资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + graph.h
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #ifndef LEDA_GRAPH_H
- #define LEDA_GRAPH_H
- #include <LEDA/basic.h>
- #include <LEDA/list.h>
- #include <LEDA/graph_objects.h>
- #include <LEDA/graph_map.h>
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // graph: base class for all graphs
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*{Manpage {graph} {} {Graphs} }*/
- class graph {
- /*{Mdefinition
- An instance $G$ of the data type $graph$ consists of a list $V$ of nodes
- and a list $E$ of edges ($node$ and $edge$ are item types). A pair of nodes
- $(v,w) in Vtimes V$ is associated with every edge $ein E$; $v$ is called
- the {em source} of $e$ and $w$ is called the {em target} of $e$. Two lists
- of edges are associated with every node $v$: the list
- $out_edges(v) = {e in E abs source(e) = v}$ of edges starting in $v$,
- and the list $in_edges(v) = {e in E abs target(e) = v}$ of
- edges ending in $v$. Distinct graphs have disjoint node and edge sets.
- A graph with empty node list is called {em empty}.
- A graph is either {em directed} or {em undirected}; the main difference
- between directed and undirected edges is the definition of {em adjacent}.
- Undirected graphs are the subject of section ref{Undirected Graphs}.
- In a directed graph an edge is adjacent to its source and in an undirected
- graph it is adjacent to its source and target. In a directed graph a node $w$
- is adjacent to a node $v$ if there is an edge $(v,w) in E$; in an undirected
- graph $w$ is adjacent to $v$ if there is an edge $(v,w)$ or $(w,v)$ in the
- graph. The {em adjacency list} of a node $v$ is the list of edges adjacent
- to $v$; more precisely, for directed graphs the adjacency list of $v$ is
- equal to $out_edges(v)$ and for undirected graphs it is the concatenation
- of $out_edges(v)$ and $in_edges(v)$.
- The value of a variable of type node is either the node of some graph, or the
- special value nil (which is distinct from all nodes), or is undefined (before the first assignment to the variable). A corresponding statement is true for
- the variables of type edge.}*/
- friend class ugraph;
- friend class planar_map;
- //list<node> V; /* list of all nodes */
- obj_list V;
- //list<edge> E; /* list of all edges */
- obj_list E;
- int max_n_index; // maximal node index
- int max_e_index; // maximal edge index
- bool undirected; // true iff graph is undirected
- /* space: 2 lists + 4 words + "virtual" = 2*20 + 5*4 bytes = 60 bytes */
- virtual void init_node_entry(GenPtr&) {}
- virtual void init_edge_entry(GenPtr&) {}
- virtual void copy_node_entry(GenPtr&) const {}
- virtual void copy_edge_entry(GenPtr&) const {}
- virtual void clear_node_entry(GenPtr&) const {}
- virtual void clear_edge_entry(GenPtr&) const {}
- virtual void read_node_entry(istream&, GenPtr&) {}
- virtual void read_edge_entry(istream&, GenPtr&) {}
- virtual void write_node_entry(ostream&, GenPtr&) const {}
- virtual void write_edge_entry(ostream&, GenPtr&) const {}
- virtual void print_node_entry(ostream&, GenPtr&) const {}
- virtual void print_edge_entry(ostream&, GenPtr&) const {}
- virtual char* node_type() const { return "void"; }
- virtual char* edge_type() const { return "void"; }
- protected:
- graph* parent; // for subgraphs
- void copy_all_entries() const;
- void clear_all_entries() const;
- public:
- virtual int cmp_node_entry(node, node) const { return 0; }
- virtual int cmp_edge_entry(edge, edge) const { return 0; }
- /*{Mcreation G }*/
- graph();
- /*{Mcreate creates an object $G$ of type $graph$ and initializes it to
- the empty directed graph. }*/
- graph(const graph&);
- graph& operator=(const graph&);
- virtual void clear();
- virtual ~graph(){ clear(); }
- //subgraph constructors
- graph(graph&, const list<node>&, const list<edge>&);
- graph(graph&, const list<edge>&);
- graph* super() const;
- int max_node_index() const;
- int max_edge_index() const;
- int adj_edges_select() const { return undirected ? 1 : 0; }
- int space() const;
- /*{Moperations 1.9 4.7 }*/
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf a) Access operations} }*/
- int outdeg(node v) const;
- /*{Mop returns the outdegree of node $v$, i.e., the number of
- edges starting at $v$ ($abs out_edges(v)abs$). }*/
- int indeg(node v) const;
- /*{Mop returns the indegree of node $v$, i.e., the number of
- edges ending at $v$ ($abs in_edges(v) abs$). }*/
- int degree(node v) const;
- /*{Mop returns the degree of node $v$, i.e., the number of
- edges starting or ending at $v$. }*/
- node source(edge e) const;
- /*{Mop returns the source node of edge $e$.}*/
- node target(edge e) const;
- /*{Mop returns the target node of edge $e$.}*/
- node opposite(node v, edge e) const;
- /*{Mop returns a node of edge $e$ different from $v$ (returns $v$
- if $e$ has source and target equal to $v$) . }*/
- int number_of_nodes() const;
- /*{Mop returns the number of nodes in $G$. }*/
- int number_of_edges() const;
- /*{Mop returns the number of edges in $G$. }*/
- list<edge> all_edges() const;
- /*{Mop returns the list $E$ of all edges of $G$. }*/
- list<node> all_nodes() const;
- /*{Mop returns the list $V$ of all nodes of $G$. }*/
- list<edge> adj_edges(node v) const;
- /*{Mop returns the list of all edges adjacent to $v$. }*/
- list<edge> in_edges(node v) const;
- /*{Mop returns the list of all edges ending at $v$. }*/
- list<node> adj_nodes(node v) const;
- /*{Mop returns the list of all nodes adjacent to $v$. }*/
- node first_node() const;
- /*{Mop returns the first node in $V$. }*/
- node last_node() const;
- /*{Mop returns the last node in $V$. }*/
- node choose_node() const;
- /*{Mop returns a node of $G$ (nil if $G$ is empty). }*/
- node succ_node(node v) const;
- /*{Mop returns the successor of node $v$ in $V$
- (nil if it does not exist). }*/
- node pred_node(node v) const;
- /*{Mop returns the predecessor of node $v$ in $V$
- (nil if it does not exist). }*/
- edge first_edge() const;
- /*{Mop returns the first edge in $E$. }*/
- edge last_edge() const;
- /*{Mop returns the last edge in $E$. }*/
- edge choose_edge() const;
- /*{Mop returns an edge of $G$ (nil if $G$ has no edges). }*/
- edge succ_edge(edge e) const;
- /*{Mop returns the successor of edge $e$ in $E$
- (nil if it does not exist). }*/
- edge pred_edge(edge e) const;
- /*{Mop returns the predecessor of edge $e$ in $E$
- (nil if it does not exist). }*/
- edge first_adj_edge(node v) const;
- /*{Mop returns the first edge in the adjacency list of $v$. }*/
- edge last_adj_edge(node v) const;
- /*{Mop returns the last edge in the adjacency list of $v$. }*/
- edge adj_succ(edge e) const;
- /*{Mop returns the successor of edge $e$ in the
- adjacency list of node $source(e)$
- (nil if it does not exist). }*/
- edge adj_pred(edge e) const;
- /*{Mop returns the predecessor of edge $e$ in the
- adjacency list of node $source(e)$
- (nil if it does not exist). }*/
- edge cyclic_adj_succ(edge e) const;
- /*{Mop returns the cyclic successor of edge $e$ in the
- adjacency list of node $source(e)$. }*/
- edge cyclic_adj_pred(edge e) const;
- /*{Mop returns the cyclic predecessor of edge $e$ in the
- adjacency list of node $source(e)$. }*/
- edge first_in_edge(node v) const;
- /*{Mop returns the first edge of $in_edges(v)$. }*/
- edge last_in_edge(node v) const;
- /*{Mop returns the last edge of $in_edges(v)$. }*/
- edge in_succ(edge e) const;
- /*{Mop returns the successor of edge $e$ in $in_edges(target(e))$
- (nil if it does not exist). }*/
- edge in_pred(edge e) const;
- /*{Mop returns the predecessor of edge $e$ in $in_edges(target(e))$
- (nil if it does not exist). }*/
- edge cyclic_in_succ(edge e) const;
- /*{Mop returns the cyclic successor of edge $e$ in
- $in_edges(target(e))$. }*/
- edge cyclic_in_pred(edge e) const;
- /*{Mop returns the cyclic predecessor of edge $e$ in
- $in_edges(target(e))$. }*/
- protected:
- GenPtr& entry(node v);
- GenPtr& entry(edge e);
- GenPtr inf(node v) const;
- GenPtr inf(edge e) const;
- node new_node(GenPtr);
- edge new_edge(node, node, GenPtr);
- edge new_edge(edge, node, GenPtr, int dir=0);
- edge new_edge(edge, edge, GenPtr, int dir1=0, int dir2=0);
- void assign(node v,GenPtr x);
- void assign(edge e,GenPtr x);
- public:
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf b) Update operations} }*/
- node new_node();
- /*{Mop adds a new node to $G$ and returns it. }*/
- edge new_edge(node v, node w)
- { GenPtr x; init_edge_entry(x);
- return new_edge(v,w,x);}
- /*{Mop adds a new edge $(v,w)$ to var by appending it to
- $out_edges(v)$ and to $in_edges(w)$, and returns it.}*/
- edge new_edge(edge e, node w, int dir=after)
- { GenPtr x; init_edge_entry(x);
- return new_edge(e,w,x,dir); }
- /*{Mopl adds a new edge $(source(e), w)$ to var by inserting it
- before ($dir$ = $before$) or after ($dir$ = $after$) edge $e$ into
- $out_edges(source(e))$ and appending it to $in_edges(w)$,
- and returns it. Here $before$ and $after$ are predefined
- integer constants. }*/
- edge new_edge(edge e1, edge e2, int d1=after, int d2=after)
- { GenPtr x; init_edge_entry(x);
- return new_edge(e1,e2,x,d1,d2); }
- /*{Mopl adds a new edge $(source(e1), target(e2))$ to var by
- inserting it before (if $d1$ = $before$) or after (if $d1$ = $after$)
- edge $e1$ into $out_edges(source(e1))$ and before
- (if $d2$ = $before$) or after (if $d2$ = $after$) edge $e2$ into
- $in_edges(target(e2))$, and returns it. }*/
- void hide_edge(edge e);
- /*{Mop removes edge $e$ from $out_edges(source(e))$ and
- from $in_edges(target(e))$, but leaves it in the
- list of all edges $E$. }*/
- void restore_edge(edge e);
- /*{Mop re-inserts $e$ into $out_edges(source(e))$
- and into $in_edges(target(e))$.\
- precond $e$ must have been
- removed by a call of hide_edge before. }*/
- void del_node(node v);
- /*{Mop deletes node $v$ and all edges starting or ending at $v$
- from $G$. }*/
- void del_edge(edge e);
- /*{Mop deletes the edge $e$ from $G$. }*/
- void del_all_nodes();
- /*{Mop deletes all nodes from $G$. }*/
- void del_all_edges();
- /*{Mop deletes all edges from $G$. }*/
- edge rev_edge(edge e);
- /*{Mop reverses the edge $e = (v,w)$ by removing it from $G$
- and inserting the edge $(w,v)$ into $G$; returns the
- reversed edge. }*/
- graph& rev();
- /*{Mop all edges in $G$ are reversed. }*/
- void sort_nodes(int (*cmp)(const node&, const node&));
- /*{Mopl the nodes of $G$ are sorted according to the
- ordering defined by the comparing function
- $cmp$. Subsequent executions of forall_nodes
- step through the nodes in this order.
- (cf.~TOPSORT1 in section ref{Graph and network algorithms}). }*/
- void sort_edges(int (*cmp)(const edge&, const edge&));
- /*{Mopl the edges of $G$ and all out_edges lists (but not the in_edges lists)
- are sorted according to the
- ordering defined by the comparing function
- $cmp$. Subsequent executions of forall_edges
- step through the edges in this order.
- (cf.~TOPSORT1 in section ref{Graph and network algorithms}). }*/
- void sort_nodes(const graph_map& A);
- /* manual:
- void sort_nodes(const node_array<T>& A);
- */
- /*{Mopl the nodes of $G$ are sorted according to the entries of
- node_array $A$ (cf. section ref{Node Arrays})
- precond $T$ must be linearly ordered. }*/
- void sort_edges(const graph_map& A);
- /* manual:
- void sort_edges(const edge_array<T>& A);
- */
- /*{Mopl the edges of $G$ are sorted according to the entries of
- edge_array $A$ (cf. section ref{Edge Arrays})
- precond $T$ must be linearly ordered. }*/
- void sort_edges();
- void sort_nodes();
- list<edge> insert_reverse_edges();
- /*{Mop for every edge $(v,w)$ in $G$ the reverse edge $(w,v)$
- is inserted into $G$. Returns the list of all inserted
- edges.}*/
- void make_undirected() const { *(bool*)&undirected = true; }
- /*{Mop make $G$ undirected. }*/
- void make_directed() const { *(bool*)&undirected = false; }
- /*{Mop make $G$ directed. }*/
- bool is_directed() const { return !undirected; }
- /*{Mop returns true if $G$ directed. }*/
- bool is_undirected() const { return undirected; }
- /*{Mop returns true if $G$ undirected. }*/
- /*
- virtual void clear();
- */
- /*{Mop makes $G$ the empty graph. }*/
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf c) Iterators}
- With the adjacency list of every node $v$ a list iterator,
- called the adjacency iterator of $v$, is associated (cf. section ref{Linear Lists}). There
- are operations to initialize, move, and read these iterators. }*/
- void init_adj_iterator(node v) const;
- /*{Mop sets the adjacency iterator of $v$ to undefined. }*/
- bool next_adj_edge(edge& e,node v) const;
- /*{Mopl moves the adjacency iterator of $v$ forward by one edge
- (to the first item of the adjacency list of $v$ if it was undefined)
- and returns $G$.current_adj_edge($e,v$).}*/
- bool current_adj_edge(edge& e, node v) const;
- /*{Mopl if the adjacency iterator of $v$ is defined then the
- corresponding edge is assigned to $e$ and true is returned, otherwise,
- false is returned.}*/
- bool next_adj_node(node& w, node v) const;
- /*{Mopl if $G$.next_adj_edge($e$, $v$) = true then
- $target(e)$ is assigned to $w$ and true is returned else false is returned.}*/
- bool current_adj_node(node& w, node v) const;
- /*{Mopl if $G$.current_adj_edge($e$, $v$) = true then
- $target(e)$ is assigned to $w$ and true is returned, else false is returned.}*/
- void reset() const;
- /*{Mop sets all iterators in $G$ to undefined. }*/
- void init_node_iterator() const {}
- void init_edge_iterator() const {}
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf d) I/O Operations} }*/
- void write(ostream& O = cout) const;
- /*{Mopl writes $G$ to the output stream $O$.}*/
- void write(string s) const;
- /*{Mop writes $G$ to the file with name $s$.}*/
- int read(istream& I = cin);
- /*{Mopl reads a graph from the input stream $I$ and assigns
- it to var. }*/
- int read(string s);
- /*{Mop reads a graph from the file with name $s$ and assigns
- it to var. }*/
- void print_node(node v, ostream& O = cout) const;
- /*{Mopl prints node $v$ on the output stream $O$. }*/
- virtual void print_edge(edge e, ostream& O = cout) const;
- /*{Mopl prints edge $e$ on the output stream $O$. If var
- is directed $e$ is represented by an arrow
- pointing from source to target. If var is undirected
- $e$ is printed as an undirected line segment. }*/
- void print(string s, ostream& O = cout) const;
- /*{Mopl pretty-prints $G$ with header line $s$ on the output
- stream $O$. }*/
- void print(ostream& O) const { print("",O); }
- /*{Mop pretty-prints $G$ on the output stream $O$. }*/
- void print() const { print(""); }
- /*{Mop pretty-prints $G$ on the standard ouput stream $cout$. }*/
- };
- inline int graph::outdeg(node v) const { return v->adj_edges[0].length(); }
- inline int graph::indeg(node v) const { return v->adj_edges[1].length(); }
- inline int graph::degree(node v) const { return outdeg(v) + indeg(v); }
- inline node graph::source(edge e) const { return e->s; }
- inline node graph::target(edge e) const { return e->t; }
- inline node graph::opposite(node v,edge e) const {return (v==e->s)?e->t:e->s;}
- inline graph* graph::super() const { return parent; }
- inline int graph::max_node_index() const { return max_n_index; }
- inline int graph::max_edge_index() const { return max_e_index; }
- inline int graph::number_of_nodes() const { return V.length(); }
- inline int graph::number_of_edges() const { return E.length(); }
- inline GenPtr& graph::entry(node v) { return v->data[0]; }
- inline GenPtr& graph::entry(edge e) { return e->data[0]; }
- inline void graph::assign(node v,GenPtr x) { v->data[0] = x; }
- inline void graph::assign(edge e,GenPtr x) { e->data[0] = x; }
- inline GenPtr graph::inf(node v) const { return v->data[0]; }
- inline GenPtr graph::inf(edge e) const { return e->data[0]; }
- inline node graph::first_node() const { return node(node_link(V.first())); }
- inline node graph::last_node() const { return node(node_link(V.last())); }
- inline node graph::choose_node() const { return first_node(); }
- inline node graph::succ_node(node v) const
- { return node(node_link(V.succ(node_link(v)))); }
- inline node graph::pred_node(node v) const
- { return node(node_link(E.pred(node_link(v)))); }
- inline edge graph::first_edge() const { return edge(edge_link(E.first())); }
- inline edge graph::last_edge() const { return edge(edge_link(E.last())); }
- inline edge graph::choose_edge() const { return first_edge(); }
- inline edge graph::succ_edge(edge e) const
- { return edge(edge_link(E.succ(edge_link(e)))); }
- inline edge graph::pred_edge(edge e) const
- { return edge(edge_link(E.pred(edge_link(e)))); }
- inline edge graph::first_adj_edge(node v) const
- { edge e = First_Adj_Edge(v,0);
- if (undirected && e == Leda_Nil_Edge(0))
- { e = First_Adj_Edge(v,1);
- if (e == Leda_Nil_Edge(1)) e = nil;
- }
- return e ;
- }
- inline edge graph::last_adj_edge(node v) const
- { int index = (undirected) ? 1 : 0;
- edge e = Last_Adj_Edge(v,index);
- if (undirected && e == Leda_Nil_Edge(index))
- { e = Last_Adj_Edge(v,1-index);
- if (e == Leda_Nil_Edge(1-index)) e = nil;
- }
- return e;
- }
- inline edge graph::adj_succ(edge e) const
- { return edge(adj_link1(adj_link1(e)->succ_item())); }
- inline edge graph::adj_pred(edge e) const
- { return edge(adj_link1(adj_link1(e)->pred_item())); }
- inline edge graph::cyclic_adj_succ(edge e) const
- { edge e1 = adj_succ(e);
- return e1 ? e1 : first_adj_edge(e->s); }
- inline edge graph::cyclic_adj_pred(edge e) const
- { edge e1 = adj_pred(e);
- return e1 ? e1 : last_adj_edge(e->s); }
- inline edge graph::first_in_edge(node v) const
- { return edge(adj_link2(v->adj_edges[1].first())); }
- inline edge graph::last_in_edge(node v) const
- { return edge(adj_link2(v->adj_edges[1].last())); }
- inline edge graph::in_succ(edge e) const
- { return edge(adj_link2(adj_link2(e)->succ_item())); }
- inline edge graph::in_pred(edge e) const
- { return edge(adj_link2(adj_link2(e)->pred_item())); }
- inline edge graph::cyclic_in_succ(edge e) const
- { edge e1 = in_succ(e);
- return e1 ? e1 : first_in_edge(e->t); }
- inline edge graph::cyclic_in_pred(edge e) const
- { edge e1 = in_pred(e);
- return e1 ? e1 : last_in_edge(e->t); }
- inline void graph::init_adj_iterator(node v) const
- { v->adj_iterator = nil; }
- inline bool graph::current_adj_edge(edge& e,node v) const
- { return (e = v->adj_iterator) != nil;}
- inline bool graph::next_adj_edge(edge& e,node v) const
- { if (v->adj_iterator)
- e = v->adj_iterator = adj_succ(v->adj_iterator);
- else
- e = v->adj_iterator = first_adj_edge(v);
- return (e) ? true : false;
- }
- inline bool graph::next_adj_node(node& w,node v) const
- { edge e;
- if (next_adj_edge(e,v))
- { //w = (v==e->s) ? e->t : e->s; // ugraph
- w = e->t;
- return true;
- }
- else return false;
- }
- inline bool graph::current_adj_node(node& w,node v) const
- { edge e;
- if (current_adj_edge(e,v))
- { //w = (v==e->s) ? e->t : e->s; // ugraph
- w = e->t;
- return true;
- }
- else return false;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Iteration (macros)
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf e) Iteration} }*/
- #define forall_nodes(v,g) for (v=(g).first_node(); v; v=(g).succ_node(v) )
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf forall_nodes}($v,G$)\
- ${$ ``the nodes of $G$ are successively assigned to $v$" $}$ }*/
- #define forall_edges(e,g) for (e=(g).first_edge(); e; e=(g).succ_edge(e) )
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf forall_edges}($e,G$)\
- ${$ ``the edges of $G$ are successively assigned to $e$" $}$ }*/
- #define Forall_nodes(v,g) for (v=(g).last_node(); v; v=(g).pred_node(v) )
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf Forall_nodes}($v,G$)\
- ${$ ``the nodes of $G$ are successively assigned to $v$ in reverse order" $}$ }*/
- #define Forall_edges(e,g) for (e=(g).last_edge(); e; e=(g).pred_edge(e) )
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf Forall_edges}($e,G$)\
- ${$ ``the edges of $G$ are successively assigned to $e$ in reverse order" $}$ }*/
- #define forall_out_edges(e,v)
- for(e = First_Adj_Edge(v,0); e != Leda_Nil_Edge(0); e = Succ_Adj_Edge(e,0))
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf forall_out_edges}($e,w$)\
- ${$ ``the edges of $out_edges(w)$ are successively assigned to $e$" $}$ }*/
- #define forall_in_edges(e,v)
- for(e = First_Adj_Edge(v,1); e != Leda_Nil_Edge(1); e = Succ_Adj_Edge(e,1))
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf forall_in_edges}($e,w$)\
- ${$ ``the edges of $in_edges(w)$ are successively assigned to $e$" $}$ }*/
- #define ADJ_BREAK { adj_loop_index = -1; break; }
- #define forall_inout_edges(e,v)
- if (0); else for(int adj_loop_index = 1; adj_loop_index>=0; adj_loop_index--)
- for(e = First_Adj_Edge(v,adj_loop_index);
- e != Leda_Nil_Edge(adj_loop_index);
- e = Succ_Adj_Edge(e,adj_loop_index))
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf forall_inout_edges}($e,w$)\
- ${$ ``the edges of $out_edges(w)$ and $in_edges(w)$ are successively assigned to $e$" $}$ }*/
- #define forall_adj_edges(e,v)
- if (0); else for(int adj_loop_index = graph_of(v)->adj_edges_select(); adj_loop_index>=0; adj_loop_index--)
- for(e = First_Adj_Edge(v,adj_loop_index);
- e != Leda_Nil_Edge(adj_loop_index);
- e = Succ_Adj_Edge(e,adj_loop_index))
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf forall_adj_edges}($e,w$)\
- ${$ ``the edges adjacent to node $w$ are successively assigned to $e$" $}$ }*/
- #define forall_adj_nodes(u,v)
- if (0); else for(int adj_loop_index = graph_of(v)->adj_edges_select(); adj_loop_index>=0; adj_loop_index--)
- for(edge adj_loop_e = First_Adj_Edge(v,adj_loop_index);
- (adj_loop_e!=Leda_Nil_Edge(adj_loop_index))&&((u=opposite(v,adj_loop_e))||1);
- adj_loop_e = Succ_Adj_Edge(adj_loop_e,adj_loop_index))
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf forall_adj_nodes}($v,w$)\
- ${$ ``the nodes adjacent to node $w$ are successively assigned to v" $}$ }*/
- /*{Mimplementation
- Graphs are implemented by doubly linked adjacency lists. Most operations
- take constant time, except for all_nodes, all_edges, del_all_nodes,
- del_all_edges, clear, write, and read which take time $O(n+m)$, where
- $n$ is the current number of nodes and $m$ is the current number of edges.
- The space requirement is $O(n+m)$.}*/
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // GRAPH<vtype,etype> : parameterized directed graphs
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*{Manpage {GRAPH} {vtype,etype} {Parameterized Graphs}}*/
- template<class vtype, class etype>
- class GRAPH : public graph {
- /*{Mdefinition
- A parameterized graph $G$ is a graph whose nodes and edges contain additional
- (user defined) data. Every node contains an element of a data type $vtype$,
- called the node type of $G$ and every edge contains an element of a data type
- $etype$ called the edge type of $G$. We use $<v,w,y>$ to denote an edge
- $(v,w)$ with information $y$ and $<x>$ to denote a node with information $x$.
- All operations defined on instances of the data type $graph$ are also defined on
- instances of any parameterized graph type name. For
- parameterized graphs there are additional operations to access or update the
- information associated with its nodes and edges.
- Instances of a parameterized graph type can be used wherever an instance
- of the data type $graph$ can be used, e.g., in assignments and as
- arguments to functions with formal parameters of type $graph&$.
- If a function $f(graph& G)$ is called with an argument $Q$ of type
- name then inside $f$ only the basic graph structure of $Q$ (the
- adjacency lists) can be accessed. The node and edge entries are hidden.
- This allows the design of generic graph algorithms, i.e., algorithms accepting
- instances of any parametrized graph type as argument.}*/
- void copy_node_entry(GenPtr& x) const { LEDA_COPY(vtype,x); }
- void copy_edge_entry(GenPtr& x) const { LEDA_COPY(etype,x); }
- void clear_node_entry(GenPtr& x) const { LEDA_CLEAR(vtype,x); }
- void clear_edge_entry(GenPtr& x) const { LEDA_CLEAR(etype,x); }
- void write_node_entry(ostream& o, GenPtr& x) const { LEDA_PRINT(vtype,x,o); }
- void write_edge_entry(ostream& o, GenPtr& x) const { LEDA_PRINT(etype,x,o); }
- void read_node_entry(istream& i, GenPtr& x) { vtype X; Read(X,i); x=Copy(X); }
- void read_edge_entry(istream& i, GenPtr& x) { etype Y; Read(Y,i); x=Copy(Y); }
- void init_node_entry(GenPtr& x) { LEDA_CREATE(vtype,x); }
- void init_edge_entry(GenPtr& x) { LEDA_CREATE(etype,x); }
- void print_node_entry(ostream& o, GenPtr& x) const
- { o << "("; LEDA_PRINT(vtype,x,o); o << ")"; }
- void print_edge_entry(ostream& o, GenPtr& x) const
- { o << "("; LEDA_PRINT(etype,x,o); o << ")"; }
- char* node_type() const { return LEDA_TYPE_NAME(vtype); }
- char* edge_type() const { return LEDA_TYPE_NAME(etype); }
- public:
- int cmp_node_entry(node x, node y) const { return compare(inf(x),inf(y)); }
- int cmp_edge_entry(edge x, edge y) const { return compare(inf(x),inf(y)); }
- /*{Mcreation G }*/
- GRAPH() {}
- /*{Mcreate creates an instance var of type name and initializes it to
- the empty graph. }*/
- GRAPH<vtype,etype>& operator=(const GRAPH<vtype,etype>& a)
- { clear_all_entries();graph::operator=(a);copy_all_entries();return *this; }
- GRAPH(const GRAPH<vtype,etype>& a) : graph(a) { a.copy_all_entries(); }
- // subgraphs
- GRAPH(GRAPH<vtype,etype>& a, const list<node>& b, const list<edge>& c)
- : graph(a,b,c) {}
- GRAPH(GRAPH<vtype,etype>& a, const list<edge>& c) : graph(a,c) {}
- virtual ~GRAPH() { if (parent==0) clear_all_entries(); }
- /*{Moperations 1.5 4.5 }*/
- vtype inf(node v) const { return LEDA_ACCESS(vtype,graph::inf(v)); }
- /*{Mop returns the information of node $v$.}*/
- etype inf(edge e) const { return LEDA_ACCESS(etype,graph::inf(e)); }
- /*{Mop returns the information of edge $e$.}*/
- void assign(node v, vtype x) { operator[](v) = x; }
- /*{Mop makes $x$ the information of node $v$.}*/
- void assign(edge e, etype x) { operator[](e) = x; }
- /*{Mop makes $x$ the information of edge $e$.}*/
- node new_node(vtype x) { return graph::new_node(Copy(x)); }
- /*{Mop adds a new node $<x>$ to $G$ and returns it.}*/
- node new_node() { return graph::new_node(); }
- /*{Mop adds a new node $<vdef>$ to $G$ and returns it. Here,
- $vdef$ is the default value of type $vtype$.}*/
- edge new_edge(node v, node w, etype a) {return graph::new_edge(v,w,Copy(a)); }
- /*{Mopl adds a new edge $<v,w,a>$ to $G$ by appending
- it to the adjacency list of $v$ and the in_edges list of
- $w$ and returns it. }*/
- edge new_edge(node v, node w) { return graph::new_edge(v,w); }
- /*{Mopl adds a new edge $<v,w,edef>$ to $G$ by
- appending it to the adjacency list of $v$ and
- the in_edges list of $w$ and returns it. Here, $edef$
- is the default value of type $etype$.}*/
- edge new_edge(edge e, node w, etype a)
- { return graph::new_edge(e,w,Copy(a),0); }
- /*{Mopl adds a new edge $<source(e),w,a>$ to $G$ by appending it
- to the adjacency list of $source(e)$ and the in-list of
- $w$ and returns it. }*/
- edge new_edge(edge e, node w) { return graph::new_edge(e,w); }
- /*{Mopl adds a new edge $<source(e),w,edef>$ to $G$ by appending
- it to the adjacency list of $source(e)$ and the in_edges list of
- $w$ and returns it. Here, $edef$ is the default value of
- type $etype$.}*/
- edge new_edge(edge e, node w, etype a, int dir)
- { return graph::new_edge(e,w,Copy(a),dir); }
- /*{Mopl adds a new edge $<source(e), w, a>$ to $G$
- by inserting it after ($dir$ = $after$) or before ($dir$
- = $before$) edge $e$ into the adjacency list of
- $source(e)$ and appending it to the in_edges list of $w$.
- Returns the new edge.}*/
- /* inherited from base graph
- void sort_nodes();
- */
- /*{Mop the nodes of $G$ are sorted according to their
- contents.\
- precond $vtype$ is linearly ordered.}*/
- /* inherited from base graph
- void sort_edges();
- */
- /*{Mop the edges of $G$ are sorted according to their
- contents.\
- precond $etype$ is linearly ordered.}*/
- /* inherited from base graph
- void write(string fname) const;
- */
- /*{Mop writes $G$ to the file with name $fname$. The
- output functions $Print(vtype,ostream)$ and
- $Print(etype,ostream)$ (cf. section 1.6) must
- be defined.}*/
- /* inherited from base graph
- int read(string fname);
- */
- /*{Mop reads $G$ from the file with name $fname$. The
- input functions $Read(vtype,istream)$ and
- $Read(etype,istream)$ (cf.~section 1.6) must
- be defined. Returns error code\
- 1 quad if file $fname$ does not exist\
- 2 quad if graph is not of type name\
- 3 quad if file $fname$ does not contain a graph\
- 0 quad otherwise.}*/
- void clear() { clear_all_entries(); graph::clear(); }
- /*{Mtext
- bigskip
- {bf Operators} }*/
- vtype& operator[] (node v) { return LEDA_ACCESS(vtype,entry(v)); }
- /*{Marrop returns a reference to $G$.inf($v$).}*/
- etype& operator[] (edge e) { return LEDA_ACCESS(etype,entry(e)); }
- /*{Marrop returns a reference to $G$.inf($e$).}*/
- vtype operator[] (node v) const { return LEDA_ACCESS(vtype,graph::inf(v)); }
- etype operator[] (edge e) const { return LEDA_ACCESS(etype,graph::inf(e)); }
- };
- /*{Mimplementation
- Parameterized graphs are derived from directed graphs. All additional
- operations for manipulating the node and edge entries take constant
- time.}*/
- #include <LEDA/node_array.h>
- #include <LEDA/edge_array.h>
- #include <LEDA/node_list.h>
- #include <LEDA/node_map.h>
- #include <LEDA/edge_map.h>
- #include <LEDA/graph_gen.h>
- #include <LEDA/graph_misc.h>
- #endif