资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- #include <LEDA/graph.h>
- #include <LEDA/stream.h>
- #include <LEDA/array.h>
- #include <LEDA/window.h>
- #include <math.h>
- typedef GRAPH<vector,int> polyhedron;
- void rotate(float alpha1,float alpha2, vector& p)
- {
- // rotate 3d-point p about the origin
- // by alpha2 in yz-plane and alpha1 in xy-plane
- double R = hypot(p[1],p[2]);
- double phi = asin(p[1]/R);
- if (p[2] < 0) phi = LEDA_PI - phi;
- p[1] = ((R != 0) ? R*sin(phi+alpha2) : 0);
- p[2] = ((R != 0) ? R*cos(phi+alpha2) : 0);
- R = hypot(p[0],p[2]);
- phi = asin(p[0]/R);
- if (p[2] < 0) phi = LEDA_PI - phi;
- p[0] = ((R != 0) ? R*sin(phi+alpha1) : 0);
- p[2] = ((R != 0) ? R*cos(phi+alpha1) : 0);
- }
- inline point project(vector p) // project p into xy-plane
- { return point(p[0],p[1]); }
- void draw_poly(window& W, polyhedron& poly, vector trans)
- { edge e;
- forall_edges(e,poly)
- { point a = project(poly[source(e)] + trans );
- point b = project(poly[target(e)] + trans );
- W.draw_segment(a,b,blue);
- }
- }
- void make_side(polyhedron& poly, node* L, float z)
- {
- L[0]= poly.new_node(vector(-70,-20,z));
- L[1]= poly.new_node(vector(-40,-20,z));
- L[2]= poly.new_node(vector(-40,-10,z));
- L[3]= poly.new_node(vector(-60,-10,z));
- L[4]= poly.new_node(vector(-60,+20,z));
- L[5]= poly.new_node(vector(-70,+20,z));
- poly.new_edge(L[0],L[5]);
- int i;
- for(i = 1; i<=5; i++) poly.new_edge(L[i], L[i-1]);
- L[6] = poly.new_node(vector(-30,-20,z));
- L[7] = poly.new_node(vector( -5,-20,z));
- L[8] = poly.new_node(vector( -5,-10,z));
- L[9] = poly.new_node(vector(-20,-10,z));
- L[10]= poly.new_node(vector(-20, -5,z));
- L[11]= poly.new_node(vector( -5, -5,z));
- L[12]= poly.new_node(vector( -5, +5,z));
- L[13]= poly.new_node(vector(-20, +5,z));
- L[14]= poly.new_node(vector(-20,+10,z));
- L[15]= poly.new_node(vector( -5,+10,z));
- L[16]= poly.new_node(vector( -5,+20,z));
- L[17]= poly.new_node(vector(-30,+20,z));
- poly.new_edge(L[6],L[17]);
- for(i = 7; i<=17; i++) poly.new_edge(L[i], L[i-1]);
- L[18]= poly.new_node(vector( 5,-20,z));
- L[19]= poly.new_node(vector(20,-20,z));
- L[20]= poly.new_node(vector(35,-10,z));
- L[21]= poly.new_node(vector(35,+10,z));
- L[22]= poly.new_node(vector(20,+20,z));
- L[23]= poly.new_node(vector( 5,+20,z));
- poly.new_edge(L[18],L[23]);
- for(i = 19; i<=23; i++) poly.new_edge(L[i], L[i-1]);
- L[24]= poly.new_node(vector(15,-10,z));
- L[25]= poly.new_node(vector(20,-10,z));
- L[26]= poly.new_node(vector(25, -5,z));
- L[27]= poly.new_node(vector(25, +5,z));
- L[28]= poly.new_node(vector(20,+10,z));
- L[29]= poly.new_node(vector(15,+10,z));
- poly.new_edge(L[24],L[29]);
- for(i = 25; i<=29; i++) poly.new_edge(L[i], L[i-1]);
- L[30]= poly.new_node(vector(40,-20,z));
- L[31]= poly.new_node(vector(50,-20,z));
- L[32]= poly.new_node(vector(55, -5,z));
- L[33]= poly.new_node(vector(65, -5,z));
- L[34]= poly.new_node(vector(70,-20,z));
- L[35]= poly.new_node(vector(80,-20,z));
- L[36]= poly.new_node(vector(65, 20,z));
- L[37]= poly.new_node(vector(55, 20,z));
- poly.new_edge(L[30],L[37]);
- for(i = 31; i<=37; i++) poly.new_edge(L[i], L[i-1]);
- L[38]= poly.new_node(vector(55, 0,z));
- L[39]= poly.new_node(vector(65, 0,z));
- L[40]= poly.new_node(vector(60,15,z));
- poly.new_edge(L[38],L[40]);
- poly.new_edge(L[39],L[38]);
- poly.new_edge(L[40],L[39]);
- }
- void make_logo(polyhedron& poly)
- {
- node L[41];
- node R[41];
- make_side(poly,L,-5);
- make_side(poly,R,+5);
- for(int i = 0; i<41; i++) poly.new_edge(L[i],R[i]);
- }
- main()
- {
- int w,h;
- char* map = Read_Leda_Bitmap("../../incl/LEDA/bitmaps/leda.lbm",w,h);
- window W(w,h,window::center,window::center);
- W.set_frame_label(
- "The LEDA Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing");
- W.init(-100,100,-100);
- W.set_show_coordinates(false);
- W.insert_bitmap(w,h,map);
- W.set_node_width(4);
- W.set_mode(xor_mode);
- node v;
- int speed = 30;
- // define a polyhedron in 3d space
- polyhedron poly;
- make_logo(poly);
- //W.draw_point(0,0);
- forall_nodes(v,poly) rotate(0.3,0.5,poly[v]);
- polyhedron poly0 = poly;
- vector dir(2); // direction and speed of rotation
- vector trans0(0,0,0);
- vector trans(0,0,0);
- draw_poly(W,poly,trans);
- for(;;)
- { dir[0] += rand_int(-10000,10000)/1000000.0;
- dir[1] += rand_int(-10000,10000)/1000000.0;
- dir = dir.norm()*(speed/500.0);
- //trans[0] += rand_int(-1000,1000)/5000.0;
- //trans[1] += rand_int(-1000,1000)/5000.0;
- //trans[1] += rand_int(-1000,1000)/5000.0;
- if (W.get_button() && W.confirm("quit leda demo ?")) break;
- forall_nodes(v,poly) rotate(dir[0],dir[1],poly[v]);
- draw_poly(W,poly,trans); // draw new position
- draw_poly(W,poly0,trans0); // erase old position (xor_mode !!)
- //trans0 = trans;
- // poly0 = poly;
- node w = poly.first_node();
- forall_nodes(v,poly0)
- { poly0[v] = poly[w];
- w = poly.succ_node(w);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }