资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + window.h
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #ifndef LEDA_WINDOW_H
- #define LEDA_WINDOW_H
- #include <LEDA/basic.h>
- #include <LEDA/plane.h>
- #include <LEDA/leda_window.h>
- #include <LEDA/leda_panel.h>
- /*{Manpage {window} {} {Graphic Windows}}*/
- class window : public LEDA_WINDOW {
- /*{Mdefinition
- The data type $window$ provides an interface for the input and
- output of basic two-dimensional geometric objects (cf.~section 5.1) using the
- X11 window system. Application programs using data type $window$ have to
- be linked with {em libWx.a} and the X11 library (cf.~section~1.6):
- CC $prog.c$ -lP -lG -lL -lWx -lX11 -lm
- An instance $W$ of the data type $window$ is an iso-oriented
- rectangular window in the two-dimensional plane.
- The default representation of $W$ on the screen is a square of maximal possible
- edge length positioned in the upper right corner (cf.~creation, variant c)).
- The coordinates and scaling of $W$ used for drawing operations are defined
- by three double parameters:
- $x_0$, the x-coordinate of the left side, $x_1$, the x-coordinate of the right
- side, and $y_0$, the y-coordinate of the bottom side.
- The y-coordinate of the top side of $W$ is determined by the current size and
- shape of the window on the screen, which can be changed interactively.
- A graphic window supports operations for drawing points, lines, segments,
- arrows, circles, polygons, graphs, dots and for graphical input of all these
- objects using the mouse input device. Most of the drawing operations have an
- optional color argument. Possible colors are $black$ (default), $white$,
- $blue$, $green$, $red$, $violet$, and $orange$. On monochrome displays all
- colors different from $white$ are turned to $black$. There are 6 parameters
- used by the drawing operations:
- begin{enumerate}
- item
- The {sl line width} parameter (default value 1 pixel) defines the width of all
- kinds of lines (segments, arrows, edges, circles, polygons).
- item
- The {sl line style} parameter defines the style of lines. Possible line
- styles are $solid$ (default), $dashed$, and $dotted$.
- item
- The {sl node width} parameter (default value 10 pixels) defines the diameter
- of nodes created by the draw_node and draw_filled_node operations.
- item
- The {sl text mode} parameter defines how text is inserted into the window.
- Possible values are $transparent$ (default) and $opaque$.
- item
- The {sl drawing mode} parameter defines the logical operation that is used
- for setting pixels in all drawing operations. Possible values are
- $src_mode$ (default) and $xor_mode$. In $src_mode$ pixels are set to
- the respective color value, in $xor_mode$ the value is bitwise added to the
- current pixel value.
- item
- The {sl redraw function} parameter is used to redraw the entire window
- whenever a redrawing is necessary, e.g., if the window shape on the screen
- has been changed. Its type is pointer to a void-function taking no arguments,
- i.e., void (*F)();
- end{enumerate} }*/
- public:
- /*{Mcreation W }*/
- enum placement {min = -1, center =-2, max = -3 };
- window(float width, float height, float xpos, float ypos, const char* = LEDA::version_string);
- /*
- window(float xpix, float ypix, float xpos, float ypos);
- */
- /*{Mcreate creates a window $W$ of physical size $xpix times ypix$ pixels
- with its upper left corner at position ($xpos,ypos$) on the screen.}*/
- window(float width, float height, const char* = LEDA::version_string);
- /*
- window(float xpix, float ypix);
- */
- /*{Mcreate creates a window $W$ of physical size $xpix times ypix$ pixels
- positioned into the upper right corner of the screen.}*/
- window(const char* = LEDA::version_string);
- /*
- window();
- */
- /*{Mcreate creates a maximal squared window $W$ positioned into the
- upper right corner of the screen.}*/
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- All three variants initialize the coordinates of $W$ to $x_0 = 0$,
- $x_1 = 100$ and $y_0 = 0$. The $init$ operation (see below) can later
- be used to change the window coordinates and scaling.}*/
- window(int); // just create, do not open
- window(const window& w) : LEDA_WINDOW(w) {}
- ~window() {} // ~LEDA_WINDOW does this job
- window& operator=(const window& w)
- { LEDA_WINDOW::operator=(w); return *this; }
- /*{Moperations 3.1 4.4}*/
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.1 Initialization} }*/
- void init(double x0,double x1,double y0) { LEDA_WINDOW::init(x0,x1,y0); }
- /*{Mopl sets the coordinates of $W$ to $x_0$, $x_1$, and $y_0$.}*/
- void set_grid_mode(int d) {LEDA_WINDOW::set_grid_mode(d);}
- /*{Mopl adds a rectangular grid with integer coordinates and
- grid distance $d$ to $W$, if $d > 0$. Removes grid from
- $W$, if $dle 0$.}*/
- void init(double x0, double x1, double y0, int d) { LEDA_WINDOW::init(x0,x1,y0,d);}
- /*{Mopl like init($x_0,x_1,y_0$) followed by set_grid_mode($d$).}*/
- void clear(color c=BG_color) { LEDA_WINDOW::clear(c); };
- /*{Mopl clears $W$.}*/
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.2 Setting parameters} }*/
- int set_line_width(int pix){return LEDA_WINDOW::set_line_width(pix);}
- /*{Mopl sets the line width parameter to $pix$ pixels and
- returns its previous value.}*/
- line_style set_line_style(line_style s)
- {return LEDA_WINDOW::set_line_style(s);}
- /*{Mopl sets the line style parameter to $s$ and returns its
- previous value.}*/
- int set_node_width(int pix) {return LEDA_WINDOW::set_node_width(pix);}
- /*{Mopl sets the node width parameter to $pix$ pixels and
- returns its previous value.}*/
- text_mode set_text_mode(text_mode m)
- {return LEDA_WINDOW::set_text_mode(m);}
- /*{Mopl sets the text mode parameter to $m$ and returns
- its previous value.}*/
- drawing_mode set_mode(drawing_mode m)
- {return LEDA_WINDOW::set_mode(m);}
- /*{Mopl sets the drawing mode parameter to $m$ and returns
- its previous value.}*/
- void set_frame_label(string s){ LEDA_WINDOW::set_frame_label(s); }
- /*{Mopl makes $s$ the window frame label. }*/
- void reset_frame_label() { LEDA_WINDOW::reset_frame_label(); }
- /*{Mop restores the standard LEDA frame label. }*/
- void set_redraw(void (*F)()) { LEDA_WINDOW::set_redraw(*F);}
- /*{Mopl sets the redraw function parameter to $F$.}*/
- void set_flush(bool b) { LEDA_WINDOW::set_flush(b); }
- /*{Mopl flushes $X11$ output stream after each draw action
- iff $b = true$.}*/
- bool load_text_font(string fn) { return LEDA_WINDOW::load_text_font(fn); }
- /*{Mopl loads $X11$ font $fn$ and uses it as text font. Returns true
- on success and false if the font is not available.}*/
- bool load_bold_font(string fn) { return LEDA_WINDOW::load_bold_font(fn); }
- /*{Mopl loads $X11$ font $fn$ and uses it as bold font. Returns true
- on success and false if the font is not available.}*/
- bool load_message_font(string fn) { return LEDA_WINDOW::load_message_font(fn); }
- /*{Mopl load $X11$ font $fn$ and use it as message font. Returns true
- on success and false if the font is not available.}*/
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.3 Reading parameters and window coordinates} }*/
- int get_line_width() {return LEDA_WINDOW::get_line_width();}
- /*{Mop returns the current line width.}*/
- line_style get_line_style() {return LEDA_WINDOW::get_line_style();}
- /*{Mop returns the current line style.}*/
- int get_node_width() {return LEDA_WINDOW::get_node_width();}
- /*{Mop returns the current node width.}*/
- text_mode get_text_mode() {return LEDA_WINDOW::get_text_mode();}
- /*{Mop returns the current text mode.}*/
- drawing_mode get_mode() {return LEDA_WINDOW::get_mode();}
- /*{Mop returns the current drawing mode.}*/
- double xmin() {return LEDA_WINDOW::xmin();}
- /*{Mop returns $x_0$, the minimal x-coordinate of $W$.}*/
- double ymin() {return LEDA_WINDOW::ymin();}
- /*{Mop returns $y_0$, the minimal y-coordinate of $W$.}*/
- double xmax() {return LEDA_WINDOW::xmax();}
- /*{Mop returns $x_1$, the maximal x-coordinate of $W$.}*/
- double ymax() {return LEDA_WINDOW::ymax();}
- /*{Mop returns $y_1$, the maximal y-coordinate of $W$.}*/
- double scale() {return LEDA_WINDOW::scale();}
- /*{Mop returns the number of pixels of a unit length
- line segment.}*/
- operator void*() { return (state==0) ? 0 : this; }
- // points
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.4 Drawing points}
- setopdims 1.2 4.4
- }*/
- void draw_point(double x, double y, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws the point $(x,y)$ as a cross of a vertical
- and a horizontal segment intersecting at $(x,y)$.}*/
- void draw_point(const point& p, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws point ($p$.xcoord(),$p$.ycoord()).}*/
- void draw_pix(double x, double y, color c=FG_color);
- void draw_pixel(double x, double y, color c=FG_color) { draw_pix(x,y,c); }
- /*{Mopl sets the color of the pixel at position $(x,y)$ to $c$. }*/
- void draw_pix(const point& p, color c=FG_color);
- void draw_pixel(const point& p, color c=FG_color) { draw_pix(p,c); }
- /*{Mopl sets the color of the pixel at position $p$ to $c$. }*/
- // drawing segments
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.5 Drawing line segments}
- }*/
- void draw_segment(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a line segment from $(x_1,y_1)$ to $(x_2,y_2)$.}*/
- void draw_segment(const point& p, const point& q, color c=FG_color );
- /*{Mopl draws a line segment from point $p$ to point $q$.}*/
- void draw_segment(const segment& s, color c=FG_color );
- /*{Mopl draws line segment $s$.}*/
- // lines
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.6 Drawing lines}
- }*/
- void draw_line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, color c=FG_color );
- /*{Mopl draws a straight line passing through points $(x_1,y_1)$ and
- $(x_2,y_2)$.}*/
- void draw_line(const point& p, const point& q, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a straight line passing through points $p$ and $q$.}*/
- void draw_line(const segment& s, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws the line supporting $s$.}*/
- void draw_line(const line& l, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws line $l$.}*/
- void draw_hline(double y, color c=FG_color );
- /*{Mopl draws a horizontal line with y-coordinate $y$. }*/
- void draw_vline(double x, color c=FG_color );
- /*{Mopl draws a vertical line with x-coordinate $x$. }*/
- // drawing arcs
- void draw_arc(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double r, color c=FG_color);
- void draw_arc(const segment&, double, color c=FG_color);
- void draw_arc(const point& p, const point& q, double r , color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a circular arc with radius r from p to q
- with the center lying to the right of the
- directed segment $plongrightarrow q$. }*/
- // arrows
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.7 Drawing arrows}
- }*/
- point draw_arrow_head(const point& q, double dir, color c=FG_color);
- void draw_arrow(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, color c =FG_color );
- /*{Mopl draws an arrow pointing from $(x_1,y_1)$ to $(x_2,y_2)$.}*/
- void draw_arrow(const point& p, const point& q, color c=FG_color );
- /*{Mopl draws an arrow pointing from point $p$ to point $q$.}*/
- void draw_arrow(const segment& s, color=FG_color );
- /*{Mopl draws an arrow pointing from $s$.start() to $s$.end().}*/
- void draw_arc_arrow(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double r,color c=FG_color);
- void draw_arc_arrow(const segment& s, double r, color c=FG_color);
- void draw_arc_arrow(const point& p , const point& q, double r, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a circular arc arrow with radius r pointing from
- p to q with the center lying to the right of the
- directed segment $plongrightarrow q$. }*/
- //circles
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.8 Drawing circles}
- }*/
- void draw_circle(double x, double y, double r, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws the circle with center $(x,y)$ and radius $r$.}*/
- void draw_circle(const point& p, double r, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws the circle with center $p$ and radius $r$.}*/
- void draw_circle(const circle& C, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws circle $C$.}*/
- void draw_ellipse(double x, double y, double r1, double r2, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws the ellipse with center $(x,y)$ and radii $r1$ and $r2$.}*/
- void draw_ellipse(const point& p, double r1, double r2, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws the ellipse with center $p$ and radii $r1$ and $r2$.}*/
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.9 Drawing discs}
- }*/
- void draw_disc(double x, double y, double r, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a filled circle with center $(x,y)$ and radius $r$.}*/
- void draw_disc(const point& p, double r, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a filled circle with center $p$ and radius $r$.}*/
- void draw_disc(const circle& C, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws filled circle $C$.}*/
- void draw_filled_ellipse(double x, double y, double r1, double r2, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a filled ellipse with center $(x,y)$ and radii $r1$ and $r2$.}*/
- void draw_filled_ellipse(const point& p, double r1, double r2, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a filled ellipse with center $p$ and radii $r1$ and $r2$.}*/
- //polygons
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.10 Drawing polygons }
- }*/
- void draw_polygon(const list<point>& lp, color c=FG_color );
- /*{Mopl draws the polygon with vertex sequence $lp$.}*/
- void draw_polygon(const polygon& P, color c=FG_color );
- /*{Mopl draws polygon $P$.}*/
- void draw_filled_polygon(const list<point>& lp, color c=FG_color );
- /*{Mopl draws the filled polygon with vertex sequence $lp$.}*/
- void draw_filled_polygon(const polygon& P, color c=FG_color );
- /*{Mopl draws filled polygon $P$.}*/
- void draw_rectangle(double a, double b, double c, double d, color=FG_color);
- void draw_filled_rectangle(double a, double b, double c, double d, color=FG_color);
- // functions
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.11 Drawing functions}
- }*/
- void plot_xy(double x0, double x1, draw_func_ptr F, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws function $F$ in range $[x_0,x_1]$, i.e., all points
- $(x,y)$ with $y = F(x)$ and $x_0le xle x_1$.}*/
- void plot_yx(double y0, double y1, draw_func_ptr F, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws function $F$ in range $[y_0,y_1]$, i.e., all points
- $(x,y)$ with $x = F(y)$ and $y_0le yle y_1$.}*/
- // text
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.12 Drawing text}
- }*/
- void draw_text(double x, double y, string s, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl writes string $s$ starting at position $(x,y)$.}*/
- void draw_text(const point& p, string s, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl writes string $s$ starting at position $p$.}*/
- void draw_ctext(double x, double y, string s, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl writes string $s$ centered at position $(x,y)$.}*/
- void draw_ctext(const point& p, string s, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl writes string $s$ centered at position $p$.}*/
- // nodes
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.13 Drawing nodes}
- %Nodes are circles of diameter $node_width$.
- }*/
- void draw_node(double x0, double y0, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a node at position $(x_0,y_0)$.}*/
- void draw_node(const point& p, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a node at position $p$.}*/
- void draw_filled_node(double x0, double y0, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a filled node at position $(x_0,y_0)$.}*/
- void draw_filled_node(const point& p, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a filled node at position $p$.}*/
- void draw_text_node(double x, double y, string s, color c=BG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a node with label $s$ at position $(x,y)$. }*/
- void draw_text_node(const point& p, string s, color c=BG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a node with label $s$ at position $p$. }*/
- void draw_int_node(double x, double y, int i, color c=BG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a node with integer label $i$ at position
- $(x,y)$. }*/
- void draw_int_node(const point& p, int i, color c=BG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a node with integer label $i$ at position $p$. }*/
- // edges
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.14 Drawing edges}
- %Edges are straigth line segments or arrows with a clearance of
- %$node_width/2$ at each end.
- }*/
- void draw_edge(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws an edge from $(x_1,y_1)$ to $(x_2,y_2)$.}*/
- void draw_edge(const point& p, const point& q, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws an edge from $p$ to $q$.}*/
- void draw_edge(const segment& s, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws an edge from $s$.start() to $s$.end().}*/
- void draw_edge_arrow(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a directed edge from $(x_1,y_1)$ to $(x_2,y_2)$.}*/
- void draw_edge_arrow(const point& p, const point& q, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a directed edge from $p$ to $q$.}*/
- void draw_edge_arrow(const segment& s, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a directed edge from $s$.start() to $s$.end().}*/
- void draw_arc_edge(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, color c=FG_color);
- void draw_arc_edge(const segment& s, double r, color c=FG_color);
- void draw_arc_edge(const point& p, const point& q, double r, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a circular edge arc with radius r from p to q
- with the center lying to the right of the
- directed segment $plongrightarrow q$. }*/
- void draw_arc_edge_arrow(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, color c=FG_color);
- void draw_arc_edge_arrow(const segment& s, double r, color c=FG_color );
- void draw_arc_edge_arrow(const point& p, const point& q, double r, color c=FG_color);
- /*{Mopl draws a circular directed edge arc with radius r from p
- to q with the center lying to the right of the
- directed segment $plongrightarrow q$. }*/
- // mouse input
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.15 Mouse Input}
- }*/
- int read_mouse();
- /*{Mop displays the mouse cursor until a button is pressed.
- Returns integer 1 for the left, 2 for the middle, and
- 3 for the right button (-1,-2,-3, if the shift key is
- pressed simultaneously).}*/
- int read_mouse(double& x, double& y);
- /*{Mopl displays the mouse cursor on the screen until a
- button is pressed. When a button is pressed the
- current position of the cursor is assigned
- to $(x,y)$ and the pressed button is returned.}*/
- int read_mouse(point& p);
- /*{Mopl displays the mouse cursor on the screen until a
- button is pressed. When a button is pressed the
- current position of the cursor is assigned
- to $p$ and the pressed button is returned.}*/
- int read_mouse_seg(double x0, double y0, double& x, double& y);
- /*{Mopl displays a line segment from $(x_0,y_0)$ to the
- current cursor position until a mouse button is
- pressed. When a button is pressed the current
- position is assigned to $(x,y)$ and the pressed
- button is returned.}*/
- int read_mouse_seg(const point& p, point& q);
- /*{Mopl displays a line segment from $p$ to the current
- cursor position until a mouse button is
- pressed. When a button is pressed the current
- position is assigned to $q$ and the pressed
- button is returned.}*/
- int read_mouse_rect(double x0, double y0, double& x, double& y);
- /*{Mopl displays a rectangle with diagonal from $(x_0,y_0)$
- to the current cursor position until a mouse button
- is pressed. When a button is pressed the current
- position is assigned to $(x,y)$ and the pressed
- button is returned.}*/
- int read_mouse_rect(const point& p, point& q);
- /*{Mopl displays a rectangle with diagonal from $p$
- to the current cursor position until a mouse button
- is pressed. When a button is pressed the current
- position is assigned to $q$ and the pressed
- button is returned.}*/
- int read_mouse_circle(double x0, double y0, double& x, double& y);
- /*{Mopl displays a circle with center $(x_0,y_0)$ passing
- through the current cursor position until a mouse
- button is pressed. When a button is pressed the
- current position is assigned to $(x,y)$ and the
- pressed button is returned.}*/
- int read_mouse_circle(const point& p, point& q);
- /*{Mopl displays a circle with center $p$ passing
- through the current cursor position until a mouse
- button is pressed. When a button is pressed the
- current position is assigned to $q$ and the
- pressed button is returned.}*/
- int read_mouse_action(mouse_action_func_ptr, double&, double&);
- int read_mouse_action(mouse_action_func_ptr, point&);
- int get_button();
- /*{Mop non-blocking read operation, i.e., if a button was pressed
- its number is returned, otherwise $0$ is returned. }*/
- int get_button(double& x, double& y);
- /*{Mopl if a button was pressed the corresponding position is
- assigned to $(x,y)$ and the button number is returned,
- otherwise $0$ is returned. }*/
- int get_button(point& p);
- /*{Mop if a button was pressed the corresponding position is
- assigned to $p$ and the button number is returned,
- otherwise $0$ is returned. }*/
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf 3.16 Events}
- }*/
- /* inherited:
- int read_event(int& val, double& x, double& y);
- */
- /*{Mop waits for next event in window W and returns it.
- Assigns the button or key to $val$ and the position
- in $W$ to $(x,y)$. Possible events are
- (cf. <LEDA/impl/x_window.h>):
- key_press_event, key_release_event,
- button_press_event, button_release_event,
- configure_event,motion_event, destroy_event. }*/
- /* inherited:
- unsigned button_press_time();
- */
- /*{Mop returns $X11$ time-stamp of last button press event. }*/
- /* inherited:
- unsigned button_release_time();
- */
- /*{Mop returns $X11$ time-stamp of last button release event. }*/
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf 3.17 Panel Input}
- }*/
- int confirm(string s);
- /*{Mop displays string $s$ and asks for confirmation.
- Returns true iff the answer was ``yes''.}*/
- void notice(string s);
- void acknowledge(string s);
- /*{Mopl displays string $s$ and asks for acknowledgement.}*/
- int read_panel(string h, int n, string*);
- /*{Mopl displays a panel with header $h$ and an array $S[1..n]$
- of $n$ string buttons, returns the index of the selected
- button.}*/
- int read_vpanel(string h, int n, string*);
- /*{Mopl like read_panel with vertical button layout.}*/
- string read_string(string p);
- /*{Mop displays a panel with prompt $p$ for string input,
- returns the input.}*/
- double read_real(string p);
- /*{Mop displays a panel with prompt $p$ for real input
- returns the input.}*/
- int read_int(string p);
- /*{Mop displays a panel with prompt $p$ for integer input,
- returns the input.}*/
- // miscellaneous
- void message(string s) {LEDA_WINDOW::message(s);};
- /*{Mop displays message $s$ (each call adds a new line).}*/
- void del_message() { LEDA_WINDOW::del_messages(); };
- void del_messages() { LEDA_WINDOW::del_messages(); };
- /*{Mop deletes the text written by all previous message
- operations.}*/
- void fill(double x, double y, color c=FG_color);
- void copy_rect(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x, double y);
- void move_rect(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x, double y);
- void copy(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int i=0);
- void cut(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int i=0);
- void paste(int i, double x, double y);
- void paste(double x, double y);
- void clear_buf(int i=0);
- // I/O operators
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf 3.18 Input and output operators}
- For input and output of basic geometric objects in the plane such as points,
- lines, line segments, circles, and polygons the $<<$ and $>>$ operators can
- be used. Similar to CC input streams windows have an internal state indicating
- whether there is more input to read or not. Its initial value is true and it
- is turned to false if an input sequence is terminated by clicking the right
- mouse button (similar to ending stream input by the eof character). In
- conditional statements objects of type $window$ are automatically converted
- to boolean by returning this internal state. Thus, they can be used in
- conditional statements in the same way as CC input streams. For example,
- to read a sequence of points terminated by a right button click, use
- `` {bf while} ($W >> p$) ${ dots }$ ''.
- }*/
- /*{Mtext
- medskip
- {bf 3.18.1 Output}
- setopdims 2.5 4.4
- }*/
- window& draw(const point& p,color c=FG_color)
- { draw_point(p,c); return *this; }
- window& draw(const segment& s,color c=FG_color)
- { draw_segment(s,c); return *this;}
- window& draw(const line& l,color c=FG_color)
- { draw_line(l,c); return *this; }
- window& draw(const circle& C,color c=FG_color)
- { draw_circle(C,c); return *this;}
- window& draw(const polygon& P,color c=FG_color )
- { draw_polygon(P,c); return *this;}
- window& operator<<(const point& p) { return draw(p); }
- /*{Mbinop like $W$.draw_point($p$).}*/
- window& operator<<(const segment& s) { return draw(s); }
- /*{Mbinop like $W$.draw_segment($s$).}*/
- window& operator<<(const line& l) { return draw(l); }
- /*{Mbinop like $W$.draw_line($l$).}*/
- window& operator<<(const circle& C) { return draw(C); }
- /*{Mbinop like $W$.draw_circle($C$).}*/
- window& operator<<(const polygon& P) { return draw(P); }
- /*{Mbinop like $W$.draw_polygon($P$).}*/
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf 3.18.2 Input}
- }*/
- window& read(point&);
- window& read(segment&);
- window& read(line&);
- window& read(circle&);
- window& read(polygon&);
- window& operator>>(point& p);
- /*{Mbinop reads a point $p$: clicking the left button
- assigns the current cursor position to $p$.}*/
- window& operator>>(segment& s);
- /*{Mbinop reads a segment $s$: use the left button to input
- the start and end point of $s$.}*/
- window& operator>>(line& l);
- /*{Mbinop reads a line $l$: use the left button to input
- two different points on $l$.}*/
- window& operator>>(circle& C);
- /*{Mbinop reads a circle $C$: use the left button to input
- the center of $C$ and a point on $C$.}*/
- window& operator>>(polygon& P);
- /*{Mbinop reads a polygon $P$: use the left button to input
- the sequence of vertices of $P$, end the sequence
- by clicking the middle button.}*/
- /*{Mtext
- As long as an input operation has not been completed the last read point can
- be erased by simultaneously pressing the shift key and the left mouse button.
- }*/
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf 3.19 Non-Member Functions}
- }*/
- friend int read_mouse(window*& w, double& x, double& y)
- { return LEDA_WINDOW::read_mouse((LEDA_WINDOW*&)w,x,y); }
- /*{Mfunc waits for mouse input, assigns a pointer to the
- corresonding window to $w$ and the position in
- $*w$ to $(x,y)$ and returns the pressed button. }*/
- /*
- friend void put_back_event();
- */
- /*{Mfunc puts last read event back to the input stream of events. }*/
- }; // end of class window
- #include <LEDA/panel.h>
- #endif