资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- documentstyle[11pt,comments]{cweb}
- textwidth=6.5in
- textheight=9in
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- begin{document}
- markright{fbox{protecttiny version of today}}
- pagestyle{myheadings}
- @* Testing Bidirectedness.
- noindent Let $G$ be a simple graph. We test whether $G$ is bidirected
- and (if required) also establish the correspondence between edges and
- their reversals. We first bucket--sort the edges according to their
- target node, then according to their source node. The result is
- maintained in a list. Afterwards we sort the edges again, but first
- according to their source node and then according to their target node.
- The result is maintained in a second list. Since |bucket sort| is
- stable,
- in a bidirected graph the position of an edge in the first list
- corresponds to the position of the reversal edge in the second
- list. The following procedure
- checks this relation.
- As soon as the tested edges do not correspond, false is returned.
- @c
- bool is_bidirected(const graph& G)
- {
- // computes for every edge e = (v,w) in G its reversal reversal[e] = (w,v)
- // in G ( nil if not present). Returns true if every edge has a
- // reversal and false otherwise.
- int n = G.max_i_node();
- int count = 0;
- edge e,r;
- list<edge> El = G.all_edges();
- El.bucket_sort(0,n,&edge_ord2);
- El.bucket_sort(0,n,&edge_ord1);
- list<edge> El1 = G.all_edges();
- El1.bucket_sort(0,n,&edge_ord1);
- El1.bucket_sort(0,n,&edge_ord2);
- // merge El and El1 to find corresponding edges
- while (! El.empty() && ! El1.empty())
- { e = El.head();
- r = El1.head();
- if ((target(r) == source(e))&&(source(r) == target(e)))
- { El1.pop();
- El.pop();
- }
- else
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- @ The following procedure
- also establishes the correspondence between edges and their reversals.
- For every edge |e = (v, w)| in $G$ it computes its reversal
- |reversal[e] = (w,v)| if existing in $G$ (|nil| otherwise). If every
- edge has a reversal it returns |true| and |false| otherwise.
- @c
- bool is_bidirected(const graph& G, edge_array<edge>& reversal)
- {
- // computes for every edge e = (v,w) in G its reversal reversal[e] = (w,v)
- // in G ( nil if not present). Returns true if every edge has a
- // reversal and false otherwise.
- int n = G.max_i_node();
- int count = 0;
- edge e,r;
- forall_edges(e,G) reversal[e] = 0;
- list<edge> El = G.all_edges();
- El.bucket_sort(0,n,&edge_ord2);
- El.bucket_sort(0,n,&edge_ord1);
- list<edge> El1 = G.all_edges();
- El1.bucket_sort(0,n,&edge_ord1);
- El1.bucket_sort(0,n,&edge_ord2);
- // merge El and El1 to find corresponding edges
- while (! El.empty() && ! El1.empty())
- { e = El.head();
- r = El1.head();
- if (target(r) == source(e))
- if (source(r) == target(e))
- { reversal[e] = r;
- El1.pop();
- El.pop();
- count++;
- }
- else
- if (index(source(r)) < index(target(e)))
- El1.pop();
- else
- El.pop();
- else
- if (index(target(r)) < index(source(e)))
- El1.pop();
- else
- El.pop();
- }
- return (count == G.number_of_edges());
- }
- @
- end{document}