资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- #include <LEDA/graph.h>
- #include <LEDA/graph_alg.h>
- #include <LEDA/set.h>
- #include <LEDA/stack.h>
- #include <LEDA/array.h>
- /* We use sets, stacks, and arrays of nodes */
- // alphabeth: `a`,'b', ... , 'z','~'
- // epsilon = '~'
- const char EPSILON = '~';
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // NFA's are directed graphs with
- // node labels of type "int" (states)
- // edge labels of type "char"
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef GRAPH<int,char> NFA;
- int compare(node x, node y) { return x-y; }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DFA's are directed graphs with
- node labels of type set<node>* (pointers to set of nodes of an NFA)
- edge labels of type "char"
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef set<node>* node_set_ptr;
- typedef GRAPH<node_set_ptr,char> DFA;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // We need a test for equality on sets of nodes
- // This implementation is very inefficient!
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool EQ_NODE_SET(node_set_ptr S1, node_set_ptr S2)
- {
- // input: two pointers S1 and S2 to sets of nodes
- // ouput: true, if node sets *S1 and *S2 are equal
- // false, otherwise
- node v;
- forall(v,*S1)
- if (! S2->member(v)) return false;
- forall(v,*S2)
- if (! S1->member(v)) return false;
- return true;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Epsilon Closure
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void E_CLOSURE(NFA& A, node_set_ptr T)
- {
- /* expands node set *T by dfs on the epsilon edges */
- stack<node> S;
- node u,v;
- edge e;
- forall(v,*T) S.push(v);
- while ( ! S.empty() )
- { u = S.pop();
- // visit all neighbors v of u not in T and reachable by an epsilon-edge
- forall_adj_edges(e,u)
- { v =;
- if ( A.inf(e) == EPSILON && !T->member(v) )
- { T->insert(v);
- S.push(v);
- }
- }
- }
- } // E_CLOSURE
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Move
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- node_set_ptr MOVE(NFA& A, node_set_ptr T, char x)
- {
- /* result is a pointer p to the set of nodes to which there
- is a transition on input symbol x from a node in *T
- */
- node v;
- edge e;
- node_set_ptr p = new set<node>;
- /* now p is a pointer to an empty set of nodes */
- forall(v,*T)
- forall_adj_edges(e,v)
- if ( A.inf(e) == x ) p->insert(;
- return p;
- } // MOVE
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build a DFA from an NFA
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- // result is a DFA B accepting the same language
- // as NFA A with initial state s0
- DFA B;
- stack<node> S;
- node v,w;
- char c;
- node_set_ptr p;
- /* First we create a DFA-node for epsilon-closure(s0)and push it
- on the stack S. S contains all nodes of DFA B whose transitions
- have not been examined so far.
- */
- p = new set<node>;
- p->insert(s0);
- S.push(B.new_node(p));
- while ( ! S.empty() )
- { v = S.pop();
- for(c = 'a'; c<='z'; c++) // for each input symbol c do
- {
- p = MOVE(A,B.inf(v),c);
- // Is there any NFA-transisition from a node in B.inf(v) ?
- // i.e.: Is p not empty ?
- if ( ! p->empty() )
- {
- // compute the epsilon closure of *p
- /* search for a DFA-node w with B.inf(w) == *p */
- bool found = false;
- forall_nodes(w,B)
- if (EQ_NODE_SET(B.inf(w),p))
- { found = true;
- break;
- }
- /* if no such node exists create it */
- if ( !found )
- { w = B.new_node(p);
- S.push(w);
- }
- /* insert edge [v] --(c)--> [w] */
- B.new_edge(v,w,c);
- } // if p not empty
- } // for c = 'a' ... 'z'
- } // while S not empty
- return B;
- }
- main()
- {
- // Build a NFA A
- NFA A;
- // States = {0,1,...,N-1}
- int N = read_int("number of states N = ");
- cout << "Start state = 0n";
- array<node> state(0,N-1);
- int i,j;
- char c;
- // create N nodes: state[0], ... , state[N-1]
- loop(i,0,N-1) state[i] = A.new_node(i);
- // create edges (transistions)
- cout << "Enter Transitions of NFA (terminate input with 0 0 0)n";
- for(;;)
- { cout << "state1 state2 label : ";
- cin >> i >> j >> c;
- if (i==0 && j==0 && c=='0') break;
- A.new_edge(state[i], state[j], c);
- }
- node u,v;
- edge e;
- // output NFA A:
- newline;
- cout << "NFA A: n";
- forall_nodes(v,A)
- { cout << string(" [%d] : ",A.inf(v));
- forall_adj_edges(e,v)
- cout << string(" [%d]--%c-->[%d] ",A.inf(v),A.inf(e),A.inf(;
- newline;
- }
- DFA B = BUILD_DFA_FROM_NFA(A,state[0]);
- // output DFA B:
- node_array<int> name(B);
- newline;
- cout << "DFA B:n";
- i=0;
- forall_nodes(v,B)
- { name[v] = i++;
- cout << string(" [%d] = {",i);
- forall(u,*B.inf(v)) cout << " " << A.inf(u);
- cout << " }n";
- }
- newline;
- forall_nodes(v,B)
- { cout << string(" [%d] : ",name[v]);
- forall_adj_edges(e,v)
- cout << string(" [%d]--%c-->[%d] ",name[v],B.inf(e),name[]);
- newline;
- }
- return 0;
- }