资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _leda_panel.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- // defines the LEDA_PANEL operations declared in <LEDA/leda_panel.h>
- // using the basic graphics routines from <LEDA/impl/x_basic.h>
- #include <LEDA/leda_panel.h>
- #include <LEDA/impl/x_basic.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- enum { Text_Item,
- String_Item,
- String_Menu_Item,
- Int_Item,
- Slider_Item,
- Float_Item,
- Button_Item,
- Choice_Item,
- Bool_Item,
- Color_Item };
- static char* duplicate_string(const char* p)
- { char* q = new char[strlen(p)+1];
- if (q==0)
- { fprintf(stderr,"duplicate_string: out of memory");
- abort();
- }
- strcpy(q,p);
- return q;
- }
- static char* make_string(int x)
- { char str[256];
- sprintf(str,"%d",x);
- return duplicate_string(str);
- }
- static char* make_string(double x)
- { char str[256];
- sprintf(str,"%f",x);
- return duplicate_string(str);
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::panel_redraw_func()
- { if (active_window)
- { LEDA_PANEL* p = (LEDA_PANEL*)active_window;
- p->open(p->XPOS, p->YPOS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::init(const char* s)
- { open_display();
- header = duplicate_string(s);
- XPOS = -1;
- YPOS = -1;
- but_layout = 0;
- item_count = 0;
- but_count = 0;
- win = 0;
- item_bg_color = white;
- bg_color = grey1;
- press_color = grey2;
- shadow_color = grey3;
- tw = text_width("H");
- th = text_height("H");
- ytskip = th + 2;
- yskip = th + 11;
- bskip = th;
- yoff = th / 2;
- xoff = tw + 2;
- last_ycoord = yoff;
- slider_h = th - 1;
- string_h = th + 2;
- button_h = th + 4;
- choice_h = th + 5;
- slider_w = 200; // minimal slider length
- string_w = 200; // minimal string/int/float item length
- choice_w = 35; // minimal choice field width
- button_w = 40; // minimal button width
- but_per_line = 0;
- }
- LEDA_PANEL::LEDA_PANEL(const char* s, int bl)
- { WIDTH = -1;
- HEIGHT = -1;
- init(s);
- but_per_line = (bl == 1) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- LEDA_PANEL::LEDA_PANEL(const char* s, int width, int height)
- { WIDTH = width;
- HEIGHT = height;
- init(s);
- }
- LEDA_PANEL::LEDA_PANEL(int width, int height)
- { WIDTH = width;
- HEIGHT = height;
- init("");
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::item_error()
- { fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, too many items.");
- exit(1);
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::text_item(const char* s)
- { if (item_count >= MAX_ITEM_NUM) item_error();
- kind[item_count] = Text_Item;
- label_str[item_count] = duplicate_string(s);
- data_str[item_count] = 0;
- ycoord[item_count] = last_ycoord;
- last_ycoord += ytskip;
- item_count++;
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::string_item(const char* s, char** x)
- { if (item_count >= MAX_ITEM_NUM) item_error();
- label_str[item_count] = duplicate_string(s);
- data_str[item_count] = duplicate_string(*x);
- ref[item_count] = x;
- kind[item_count] = String_Item;
- ycoord[item_count] = last_ycoord;
- last_ycoord += yskip;
- item_count++;
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::string_menu_item(const char* s, char** x, const char* ,
- int argc,const char** argv)
- {
- if (item_count >= MAX_ITEM_NUM) item_error();
- label_str[item_count] = duplicate_string(s);
- data_str[item_count] = duplicate_string(*x);
- ref[item_count] = x;
- kind[item_count] = String_Menu_Item;
- dat1[item_count] = argc;
- choices[item_count] = new char*[argc];
- for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
- choices[item_count][i] = duplicate_string(argv[i]);
- ycoord[item_count] = last_ycoord;
- last_ycoord += yskip;
- item_count++;
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::int_item(const char* s, int* x)
- { if (item_count >= MAX_ITEM_NUM) item_error();
- label_str[item_count] = duplicate_string(s);
- data_str[item_count] = make_string(*x);
- ref[item_count] = x;
- kind[item_count] = Int_Item;
- ycoord[item_count] = last_ycoord;
- last_ycoord += yskip;
- item_count++;
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::float_item(const char* s, double* x)
- { if (item_count >= MAX_ITEM_NUM) item_error();
- label_str[item_count] = duplicate_string(s);
- data_str[item_count] = make_string(*x);
- ref[item_count] = x;
- kind[item_count] = Float_Item;
- ycoord[item_count] = last_ycoord;
- last_ycoord += yskip;
- item_count++;
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::slider_item(const char* s, int* x, int min, int max, action_func F)
- { if (item_count >= MAX_ITEM_NUM) item_error();
- label_str[item_count] = duplicate_string(s);
- data_str[item_count] = make_string(*x);
- ref[item_count] = x;
- dat1[item_count] = min;
- dat2[item_count] = max;
- kind[item_count] = Slider_Item;
- ycoord[item_count] = last_ycoord;
- action[item_count] = F;
- last_ycoord += yskip;
- item_count++;
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::choice_item(const char* s, int* address, int argc,
- const char** argv, int step, int off)
- {
- if (item_count >= MAX_ITEM_NUM) item_error();
- label_str[item_count] = duplicate_string(s);
- data_str[item_count] = 0;
- kind[item_count] = Choice_Item;
- ref[item_count] = address;
- dat1[item_count] = argc;
- dat2[item_count] = step;
- offset[item_count] = off;
- choices[item_count] = new char*[argc];
- for(int i=0; i<argc; i++) choices[item_count][i] = duplicate_string(argv[i]);
- ycoord[item_count] = last_ycoord;
- last_ycoord += yskip;
- item_count++;
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::bool_item(const char* s, char* address)
- { if (item_count >= MAX_ITEM_NUM) item_error();
- label_str[item_count] = duplicate_string(s);
- data_str[item_count] = 0;
- kind[item_count] = Bool_Item;
- ref[item_count] = address;
- dat1[item_count] = 2;
- dat2[item_count] = 1;
- offset[item_count] = 0;
- choices[item_count] = new char*[2];
- choices[item_count][0] = duplicate_string("off");
- choices[item_count][1] = duplicate_string("on");
- ycoord[item_count] = last_ycoord;
- last_ycoord += yskip;
- item_count++;
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::color_item(const char* s, int* x)
- { if (item_count >= MAX_ITEM_NUM) item_error();
- label_str[item_count] = duplicate_string(s);
- data_str[item_count] = 0;
- ref[item_count] = x;
- if (display_depth() > 1)
- kind[item_count] = Color_Item;
- else
- { // choice item [white][black]
- kind[item_count] = Choice_Item;
- dat1[item_count] = 2;
- dat2[item_count] = 1;
- offset[item_count] = 0;
- choices[item_count] = new char*[2];
- choices[item_count][0] = duplicate_string("white");
- choices[item_count][1] = duplicate_string("black");
- }
- ycoord[item_count] = last_ycoord;
- last_ycoord += yskip;
- item_count++;
- }
- int LEDA_PANEL::button(const char* s)
- { if (but_count == MAX_BUT_NUM) return -1;
- // space before first line of buttons
- if (but_count==0 && item_count>0) text_item("");
- button_str[but_count] = duplicate_string(s);
- return but_count++;
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::button_line(int n, const char** b)
- { for(int i=0; i<n; i++) button(b[i]); }
- void LEDA_PANEL::draw_box_with_shadow(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int c,int w)
- { // below and right of box(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- ::set_color(shadow_color);
- box(win,x1+3,y1+3,x2+w,y2+w);
- ::set_color(c);
- box(win,x1,y1,x2,y2);
- ::set_color(black);
- rectangle(win,x1,y1,x2,y2);
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::draw_d3_box(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2, int pressed)
- {
- ::set_color(bg_color);
- box(win,x1,y1,x2,y2);
- //if (pressed) { x1++; y1++; x2++; y2++; }
- if (pressed) { x1++; y1++; }
- int c1 = (pressed) ? shadow_color : white;
- int c2 = (pressed) ? white : shadow_color;
- int c3 = (pressed) ? press_color : bg_color;
- ::set_color(c3);
- box(win,x1,y1,x2,y2);
- ::set_color(c1);
- line(win,x1,y1,x2,y1);
- line(win,x1,y1,x1,y2);
- ::set_color(c2);
- line(win,x1+1,y2,x2,y2);
- line(win,x2,y1+1,x2,y2);
- ::set_color(black);
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::draw_string_item(int i,int active, const char* s)
- {
- int yt = ycoord[i] + (yskip-th)/2;
- put_text(win,xoff,yt,label_str[i],0);
- int x1 = xoff1;
- int x2 = x1 + string_w;
- int y1 = yt - (string_h-th)/2 - 1;
- int y2 = yt + string_h + (string_h-th)/2;
- if (s == 0) s = data_str[i];
- int max_c = string_w/tw - 1;
- int d = strlen(s) - max_c;
- if (active && d > 0) s += d;
- if (bg_color == white)
- { ::set_color(bg_color);
- box(win,x1,y1,x2,y2);
- ::set_color(black);
- rectangle(win,x1,y1,x2,y2);
- }
- else
- draw_d3_box(x1,y1,x2,y2,active);
- // write text into box
- ::set_color(black);
- put_text(win,x1+4,yt,s,max_c,0);
- if (active) put_text(win,x1+4+strlen(s)*tw,yt,"|",0);
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::activate_string_item(int n)
- { if (n == act_str_item) return;
- if (act_str_item > -1)
- draw_string_item(act_str_item);
- draw_string_item(n,1);
- act_str_item = n;
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::panel_text_edit(int n)
- {
- int h = yskip-8;
- int y = ycoord[n] + 4;
- int yt = y + (h - th)/2 + 1;
- int max_c = string_w/tw - 1;
- char str[128];
- strcpy(str,data_str[n]);
- int j = strlen(str);
- for(;;)
- { int k,val;
- char c = 13;
- ::set_read_gc();
- while(1)
- { Window w;
- int xc,yc;
- unsigned long t;
- k = get_next_event(&w,&val,&xc,&yc,&t);
- if (w != win) continue;
- if (k == key_press_event || k == button_press_event) break;
- }
- reset_gc();
- if (k == key_press_event) c = val;
- if (c == 13)
- { put_back_event();
- break;
- }
- if (isprint(c))
- { str[j++]=c;
- str[j] = ' ';
- }
- if(c==8 && j>0) str[--j] = ' ';
- draw_string_item(n,1,str);
- }
- delete data_str[n];
- data_str[n] = duplicate_string(str);
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::draw_choice_bool_item(int i, int x, int y, int c, int n)
- {
- ::set_color(bg_color);
- box(win,x,y,x+n*choice_w,y+choice_h);
- int j;
- if (bg_color != white)
- for(j=0; j<n; j++)
- { draw_d3_box(x,y,x+choice_w-1,y+choice_h,j==c);
- ::set_color(black);
- put_ctext(win,x+choice_w/2,y+choice_h/2,choices[i][j],0);
- x += choice_w;
- }
- else
- for(j=0; j<n; j++)
- { ::set_color(item_bg_color);
- box(win,x+1,y+1,x+choice_w-1,y+choice_h-1);
- ::set_color(black);
- put_ctext(win,x+choice_w/2,y+choice_h/2,choices[i][j],0);
- if (bg_color == item_bg_color) rectangle(win,x,y,x+choice_w,y+choice_h);
- if(j == c)
- { rectangle(win,x,y,x+choice_w,y+choice_h);
- rectangle(win,x+1,y+1,x+choice_w-1,y+choice_h-1);
- }
- x += choice_w;
- }
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::draw_choice_item(int i)
- {
- int yt = ycoord[i] + (yskip-th)/2;
- put_text(win,xoff,yt,label_str[i],0);
- int y = yt - (choice_h-th)/2 - 1;
- int c = (*(int*)ref[i]-offset[i])/dat2[i];
- draw_choice_bool_item(i,xoff1,y,c,dat1[i]);
- }
- #if !(defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 5)
- typedef char bool;
- #endif
- void LEDA_PANEL::draw_bool_item(int i)
- {
- int yt = ycoord[i] + (yskip-th)/2 + 1;
- put_text(win,xoff,yt,label_str[i],0);
- int y = yt - (choice_h-th)/2;
- int c = (*(bool*)ref[i]-offset[i])/dat2[i];
- draw_choice_bool_item(i,xoff1,y,c,dat1[i]);
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::change_color_item(int i, int j)
- { int yt = ycoord[i] + (yskip-th)/2 + 1;
- int y = yt - (choice_h-th)/2 - 1;
- int old = *(int*)ref[i];
- *(int*)ref[i] = j;
- char col_str[8];
- int x = xoff1 + j*choice_h;
- sprintf(col_str,"%d",j);
- press_color = j;
- draw_d3_box(x,y,x+choice_h-1,y+choice_h-1,1);
- ::set_color((j==black) ? white : black);
- put_ctext(win,x+choice_h/2,y+choice_h/2,col_str,0);
- j = old;
- x = xoff1 + j*choice_h;
- sprintf(col_str,"%d",j);
- press_color = grey2;
- draw_d3_box(x,y,x+choice_h-1,y+choice_h-1,0);
- ::set_color((j==bg_color) ? black : j);
- put_ctext(win,x+choice_h/2,y+choice_h/2,col_str,0);
- ::set_color(black);
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::draw_color_item(int i)
- {
- int yt = ycoord[i] + (yskip-th)/2 + 1;
- int x = xoff1;
- int y = yt - (choice_h-th)/2 - 1;
- put_text(win,xoff,yt,label_str[i],0);
- char c = *(int*)ref[i];
- ::set_color(bg_color);
- box(win,x,y,x+16*choice_h,y+choice_h);
- for(int j=0; j < 16; j++)
- { char col_str[8];
- sprintf(col_str,"%d",j);
- press_color = j;
- draw_d3_box(x,y,x+choice_h-1,y+choice_h-1,j==c);
- if (j != c)
- ::set_color((j==bg_color) ? black : j);
- else
- ::set_color((j==black) ? white : black);
- put_ctext(win,x+choice_h/2,y+choice_h/2,col_str,0);
- x += choice_h;
- }
- press_color = grey2;
- ::set_color(black);
- //end_group(win);
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::draw_slider_item(int i, float x)
- {
- int x0 = xoff1;
- int x1 = x0 + slider_w;
- int y0 = ycoord[i] + (yskip-slider_h)/2 + 1;
- int y1 = y0 + slider_h;
- int yt = ycoord[i] + (yskip-th)/2 + 1;
- if (x == 0) // first time
- { float d = float(slider_w)/(dat2[i]-dat1[i]);
- x = xoff1 + d * (*(int*)ref[i]-dat1[i]);
- put_text(win,xoff,yt,label_str[i],0);
- }
- float mi = dat1[i];
- float ma = dat2[i];
- if (x < x0) x = x0;
- if (x > x1) x = x1;
- int val = int(mi + (ma-mi)*(x-x0)/slider_w + 0.5);
- if (action[i]) action[i](val);
- *(int*)ref[i] = val;
- // text
- char text[16];
- sprintf(text,"%4d",val);
- int t_w = text_width(text) + 3;
- int t_h = text_height(text);
- ::set_color(bg_color);
- box(win,x0-t_w,y0,x0,y0+t_h);
- ::set_color(black);
- put_text(win,x0-t_w,yt,text,0);
- // slider
- if (bg_color == white)
- { ::set_color(black);
- box(win,x0,y0,int(x+0.5),y1);
- ::set_color(white);
- box(win,int(x+0.5),y0,x1,y1);
- ::set_color(black);
- rectangle(win,x0,y0,x1,y1);
- }
- else
- { draw_d3_box(int(x+0.5),y0,x1,y1,1);
- draw_d3_box(x0,y0,int(x+0.5)+1,y1);
- }
- ::set_color(black);
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::draw_button(const char* s, int x, int y, int pressed)
- {
- int x1 = x+1;
- int y1 = y+4;
- int x2 = x1 + button_w;
- int y2 = y1 + button_h + 1;
- int yt = y1 + button_h/2;
- int xt = x1 + button_w/2;
- if (bg_color == white)
- { draw_box_with_shadow(x1,y1,x2,y2,white,3);
- if (pressed)
- { box(win,x1+1,y1+1,x2-1,y2-1);
- ::set_color(white);
- }
- put_ctext(win,xt,yt,s,0);
- }
- else
- { draw_d3_box(x1,y1,x2,y2,pressed);
- ::set_color(black);
- put_ctext(win,xt,yt,s,0);
- }
- ::set_color(black);
- flush_display();
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::draw_menu_button(int x, int y, int pressed)
- {
- int x1 = x;
- int y1 = y+4;
- int x2 = x1+string_h;
- int y2 = y1+string_h;
- ::set_color(bg_color);
- box(win,x1,y1,x2,y2);
- if (bg_color == item_bg_color)
- { ::set_color(black);
- rectangle(win,x1,y1,x2,y2);
- }
- if (pressed)
- { ::set_color(black);
- box(win,x1+1,y1+1,x2-1,y2-1);
- }
- y1 += 3;
- y2 -= 3;
- x1 += 4;
- ::set_color(shadow_color);
- line(win,x1,y1,x1,y2-1);
- x1++;
- y1++;
- y2--;
- ::set_color(item_bg_color);
- while (y1 <= y2)
- { ::set_color(item_bg_color);
- line(win,x1,y1,x1,y2);
- x1++;
- line(win,x1,y1,x1,y2);
- ::set_color(shadow_color);
- pixel(win,x1-1,y1);
- pixel(win,x1, y1);
- ::set_color(white);
- pixel(win,x1-1,y2);
- pixel(win,x1, y1);
- x1++;
- y1++;
- y2--;
- }
- flush_display();
- }
- static int read_panel_at(const char* header, int n, char** but,int x, int y)
- { LEDA_PANEL p(header);
- for(int i=0; i<n; i++) p.button(but[i]);
- return p.open(x,y,0,0,0,0,3);
- }
- int LEDA_PANEL::open(int xpos, int ypos, int win_x, int win_y,
- int win_width, int win_height, int mode)
- {
- // mode = 0: just display panel window on screen
- // mode = 1: display, read (blocking), and close
- // mode = 2: read
- // mode = 3: display, read (non-blocking) , and close
- if (display_depth() == 1)
- { bg_color = white;
- shadow_color = black;
- item_bg_color = white;
- }
- repaint:
- slider_w = 200; // minimal slider length
- string_w = 200; // minimal string/int/float item length
- choice_w = 30; // minimal choice field width
- button_w = 40; // minimal button width
- xoff1 = 0; // start of items
- bxoff = 0; // left and right button boundary space
- int width = (win) ? ::window_width(win) : 100;
- int height;
- int bw1; /* button_w + bskip */
- int but_lines;
- int but,w,i,j;
- unsigned long t;
- int user_buttons = but_count;
- int save_lw = ::set_line_width(1);
- int save_ls = ::set_line_style(0);
- int save_mo = ::set_mode(0);
- if (but_count==0)
- { button("CONTINUE");
- button("QUIT");
- }
- height = 2*yoff;
- for(i=0;i<item_count; i++)
- if (kind[i] != Text_Item)
- { height += yskip;
- if ((w = text_width(label_str[i])+50) > xoff1) xoff1 = w;
- if (kind[i] == Choice_Item || kind[i] == Bool_Item)
- { int j;
- for(j=0; j<dat1[i];j++)
- if ((w = text_width(choices[i][j])+10) > choice_w) choice_w = w;
- }
- }
- else
- height += ytskip;
- // adjust width of buttons
- for(i=0; i < but_count; i++)
- if ((w = text_width(button_str[i])+10) > button_w) button_w = w;
- bw1 = button_w + bskip;
- // adjust panel width
- if ((w = text_width(header)) > width) width = w;
- if ((w = but_per_line*bw1+2*xoff) > width) width = w;
- for(i=0; i<item_count; i++)
- switch (kind[i])
- {
- case Text_Item:
- if ((w = 2*xoff + text_width(label_str[i])) > width) width=w;
- break;
- case Choice_Item:
- if ((w = xoff1+choice_w*dat1[i]+yskip+xoff) > width) width = w;
- break;
- case Color_Item:
- if ((w = xoff1+16*choice_h+yskip+xoff) > width) width = w;
- break;
- case Slider_Item:
- if ((w = xoff1+slider_w+yskip+xoff) > width) width = w;
- break;
- case String_Menu_Item:
- if ((w = xoff1+string_w+2*yskip+xoff) > width) width = w;
- break;
- default: if ((w = xoff1+string_w+yskip+xoff) > width) width = w;
- break;
- }
- // adjust width of slider & string boxes
- w = width-xoff1-2*yskip;
- if (w > slider_w) slider_w = w;
- if (w > string_w) string_w = w;
- // center buttons
- if (but_per_line == 0)
- { but_per_line = (width-2*xoff+bskip)/bw1;
- if (but_per_line == 0)
- { but_per_line = 1;
- width = button_w + 2*xoff;
- }
- }
- but_lines = but_count/but_per_line;
- if (but_count % but_per_line) but_lines++;
- if (but_lines == 1)
- bxoff = (width - but_count * bw1 + bskip)/2;
- else
- bxoff = (width - but_per_line * bw1 + bskip)/2;
- height += but_lines * yskip;
- height += yoff;
- for (i=0; i< but_lines; i++)
- kind[item_count+i] = Button_Item;
- if (WIDTH == -1) WIDTH = width;
- if (HEIGHT == -1) HEIGHT = height;
- if(XPOS == -1)
- if (xpos == -1)
- if (win_width == 0)
- { /* center panel window on the screen */
- XPOS = (display_width() - WIDTH)/2;
- YPOS = (display_height() - HEIGHT)/2;
- }
- else
- { /* center panel window on draw window */
- XPOS = win_x + (win_width - WIDTH)/2;
- YPOS = win_y + (win_height- HEIGHT)/2;
- }
- else /* use supplied coordinates */
- { XPOS = xpos;
- YPOS = ypos;
- }
- if (win==0)
- { LEDA_WINDOW::open(WIDTH,HEIGHT,XPOS,YPOS,header,bg_color);
- set_show_coordinates(0);
- set_redraw(panel_redraw_func);
- win = draw_win;
- }
- //clear_window(win);
- act_str_item = -1;
- ::set_color(1);
- int y = yoff;
- for(i=0;i<item_count; i++)
- {
- switch (kind[i]) {
- case Text_Item:
- { put_text(win,xoff,ycoord[i],label_str[i],0);
- break;
- }
- case Choice_Item:
- { draw_choice_item(i);
- break;
- }
- case Bool_Item:
- { draw_bool_item(i);
- break;
- }
- case Color_Item:
- { draw_color_item(i);
- break;
- }
- case Slider_Item:
- { draw_slider_item(i,0);
- break;
- }
- case Int_Item:
- { draw_string_item(i);
- if (act_str_item == -1) activate_string_item(i);
- break;
- }
- case Float_Item:
- { draw_string_item(i);
- if (act_str_item == -1) activate_string_item(i);
- break;
- }
- case String_Item:
- { draw_string_item(i);
- if (act_str_item == -1) activate_string_item(i);
- break;
- }
- case String_Menu_Item:
- { draw_string_item(i);
- draw_menu_button(xoff1+string_w+6,ycoord[i],0);
- if (act_str_item == -1) activate_string_item(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- y += ((kind[i] == Text_Item) ? ytskip : yskip);
- }
- // place buttons
- //int y = ycoord[item_count-1];
- y -= yskip;
- int x = bxoff;
- for(i=0; i < but_count; i++)
- { if (i % but_per_line == 0)
- { y += yskip;
- x = bxoff;
- }
- draw_button(button_str[i],x,y,0);
- x += bw1;
- }
- but = -1;
- if (mode == 0) goto end;
- while(but == -1)
- { int b;
- i = -1;
- while (i < 0 || i >= item_count+but_lines)
- { int k;
- ::set_read_gc();
- while (1)
- { Window w;
- k = get_next_event(&w,&b,&x,&y,&t);
- if (w == win)
- { if (k == button_press_event || k == key_press_event) break;
- if (k == configure_event)
- { reset_gc();
- goto repaint;
- }
- }
- else
- if (mode == 3 && k==button_press_event)
- { put_back_event();
- reset_gc();
- goto end;
- }
- }
- reset_gc();
- if (k==button_press_event)
- { for(i=0,j=yoff;i<item_count+but_lines && j<y; i++)
- if (kind[i] == Text_Item)
- j += ytskip;
- else
- j += yskip;
- if (j >=y) i--;
- }
- else /* key pressed */
- if (act_str_item > -1)
- { if (b == 13) // return key pressed
- { j = act_str_item;
- for(;;)
- { j = (j + 1) % item_count;
- k = kind[j];
- if (k==String_Item || k==String_Menu_Item ||
- k==Int_Item || k == Float_Item) break;
- }
- activate_string_item(j);
- }
- else
- { x = xoff1;
- i = act_str_item;
- for(k=0,j=yoff; k <= i; k++)
- if (kind[k] == Text_Item)
- j += ytskip;
- else
- j += yskip;
- put_back_event();
- }
- }
- }
- y = j-yskip;
- switch (kind[i]) {
- case Text_Item: break;
- case Slider_Item:
- { Window w = win;
- int xx = 0;
- if (x < xoff1 || x > xoff1+slider_w) break;
- ::set_read_gc();
- while(w == win)
- { if (xx != x)
- { xx = x;
- reset_gc();
- draw_slider_item(i,xx);
- ::set_read_gc();
- }
- if (get_next_event(&w,&b,&x,&j,&t) == button_release_event) break;
- }
- reset_gc();
- break;
- }
- case Int_Item:
- { activate_string_item(i);
- panel_text_edit(i);
- int x = atoi(data_str[i]);
- delete data_str[i];
- data_str[i] = make_string(x);
- *(int*)ref[i] = x;
- break;
- }
- case Float_Item:
- { activate_string_item(i);
- panel_text_edit(i);
- double x = (double)atof(data_str[i]);
- delete data_str[i];
- data_str[i] = make_string(x);
- *(double*)ref[i] = x;
- break;
- }
- case String_Item:
- { activate_string_item(i);
- panel_text_edit(i);
- delete *(char**)ref[i];
- *(char**)ref[i] = duplicate_string(data_str[i]);
- break;
- }
- case String_Menu_Item:
- { activate_string_item(i);
- if (x < xoff1+string_w+10)
- { panel_text_edit(i);
- delete *(char**)ref[i];
- *(char**)ref[i] = duplicate_string(data_str[i]);
- }
- else
- { Window w;
- draw_menu_button(xoff1+string_w+6,y,1);
- while (get_next_event(&w,&b,&x,&j,&t) != button_release_event);
- draw_menu_button(xoff1+string_w+6,y,0);
- int sel = read_panel_at(label_str[i],dat1[i],choices[i],
- XPOS+xoff1+string_w+16, YPOS+y+24);
- if (sel > -1)
- { delete *(char**)ref[i];
- *(char**)ref[i] = duplicate_string((choices[i])[sel]);
- data_str[i] = duplicate_string((choices[i])[sel]);
- draw_string_item(i,1);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case Choice_Item:
- { j = (x-xoff1)/choice_w;
- if (j >= 0 && j<dat1[i])
- { *(int*)ref[i] = offset[i] + j * dat2[i];
- draw_choice_item(i);
- }
- break;
- }
- case Bool_Item:
- { j = (x-xoff1)/choice_w;
- if (j >= 0 && j<dat1[i])
- { *(char*)ref[i] = offset[i] + j * dat2[i];
- draw_bool_item(i);
- }
- break;
- }
- case Color_Item:
- { j = (x-xoff1)/choice_h;
- if (0 <= j && j <= 15) change_color_item(i,j);
- break;
- }
- case Button_Item:
- { j = (x-bxoff)/bw1;
- i = (i-item_count)*but_per_line +j;
- if (x > bxoff && j < but_per_line && i < but_count)
- { Window w;
- draw_button(button_str[i],bxoff+j*bw1,y,1);
- while (get_next_event(&w,&b,&b,&b,&t) != button_release_event);
- but = i;
- //if (mode == 2) draw_button(button_str[i],bxoff+j*bw1,y,1);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (mode == 2) break; // no button click neccessary
- } // while but == -1
- if (mode == 2) // redisplay (mode = 0)
- open(XPOS,YPOS,0,0,0,0,0);
- end:
- /*
- window_position(win,&(XPOS),&(YPOS));
- */
- ::set_line_width(save_lw);
- ::set_line_style(save_ls);
- ::set_mode(save_mo);
- if (user_buttons == 0)
- { but_count = 0;
- item_count--;
- if (but == 1) /* quit button pressed */
- { close_display();
- exit(0);
- }
- }
- if (mode == 1 || mode == 3) close();
- return but;
- }
- void LEDA_PANEL::display(int xpos, int ypos, int win_x, int win_y, int win_width, int win_height)
- { open(xpos, ypos, win_x, win_y, win_width, win_height, 0); }
- /*
- int LEDA_PANEL::read(int xpos, int ypos, int win_x, int win_y, int win_width, int win_height)
- { return open(xpos, ypos, win_x, win_y, win_width, win_height, 2); }
- */
- int LEDA_PANEL::read() { return open(XPOS,YPOS,0,0,0,0,2); }
- void LEDA_PANEL::close()
- { LEDA_WINDOW::close();
- win = 0;
- }
- { delete header;
- for(int i = 0; i<item_count; i++)
- { if (label_str[i]) delete label_str[i];
- if (data_str[i]) delete data_str[i];
- if (kind[i] == String_Menu_Item ||
- kind[i] == Choice_Item ||
- kind[i] == Bool_Item )
- { for(int j = 0; j < dat1[i]; j++) delete choices[i][j];
- delete choices[i];
- }
- }
- for(int j = 0; j<but_count; j++) delete button_str[j];
- }