资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- #include <LEDA/point_set.h>
- #include <LEDA/plane.h>
- #include <LEDA/window.h>
- window* Wp;
- void draw_vor_seg(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,double,double)
- { Wp->draw_segment(x1,y1,x2,y2,blue); }
- void draw_triang_seg(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
- { Wp->draw_segment(x1,y1,x2,y2,red);
- }
- void infi_pt(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double *x, double* y)
- { vector v(x2,y2);
- v = v.norm();
- *x = x1 + 1000 * v[0];
- *y = y1 + 1000 * v[1];
- }
- void draw_polygon(window& W, point_set<string>& S, list<ps_item>& P)
- { list_item it;
- forall_items(it,P)
- { point p = S.key(P[it]);
- point q = S.key(P[P.cyclic_succ(it)]);
- W.draw_segment(p,q);
- }
- }
- main()
- {
- window W;
- Wp = &W;
- int node_width = 4;
- int line_width = 1;
- int grid_width = 0;
- W.set_mode(xor_mode);
- panel P("POINT SET");
- P.text_item("Use the left mouse button to insert points. If a shift ");
- P.text_item("key is pressed simultaneously the nearest neighbor of ");
- P.text_item("the current mouse position is computed and displayed. ");
- P.text_item("An iso-oriented query rectangle can by defined using ");
- P.text_item("the middle button twice. An orthogonal range query is ");
- P.text_item("performed and all points lying inside the rectangle ");
- P.text_item("are deleted. Click the right button to quit. ");
- P.int_item("line width",line_width,1,5);
- P.int_item("node width",node_width,1,10);
- P.int_item("GRID",grid_width,0,8,1);
- P.open();
- W.clear();
- W.set_node_width(node_width);
- W.set_line_width(line_width);
- W.set_grid_mode(grid_width);
- point_set<string> S;
- double x,y,x1,y1;
- int button=0;
- bool voro = false;
- ps_item nearest_it=nil;
- point p;
- list<ps_item> Pol;
- while (button !=3 )
- {
- button = W.read_mouse(x,y);
- if (nearest_it) W.draw_edge_arrow(p,S.key(nearest_it));
- if (!Pol.empty()) draw_polygon(W,S,Pol);
- if (voro) S.trace_voronoi_edges(draw_vor_seg,infi_pt);
- Pol.clear();
- nearest_it = nil;
- voro = false;
- p = point(x,y);
- switch(button) {
- case 1: { string s("point (%f,%f)",p.xcoord(),p.ycoord());
- S.insert(p,s);
- W.draw_filled_node(p);
- break;
- }
- case 2: { W.read_mouse_rect(x,y,x1,y1);
- list<ps_item> L = S.range_search(x,x1,y,y1);
- ps_item it;
- forall(it,L)
- { cout << "delete " << S.inf(it) << "n";
- W.draw_filled_node(S.key(it));
- S.del_item(it);
- }
- cout.flush();
- break;
- }
- case -1: { nearest_it = S.nearest_neighbor(p);
- if (nearest_it!=nil)
- { W.draw_edge_arrow(p,S.key(nearest_it));
- cout << "Nearest " << S.inf(nearest_it) << "n";
- }
- else cout << "Empty point set.n";
- cout.flush();
- break;
- }
- case -2: { S.trace_voronoi_edges(draw_vor_seg,infi_pt);
- voro = true;
- break;
- }
- case -3: { Pol = S.convex_hull();
- draw_polygon(W,S,Pol);
- break;
- }
- } //switch
- } //for
- return 0;
- }