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- documentstyle[11pt,comments,fullpage,pstricks,pst-node,pst-coil]{cweb}
- advancetextheight by 1.8cm
- advanceoddsidemargin by -2mm
- %documentstyle[comments,a4,mpicover,titlepage]{cweb}
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- title{Radix heaps, an efficient implementation for priority queuesthanks{This
- work was partially supported by the ESPRIT Basic Research Actions Program,
- under contract No. 7141 (project ALCOM~II).}}
- author{Jochen K"onemannfootnotemark[2]
- and Christoph Schmitzthanks{Max-Planck-Institut f"ur Informatik,
- Im Stadtwald, D-66123 Saarbr"ucken and Computer Science Department,
- Universit"at des Saarlandes, D-66041 Saarbr"ucken}
- and Christian Schwarzthanks{Max-Planck-Institut f"ur Informatik,
- Im Stadtwald, D-66123 Saarbr"ucken}}
- %repnumber{95-1-009}
- %begin{keywords}
- %R_HEAP,
- %end{keywords}
- begin{document}
- maketitle
- begin{abstract}
- We describe the implementation of a data structure called radix heap,
- which is a priority queue with restricted functionality.
- Its restrictions are observed by Dijkstra's algorithm, which uses
- priority queues to solve the single source shortest path problem
- in graphs with nonnegative edge costs.
- For a graph with $n$ nodes and $m$ edges and real-valued edge costs,
- the best known theoretical bound for the algorithm is $O(m+nlog n)$.
- This bound is attained by using Fibonacci heaps to implement
- priority queues.
- If the edge costs are integers in the range $[0ldots C]$, then using
- our implementation of radix heaps for Dijkstra's algorithm
- leads to a running time of $O(m+nlog C)$.
- We compare our implementation of radix heaps with an existing implementation
- of Fibonacci heaps in the framework of Dijkstra's algorithm. Our
- experiments exhibit a tangible advantage for radix heaps over Fibonacci heaps
- and confirm the positive influence of small edge costs on the running time.
- end{abstract}
- tableofcontents
- @i ../leda_types.w
- @* Introduction.
- In this paper, we describe the implementation of a data structure named
- {bf radix heap}. For convenience, we will also refer to this structure
- as |r_heap| in the following.
- A radix heap can be used to implement the data type {em priority queue}.
- A priority queue stores a collection of items, each of which
- has a {em key}. The keys in the queue come from a linearly ordered universe.
- There are operations available to update a priority queue.
- Operation |insert| adds a new item with a given key to the queue.
- Operation |decrease_key| takes a given item and decreases its key
- to a given value if applicable, i.e. if this value is smaller than
- the element's current key.
- Furthermore, with operation |del_item| we can delete any given item
- from the queue.
- The main query operation on a priority queue is |find_min|, which returns
- an item containing a key that is minimal among all keys occurring in the queue.
- Searching for any other particular key is not supported, and this is
- what sets priority queues apart from e.g. sorted sequences or dictionaries.
- For convenience, a combination of the query |find_min| and the update
- |del_item| is regularly offered on priority queues as |del_min|.
- Priority queues find an important application in the {em shortest path
- problem:} given a graph $G$ with $n$ nodes and $m$ edges where each edge
- is labeled with a nonnegative real-valued cost, the problem is
- to compute the shortest distance from a designated node $s$ to all other
- nodes in $G$. A solution to this problem is provided by {em Dijkstra's
- algorithm/} cite{dijkstra}. Its running time is dominated by
- $n$ |insert|, |find_min| and |del_item| operations, plus $m$
- |decrease_key| operations carried out on a priority queue of size at most $n$.
- The theoretically most efficient algorithm is obtained by using
- {em Fibonacci heaps/} cite{fheap} to implement the priority queue.
- A Fibonacci heap provides |decrease_key| for $O(1)$ amortized time
- and the other mentioned operations for $O(log n)$ amortized time.
- This leads to a running time of $O(m+nlog n)$ for Dijkstra's algorithm.
- While this is optimal for real-valued edge costs,
- improvements are possible if edge costs are bounded integers.
- This was investigated by Ahuja et. al. cite{rheap}.
- Their paper contains two solutions and for both, the running time depends
- on the bound $C$ given for the edge costs.
- While a one-level radix heap leads to a running time of
- $O(m+nlog C)$, a complicated two-level radix heap improves this bound
- to $O(m+nsqrt{log C})$.
- We chose to implement the one-level heap due to its simplicity in
- order to include it into the data structures library LEDA cite{ledaMN,lman,ledabook}.
- Radix heaps exploit some special properties of Dijkstra's algorithm
- in the use of priority queues.
- For every node $v$ of $G$, the algorithm maintains a tentative
- distance $d(v)$ that is not smaller than its actual distance
- to $s$, say $widehat{d}(v)$.
- Each node $vneq s$ has $d(v)=infty$ at the start of the algorithm
- and enters the priority queue during the algorithm with a finite $d(v)$.
- It is stored there using $d(v)$ as its key until its distance to $s$ is known,
- i.e. $d(v)=widehat{d}(v)$.
- Assume that all edge costs are in the integer range $[0ldots C]$.
- Then the following properties hold:
- begin{enumerate}
- item[(1)] For any node $v$: if $d(v) < infty$, then $0le d(v)le nC$
- item[(2)] Let $x$ be the node with minimal $d(x)$ in the priority queue.
- Then $d(x)=widehat{d}(x)$.
- Furthermore, let $v$ be any other node in the graph whose final distance
- $widehat{d}(v)$ is not yet known. Then $widehat{d}(v)ge d(x)$, and if $v$ is
- stored in the queued, we have $d(v)in [d(x)ldots d(x)+C]$.
- end{enumerate}
- %
- Property (2) particularly means that the sequence of minimum keys
- is nondecreasing. A priority queue with the above properties
- is sometimes called a {em bounded monotonic heap}.
- These restrictions have the following effect on the specification
- of the operations on |r_heap|s. Both |insert| and |decrease_key| are
- given a key value as one of their arguments. It is required that this
- key is not smaller than the current minimum key in the heap.
- During the implementation, we will mention some parts of the analysis
- which are essential for the understanding of the implementation.
- The reader is referred to the original paper cite{rheap} for more details.
- We implement the data structure |r_heap| in C++ with the intention to
- include it into the LEDA library.
- To achieve this goal, we follow LEDA conventions in the specification
- as well as in the implementation.
- The paper is organized as follows. First,
- we give the specification
- of the data type in the header file {tt r_heap.h}.
- Then, we describe the implementation of the functions that were
- declared in the header file.
- Following this, we describe a LEDA implementation of Dijkstra's
- algorithm using generic priority queues.
- Using this algorithm, we compare the performance of radix heaps
- with Fibonacci heaps, the default implementation of priority queues
- provided by LEDA.
- We conclude the paper with experimental results.
- @* The header file.
- The header defines two classes, one to represent a single heap element,
- and another to describe the structure of the heap itself, along with
- the operations defined on the heap. In the description of both classes,
- we use |GenPtr|, the generic pointer type of LEDA. Substituting
- actual types for an application will be done by LEDA's priority queue
- interface, with which we integrate our implementation. See
- cite{ledabook} for more details on this issue.
- Let us begin with some terminology.
- In a radix heap, elements are grouped into |buckets| according to their key.
- The first bucket will always contain the elements with the current
- minimum key (and only those), which enables us to carry out |find_min|
- efficiently.
- The maximal difference between any two keys in a radix heap is a certain
- integer $C$ which is given when the heap is created.
- There are $B=lceillog(C+1)rceil+2$ buckets. For each bucket $i,0le i < B$,
- there is a number $u[i]$ which gives an upper bound on the keys stored
- in that bucket.
- More specifically, let $min$ be the minimum key stored in the heap, and
- define $u[-1]=min-1$. Then, as mentioned above, $u[0]=min$, and
- begin{enumerate}
- item $u[-1] < u[0] le u[1]leldotsle u[B-1]$,
- item an element with key $k$ belongs to bucket $i$, where $0le i le B-1$,
- if $u[i-1] < k le u[i]$,
- item $u[i]le u[i-1]+2^{i-1}$ for $1le i < B-1$,
- item $u[B-1]=mbox{MAXINT}$.
- end{enumerate}
- @ A single heap element is stored in an |r_heap_node|.
- First of all, this structure contains a |key| field.
- The field |inf| holds associated information.
- The |bucket| field gives the number of the bucket which currently
- contains the element.
- We want to maintain the elements of a bucket in a doubly linked list.
- Pointers |succ| and |pred| are provided for this purpose.
- For convenience, we also define |r_heap_item| as a pointer to an |r_heap_node|.
- Activation of the LEDA memory manager will improve the efficiency
- of memory (de-)allocation with |new| and |delete|.
- @<r_heap_node@>=
- class r_heap_node
- {
- friend class r_heap;
- GenPtr key; // key
- GenPtr inf; // information
- int bucket; // number of bucket containing the node
- r_heap_node *succ,*pred; // pointers for list maintenance
- public:@/
- r_heap_node (GenPtr k,GenPtr i) : key(k),inf(i),bucket(0),succ(nil),
- pred(nil)@+ {@+}
- LEDA_MEMORY(r_heap_node)
- };
- typedef r_heap_node* r_heap_item;
- @ Class |r_heap| defines the radix heap itself.
- First, there is a constant $C$ for the maximal key span in the heap.
- That is, the keys stored in the heap always come from an integer range
- $[minldots min + C]$.
- Each bucket maintains a list of |r_heap_node|s contained in it.
- Access to the buckets is provided by the array |buckets[]|.
- Along with this array, there is another array |u[]| such that for any $i$,
- the keys of the elements stored in $buckets[i]$ are bounded by $u[i]$.
- Both arrays change dynamically during the lifetime of an |r_heap|.
- We will need to adjust the bucket boundaries recorded in |u[]| from time
- to time, and to do this more efficiently, we tabulate the
- appropriate key range for the buckets in an array |bsize[]|.
- This array remains unchanged during the lifetime of an |r_heap|.
- |B| denotes the number of buckets necessary to store the elements
- in the heap for a given key span $C$.
- The class declaration provides all operations that are contained
- in the LEDA priority queue interface, because we want to use |r_heap| in
- this framework.
- The counter |si| records the number of elements currently stored in the
- heap. Its purpose is to make the operations |empty| and |size|
- particularly simple and efficient.
- pagebreak[3]
- @<class r_heap@>=
- class r_heap { @;
- /* data kept in an |r_heap| */
- int C; // maximal difference between two keys in the heap
- r_heap_item *buckets; // buckets of the |r_heap|
- int *u; // upper bounds on the key intervals corresponding to the buckets
- int B; // number of buckets
- int si; // current number of elements stored in the heap
- int* bsize; // table used to (re-)initialize the array |u| or part of it
- @;
- /* private functions that facilitate the descriptions of the |r_heap| operations */
- inline void set_bucket_bounds(int min, int upto);
- inline int findbucket (r_heap_item,int);
- void copy_heap (const r_heap&);
- inline void add_item (r_heap_item,int);
- inline void rm_item (r_heap_item);
- @;
- /* non-public functions concerned with the use of |r_heap| within LEDA */
- virtual void print_key(GenPtr) const@+ {@+}
- virtual void print_inf(GenPtr) const@+ {@+}
- virtual void clear_key(GenPtr&) const@+ {@+}
- virtual void clear_inf(GenPtr&) const@+ {@+}
- virtual void copy_key(GenPtr&) const@+ {@+}
- virtual void copy_inf(GenPtr&) const@+ {@+}
- virtual int int_type() const@+ {@+ return 0;@+ }
- protected:@;
- r_heap_node* item(void* p) const@+ {@+ return (r_heap_node*)p;@+ }
- public:@;
- r_heap(int C);
- // the maximal difference between two keys in the heap needs to be provided upon initialization
- r_heap()@+ {@+ error_handler(1,"r_heap: must initialize with int C>=0");@+ }
- r_heap(const r_heap&);
- r_heap& operator=(const r_heap&);
- virtual ~r_heap() @+ {@+ clear();@+ }
- r_heap_item find_min() const;
- r_heap_item insert(GenPtr k, GenPtr i);@+// precondition: |k >= key(find_min())|
- void del_item(r_heap_node *x);
- void del_min();
- void decrease_key(r_heap_node* x,GenPtr k);@+// precond.: |key(find_min())<=k<key(x)|
- void change_inf(r_heap_node* x,GenPtr i);
- GenPtr key(r_heap_node *x) const@+ {@+ return x->key ;@+ }
- GenPtr inf(r_heap_node *x) const@+ {@+ return x->inf;@+ }
- void clear();
- int size() const;
- int empty() const;
- @;
- /* functions that are used by the LEDA iteration macros */
- r_heap_item first_item() const;
- r_heap_item next_item(r_heap_item p) const;
- void print_contents (ostream& chk = cout) const;
- };@;
- /* dummy I/O and cmp functions */
- inline void Print(const r_heap&, ostream&)@+ { @+}
- inline void Read (r_heap&, istream&)@+ {@+ }
- inline int compare(const r_heap&,const r_heap&)@+ {@+ return 0;@+ }
- @ It is necessary to include a header file containing standard
- functionality of LEDA.
- @<includes@>=
- #include <LEDA/basic.h>
- @ The header file now looks as follows:
- @(r_heap.h@>=
- @<includes@>@;
- @<r_heap_node@>@;
- @<class r_heap@>
- @* The implementation.
- In the following sections, we present an annotated implementation of the
- member functions of class |r_heap|.
- @ We need a constructor that creates an empty |r_heap|.
- In the previous section, we have seen that class |r_heap|
- does not permit a constructor without arguments. Instead, there is
- a constructor that receives an |int| argument. This argument determines
- the constant |C| and is used to calculate |B|, the number of buckets
- in the heap.
- The constructor also allocates space for the arrays |buckets[]|, |u[]|
- and |bsize[]|.
- After this, |buckets[]| and |bsize[]| are initialized.
- The array |u[]| is supposed to keep the upper bounds on the keys stored
- in the buckets. These values cover the range $[minldots min+C]$ of
- keys stored in the heap, where $min$ is the current minimum key.
- Since the invocation of this constructor creates an empty heap,
- we do not know $min$ and defer the initialization of array |u[]|
- until the first |insert| operation.
- Nevertheless, we already set the last entry, |u[B-1]|, whose value
- MAXINT remains unchanged throughout the lifetime of the |r_heap|.
- @<constructors@>=
- r_heap::r_heap (int c)
- {
- C = c;
- B = int(ceil(log(C)/log(2))) + 2;
- buckets = (r_heap_item*)new int[B];
- for (int i = 0; i < B; i++)
- buckets[i] = nil;
- bsize = new int[B];
- u = new int[B];
- bsize[0] = 1;
- bsize[B-1] = MAXINT;
- for (i = 1; i < B-1; i++)
- bsize[i] = 1 << (i-1);
- u[B-1] = MAXINT; /* this value won't change throughout the computation
- the other u[] values will be initialized by |insert| */
- si = 0;
- }
- @ Throughout this section we need functions that add an
- |r_heap_item| to---or remove it from---a bucket. Each of the
- following functions operates on a doubly linked list which
- connects the |r_heap_item|s that belong to a bucket.
- @<private functions@>=
- inline void r_heap::add_item (r_heap_item it,int bnr)
- {
- it->succ=buckets[bnr];
- if (buckets[bnr]!=nil)
- buckets[bnr]->pred=it;
- it->pred=nil;
- it->bucket=bnr;
- buckets[bnr]=it;
- }
- inline void r_heap::rm_item (r_heap_item it)
- {
- if (it->pred!=nil)
- (it->pred)->succ=it->succ; else
- buckets[it->bucket]=it->succ;
- if (it->succ!=nil)
- (it->succ)->pred=it->pred;
- }
- @ For the copy constructor and for the similar assignment operator,
- which are described below, we use an auxiliary function.
- Called for an |r_heap| object, the function |copy_heap| is given
- another |r_heap| as its argument and replicates that heap
- in its own member variables.
- @<private functions@>+=
- void r_heap::copy_heap (const r_heap &rh)
- {
- C = rh.C;
- B = rh.B;
- si = rh.si;
- buckets = (r_heap_item*)new int[B];
- u = new int[B];
- bsize = new int[B];
- for (int i = 0; i < B; i++) {
- u[i] = rh.u[i];
- bsize[i] = rh.bsize[i];
- }
- r_heap_item item1,item2;
- for (i = 0; i < rh.B; i++) {
- if (rh.buckets[i]!=nil) {
- item1=rh.buckets[i];
- do {
- item2=new r_heap_node(item1->key,item1->inf);
- add_item(item2,i);
- item1=item1->succ;
- } while (item1!=nil);
- } else
- buckets[i]=nil;
- }
- }
- @ Using the function |copy_heap|, the copy constructor and the assignment
- operator are simple.
- @<constructors@>+=
- r_heap::r_heap (const r_heap &rh)
- {
- copy_heap(rh);
- }
- r_heap &r_heap::operator = (const r_heap &rh)
- {
- if (this != &rh) {
- delete []buckets;
- delete []u;
- copy_heap(rh);
- }
- }
- @ During the lifetime of an |r_heap|, we often change the bucket boundaries.
- The |set_bucket_bounds| function serves this purpose.
- Its arguments are a key value |min| and a bucket number |upto|.
- The function sets $u[0]=min$ and then redefines $u[1],ldots,u[upto-1]$.
- Since it is a private function, we do not check these arguments
- for integrity, but the requirements are
- $1 < upto < B-1$ and $u[0]le min le u[upto]$.
- According to the original paper cite{rheap}, we need compute
- $u[i] = mbox{Min}(u[i-1] + bsize[i], u[upto])$
- for $i = 1,ldots, upto-1$.
- However, we know that the sequences $u[]$ and $bsize[]$ are
- monotonically nondecreasing,
- so the outcome of the above Min computation is also monotone.
- Hence, when computing $u[i]$, we explicitly check whether
- $u[i-1] + bsize[i] > u[upto]$.
- If this is the case, then $u[j]=u[upto],, ile jle upto -1,$
- which simplifies the computation for these $j$.
- @<private functions@>+=
- inline void r_heap::set_bucket_bounds(int min, int upto) {
- u[0] = min;
- for (int i = 1; i < upto; i++) {
- u[i] = u[i-1] + bsize[i];
- if (u[i] > u[upto])
- break;
- }
- for ( ; i < upto; i++)
- u[i] = u[upto];
- }
- @ We are now ready to describe the implementation of the important
- priority queue operations.
- Our implementation slightly deviates from the one sketched in cite{rheap}
- by additionally maintaining the following invariant for a non-empty |r_heap|:
- begin{quote}
- Before and after each operations, the elements with minimum key are
- contained in the first bucket of the |r_heap|, i.e. in |bucket[0]|.
- end{quote}
- @ Operation |find_min|, which returns an element with minimum key, has
- a simple implementation due to the aforementioned invariant.
- @<public functions@>=
- r_heap_item r_heap::find_min (void) const {
- if (si > 0)
- return buckets[0];
- else
- error_handler(1,"r_heap::find_min : Heap is empty!");
- }
- @ Operation |insert| adds a new element the heap. To do this,
- it is given two arguments which represent a key and an
- information, respectively.
- First, an |r_heap_node| is created using the key and the information
- argument.
- If the heap was previously empty, we set the interval bounds using the
- key argument and put the newly created |r_heap_node| into the first bucket.
- Otherwise, the bucket bounds are already initialized, and to find the correct
- bucket for the new element, we scan the bucket boundaries for the ``slot''
- containing the new key, in descending order starting with the last bucket.
- After the new |r_heap_node| is inserted into the data structure in either
- way, we conclude the operation by updating the element counter and
- returning a pointer to the new node.
- @<public functions@>+=
- r_heap_item r_heap::insert (GenPtr k, GenPtr i) {
- r_heap_item item=new r_heap_node(k,i);
- if (si > 0) { /* We check whether the operation respects the r_heap conditions */
- if (int(k) < u[0] || int(k) > u[0] + C) {
- string s("r_heap::insert: k= %d out of range [%d,%d]n",int(k),u[0],u[0]+C);
- error_handler(1,s);
- }
- int i = findbucket(item,B-1);
- add_item(item, i);
- }
- else {
- set_bucket_bounds((int)k, B-1);
- buckets[0] = item;
- item->bucket = 0;
- }
- si++;
- return item;
- }
- @ We haven't described |findbucket| yet. This is a private function which,
- given an |r_heap_item| as its first argument, finds the appropriate bucket
- for that item. It does this by scanning the buckets in decreasing order
- starting from the bucket whose number is given as the second argument.
- Since |find_bucket| is private, we do not check any invariants. This is
- up to the public functions calling |find_bucket|.
- @<private functions@>+=
- inline int r_heap::findbucket (r_heap_item it,int start) {
- if (int(it->key) == u[0])
- start = -1;
- else
- while (int(it->key) <= u[--start]) ;
- // now $u[start] < int(it->key) le u[start+1]$
- return (start + 1);
- }
- @ Operation |del_min| may be expressed using |find_min| and |del_item|.
- For efficiency reasons, we replace the call of |find_min| by a direct
- access to the head of the first bucket, since our invariant guarantees
- that |bucket[0]| is not empty if the heap is not empty.
- @<public functions@>+=
- void r_heap::del_min (void)
- {
- if (si>0) {
- r_heap_item it=buckets[0];
- del_item(it);
- }
- else
- error_handler(1,"r_heap::del_min : Heap is empty!");
- }
- @ Operation |decrease_key| is given an item $x$ sets its key to a given
- value $k$. According to the specification given before, the
- new value must be smaller than the previous key of $x$ but not smaller
- than the current minimum key of the heap.
- If these requirements are satisfied, the key of the item is decreased
- as desired. Additionally, if the new key violates the boundaries of the
- item's bucket, the item is moved to a bucket with lower index.
- @<public...@>+=
- void r_heap::decrease_key (r_heap_node *x,GenPtr k) {
- if ( (int(k) < int(x->key)) && (int(k) >= u[0]) ) {
- x->key=k;
- if ( (int(k) <= u[x->bucket-1]) ) {
- rm_item(x);
- int i = findbucket(x,x->bucket);
- add_item(x,i);
- }
- }
- else {
- string s("r_heap::decrease_key: k= %d out of range [%d,%d]n",int(k),u[0],int(x->key)-1);
- error_handler(1,s);
- }
- }
- @ The following operation allows the user to change the associated
- information of an item. It has no influence on the heap structure,
- however, since we can directly access the information by the given
- |r_heap_item|.
- @<public...@>+=
- void r_heap::change_inf (r_heap_node *x,GenPtr i)
- {
- x->inf=i;
- }
- @ Operation |clear| deletes all elements of the |r_heap| and deallocates the
- storage space taken by the elements.
- @<public...@>+=
- void r_heap::clear (void)
- {
- r_heap_item it;
- for(int i=1;i<B;i++)
- while ((it=buckets[i])!=nil)
- {
- rm_item(it);
- delete it;
- }
- }
- @ Operation |del_item| removes a given item from the heap.
- This is the most complicated of our operations.
- If the heap is not empty after the given item has been removed, but the
- first bucket does no longer contain any element, then the invariant
- is violated.
- To reinstate the invariant, we first find the element that holds
- the minimum key. We place this element in |bucket[0]| and readjust
- the bucket boundaries accordingly. Finally, all the elements which
- previously were in the same bucket as the new heap minimum are
- redistributed to buckets with lower indices according to the new boundaries.
- @<public...@>+=
- void r_heap::del_item (r_heap_node *x)
- {
- int buck = x->bucket;
- rm_item(x);
- delete x;
- if ( (si > 1) && (buck == 0) && (buckets[0] == nil) )
- {
- r_heap_item item;
- @<find new minimum@>
- @<reorganize r_heap@>
- }
- si--;
- }
- @ We now describe how to find the element that holds the new minimum key.
- Knowing that |bucket[0]| is empty, we check the buckets in ascending
- order starting from |bucket[1]| until we find the first non-empty bucket.
- Note that such a bucket must exist since the case that the heap is empty
- after the operation was excluded by the previous |if| condition.
- We check all items of the found bucket to retrieve the one with
- the smallest key.
- @<find new...@>=
- int idx = 1;
- while (buckets[idx] == nil)
- idx++;
- item = buckets[idx];
- r_heap_item dummy = item->succ;
- while (dummy != nil) {
- if ((int)dummy->key < (int)item->key)
- item = dummy;
- dummy = dummy->succ;
- }
- // we have found the minimum
- @ We now reorganize the heap. The element that was found by the previous
- code segment will be the new minimum of the heap. Then we
- recalculate the new bucket boundaries for all buckets with index
- $1 < i < idx$.
- Then the new minimal element is moved to |bucket[0]|, and for all
- the other elements in |bucket[idx]|, we scan the new bucket
- boundaries starting from |u[idx-1]| in descending order and
- move the element to the appropriate bucket.
- It is worth noting that out of the newly computed bucket boundaries,
- at least the last one, |u[idx-1]|, equals |u[idx]|.
- It follows that |every| element of |bucket[idx]| must
- move to a bucket with smaller index. This allows us to amortize
- the time previously spent to find the new minimum.
- @<reorg...@>=
- set_bucket_bounds(int(item->key),idx);
- rm_item(item);
- add_item(item,0);
- /* Redistribution */
- item = buckets[idx];
- r_heap_item next;
- while (item != nil) {
- next=item->succ;
- /* we know that every item in bucket #idx MUST be redistributed */
- rm_item(item);
- int i = findbucket(item,idx);
- add_item(item,i);
- item = next;
- }
- @ The operations |size| and |empty| can be easily implemented using the
- counter |si|.
- @<public...@>+=
- int r_heap::size (void) const
- {
- return si;
- }
- int r_heap::empty (void) const
- {
- return (si==0);
- }
- @ The following functions are used for iterating over the heap elements.
- There is a LEDA macro |forall_items| which is based on these functions.
- The function |first_item| is particularly simple because of our
- heap invariant.
- The function |next_item| checks whether the given item has a successor
- in its bucket. If this is the case, that successor is returned.
- Otherwise, the following buckets are checked until a non-empty
- bucket is found. If the search is not successful, the given item
- is the last one and |next_item| returns |nil|. Otherwise, the first
- element of the found bucket is returned.
- @<public...@>+=
- r_heap_item r_heap::first_item (void) const {
- return buckets[0]; // nil if heap is empty
- }
- r_heap_item r_heap::next_item (r_heap_item p) const {
- if (p->succ != nil)
- return p->succ;
- else {
- int next = p->bucket + 1;
- while((next < B) && (buckets[next] == nil))
- next++;
- if (next == B)
- return nil;
- else
- return buckets[next];
- }
- }
- @ The following function gives a overview of the contents of an |r_heap|.
- It is added for maintenance purposes.
- @<public...@>=
- void r_heap::print_contents (ostream& os) const
- {
- r_heap_item item;
- os << "--------------------------------------n";
- os << "Si: " << si << "n";
- os << "--------------------------------------n";
- for(int i=0;i<B;i++)
- {
- os << "--------------------------------------n";
- os << "Bucket " << i << "n";
- os << "Intervall: [";
- if (i > 0)
- os << u[i-1] - 1;
- else
- os << u[i];
- os << "," << u[i] << "]n";
- os << "--------------------------------------n";
- item = buckets[i];
- while (item != nil)
- {
- os << "Key: " << (int)item->key << " Bucket: " << item->bucket;
- os << "n";
- item = item->succ;
- }
- }
- }
- @ Here are the header files that need to be included for the implementation
- of |r_heap|.
- @<r_heap includes@>=
- #include "r_heap.h"
- #include <math.h>
- @ The source code of the |r_heap| implementation is composed of the
- following chunks.
- @(r_heap.c@>=
- @<r_heap includes@>@;
- @<constru...@>@;
- @<priv...@>@;
- @<publ...@>@;
- @* Dijkstra's algorithm.
- Here is the LEDA implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm.
- It uses the generic LEDA type |p_queue|.
- We will use this algorithm to evaluate the performance of our
- |r_heap| implementation.
- Note that the function |decrease_key| described in the definition
- of |r_heap| is replaced by |decrease_p|. The reason for this is a LEDA
- naming convention. Our implementation is integrated into the generic
- priority queue framework by an interface thats uses |r_heap| as an
- {em implementation parameter/} for |p_queue| (see also the next section).
- While this interface e.g. offers an operation |decrease_p|, it actually
- expects the implementation to provide the corresponding function with name
- |decrease_key| and explicitly performs the switch.
- More information on this issue can be found in the textbook
- on LEDA cite{ledabook}.
- @<function dijkstra@>=
- void dijkstra(graph&G,
- node s,
- edge_array<int>&cost,
- node_array<int>&dist,
- node_array<edge>&pred,
- p_queue<int,node>&PQ) {
- node_array<pq_item>I(G);
- node v;
- forall_nodes(v,G) {
- pred[v]= nil;
- dist[v]= MAXINT;
- }
- dist[s] = 0;
- I[s]= PQ.insert(0,s);
- while(!PQ.empty()) {
- pq_item it = PQ.find_min();
- node u = PQ.inf(it);
- int du = dist[u];
- edge e;
- forall_adj_edges(e,u) {
- v = G.target(e);
- int c = du+cost[e];
- if(c < dist[v]) {
- if(dist[v] == MAXINT)
- I[v] = PQ.insert(c,v);
- else
- PQ.decrease_p(I[v],c);
- dist[v] = c;
- pred[v] = e;
- }
- }
- PQ.del_item(it);
- }
- }
- @* The benchmark program.
- In this section, we show a simple program that compares radix heaps
- with Fibonacci heaps, LEDA's default implementation for priority queues.
- The declaration |p_queue<int,node>| creates a
- Fibonacci heap whose priorities are integers, each of which has
- a |node| associated with it.
- An |r_heap| with maximal key span |M| is provided as a priority queue
- with the declaration |p_queue<int,node,r_heap>(M)|.
- With this mechanism, |r_heap| is provided as an
- {em implementation parameter/} for the type |priority_queue|.
- Inclusion of the implementation parameter as well as the replacement of
- the generic pointer type |GenPtr| by the
- actual parameter types |int| and |node| is done by the interface
- in the file {tt<LEDA/_,prio.h>}. See cite{ledabook} for details.
- @(main.c@>=
- @<main includes@>@;
- @<function dijkstra@>@;
- int main(void)
- {
- GRAPH<int,int> G;
- int n = read_int("# nodes = ");
- int m = read_int("# edges = ");
- random_graph(G,n,m);
- edge_array<int> cost(G);
- node_array<int> dist(G);
- node_array<edge> pred(G);
- int M = read_int("max edge cost = ");
- node s = G.choose_node();
- edge e;
- forall_edges(e,G) G[e] = cost[e] = rand_int(0,M);
- p_queue<int,node>* PQ[2];
- PQ[0] = new _p_queue<int,node,f_heap>;
- PQ[1] = new _p_queue<int,node,r_heap>(M);
- float T = used_time();
- float t_f = 0.0, t_r = 0.0;
- dijkstra(G,s,cost,dist,pred,*(PQ[0]));
- t_f = used_time(T);
- dijkstra(G,s,cost,dist,pred,*(PQ[1]));
- t_r = used_time(T);
- cout << string("f_heap: %6.2f sec, r_heap: %6.2f secn",t_f,t_r);
- }
- @ We need to include the following header files.
- @<main includes@>=
- #include "r_heap.h"
- #include <LEDA/random.h>
- #include <LEDA/p_queue.h>
- #include <LEDA/_p_queue.h>
- #include <LEDA/graph.h>
- #include <LEDA/graph_alg.h>
- #include <fstream.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <math.h>
- @* Experiments.
- We ran the experiments on a SUN workstation SPARC-10. The code was compiled
- with the GNU C++ compiler {tt g++} and linked with the LEDA libraries
- {tt lG} (graphs) and {tt lL} (basis) and the math library {tt lm}.
- See the LEDA manual cite{lman}
- for more details on the use of the different LEDA libraries.
- The command line syntax to obtain the benchmark program is therefore
- begin{center}
- tt
- g++ -O -o r_heap r_heap.c main.c -lG -lL -lm
- end{center}
- The test results are shown in tables.
- Additionally, they are visualized using GNUPLOT.
- Our inputs are generated using a LEDA facility that produces
- random graphs. An arbitrary node of the test graph is chosen as the
- start node~$s$. Note that Dijkstra's algorithm as described above
- only visits the nodes reachable from~$s$.
- In order to avoid biased results, we add a minimal number of edges to
- an input graph such that every node is reachable from~$s$.
- In our experiments, we varied the maximal edge costs $C$ as well as the
- number of nodes and edges.
- We mainly examined sparse graphs since we were interested in problem
- instances where the theoretical time bounds for the
- implementations---$O(m+nlog n)$ vs. $O(m+nlog C)$---are actually different.
- We ran two kinds of experiments. In the first kind, we measured the running time
- against varying $C$ for three problems where $n$ and $m$ are fixed.
- The test cases are
- (1) $n=1000,m=10000$,
- (2) $n=1000,m=100000$ and
- (3) $n=10000,m=100000$.
- In the second kind of tests, we measured the running time against varying $n$
- for four problems where $C$ is fixed and $m=n,f(n)$ for a given function $f(n)$.
- More specifically, for $C$ we tested one small value, $10$, and one large value,
- $10^6$. For the number of edges $m$, we also chose one small value, $3n$,
- and one large value, $nlog n$. Note that we consider $m=nlog n$ as large
- although there might be $Omega(n^2)$ edges. The reason is that
- for $mgg nlog n$, choosing among the different heap implementations
- will no longer have a significant influence on the running time.
- For each experiment, there is a table showing the running times $t_f$
- and $t_r$ for Dijkstra's algorithm using |f_heap| and |r_heap|, respectively.
- These values are also shown in the GNUPLOT graph below the table.
- Additionally, the table lists the absolute and relative advantage of |r_heap|
- over |f_heap|, given by $t_f - t_r$ and $frac{t_f - t_r}{t_r}cdot 100$,
- respectively.
- All times are given in seconds.
- newpage
- @ Time vs Maximal Edge Cost $C$ for $n=1000$ and $m=10000$.
- vfill
- input numdata/t_cvar-1000-10000.dat
- vfill
- input numdata/cvar-1000-10000.tex
- vfill
- newpage
- @ Time vs Maximal Edge Cost $C$ for $n=1000$ and $m=100000$.
- vfill
- input numdata/t_cvar-1000-100000.dat
- vfill
- input numdata/cvar-1000-100000.tex
- vfill
- newpage
- @ Time vs Maximal Edge Cost $C$ for $n=10000$ and $m=100000$.
- vfill
- input numdata/t_cvar-10000-100000.dat
- vfill
- input numdata/cvar-10000-100000.tex
- vfill
- newpage
- @ Time vs number of nodes $n$ for $C=10$ and $m=3n$.
- vfill
- input numdata/t_nvar-10-3n.dat
- vfill
- input numdata/nvar-10-3n.tex
- vfill
- newpage
- @ Time vs number of nodes $n$ for $C=10$ and $m=nlog n$.
- vfill
- input numdata/t_nvar-10-log.dat
- vfill
- input numdata/nvar-10-log.tex
- vfill
- newpage
- @ Time vs number of nodes $n$ for $C=10^6$ and $m=3n$.
- vfill
- input numdata/t_nvar-10e06-3n.dat
- vfill
- input numdata/nvar-10e06-3n.tex
- vfill
- newpage
- @ Time vs number of nodes $n$ for $C=10^6$ and $m=nlog n$.
- vfill
- input numdata/t_nvar-10e06-log.dat
- vfill
- input numdata/nvar-10e06-log.tex
- vfill
- @* Implementation notes.
- This paper emerged from a semester project associated with a course
- on data structures and algorithms taught by Kurt Mehlhorn and Christian Schwarz
- at the Univerisit"at des Saarlandes in the winter semester of 1994/95,
- with teaching assistants Christoph Schmitz and Frank Schulz.
- Given the specification {tt r_heap.h}, and the application
- framework consisting of the code for Dijkstra's algorithm, the test program
- and some test graphs, the students were asked to implement |r_heap| and
- to conduct a performance comparison against |f_heap| using the test program.
- The students were supposed to form small groups for this task.
- Combining our own ideas with those provided by the solutions of the student
- teams and those resulting from discussions on the project, we came up with
- the final solution that is presented in this paper.
- Our solution is mainly based on work of the group formed by
- Jochen K"onemann,
- Arnd Christian K"onig and
- Mirek Riedewald.
- Additionally, the contributions of all other students who worked on the
- project helped to shape this final version. These students are
- input proj-names
- We thank them all.
- @ {bf References.}
- vspace*{-1.3cm}
- defrefname{}
- begin{thebibliography}{IEE87}
- bibitem[MN95]{ledabook}K. Mehlhorn, S. N"aher.
- {sl The LEDA platform for combinatorial and geometric computing.}
- In preparation.
- bibitem[MN89]{ledaMN}K. Mehlhorn, S. N"aher.
- {sl LEDA: A library of efficient data types and algorithms.}
- LNCS, vol. 379, pp. 88-106, 1989, full version to appear in CACM.
- bibitem[N"ah93]{lman}S. N"aher.
- {sl LEDA manual.}
- Technical report MPI-I-93-109, Max-Planck-Institut f"ur Informatik, Saarbr"ucken, 1993.
- bibitem[AMOT90]{rheap}R. Ahuja, K. Mehlhorn, J. Orlin and R. Tarjan.
- {sl Faster Algorithms for the shortest path problem.}
- Journal of the ACM, Vol.37, 1990, pp.213-223.
- bibitem[FT87]{fheap}M. Fredman and R.E. Tarjan.
- {sl Fibonacci heaps and their uses in improved network optimization algorithms.}
- Journal of the ACM, Vol.34, 1987, pp. 596-615.
- bibitem[D59]{dijkstra}E. Dijkstra.
- {sl A note on two problems in connexion with graphs.}
- Numer. Math. 1, 1959, pp. 269-271.
- end{thebibliography}
- end{document}