资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- chapter{Introduction} label{Introduction}
- pagenumbering{arabic}
- One of the major differences between combinatorial computing
- and other areas of computing such as statistics, numerical
- analysis and linear programming is the use of complex data types.
- Whilst the built-in types, such as integers, reals, vectors, and matrices,
- usually suffice in the other areas, combinatorial computing relies heavily
- on types like stacks, queues, dictionaries, sequences, sorted sequences,
- priority queues, graphs, points, segments, $ldots$
- In the fall of 1988, we started a project (called {bf LEDA} for Library of
- Efficient Data types and Algorithms) to build a small, but growing library
- of data types and algorithms in a form which allows them to be used by
- non-experts. We hope that the system will narrow the gap between algorithms
- research, teaching, and implementation. The main features of LEDA are:
- begin{enumerate}
- item
- LEDA provides a sizable collection of data types and algorithms in a form
- which allows them to be used by non-experts. In the current version, this
- collection includes most of the data types and algorithms described in the
- text books of the area.
- item
- LEDA gives a precise and readable specification for each of the data types
- and algorithms mentioned above. The specifications are short (typically,
- not more than a page), general (so as to allow several implementations),
- and abstract (so as to hide all details of the implementation).
- item
- For many efficient data structures access by position is important. In
- LEDA, we use an item concept to cast positions into an abstract form. We
- mention that most of the specifications given in the LEDA manual use this
- concept, i.e., the concept is adequate for the description of many data
- types.
- item
- LEDA contains efficient implementations for each of the data types, e.g.,
- Fibonacci heaps for priority queues, skip lists and dynamic perfect
- hashing for dictionaries, ...
- item
- LEDA contains a comfortable data type graph. It offers the standard
- iterations such as ``for all nodes v of a graph G do'' or ``for all
- neighbors w of v do'', it allows to add and delete vertices and edges
- and it offers arrays and matrices indexed by nodes and edges,...
- The data type graph allows to write programs for graph problems in a
- form close to the typical text book presentation.
- item
- LEDA is implemented by a CC class library. It can be used with almost
- any CC compiler that supports templates.
- item
- {LEDA is available by anonymous ftp from {bf} in
- directory /pub/LEDA. The distribution contains all sources, installation
- instructions, a technical report, and the user manual.}
- item
- LEDA is not in the public domain, but can be used freely for research
- and teaching. Information on a commercial license is available from the
- author or
- end{enumerate}
- This manual contains the specifications of all data types and algorithms
- currently available in LEDA. Users should be familiar with the CC
- programming language (see cite{S91} or cite{Li89}). The manual
- is structured as follows: In chapter one, which is a prerequisite for all
- other chapters, we discuss the basic concepts and notations used in LEDA.
- The other chapters define the data types and algorithms available in
- LEDA and give examples of their use. These chapters can be consulted
- independently from one another.
- bigskip
- bigskip
- {largebf Version 3.0}
- The most important changes with respect to previous versions are
- begin{enumerate}
- item
- Parameterized data types are realized by CC templates. In particular,
- {it declare} macros used in previous versions are now obsolete and the
- syntax for a parameterized data type $D$ with type parameters $T_1,dots,T_k$
- is $D<T_1,dots,T_k>$ (cf. section ref{Specifications}).
- item
- Arbitrary data types (not only pointer and simple types) can be used as
- actual type parameters (cf. section ref{Specifications}).
- item
- For many of the parameterized data types (in the current version: dictionary,
- priority queue, d_array, and sortseq) there exist variants taking an additional
- data structure parameter for choosing a particular implementation
- (cf. section ref{Implementation Parameters}).
- item
- The LEDA memory management system can be customized for user-defined classes
- (cf. section ref{Memory Management}).
- item
- The efficiency of many data types and algorithms has been improved.
- end{enumerate}
- See also the ``Changes" file in the LEDA root directory.
- newpage
- {largebf Version 3.1}
- Many changes were made to make LEDA work with new compilers (gg-2.6.3,
- Lucid CC, Watcom CC Sunpro CC, ...) and on more platforms (Silicon
- Graphics, IBM, HP, Solaris-2.3, Linux, ...). All reported bugs of version
- 3.0 we were able to find and understand have been fixed (see LEDA/Fixes
- for a list). Several new data types and algorithms (especially in the graph
- and window section) have been included.
- bigskip
- {bf Manual Pages}
- All manual pages have been incorporated into the corresponding
- header files. There are tools (in the directory man) to extract and
- typeset the new user manual from these files. A postscript
- version of the manual is available on the ftp server.
- bigskip
- {bf Parameterized Data Types}
- The LEDA_TYPE_PARAMETER macro that had to be called for type
- arguments in parameterized data types when using the gg compiler
- is not needed anymore for gg versions $>=$ 2.6.3.
- bigskip
- {bf Linear Orders, I/O, and Hashing}
- $compare$, $Hash$, $Read$ and $Print$ functions only have to be
- defined for type parameters of a parameterized data type if they are
- actually used by operations of the data type. If one of these function
- is called and has not been defined explicitely, a default version giving
- an error message is instantiated from a function template.
- Except for the built-in types and some basic LEDA types ($string$ and
- $point$) there are no predefined versions of these functions any more.
- In particular, they are not predefined for arbitrary pointer types.
- You will notice the effect of this change, for instance, when calling
- the sort operation on a list of pointers $list<T*>$ without a definition
- of a compare function for $T*$. Previous LEDA
- releases sorted the list by increasing addresses of the pointers in
- this case. In version~3.1 the program will exit with the exception
- ``no compare function defined for $T*$". Operations based on functions
- $Hash$, $Read$, or $Print$ show a similar behavior.
- bigskip
- {bf Nested Forall Loops }
- The limitation of previous versions that {bf forall}-loops (e.g.
- on lists) could not be nested is no longer valid.
- bigskip
- {bf Graphs}
- The distinction in directed and undirected graphs is not as strict as
- in previous versions. Data type $graph$ represents both directed and
- undirected graphs. Directed and undirected graphs only differ in the
- definition of adjacent edges or nodes. Now, two lists of edges are
- associated with every node $v$: the list
- $out_edges(v) = { e in E | source(e) = v }$ of edges starting in $v$,
- and the list $in_edges(v) = { e in E | target(e) = v }$ of
- edges ending in $v$.
- A graph is either {em directed} or {em undirected}.
- In a directed graph an edge is adjacent to its source and in an undirected
- graph it is adjacent to its source and target. In a directed graph a node $w$
- is adjacent to a node $v$ if there is an edge $(v,w) in E$; in an undirected
- graph $w$ is adjacent to $v$ if there is an edge $(v,w)$ or $(w,v)$ in the
- graph. There are iteration macros allowing to iterate over the list of
- starting, ending or adjacent edges (cf. ref{Graphs} for details).
- bigskip
- {bf New Data Types}
- The old priority queue type $priority_queue<K,I>$ caused
- a lot of confusion because of the non-standard semantics of the type
- parameters $K$ and $I$ (the meaning of {em key} and {em information}
- was exchanged compared to most text book presentations of priority queues).
- To eliminate this confusion we introduced a new priority queue type
- $p_queue<P,I>$. Now $P$ is called the priority type of the queue.
- The basic library has been extended by several numerical data types
- including an arbitrary length integer type ($integer$), a type of
- rational numbers ($rational$), and two filter types $floatf$ and
- $real$. Together with the new types $rat_point$ (points with rational
- coordinates) and $rat_segments$ (segments with rational coordinates)
- they are especially useful in geometric computations. Note, that the
- geometric part of LEDA will be extended by more basic objects and
- algorithms based on exact arithmetic in the near future.
- The temporarily (in LEDA-3.1c) introduced data types $node_data$,
- $node_stack$, $node_queue$ are no longer available. Please use $node_map$,
- $edge_map$, $stack<node>$ and $queue<node>$ instead.
- A list of the new data types:\
- begin{itemize}
- item
- priority queues ($p_queue<P,I>$) (cf. ref{Priority Queues})
- item
- singly linked lists ($slist<T>$) (cf. ref{Singly Linked Lists})
- item
- big integers ($integer$) (cf. ref{Integers of Arbitrary Length})
- item
- rational numbers ($rational$) (cf. ref{Rational Numbers})
- item
- rational points ($rat_point$) (cf. ref{Rational Points})
- item
- rational segments ($rat_segment$) (cf. ref{Rational Segments})
- item
- floating point filter ($floatf$) (cf. ref{A Floating Point Filter})
- item
- random sources ($random_source$) (cf. ref{Random Sources})
- item
- real numbers ($real$) (cf. ref{Real Numbers})
- item
- maps ($map<I,E>$) (cf. ref{Maps})
- item
- node maps ($node_map<T>$) (cf. ref{Node Maps})
- item
- edge maps ($edge_map<T>$) (cf. ref{Edge Maps})
- item
- node lists ($node_list$) (cf. ref{Lists of Nodes})
- item
- bounded node priority queues $b_node_pq<n>$ (cf. ref{Bounded Node Priority Queues}).
- end{itemize}
- bigskip
- {bf Graph Generators and Algorithms}
- LEDA now offers more generators for different types of graphs (see
- ref{Graph Generators} for a complete list).
- The planarity test $PLANAR$ has been re-implemented and
- now has a boolean flag parameter $embed$. An embedding of the graph
- is computed only if $embed = true$ (the default value is $false$). A second variant of $PLANAR$
- computes a Kuratowsky-subgraph in the case of non-planarity.
- A new graph algorithm is $MIN_COST_MAX_FLOW$ computing
- a maximal flow with minimal cost.
- bigskip
- {bf Windows and Panels}
- The window and panel data types now are based on a plain X11 implementation.
- New features include\
- -- opening more than one window or panel\
- -- positioning, displaying, and closing of panels and windows\
- -- changing the label of windows and panels\
- -- 16 predefined colors\
- -- accessing colors from the X11 data base by name\
- -- drawing arcs, arc edges, and arc arrows\
- -- changing the default fonts, \
- -- reading and handling X11 events\
- -- a simple graph editor (cf. <LEDA/graph_edit.h>)\