资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + list.h
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #ifndef LEDA_LIST_H
- #define LEDA_LIST_H
- /*{Manpage {list} {E} {Linear Lists}}*/
- #include <LEDA/impl/dlist.h>
- template<class E>
- class list : public dlist
- {
- /*{Mdefinition
- An instance $L$ of the parameterized data type name is a sequence of items
- ($list_item$). Each item in $L$ contains an element of data type $E$, called
- the element type of $L$. The number of items in $L$ is called the length of $L$.
- If $L$ has length zero it is called the empty list. In the sequel $<x>$ is
- used to denote a list item containing the element $x$ and $L[i]$ is used to
- denote the contents of list item $i$ in $L$.}*/
- int (*cmp_ptr)(const E&, const E&); // pointer to user supplied cmp function
- int (*ord_ptr)(const E&); // pointer to user supplied ord function
- void (*app_ptr)(E&); // pointer to user supplied apply function
- int int_type() const { return LEDA_INT_TYPE(E); }
- int cmp(GenPtr x, GenPtr y) const
- { if (cmp_ptr)
- return (*cmp_ptr)(LEDA_ACCESS(E,x),LEDA_ACCESS(E,y));
- else
- return LEDA_COMPARE(E,x,y);
- }
- int ord(GenPtr x) const { return (*ord_ptr)(LEDA_ACCESS(E,x)); }
- void app(GenPtr& x) const { (*app_ptr)(LEDA_ACCESS(E,x)); }
- void clear_el(GenPtr& x) const { LEDA_CLEAR(E,x); }
- void copy_el(GenPtr& x) const { LEDA_COPY(E,x); }
- void print_el(GenPtr& x,ostream& out) const { LEDA_PRINT(E,x,out); }
- void read_el(GenPtr& x,istream& in) const { E X; Read(X,in); x = Copy(X); }
- public:
- /*{Mcreation L }*/
- list() { cmp_ptr = 0; }
- /*{Mcreate creates an instance var of type name and initializes it to
- the empty list.}*/
- list(E a) : dlist(Copy(a)) { cmp_ptr = 0; }
- list(const list<E>& a) : dlist(a) { cmp_ptr = 0; }
- virtual ~list() { clear(); }
- /*{Moperations 2 5 }*/
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.1 Access Operations}
- medskip }*/
- int length() const {return dlist::length();}
- /*{Mop returns the length of $L$.}*/
- int size() const {return dlist::size();}
- /*{Mop returns $L$.length().}*/
- bool empty() const {return dlist::empty();}
- /*{Mop returns true if $L$ is empty, false otherwise.}*/
- list_item first() const {return dlist::first();}
- /*{Mop returns the first item of $L$.}*/
- list_item last() const {return dlist::last();}
- /*{Mop returns the last item of $L$.}*/
- list_item item(int i) const {return dlist::get_item(i);}
- /*{Mop returns the item at position $i$ (the first position is 0).
- precond $i < L$.length().}*/
- list_item succ(list_item it) const {return dlist::succ(it);}
- /*{Mop returns the successor item of item $it$, nil if
- $it=L$.last().\
- precond $it$ is an item in $L$.}*/
- list_item pred(list_item it) const {return dlist::pred(it);}
- /*{Mop returns the predecessor item of item $it$, nil if
- $it=L$.first().\
- precond $it$ is an item in $L$.}*/
- list_item cyclic_succ(list_item it) const {return dlist::cyclic_succ(it);}
- /*{Mop returns the cyclic successor of item $it$, i.e.,
- $L$.first() if $it = L$.last(), $L$.succ($it$) otherwise.}*/
- list_item cyclic_pred(list_item it) const
- {return dlist::cyclic_pred(it);}
- /*{Mop returns the cyclic predecessor of item $it$, i.e,
- $L$.last() if $it = L$.first(), $L$.pred($it$) otherwise.}*/
- list_item search(E x) const
- { ((GenPtr&)cmp_ptr) = 0; return dlist::search(Convert(x)); }
- /*{Mop returns the first item of $L$ that contains $x$,
- nil if $x$ is not an element of $L$.\
- precond{compare has to be defined for type $E$.} }*/
- E contents(list_item it) const { return LEDA_ACCESS(E,dlist::contents(it)); }
- /*{Mop returns the contents $L[it]$ of item $it$.\
- precond $it$ is an item in $L$.}*/
- E inf(list_item it) const { return contents(it); }
- /*{Mop returns $L$.contents($it$).}*/
- E head() const { return LEDA_ACCESS(E,dlist::head()); }
- /*{Mop returns the first element of $L$, i.e. the contents
- of $L$.first().\
- precond $L$ is not empty.}*/
- E tail() const { return LEDA_ACCESS(E,dlist::tail()); }
- /*{Mop returns the last element of $L$, i.e. the contents
- of $L$.last().\
- precond $L$ is not empty.}*/
- int rank(E x) const { return dlist::rank(Convert(x)); }
- /*{Mop returns the rank of $x$ in $L$, i.e. its first
- position in $L$ as an integer from [1dots $|L|$]
- (0 if $x$ is not in $L$). }*/
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.2 Update Operations}
- medskip }*/
- list_item push(E x) { return dlist::push(Copy(x));}
- /*{Mop adds a new item $<x>$ at the front of $L$ and
- returns it ( $L$.insert($x,L$.first$(),before$) ).}*/
- list_item append(E x) { return dlist::append(Copy(x));}
- /*{Mop appends a new item $<x>$ to $L$ and returns
- it ( $L$.insert($x,L$.last$(),after$) ).}*/
- list_item insert(E x, list_item l, int dir=0)
- { return dlist::insert(Copy(x),l,dir); }
- /*{Mopl inserts a new item $<x>$ after (if $dir=after$)
- or before (if $dir=before$)
- item $it$ into $L$ and
- returns it
- (here $after$ and $before$
- are predefined $int$ constants).\
- precond $it$ is an item in $L$.}*/
- GenPtr forall_loop_test(GenPtr it, E& x) const
- { if (it) x = contents(list_item(it));
- return it;
- }
- E pop() { GenPtr x=dlist::pop();
- Clear(LEDA_ACCESS(E,x));
- return y; }
- /*{Mop deletes the first item from $L$ and returns its
- contents.\
- precond $L$ is not empty.}*/
- E Pop() { GenPtr x=dlist::Pop();
- Clear(LEDA_ACCESS(E,x));
- return y; }
- /*{Mop deletes the last item from $L$ and returns its
- contents.\
- precond $L$ is not empty.}*/
- E del_item(list_item it) { GenPtr x=dlist::del(it);
- Clear(LEDA_ACCESS(E,x));
- return y; }
- /*{Mop deletes the item $it$ from $L$ and returns its
- contents $L[it]$.\
- precond $it$ is an item in $L$.}*/
- E del(list_item a) { return del_item(a); }
- void assign(list_item it, E x) { dlist::assign(it,Copy(x));}
- /*{Mop makes $x$ the contents of item $it$.\
- precond $it$ is an item in $L$.}*/
- void conc(list<E>& L1) { dlist::conc((dlist&)L1); }
- /*{Mop appends list $L_1$ to list $L$ and makes $L_1$ the
- empty list.\
- precond: $L ne L_1$}*/
- void split(list_item it, list<E>& L1, list<E>& L2)
- { dlist::split(it,(dlist&)L1,(dlist&)L2);}
- /*{Mopl splits $L$ at item $it$ into lists $L1$ and $L2$. More precisely,
- if $it ne nil$ and $ L = x_1,dots,x_{k-1},it,x_{k+1},dots,x_n$
- then $L1 = x_1,dots,x_{k-1}$ and $L2 = it,x_{k+1},dots,x_n$. If
- $it = nil$ then $L1$ is made empty and $L2$ a copy of $L$. Finally
- $L$ is made empty if it is not identical to $L1$ or $L2$.\
- precond $it$ is an item of $L$ or $nil$.}*/
- void split(list_item it, list<E>& L1, list<E>& L2, int dir)
- { dlist::split(it,(dlist&)L1,(dlist&)L2,dir);}
- /*{Mopl splits $L$ at item $it$ into lists $L1$ and $L2$. Item $it$
- becomes the first item of $L2$ if $dir==0$ and the last item
- of $L1$ otherwise.\ precond $it$ is an item of $L$.}*/
- void sort(int (*cmp)(const E&, const E&)) { cmp_ptr = cmp; dlist::sort(); }
- /*{Mopl sorts the items of $L$ using the ordering defined
- by the compare function $cmp : Etimes E longrightarrow int$,
- with\
- $$cmp(a,b) cases{< 0, &if $a < b$cr
- = 0, &if $a = b$cr
- > 0, &if $a > b$cr}$$
- More precisely, if $(in_1,dots,in_n)$ and
- $(out_1,dots,out_n)$ denote the values of $L$
- before and after the call of sort, then
- $cmp(L[out_j], L[out_{j+1}]) le 0$ for
- $1le j<n$ and there is a
- permutation
- $pi$ of $[1..n]$ such that $out_i = in_{pi_i}$ for
- $1 le i le n$
- .}*/
- void sort() { cmp_ptr = 0; dlist::sort(); }
- /*{Mop sorts the items of $L$ using the default ordering of type $E$,
- i.e., the linear order defined by function
- $int$ compare$(const E&, const E&)$. }*/
- list_item min() { cmp_ptr = 0; return dlist::min(); }
- /*{Mop returns the item with the minimal contents with respect
- to the default linear order of type $E$. }*/
- list_item min(int (*cmp)(const E&, const E&))
- { cmp_ptr = cmp; return dlist::min(); }
- /*{Mopl returns the item with the minimal contents with respect
- to the linear order defined by compare function $cmp$. }*/
- list_item max() { cmp_ptr = 0; return dlist::max(); }
- /*{Mop returns the item with the maximal contents with respect
- to the default linear order of type $E$. }*/
- list_item max(int (*cmp)(const E&, const E&))
- { cmp_ptr = cmp; return dlist::max(); }
- /*{Mopl returns the item with the maximal contents with respect
- to the linear order defined by compare function $cmp$. }*/
- void apply(void (*f)(E& x)) { app_ptr = f; dlist::apply(); }
- /*{Mop for all items $<x>$ in $L$ function $f$ is
- called with argument $x$ (passed by reference).}*/
- void bucket_sort(int i, int j, int (*f)(const E&))
- { ord_ptr = f; dlist::bucket_sort(i,j); }
- /*{Mopl sorts the items of $L$ using bucket sort,
- where $f : E longrightarrow int$ with $f(x) in [i..j]$ for
- all elements $x$ of $L$. The sort is stable,
- i.e., if $f(x)=f(y)$ and $<x>$ is before $<y>$ in
- $L$ then $<x>$ is before $<y>$ after the sort.}*/
- void permute() {dlist::permute();}
- /*{Mop the items of $L$ are randomly permuted.}*/
- void clear() {dlist::clear();}
- /*{Mop makes $L$ the empty list. }*/
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf 3.3 Input and Output} }*/
- void read(istream& I, char delim = 'n') { dlist::read(I,delim); }
- /*{Mopl reads a sequence of objects of type $E$ terminated
- by the delimiter $delim$ from the input stream $I$
- using the overloaded $Read$ function
- (section ref{Overloading}).
- $L$ is made a list of appropriate length and the
- sequence is stored in $L$.}*/
- void read(char delim = 'n') { dlist::read(delim); }
- /*{Mop calls $L$.read($cin$, $delim$) to read $L$ from
- the standard input stream $cin$.}*/
- void read(string s,char delim = 'n') {dlist::read(s,delim);}
- /*{Mopl As above, but uses string $s$ as a prompt.}*/
- void print(ostream& O, char space = ' ') const { dlist::print(O,space); }
- /*{Mopl prints the contents of list $L$ to the output
- stream $O$ using the overload $Print$ function
- (cf.~section ref{Overloading}) to print each element. The
- elements are separated by the character $space$.}*/
- void print(char space = ' ') const { dlist::print(space); }
- /*{Mop calls $L$.print($cout$, $space$) to print $L$ on
- the standard output stream $cout$.}*/
- void print(string s,char space = ' ') const { dlist::print(s,space); }
- /*{Mopl As above, but uses string $s$ as a header.}*/
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.4 Iterators }
- Each list $L$ has a special item called the iterator of $L$. There
- are operations to read the current value or the contents of this iterator,
- to move it (setting it to its successor or predecessor) and to test whether
- the end (head or tail) of the list is reached. If the iterator contains a
- $list_item neq nil$ we call this item the position of the iterator.
- Iterators are used to implement iteration statements on lists. }*/
- void set_iterator(list_item it) const {dlist::set_iterator(it);}
- /*{Mop assigns item $it$ to the iterator.\
- precond $it$ is in $L$ or $it$ = nil. }*/
- void init_iterator() { dlist::init_iterator(); }
- /*{Mop assigns nil to the iterator.}*/
- list_item get_iterator() { return dlist::get_iterator(); }
- /*{Mop returns the current value of the iterator.}*/
- list_item move_iterator(int dir) const { return dlist::move_iterator(dir); }
- /*{Mopl moves the iterator to its successor (predecessor)
- if $dir=forward$ ($backward$) and to the first
- (last) item if the iterator is undefined (= nil), returns
- the value of the iterator.}*/
- bool current_element(E& x) const {GenPtr y; bool b=dlist::current_element(y);
- if (b) x = LEDA_ACCESS(E,y); return b; }
- /*{Mop if the iterator is defined ($neq$ nil) its contents is
- assigned to $x$ and true is returned else false
- is returned.}*/
- bool next_element(E& x) const {GenPtr y; bool b = dlist::next_element(y);
- if (b) x = LEDA_ACCESS(E,y); return b; }
- /*{Mop calls $L$.move_iterator($forward$) and then
- returns $L$.current_element($x$). }*/
- bool prev_element(E& x) const {GenPtr y; bool b = dlist::prev_element(y);
- if (b) x = LEDA_ACCESS(E,y); return b; }
- /*{Mop calls $L$.move_iterator($backward$) and then
- returns $L$.current_element($x$). }*/
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf 3.5 Operators} }*/
- list<E>& operator=(const list<E>& L1)
- { dlist::operator=(L1); return *this;}
- /*
- list<E>& operator=(const list& L1)
- */
- /*{Mbinop The assignment operator makes $L$ a copy of
- list $L_1$. More precisely if $L_1$ is the sequence
- of items $x_1, x_2, dots , x_n$ then $L$ is made a
- sequence of items $y_1, y_2, dots , y_n$ with
- $L[y_i] = L_1[x_i]$ for $1 le i le n$.}*/
- #if !defined(__sgi)
- list<E> operator+(const list<E>& a)
- { dlist L = *(dlist*)this + *(dlist*)&a; return *(list<E>*)&L; }
- #endif
- list_item operator+=(E x) { return append(x); }
- list_item operator[](int i) const { return get_item(i); }
- E& operator[](list_item it) { return LEDA_ACCESS(E,dlist::entry(it)); }
- /*{Marrop returns a reference to the contents of $it$.}*/
- E operator[](list_item p) const { return contents(p); }
- /*
- friend void Print(const list<E>& L, ostream& out) { L.print(out); }
- friend void Read(list<E>& L, istream& in) {; }
- */
- };
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Iteration Macros
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #define forall_list_items(a,L) forall_items(a,L)
- #define Forall_list_items(a,L) for( a=(L).last(); a ; a=(L).pred(a) )
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf 3.6 Iterations Macros}
- {bf forall_items}($it,L$)
- ${$ ``the items of $L$ are successively assigned to $it$'' $}$
- {bf forall}($x,L$)
- ${$ ``the elements of $L$ are successively assigned to $x$'' $}$ }*/
- /*{Mimplementation
- The data type list is realized by doubly linked linear lists. All operations
- take constant time except for the following operations: search and rank take
- linear time $O(n)$, item($i$) takes time $O(i)$, bucket_sort takes time
- $O(n + j - i)$ and sort takes time $O(ncdot ccdotlog n$) where $c$ is the
- time complexity of the compare function. $n$ is always the current length of
- the list.}*/
- #endif