资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + tree_collection.h
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include <LEDA/basic.h>
- /*********************************************************************
- * *
- * dyna_trees T; deklariert eine (vorerst leere) Menge von dyn_trees *
- * *
- * d_vertex T.maketree(); Erzeugt einen Baum, der genau einen Knoten *
- * enthaelt (der in keinen anderem Baum enthalten ist. *
- * *
- * d_vertex T.findroot(d_vertex v); Gibt die Wurzel des v enthaltenden*
- * Baumes zurueck. *
- * *
- * d_vertex T.findcost(d_vertex v, double& d); Gibt den entsprechenden*
- * Knoten zurueck (s.o.), die Kosten werden im Argument d zurueck- *
- * gegeben. *
- * *
- * void T.addcost(d_vertex v, double x); s.o. *
- * *
- * void v, d_vertex w); s.o. *
- * *
- * void T.cut(d_vertex v); s.o. *
- * *
- * *
- * Implemented by Jan Timm *
- * *
- *********************************************************************/
- class d_node;
- typedef d_node *d_vertex;
- typedef d_node *d_path;
- class d_node {
- friend class dyna_trees;
- void* info; // user-defined information
- d_vertex left, // linkes Kind
- right, // rechtes Kind
- parent, // Elter
- successor, // Nachfolger (fuer Pfad)
- next; // fuer Verkettung fuer ~dyna_tree
- double dcost,
- dmin;
- d_node(void* i) {
- left=right=parent=successor=next=0;
- dcost=dmin=0;
- info = i;
- };
- LEDA_MEMORY(d_node)
- };
- class dyna_trees {
- d_vertex first,
- last; // diese beiden Zeiger fuer ~dyna_tree
- void splay(d_vertex);
- d_vertex assemble(d_vertex, d_vertex, d_vertex);
- void disassemble(d_vertex, d_vertex&, d_vertex&);
- d_vertex makepath(void*);
- d_vertex findpath(d_vertex);
- d_vertex findpathcost(d_path, double&);
- d_vertex findtail(d_path);
- void addpathcost(d_path, double);
- d_vertex join(d_path, d_path, d_path);
- void split(d_vertex, d_vertex&, d_vertex&);
- d_path expose(d_vertex);
- virtual void copy_inf(GenPtr& x) { x=x; }
- virtual void clear_inf(GenPtr& x) { x=0; }
- public:
- dyna_trees() { first=last=0; };
- virtual ~dyna_trees();
- void* inf(d_vertex v) { return v->info; }
- d_vertex maketree(void*);
- d_vertex findroot(d_vertex);
- d_vertex findcost(d_vertex, double&);
- void addcost(d_vertex, double);
- void link(d_vertex, d_vertex);
- void cut(d_vertex);
- };
- /*{Manpage {tree_collection} {I} {Dynamic Collections of Trees}}*/
- template<class I>
- class tree_collection : private dyna_trees{
- /*{Mdefinition
- An instance $D$ of the parameterized data type name is a
- collection of vertex disjoint rooted trees, each of whose vertices has a
- double-valued cost and contains an information of type $I$, called the
- information type of $D$.}*/
- void copy_inf(GenPtr& x) { LEDA_COPY(I,x); }
- void clear_inf(GenPtr& x) { LEDA_CLEAR(I,x); }
- public:
- /*{Mcreation D }*/
- tree_collection() {}
- /*{Mcreate creates an instance var of type name, initialized with the
- empty collection.}*/
- ~tree_collection() {}
- /*{Moperations 2 5}*/
- d_vertex maketree(I x) { return dyna_trees::maketree(Convert(x)); }
- /*{Mop adds a new tree to $D$ containing a single
- vertex $v$ with cost zero and information $x$,
- and returns $v$.}*/
- I inf(d_vertex v) { return LEDA_ACCESS(I,dyna_trees::inf(v)); }
- /*{Mop returns the information of vertex $v$.}*/
- d_vertex findroot(d_vertex v) const;
- /*{Mop returns the root of the tree containing $v$.}*/
- d_vertex findcost(d_vertex v, double& x);
- /*{Mopl sets $x$ to the minimum cost of a vertex on the
- tree path from $v$ to findroot($v$) and returns
- the last vertex (closest to the root) on this
- path of cost $x$.}*/
- void addcost(d_vertex v, double x);
- /*{Mopl adds double number $x$ to the cost of every vertex
- on the tree path from $v$ to findroot($v$).}*/
- void link(d_vertex v, d_vertex x);
- /*{Mopl combines the trees containing vertices $v$ and $w$
- by adding the edge $(v,w)$. (We regard tree
- edges as directed from child to parent.)\
- precond $v$ and $w$ are in different trees
- and $v$ is a root.}*/
- void cut(d_vertex v);
- /*{Mop divides the tree containing vertex $v$ into
- two trees by deleting the edge out of $v$.\
- precond $v$ is not a tree root.}*/
- };
- /*{Mimplementation
- Dynamic collections of trees are implemented by partitioning the trees
- into vertex disjoint paths and representing each path by a self-adjusting
- binary tree (see cite{T83}). All operations take amortized time $O(log n)$
- where $n$ is the number of maketree operations.}*/
- #endif