id=Id
- roster.rosRequestman=Ros Requestman
- roster.rosFrom=Ros From
- roster.rosTo=Ros To
- roster.rosPosition=Ros Position
- roster.rosState=Ros State
- roster.rosPlace=Ros Place
- roster.rosPermitman=Ros Permitman
- roster.rosMemo=Ros Memo
- roster.rosCreatetime=Ros Createtime
- roster.rosCreater=Ros Creater
- roster.rosLastchange=Ros Lastchange
- roster.rosLastchanger=Ros Lastchanger
- # Salary messages
- salary.create=Create Salary
- salary.edit=Edit Salary
- salary.list=Salary List
- salary.new=New Salary
- salary.show=Show Salary
- salary.created=Salary {0} created
- salary.updated=Salary {0} updated
- salary.deleted=Salary {0} deleted
- salary.not.found=Salary not found with id {0}
- salary.id=Id
- salary.salMan=Sal Man
- salary.salBase=Sal Base
- salary.salPrize=Sal Prize
- salary.salBonus=Sal Bonus
- salary.withhold=Withhold
- salary.community=Community
- salary.salHard=Sal Hard
- salary.salTime=Sal Time
- salary.salMemo=Sal Memo
- salary.salCreatetime=Sal Createtime
- salary.salCreater=Sal Creater
- salary.salLastchange=Sal Lastchange
- salary.salLastchanger=Sal Lastchanger
- salary.salPass=Sal Pass
- # SignInOut messages
- signInOut.create=Create SignInOut
- signInOut.edit=Edit SignInOut
- signInOut.list=SignInOut List
- signInOut.new=New SignInOut
- signInOut.show=Show SignInOut
- signInOut.created=SignInOut {0} created
- signInOut.updated=SignInOut {0} updated
- signInOut.deleted=SignInOut {0} deleted
- signInOut.not.found=SignInOut not found with id {0}
- signInOut.id=Id
- signInOut.sigMan=Sig Man
- signInOut.sigTime=Sig Time
- signInOut.sigType=Sig Type
- signInOut.sigMemo=Sig Memo
- signInOut.sigCreatetime=Sig Createtime
- signInOut.sigCreater=Sig Creater
- signInOut.sigLastchange=Sig Lastchange
- signInOut.sigLastchanger=Sig Lastchanger
- signInOut.sigCause=Sig Cause
- # Staff messages
- staff.create=Create Staff
- staff.edit=Edit Staff
- staff.list=Staff List
- staff.new=New Staff
- staff.show=Show Staff
- staff.created=Staff {0} created
- staff.updated=Staff {0} updated
- staff.deleted=Staff {0} deleted
- staff.not.found=Staff not found with id {0}
- staff.id=Id
- staff.person=Person
- staff.staId=Sta Id
- staff.staName=Sta Name
- staff.staEname=Sta Ename
- staff.staCard=Sta Card
- staff.staSex=Sta Sex
- staff.staBirth=Sta Birth
- staff.staImage=Sta Image
- staff.staType=Sta Type
- staff.staDepartment=Sta Department
- staff.staPosition=Sta Position
- staff.staCallinTime=Sta Callin Time
- staff.staCometime=Sta Cometime
- staff.staWorkstate=Sta Workstate
- staff.staEmail=Sta Email
- staff.staTel1=Sta Tel1
- staff.staTel2=Sta Tel2
- staff.staLinkman=Sta Linkman
- staff.staLinktel=Sta Linktel
- staff.staMemo=Sta Memo
- staff.staDel=Sta Del
- staff.staCreatetime=Sta Createtime
- staff.staCreater=Sta Creater
- staff.staLastchange=Sta Lastchange
- staff.staLastchanger=Sta Lastchanger