资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + partition.h
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // partition (union find)
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include <LEDA/basic.h>
- /*{Manpage {partition} {} {Partitions} }*/
- class partition_node {
- /*{Mdefinition
- An instance $P$ of the data type $partition$ consists of a finite set of
- items ($partition_item$) and a partition of this set
- into blocks.}*/
- friend class partition;
- partition_node* father;
- partition_node* next;
- int size;
- GenPtr info;
- public:
- partition_node(GenPtr x, partition_node* n)
- {
- father=0; size=1; info=x; next = n;
- }
- LEDA_MEMORY(partition_node)
- };
- // a partition item is a pointer to a partition node:
- typedef partition_node* partition_item;
- class partition {
- virtual void clear_inf(GenPtr&) const {}
- partition_item used_items; // List of used partition items
- public:
- /*{Mcreation P }*/
- partition() { used_items = 0; }
- /*{Mcreate creates an instance $P$ of type $partition$ and initializes it to
- the empty partition.}*/
- virtual ~partition() { clear(); }
- /*{Moperations 3 4}*/
- partition_item make_block(GenPtr x)
- { used_items = new partition_node(x,used_items);
- return used_items;
- }
- partition_item make_block()
- { return make_block(nil);
- }
- /*{Mopl returns a new $partition_item$ $it$ and adds
- the block ${it}$ to partition $P$.}*/
- partition_item find(partition_item p);
- /*{Mopl returns a canonical item of the block that
- contains item $p$, i.e., if $P$.same_block($p,q$)
- then $P$.find($p$) = $P$.find($q$).\
- precond $p$ is an item in $P$. }*/
- bool same_block(partition_item p, partition_item q)
- { return find(p)==find(q); }
- /*{Mopl returns true if $p$ and $q$ belong to the same
- block of partition $P$.\
- precond $p$ and $q$ are items in $P$.}*/
- void union_blocks(partition_item p, partition_item q);
- /*{Mopl unites the blocks of partition $P$ containing
- items $p$ and $q$.\
- precond $p$ and $q$ are items in $P$.}*/
- GenPtr inf(partition_item a) { return find(a)->info; }
- void set_inf(partition_item a, GenPtr x) { find(a)->info = x; }
- void clear(); // deletes all used items
- partition_item first_item() const { return used_items; }
- partition_item next_item(partition_item it) const { return it->next; }
- };
- /*{Mimplementation
- Partitions are implemented by the union find algorithm with weighted union
- and path compression (cf.~cite{T83}). Any sequence of $n$ make_block and
- $m ge n$ other operations takes time $O(malpha(m,n))$.}*/
- /*{Mexample
- Spanning Tree Algorithms (cf. section ref{Graph Algorithms}).}*/
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // PARTITION (named partitions)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <class E>
- class PARTITION : public partition {
- void clear_inf(GenPtr& x) const { LEDA_CLEAR(E,x); }
- public:
- partition_item make_block(E x) { return partition::make_block(Copy(x)); }
- E inf(partition_item a) { return (E)partition::inf(a); }
- void set_inf(partition_item a, E x) { partition::set_inf(a,Copy(x)); }
- };
- #endif