资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- #include <LEDA/plane_alg.h>
- template <class Point>
- struct ch_edge {
- Point source;
- Point target;
- ch_edge* succ;
- ch_edge* pred;
- ch_edge* link;
- bool outside;
- ch_edge(const Point& a, const Point& b) : source(a), target(b)
- { outside = true; }
- ~ch_edge() {}
- };
- template <class Point>
- list<Point> C_HULL1(list<Point>& L)
- {
- // move the four extreme points to the front of |L|
- list_item it;
- list_item xmax_it = L.first();
- list_item xmin_it = L.first();
- list_item ymax_it = L.first();
- list_item ymin_it = L.first();
- forall_items(it,L)
- { if (L[it].xcoord() > L[xmax_it].xcoord()) xmax_it = it;
- if (L[it].xcoord() < L[xmin_it].xcoord()) xmin_it = it;
- if (L[it].ycoord() > L[ymax_it].ycoord()) ymax_it = it;
- if (L[it].ycoord() > L[ymin_it].ycoord()) ymin_it = it;
- }
- L.push(L[xmax_it]); L.del(xmax_it);
- L.push(L[xmin_it]); L.del(xmin_it);
- L.push(L[ymax_it]); L.del(ymax_it);
- L.push(L[ymin_it]); L.del(ymin_it);
- it = L.first();
- Point A = L[it];
- it = L.succ(it);
- Point B = L[it];
- it = L.succ(it);
- ch_edge<Point>* T1 = new ch_edge<Point>(A,B);
- ch_edge<Point>* T2 = new ch_edge<Point>(B,A);
- ch_edge<Point>* last_edge = T2;
- T2->link = T1;
- T1->link = nil;
- T1->succ = T2;
- T1->pred = T2;
- T2->succ = T1;
- T2->pred = T1;
- // scan remaining points
- while (it != nil)
- { Point P = L[it];
- it = L.succ(it);
- ch_edge<Point>* p = (right_turn(A,B,P)) ? T1 : T2;
- while ( ! p->outside) //(p->succ->pred != p)
- { ch_edge<Point>* r0 = p->pred;
- if (right_turn(r0->source,r0->target,P)) p = r0;
- else { ch_edge<Point>* r1 = p->succ;
- if (right_turn(r1->source,r1->target,P)) p = r1;
- else { p = nil; break; }
- }
- }
- if (p==nil) continue; // P lies inside convex hull
- // compute "upper" tangent (p,high->source)
- ch_edge<Point>* high = p->succ;
- while (right_turn(high->source,high->target,P)) high = high->succ;
- // compute "lower" tangent (p,low->target)
- ch_edge<Point>* low = p->pred;
- while (right_turn(low->source,low->target,P)) low = low->pred;
- p = low->succ; // p = successor of low edge
- // insert two edges between "low" and "high"
- ch_edge<Point>* e_l = new ch_edge<Point>(low->target,P);
- ch_edge<Point>* e_h = new ch_edge<Point>(P,high->source);
- e_h->link = e_l;
- e_l->link = last_edge;
- last_edge = e_h;
- e_h->succ = high;
- e_l->pred = low;
- high->pred = e_l->succ = e_h;
- low->succ = e_h->pred = e_l;
- // mark edges between low and high as "inside" and define refinements
- while (p != high)
- { ch_edge<Point>* q = p->succ;
- p->pred = e_l;
- p->succ = e_h;
- p->outside = false;
- p = q;
- }
- }
- // return list of vertices
- list<Point> CH;
- CH.append(last_edge->source);
- for(ch_edge<Point>* p = last_edge->succ; p != last_edge; p = p->succ)
- CH.append(p->source);
- // clean up
- while (last_edge)
- { ch_edge<Point>* p = last_edge;
- last_edge = last_edge->link;
- delete p;
- }
- return CH;
- }
- main()
- {
- int N = read_int("N = ");
- int k = read_int("k = ");
- list<point> L1;
- list<rat_point> L2;
- rand_int.set_seed(N*N);
- for(int i = 0; i<N; i++)
- { integer x = integer::random(k);
- integer y = integer::random(k);
- L1.append(point(x.todouble(),y.todouble()));
- L2.append(rat_point(x,y,1));
- }
- { cout << "C_HULL1(point) " << flush;
- float T = used_time();
- list<point> C = C_HULL1(L1);
- cout << string("|C| = %d time = %.2f",C.length(),used_time(T)) << endl;
- }
- { cout << "CONVEX_HULL(point) " << flush;
- float T = used_time();
- list<point> C = CONVEX_HULL(L1);
- cout << string("|C| = %d time = %.2f",C.length(),used_time(T)) << endl;
- }
- { cout << "C_HULL1(rat_point) " << flush;
- float T = used_time();
- list<rat_point> C = C_HULL1(L2);
- cout << string("|C| = %d time = %.2f",C.length(),used_time(T)) << endl;
- }
- return 0;
- }