资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- #include <LEDA/graph_edit.h>
- #include <LEDA/ugraph.h>
- #include <LEDA/stack.h>
- #include <LEDA/array2.h>
- window win;
- bool trace;
- bool step;
- #if !defined(__TEMPLATE_FUNCTIONS__)
- int compare(list<node>&, list<node>&) { return 0; }
- #endif
- void FIND_INDEPENDENT_NEIGHBORS(const ugraph& G, const node_array<int>&,
- node v, node& u, node& w);
- int UNUSED_ADJ_COLOR(node v, const node_array<int>& col);
- void FIVE_COLOR(const GRAPH<point,int>& G, node_array<int>& C)
- {
- // G is a planar graph
- UGRAPH<point,int> G1;
- G1 = G;
- //we have to avoid parallel edges
- node_array<int> C1(G1,0); // C1[v] = color of node v in G1
- node_array<bool> mark(G1,false);
- node_array<int> deg(G1); // deg[v] = current degree of v
- list<node> small_deg; // list of nodes with deg[v] <= 5
- node_array<list_item> I(G1,nil); // I[v] = location of v in small_deg
- node_array<list<node> > L(G1); // L[v] = list of nodes of G represented by v
- stack<node> removed; // stack of (conceptually) removed nodes
- int N; // current number of valid nodes of G1
- // Initialization
- N = G1.number_of_nodes();
- node u,v,w,x;
- u = G.first_node();
- forall_nodes(v,G1)
- { deg[v] =;
- if(deg[v] <= 5) I[v] = small_deg.append(v);
- L[v].append(u);
- u = G.succ_node(u);
- }
- // shrinking G1
- if (trace) win.message("shrinking graph G ---> G1");
- while (N > 0)
- {
- forall_nodes(v,G1)
- { int d = 0;
- forall_adj_nodes(x,v) if (C1[x] != -1) d++;
- if (C1[v] != -1 && deg[v] != d)
- { win.draw_filled_node(G1[v]);
- error_handler(1,string("N = %d deg = %d d = %d",N,deg[v],d));
- }
- }
- if (small_deg.empty())
- error_handler(1,"smalldeg is empty");
- v = small_deg.pop();
- I[v] = nil;
- if (trace)
- { win.set_mode(xor_mode);
- win.draw_text_node(G1[v],"?");
- win.draw_filled_node(G1[v]);
- win.set_mode(src_mode);
- }
- if (deg[v] == 5)
- {
- if (w == u) error_handler(1,"merging identical nodes"); //parallel edges
- if(trace)
- { win.set_mode(xor_mode);
- win.draw_text_node(G1[w],"?");
- win.draw_filled_node(G1[w]);
- win.draw_filled_node(G1[u]);
- win.draw_edge(G1[v],G1[u]);
- win.draw_edge(G1[v],G1[w]);
- win.set_line_width(2);
- win.draw_edge(G1[v],G1[u]);
- win.draw_edge(G1[v],G1[w]);
- if (step) win.read_mouse();
- win.draw_edge(G1[v],G1[u]);
- win.draw_edge(G1[v],G1[w]);
- win.set_line_width(1);
- win.draw_edge(G1[v],G1[u]);
- win.draw_edge(G1[v],G1[w]);
- win.draw_filled_node(G1[v]);
- win.draw_node(G1[v]);
- }
- { forall_adj_nodes(x,u) mark[x] = true; }
- forall_adj_nodes(x,w)
- { if (x == u) error_handler(1,"merging adjacent nodes");
- if (mark[x])
- { deg[x]--;
- if (deg[x] == 5)
- I[x] = small_deg.append(x);
- }
- else
- { G1.new_edge(u,x,0);
- if (C1[x] != -1) deg[u]++;
- if(trace) win.draw_edge(G1[u],G1[x]);
- }
- }
- { forall_adj_nodes(x,u) mark[x] = false; }
- deg[v]--;
- if (deg[u] > 5 && I[u] != nil)
- { small_deg.del(I[u]);
- I[u] = nil;
- }
- L[u].conc(L[w]);
- if (I[w] != nil) small_deg.del(I[w]);
- if (trace)
- { forall_adj_nodes(x,w) win.draw_edge(G1[w],G1[x]);
- win.draw_filled_node(G1[w]);
- win.draw_filled_node(G1[u]);
- win.set_mode(src_mode);
- }
- G1.del_node(w);
- N--;
- }
- if (step) win.read_mouse();
- // now deg[v] <= 4
- C1[v] = -1;
- removed.push(v);
- forall_adj_nodes(x,v)
- if ( --deg[x] == 5)
- I[x] = small_deg.append(x);
- N--;
- }
- if (trace)
- { win.read_mouse();
- win.del_messages();
- win.message("coloring G1");
- }
- // now color the nodes in "removed" from top to bottom
- while ( ! removed.empty() )
- { v = removed.pop();
- int c = UNUSED_ADJ_COLOR(v,C1);
- if (c == 5) error_handler(1,"more than 5 different adjacent colors");
- C1[v] = c;
- forall(x,L[v]) C[x] = c;
- if (trace) win.draw_int_node(G1[v],c);
- if (step) win.read_mouse();
- }
- if (trace)
- { edge e;
- win.read_mouse();
- win.del_messages();
- win.message("coloring G");
- win.set_mode(xor_mode);
- forall_edges(e,G1) win.draw_edge(G1[source(e)],G1[target(e)]);
- win.set_mode(src_mode);
- }
- }
- void FIND_INDEPENDENT_NEIGHBORS(const ugraph& G, const node_array<int>& col,
- node v, node& u, node& w)
- { node x;
- list<node> L;
- forall_adj_nodes(x,v)
- if (col[x] != -1) L.append(x);
- for (list_item it1 = L.first(); it1 != nil; it1 = L.succ(it1))
- { u = L[it1];
- for (list_item it2 = L.succ(it1); it2 != nil; it2 = L.succ(it2))
- { w = L[it2];
- forall_adj_nodes(x,w) if (x == u) break;
- G.init_adj_iterator(w);
- if (x != u) return;
- }
- }
- error_handler(1,"no independent neighbors found!");
- return;
- }
- int UNUSED_ADJ_COLOR(node v, const node_array<int>& col)
- {
- int used[6];
- int c;
- node x;
- for(c = 0; c < 6; c++) used[c] = 0;
- forall_adj_nodes(x,v)
- { c = col[x];
- if (c != -1) used[c] = 1;
- }
- c = 0;
- while(used[c]) c++;
- return c;
- }
- void grid_graph(GRAPH<point,int>& G, int n, float win_width)
- {
- array2<node> A(n,n);
- float dist = win_width/(n+3);
- int i,j;
- G.clear();
- for(i=0; i<n; i++)
- for(j=0; j<n; j++)
- A(i,j) = G.new_node(point(dist*(j+2),dist*(i+2)));
- for(i=0; i<n; i++)
- for(j=0; j<n; j++)
- { if (i < n-1) G.new_edge(A(i,j),A(i+1,j));
- if (j < n-1) G.new_edge(A(i,j),A(i
- ,j+1));
- if (i < n-1 && j < n-1) G.new_edge(A(i,j),A(i+1,j+1));
- }
- node north = G.new_node(point(dist*((n-1)/2.0 + 2),dist*(n+2)));
- node south = G.new_node(point(dist*((n-1)/2.0 + 2),dist));
- node west = G.new_node(point(dist,dist*((n-1)/2.0 + 2)));
- node east = G.new_node(point(dist*(n+2),dist*((n-1)/2.0 + 2)));
- for(i=0; i < n; i++)
- { G.new_edge(north,A(n-1,i));
- G.new_edge(south,A(0,i));
- G.new_edge(west,A(i,0));
- G.new_edge(east,A(i,n-1));
- }
- //G.new_edge(A(0,n-1),A(n-1,0));
- /*
- list<edge> E = G.all_edges();
- edge e;
- forall(e,E) G.new_edge(target(e),source(e));
- */
- }
- char* COLOR[] = {"blue","red","green","violet","orange"};
- main()
- {
- GRAPH<point,int> G;
- node v;
- edge e;
- int n = 8;
- int t = 0;
- win.init(0,1000,0);
- win.set_node_width(10);
- panel P("five coloring a planar graph");
- P.choice_item("trace",t,"off","step","movie");
- P.int_item("N = ",n,1,30);
- P.button("edit");
- P.button("grid");
- P.button("quit");
- for(;;)
- {
- int inp =;
- trace = (t > 0);
- step = (t == 1);
- if (inp == 2) break;
- win.clear();
- if (inp == 0) graph_edit(win,G,false);
- if (inp == 1) grid_graph(G,n,1000);
- forall_nodes(v,G) win.draw_text_node(G[v],"?");
- forall_edges(e,G) win.draw_edge(G[source(e)],G[target(e)]);
- node_array<int> col(G,-1);
- FIVE_COLOR(G,col);
- forall_edges(e,G) win.draw_edge(G[source(e)],G[target(e)]);
- forall_nodes(v,G) win.draw_int_node(G[v],col[v],col[v]+2);
- win.set_frame_label("click any button to continue");
- win.read_mouse();
- win.reset_frame_label();
- }
- return 0;
- }