资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + prio.h
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include <LEDA/impl/f_heap.h>
- typedef f_heap_item pq_item;
- /*{Manpage {priority_queue} {K,I} {Old-Style Priority Queues}}*/
- template<class K, class I>
- class priority_queue: private f_heap
- {
- /*{Mdefinition
- An instance $Q$ of the parameterized data type name is a
- collection of items (type $pq_item$). Every item contains a key from type
- $K$ and an information from the linearly ordered type $I$. $K$ is called the
- key type of $Q$ and $I$ is called the information type of $Q$. The number of
- items in $Q$ is called the size of $Q$. If $Q$ has size zero it is called the
- empty priority queue. We use $<k,i>$ to denote a $pq_item$ with key $k$ and
- information $i$.
- The type name is identical to the type $p_queue$ except that the meanings
- of $K$ and $I$ are interchanged. We now believe that the semantics of
- $p_queue$ is the more natural one and keep name only for historical
- reasons. We recommend to use $p_queue$ instead.}*/
- int int_type() const { return LEDA_INT_TYPE(I); }
- int cmp(GenPtr x, GenPtr y) const { return LEDA_COMPARE(I,x,y); }
- void clear_key(GenPtr& x) const { LEDA_CLEAR(I,x); }
- void clear_inf(GenPtr& x) const { LEDA_CLEAR(K,x); }
- void copy_key(GenPtr& x) const { LEDA_COPY(I,x); }
- void copy_inf(GenPtr& x) const { LEDA_COPY(K,x); }
- void print_key(GenPtr x) const { LEDA_PRINT(I,x,cout); }
- void print_inf(GenPtr x) const { LEDA_PRINT(K,x,cout); }
- public:
- /*{Mcreation Q }*/
- priority_queue() {}
- /*{Mcreate
- creates an instance var of type name and initializes it with the
- empty priority queue. }*/
- priority_queue(const priority_queue<K,I>& Q):f_heap(Q) {}
- ~priority_queue() { f_heap::clear(); }
- priority_queue<K,I>& operator=(const priority_queue<K,I>& Q)
- { return (priority_queue<K,I>&)f_heap::operator=(Q); }
- /*{Moperations 2 5.5}*/
- virtual K key(pq_item it) const { return LEDA_ACCESS(K,f_heap::inf(it)); }
- /*{Mop returns the key of item $it$.\
- precond $it$ is an item in var.}*/
- virtual I inf(pq_item it) const { return LEDA_ACCESS(I,f_heap::key(it)); }
- /*{Mop returns the information of item $it$.\
- precond $it$ is an item in var.}*/
- virtual pq_item insert(K k, I i)
- { return f_heap::insert(Convert(i),Convert(k)); }
- /*{Mop adds a new item $<k,i>$ to var and returns it.}*/
- virtual pq_item find_min() const { return f_heap::find_min();}
- /*{Mop returns an item with minimal information
- (nil if var is empty).}*/
- virtual K del_min()
- { K x = key(find_min()); f_heap::del_min(); return x; }
- /*{Mop removes the item $it$ = var.find_min() from var
- and returns the key of $it$.\
- precond var is not empty.}*/
- virtual void del_item(pq_item it) { f_heap::del_item(it); }
- /*{Mop removes the item $it$ from var.\
- precond $it$ is an item in var.}*/
- virtual void change_key(pq_item it, K k)
- { f_heap::change_inf(it,Convert(k)); }
- /*{Mop makes $k$ the new key of item $it$.\
- precond $it$ is an item in var.}*/
- virtual void decrease_inf(pq_item it, I i)
- { f_heap::decrease_key(it,Convert(i)); }
- /*{Mop makes $i$ the new information of item $it$.\
- precond $it$ is an item in var and $i$
- is not larger then $inf(it)$.}*/
- virtual int size() const { return f_heap::size(); }
- /*{Mop returns the size of var.}*/
- virtual bool empty() const { return (size()==0) ? true : false; }
- /*{Mop returns true, if var is empty, false otherwise}*/
- void clear() {f_heap::clear();}
- /*{Mop makes var the empty priority queue. }*/
- virtual pq_item first_item() const { return f_heap::first_item(); }
- virtual pq_item next_item(pq_item it) const { return f_heap::next_item(it); }
- };
- /*{Mimplementation
- Priority queues are implemented by Fibonacci heaps cite{FT87}. Operations
- insert, del_item, del_min take time $O(log n)$, find_min, decrease_inf,
- key, inf, empty take time $O(1)$ and clear takes time $O(n)$, where $n$ is the
- size of var. The space requirement is $O(n)$.}*/
- /*{Mexample
- Dijkstra's Algorithm (cf. section ref{Graph and network algorithms})}*/
- #endif