资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- function underline(s)
- { gsub(/./,"_&",s);
- return s;
- }
- function header(s)
- { print "n";
- print underline(sprintf("%d. %s", ++count,s)) "n";
- }
- function sub_tex()
- { gsub(/\{/,"kl_auf");
- gsub(/\}/,"kl_zu");
- gsub(/{/,"");
- gsub(/}/,"");
- gsub("kl_auf", "{");
- gsub("kl_zu", "}");
- gsub(/$/,"");
- gsub(/\precond/,"Precondition:");
- gsub(/\longrightarrow/, "---->");
- gsub(/\phantom/, "");
- gsub(/\times/, " x");
- gsub(/\dots/, "...");
- gsub(/\cdot/, " *");
- gsub(/\tilde/,"~");
- gsub(/\le/, " <=");
- gsub(/\ge/, " >=");
- gsub(/\neq/, " !=");
- gsub(/\ne/, " !=");
- gsub(/\bf /, "");
- gsub(/\nl/, "");
- gsub(/\/, "");
- gsub(/backslash /, "\");
- }
- BEGIN { arg = ARGV[2];
- type = ARGV[1];
- gsub(//.*//, "",type);
- gsub(/.tex/, "",type);
- ARGV[2] = "";
- gsub(/_/, "\_", arg); print " ";
- op_header = 0;
- }
- /\section/ {
- if (arg == "")
- { gsub(/\section *{/, "");
- gsub(/\label *{.*}/, "");
- gsub(/}/, "");
- gsub(/\/, "");
- print underline($0);
- print " ";
- }
- }
- /\definition/ {
- if (arg == "" || "definition" == arg)
- { if (arg == "") header("DEFINITION");
- getline;
- while ($1 == "") getline;
- if ($1 ~ "\\decl")
- { if ($1 == "\declare")
- type = $2;
- else
- if ($1 == "\declone")
- type = $2"<"$3">";
- else
- if ($1 == "\decltwo")
- type = $2"<"$3","$4">";
- else
- if ($1 == "\declthree")
- type = $2"<"$3","$4","$5">";
- getline;
- }
- while ($1 == "") getline;
- while ($1 != "")
- { gsub(/\name/,type);
- sub_tex();
- print;
- getline;
- }
- print " ";
- }
- }
- /\creation/ {
- out = 0;
- if (arg == "" || "creation" == arg)
- { out = 1
- if (arg == "") header("CREATION");
- }
- getline;
- while ($1 == "") getline;
- while ($0 ~ "\\create")
- { i = 1;
- while ($i != "\create") i++;
- i++;
- var = $i;
- gsub(/\create/, type);
- gsub(/ *{ *} */, "");
- gsub(/\/, "");
- if (out==1) printf("%s;nn",$0);
- getline;
- while ($1 == "") getline;
- }
- if (out==1)
- { while ($1 != "")
- { gsub(/{/,"");
- gsub(/}/,"");
- gsub(/\tt /, "");
- gsub(/$/,"");
- gsub(/\name/,type);
- gsub(/\var/,var);
- gsub(/\precond/, "Precondition:");
- gsub(/\/,"");
- print;
- getline;
- }
- print " ";
- }
- }
- #operations & operators: line starts with op,opl,binop,unop,funop, ...
- /\operations/ {
- if (arg == "") header("OPERATIONS");
- getline;
- }
- /\[a-z]*op/ {
- if ($3 == arg || arg == "" || "operations" == arg)
- {
- sub_tex();
- if ($1 == "op" || $1 == "opl") #operation
- { long = 0;
- if ($1 == "opl") long = 1;
- printf("%-9s %s.%s (",$2,var,$3);
- for (i=4;i<=NF;i++) printf("%s ",$i);
- printf(")");
- }
- else
- if ($1 == "binop") #binary operator
- { printf("%-9s %s ",$2,var);
- for (i=3;i<=NF;i++) printf("%s ",$i);
- }
- else
- if ($1 == "strop") #stream operator
- { printf("%-9s %s %s %s",$2,$4,$3,var);
- for (i=5;i<=NF;i++) printf("%s ",$i);
- }
- else
- if ($1 == "funop") #function call operator
- { printf("%-9s %s (",$2,var);
- for (i=3;i<NF;i++) printf("%s ",$i);
- printf("%s)",$i);
- }
- else
- if ($1 == "unop") #unary operator
- printf("%-9s %s%s",$2,$3,var);
- else
- if ($1 == "arrop") #array access operator
- printf("%-9s %s [%s %s]",$2,var,$3,$4);
- #if (long == 1) print " "; # space between call sequence and description
- getline;
- print " ";
- if ("operations" != arg)
- { while ($1 != "")
- { gsub(/\var/, var);
- sub_tex();
- printf(" ");
- for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) printf("%s ",$i);
- print " ";
- getline;
- }
- print " ";
- print " ";
- }
- }
- }
- #/\iteration/ {
- #if (arg == "" || "iteration" == arg)
- #{ if (operation == "") header("ITERATION");
- # getline;
- # while ($1 ~ "skip" || $1 == "") getline;
- # while ($1 !~ "skip")
- # { sub_tex();
- # print;
- # getline;
- # while ($1 ~ "phantom" || $1 == "") getline;
- # }
- # print " ";
- #}
- #}
- /\implementation/ {
- if (arg == "" || "implementation" == arg)
- { if (arg == "") header("IMPLEMENTATION");
- getline;
- while ($1 ~ "skip" || $1 == "") getline;
- while ($1 !~ "skip" && $1 != "")
- { gsub(/{/,"");
- gsub(/}/,"");
- sub_tex();
- print;
- getline;
- }
- print " ";
- }
- }