资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + integer.h
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #ifndef LEDA_INTEGER_H
- #define LEDA_INTEGER_H
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // integer: big integers
- //
- // by Christian Uhrig and Stefan Naeher (1994)
- //
- // - 32 bit (unsigned long) vector representation
- // - use of a handle class concept (to avoid copy overhead)
- // - use of the LEDA memory management
- // - sparc assembler code for 32 bit multiplication
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*{Manpage {integer} {} {Integers of Arbitrary Length} }*/
- #include <LEDA/basic.h>
- #include <iostream.h>
- #if _MIPS_SZLONG == 64
- typedef unsigned int int_word_type;
- #else
- typedef unsigned long int_word_type;
- #endif
- class integer_rep
- {
- friend class integer;
- friend class rational;
- /*
- unsigned short count;
- unsigned short size;
- unsigned short used;
- short sign;
- */
- unsigned int count;
- unsigned int size;
- unsigned int used;
- int sign;
- int_word_type vec[1];
- friend integer_rep* copy_integer_rep(integer_rep*);
- friend integer operator + (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend integer operator - (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend integer operator * (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend integer operator / (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend integer operator % (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend integer operator & (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend integer operator | (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- //friend integer operator ^ (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend bool operator == (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend bool operator < (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend bool operator > (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend inline bool operator != (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend inline bool operator >= (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend inline bool operator <= (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend ostream & operator << (ostream & out, const integer& a);
- friend istream & operator >> (istream & in, integer& a);
- friend integer abs(const integer& a);
- friend integer gcd(const integer&, const integer&);
- friend int log(const integer& a);
- friend inline int sign(const integer& a);
- friend inline integer_rep* new_integer_rep(unsigned int size);
- friend void delete_integer_rep(integer_rep *p);
- };
- inline integer_rep* new_integer_rep(unsigned int sz)
- { int s = sizeof(integer_rep) + (sz-1)*sizeof(int_word_type);
- integer_rep* p;
- if (s < 256) p = (integer_rep*)allocate_bytes(s);
- else p = (integer_rep*)new char[s];
- p->count = 1;
- p->size = sz;
- return p;
- }
- /*
- inline void delete_integer_rep(integer_rep* p)
- { int s = sizeof(integer_rep) + (p->size-1)*sizeof(int_word_type);
- if (s < 256)
- deallocate_bytes(p,s);
- else
- delete[] p;
- }
- */
- class integer {
- friend class rational;
- /*{Mdefinition
- An instance $a$ of the data type name is an integer number of
- arbitrary length.
- }*/
- private:
- integer_rep* PTR;
- integer(integer_rep* p) { PTR = p; }
- GenPtr copy() const { PTR->count++; return PTR; }
- void clear() { if (PTR && --(PTR->count)==0) delete_integer_rep(PTR); }
- int refs() const { return PTR->count; }
- public:
- /*{Mcreation a }*/
- integer();
- /*{Mcreate creates an instance var of type name and initializes it
- with zero.}*/
- integer(int n);
- /*{Mcreate creates an instance var of type name and initializes it
- with the value of $n$.}*/
- integer(unsigned int i);
- integer(long l);
- integer(unsigned long i);
- integer(double x);
- /*{Mcreate creates an instance var of type name and initializes it
- with the integral part of $x$.}*/
- integer(const integer& a) { PTR = a.PTR; PTR->count++; }
- ~integer() { clear(); }
- /*{Moperations 2 4.7 }*/
- /*{Mtext
- The arithmetic operations $+, -, *, /, +=,
- -=, *=, /=, -$(unary), $++, --$, the modulus operation ($%$, $% =$), bitwise
- AND ($&$, $& =$), bitwise OR ($Lvert Lvert =$), the complement ($ tilde{} $),
- the shift operations
- ($<<, >>$),
- the comparison operations $<, <=, >,
- >=, ==, !=$ and the stream operations all are available.
- }*/
- integer& operator=(const integer& x)
- { x.PTR->count++;
- clear();
- PTR = x.PTR;
- return *this;
- }
- // type conversion
- /*
- operator GenPtr() { return (PTR->sign) ? PTR : 0; }
- */
- // member functions
- int length() const;
- /*{Mop returns the number of bits of the representation of var.}*/
- bool islong() const;
- /*{Mop returns whether var fits in the data type $long$.}*/
- bool iszero() const;
- /*{Mop returns whether var is equal to zero.}*/
- long tolong() const;
- /*{Mop returns a $long$ number which is initialized with the value of
- var.\
- precond $a$.islong() is $true$.}*/
- double todouble() const;
- /*{Mop returns a $double$ number which is initialized with the value of
- var. \
- precond $a$ fits in the range of a $double$.}*/
- integer sqrt() const;
- /*{Mop returns the largest $integer$ which is not larger than the
- squareroot of var. }*/
- int_word_type highword() const;
- void hex_print(ostream&);
- // friend functions & operators
- friend integer operator + (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend integer operator - (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend integer operator * (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend integer operator / (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend integer operator % (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend integer operator & (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend integer operator | (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- //friend integer operator ^ (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend bool operator == (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend bool operator != (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend bool operator < (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend bool operator > (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend bool operator >= (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- friend bool operator <= (const integer& a, const integer& b);
- /*{Mtext
- smallskip
- {bf Non-member functions}
- smallskip }*/
- friend integer abs(const integer& a);
- /*{Mfunc returns the absolute value of $a$.}*/
- friend integer gcd(const integer& a, const integer& b);
- /*{Mfunc returns the greatest common divisor of $a$ and $b$.}*/
- friend int sign(const integer& a);
- /*{Mfunc returns the sign of $a$.}*/
- friend int log(const integer& a);
- /*{Mfunc returns the logarithm of $a$ to the basis 2.}*/
- // member functions and operators
- int used_words() { return PTR->used; };
- int zeros() const;
- void absolute();
- int_word_type contents(int k) const { return PTR->vec[k]; };
- integer div(const integer&, integer&);
- integer operator-() const;
- integer operator~() const;
- integer operator<<(long n) const;
- integer operator>>(long n) const;
- integer operator+= (const integer& b) { return *this = *this + b; }
- integer operator-= (const integer& b) { return *this = *this - b; }
- integer operator*= (const integer& b) { return *this = *this * b; }
- integer operator/= (const integer& b) { return *this = *this / b; }
- integer operator%= (const integer& b) { return *this = *this % b; }
- integer operator&= (const integer& b) { return *this = *this & b; }
- integer operator|= (const integer& b) { return *this = *this | b; }
- integer operator<<=(int n) { return *this = *this << n; }
- integer operator>>=(int n) { return *this = *this >> n; }
- integer operator++ ();
- integer operator++ (int);
- integer operator-- ();
- integer operator-- (int);
- // "long-versions" should be implemented more efficiently!
- //
- //integer operator+(long i) const;
- //integer operator-(long i) const;
- //integer operator*(long i) const;
- //integer operator/(long i) const;
- //integer operator%(long i) const;
- //integer operator+=(long i);
- //integer operator-=(long i);
- //integer operator*=(long i);
- //integer operator/=(long i);
- //integer operator%=(long i);
- bool operator==(int n) const;
- bool operator!=(int n) const;
- bool operator< (int n) const;
- bool operator> (int n) const;
- bool operator>=(int n) const;
- bool operator<=(int n) const;
- // static members
- static integer random(int n);
- // more friends
- friend ostream& operator << (ostream& O, const integer& a);
- friend istream& operator >> (istream& I, integer& a);
- #if !defined(__TEMPLATE_FUNCTIONS__)
- friend GenPtr Create(const integer*) { integer x; return x.copy(); }
- friend void Clear(integer& y) { y.clear();}
- friend GenPtr Convert(integer& y) { return y.PTR; }
- friend GenPtr Copy(const integer& y) { return y.copy();}
- friend char* Type_Name(const integer*) { return "integer"; }
- #endif
- static int cmp(const integer& a, const integer& b);
- LEDA_MEMORY(integer)
- };
- inline void Print(const integer& a, ostream & out) { out << a; }
- inline void Read(integer& a, istream & in) { in >> a; }
- inline int compare(const integer& a, const integer& b)
- { return integer::cmp(a,b); }
- inline bool operator != (const integer& a, const integer& b) { return !(a==b); }
- inline bool operator <= (const integer& a, const integer& b) { return !(a>b); }
- inline bool operator >= (const integer& a, const integer& b) { return !(a<b); }
- inline int sign(const integer& a) { return a.PTR->sign; }
- inline bool integer::iszero() const { return (PTR->sign == 0); }
- inline bool integer::islong() const
- { if (PTR->sign == 0) return true;
- else return (PTR->used == 1 && PTR->vec[0] <= 0x8FFFFFFF);
- }
- inline long integer::tolong() const
- { if (PTR->sign == 0) return 0;
- else return (PTR->sign > 0) ? PTR->vec[0] : -PTR->vec[0];
- }
- inline int_word_type integer::highword() const
- { if (PTR->sign == 0) return 0;
- else return PTR->vec[PTR->used-1];
- }
- inline bool integer::operator!=(int a) const { return !operator==(a); }
- inline bool integer::operator<=(int a) const { return !operator>(a); }
- inline bool integer::operator>=(int a) const { return !operator<(a); }
- inline integer integer::operator++ () { return *this = *this + 1; }
- inline integer integer::operator-- () { return *this = *this - 1; }
- inline integer integer::operator++ (int)
- { integer i = *this;
- *this = *this + 1;
- return i;
- }
- inline integer integer::operator-- (int)
- { integer i = *this;
- *this = *this - 1;
- return i;
- }
- /*{Mimplementation
- An $integer$ is essentially implemented by a
- vector $vec$ of $unsigned long$ numbers.
- The sign and the size are stored in extra variables.
- Some time critical functions are also implemented in sparc assembler code.}*/
- #endif