资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _integer.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // integer: big integers
- //
- // by Christian Uhrig and Stefan Naeher (1994/1995)
- //
- // - 32 bit (unsigned long) vector representation
- // - use of a handle class concept (to avoid copy overhead)
- // - use of the LEDA memory management
- // - sparc assembler code for 32 bit multiplication and division
- // - Karatsuba multiplication for long integers
- // - loop unrolling
- //
- // - sparc assembler for add and sub (S. Naeher, 1995)
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include <LEDA/integer.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- typedef int_word_type word;
- typedef unsigned int sz_t;
- #define WORD_LENGTH 32
- #define HALF_LENGTH 16
- #define KARA_LIMIT 8
- #define RIGHT_MASK 0x0000FFFF
- #define LEFT_MASK 0xFFFF0000
- #define LOW_WORD(w) (w & RIGHT_MASK)
- #define HIGH_WORD(w) (w >> HALF_LENGTH)
- enum {ZERO=0, NEGATIVE=-1, POSITIVE=1 };
- const double pow32 = ldexp(1,WORD_LENGTH);
- inline int next_power(int s)
- { int p = 1;
- while (p < s) p <<= 1;
- return p;
- }
- void delete_integer_rep(integer_rep* p)
- { int s = sizeof(integer_rep) + (p->size-1)*sizeof(unsigned long);
- if (s < 256)
- deallocate_bytes(p,s);
- else
- delete[] p;
- }
- integer::integer()
- { PTR = new_integer_rep(1);
- PTR->vec[0] = 0;
- PTR->sign = ZERO;
- PTR->used = 0;
- }
- integer::integer(unsigned int n)
- {
- PTR = new_integer_rep(1);
- PTR->vec[0] = n;
- if (n == 0)
- { PTR->sign = ZERO;
- PTR->used = 0; }
- else
- { PTR->sign = POSITIVE;
- PTR->used = 1; }
- }
- integer::integer(int n)
- {
- PTR = new_integer_rep(1);
- PTR->used = 1;
- PTR->vec[0] = n;
- PTR->sign = POSITIVE;
- if (n == 0)
- { PTR->sign = ZERO;
- PTR->used = 0;
- }
- if (n < 0)
- { PTR->sign = NEGATIVE;
- PTR->vec[0] = -n;
- }
- }
- integer::integer(long n)
- {
- PTR = new_integer_rep(1);
- PTR->used = 1;
- PTR->vec[0] = n;
- PTR->sign = POSITIVE;
- if (n == 0)
- { PTR->sign = ZERO;
- PTR->used = 0;
- }
- if (n < 0)
- { PTR->sign = NEGATIVE;
- PTR->vec[0] = -n;
- }
- }
- integer::integer(unsigned long n)
- {
- PTR = new_integer_rep(1);
- if (n == 0)
- { PTR->sign = ZERO;
- PTR->used = 0;
- }
- else
- { PTR->sign = POSITIVE;
- PTR->used = 1;
- PTR->vec[0] = n;
- }
- }
- integer::integer(double x)
- {
- int sig = POSITIVE;
- if (x < 0)
- { sig = NEGATIVE;
- x = -x;
- }
- if (x < 1)
- { PTR = new_integer_rep(1);
- PTR->used = 0;
- PTR->sign = ZERO;
- return;
- }
- if (x < double(MAX_WORD))
- { PTR = new_integer_rep(1);
- PTR->vec[0] = word(x);
- PTR->used = 1;
- PTR->sign = sig;
- return;
- }
- int expt;
- double mantissa = frexp(x, &expt);
- double int_mant;
- int r = expt % WORD_LENGTH;
- int q = expt / WORD_LENGTH;
- int used = q;
- if (r) used++;
- int sz = next_power(used);
- PTR = new_integer_rep(sz);
- PTR->used = used;
- PTR->sign = sig;
- word* p = PTR->vec+used-1;
- if (r)
- { mantissa *= ldexp(1,r);
- mantissa = modf(mantissa, &int_mant);
- *p--= (unsigned long)int_mant; // first r bits
- }
- while (q--)
- if (mantissa != 0)
- { mantissa *= pow32;
- mantissa = modf(mantissa, &int_mant);
- *p-- = (unsigned long)int_mant; // next 32 bits
- }
- else *p-- = 0;
- if (used == 0) PTR->sign = ZERO;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // local functions
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- inline word DivTwoWordsByOne(word high, word low, word D, word* q)
- {
- // precondition: high < D
- // *q = [high,low] / D, returns remainder
- // the result has at most 32 bits
- // we can compute it with double precision floating point division
- double H = high;
- double L = low;
- word Q = word((H/D)*pow32 + L/D);
- D *= Q;
- *q = Q;
- return low-D;
- }
- static int absolute_cmp(word* a, int a_used, word* b, int b_used)
- {
- if (a_used > b_used) return 1;
- if (a_used < b_used) return -1;
- word* ap = a + a_used;
- word* bp = b + b_used;
- while(ap > a)
- { word A = *--ap;
- word B = *--bp;
- if (A > B) return 1;
- if (A < B) return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void Init_Vector(word* a, sz_t a_used)
- {
- switch (a_used % 16)
- { case 15:*a++ = 0;
- case 14:*a++ = 0;
- case 13:*a++ = 0;
- case 12:*a++ = 0;
- case 11:*a++ = 0;
- case 10:*a++ = 0;
- case 9:*a++ = 0;
- case 8:*a++ = 0;
- case 7:*a++ = 0;
- case 6:*a++ = 0;
- case 5:*a++ = 0;
- case 4:*a++ = 0;
- case 3:*a++ = 0;
- case 2:*a++ = 0;
- case 1:*a++ = 0;
- }
- int n = a_used / 16;
- while (n--)
- { *a++ = 0; *a++ = 0; *a++ = 0; *a++ = 0;
- *a++ = 0; *a++ = 0; *a++ = 0; *a++ = 0;
- *a++ = 0; *a++ = 0; *a++ = 0; *a++ = 0;
- *a++ = 0; *a++ = 0; *a++ = 0; *a++ = 0; }
- }
- static word* Copy_Vector(word* a, word* b, sz_t b_used)
- {
- // copy b[0..b_used-1] to a[]
- switch (b_used % 16)
- { case 15:*a++ = *b++;
- case 14:*a++ = *b++;
- case 13:*a++ = *b++;
- case 12:*a++ = *b++;
- case 11:*a++ = *b++;
- case 10:*a++ = *b++;
- case 9:*a++ = *b++;
- case 8:*a++ = *b++;
- case 7:*a++ = *b++;
- case 6:*a++ = *b++;
- case 5:*a++ = *b++;
- case 4:*a++ = *b++;
- case 3:*a++ = *b++;
- case 2:*a++ = *b++;
- case 1:*a++ = *b++; }
- int n = b_used / 16;
- while (n--)
- { *a++ = *b++; *a++ = *b++; *a++ = *b++; *a++ = *b++;
- *a++ = *b++; *a++ = *b++; *a++ = *b++; *a++ = *b++;
- *a++ = *b++; *a++ = *b++; *a++ = *b++; *a++ = *b++;
- *a++ = *b++; *a++ = *b++; *a++ = *b++; *a++ = *b++; }
- return a;
- }
- static void Print_Vector(word* a, int a_used, ostream& out)
- {
- char* digits = new char[10*a_used];
- word* tmp = new word[a_used];
- word* tmp_high = Copy_Vector(tmp,a,a_used) - 1;
- int i = 0;
- while (tmp_high >= tmp)
- { word r = 0;
- for (word* p = tmp_high; p >= tmp; p--)
- r = DivTwoWordsByOne(r,*p,10,p);
- if (*tmp_high == 0) tmp_high--;
- digits[i++] = '0' + char(r);
- }
- while (i--) out << digits[i];
- delete[] digits;
- delete[] tmp;
- }
- #if defined(sparc)
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // sparc assembler code
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // _sparc_mult.s: Multiply_Words & Mult_Inner_Loop
- // _sparc_div.s : Div_Inner_Loop
- // _sparc_add.s : School_Add
- // _sparc_sub.s : School_Sub
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #if defined(__svr4__)
- #define Multiply_Words _Multiply_Words
- #define Mult_Inner_Loop _Mult_Inner_Loop
- #define Div_Inner_Loop _Div_Inner_Loop
- #define School_Add _School_Add
- #define School_Sub _School_Sub
- #endif
- extern "C" sz_t School_Add(word*,sz_t,word*,sz_t,word*);
- extern "C" sz_t School_Sub(word*,sz_t,word*,sz_t,word*);
- extern "C" word Multiply_Words(word a, word b, word* high);
- extern "C" word Mult_Inner_Loop(word* p, word* a, word* a_stop, word B);
- extern "C" word Div_Inner_Loop(word* p, word* a, word* a_stop, word B);
- #else
- /* if not sparc */
- inline word Multiply_Words(word a, word b, word* high)
- { word al = LOW_WORD(a);
- word ah = HIGH_WORD(a);
- word bl = LOW_WORD(b);
- word bh = HIGH_WORD(b);
- word c,L,H;
- c = bl*al;
- L = LOW_WORD(c);
- c = HIGH_WORD(c) + bl*ah;
- H = HIGH_WORD(c);
- c = LOW_WORD(c) + bh*al;
- L |= (LOW_WORD(c) << HALF_LENGTH);
- *high = H + HIGH_WORD(c) + bh*ah;
- return L;
- }
- inline word Mult_Inner_Loop(word* p, word* a, word* a_stop, word B)
- {
- // p[] += a[]*B, return carry
- word low,high;
- word carry = 0;
- while (a < a_stop)
- { word P = *p;
- low = Multiply_Words(*a++,B,&high);
- P += low;
- if (P < low ) high++; // carry in addition
- P += carry;
- if (P < carry) high++; // carry in addition
- *p++ = P;
- carry = high;
- }
- *p = carry;
- return carry;
- }
- inline word Div_Inner_Loop(word* p, word* a, word* a_stop, word B)
- {
- // p[] -= a[]*B, return carry
- word low,high;
- word carry = 0;
- word P;
- while (a < a_stop)
- { P = *p;
- low = Multiply_Words(*a++,B,&high);
- if (P < low) high++; // carry
- P -= low;
- if (P < carry) high++; // carry
- P -= carry;
- *p++ = P;
- carry = high;
- }
- P = *p;
- *p = P - carry;
- return (P < carry);
- }
- static sz_t School_Add(word *a, sz_t a_used, word *b, sz_t b_used, word* sum)
- {
- // compute sum = a + b (a_used >= b_used)
- int carry = 0;
- word aa;
- word bb;
- word* s_last = sum + a_used;
- #define ADD_LOOP_BODY {
- aa = *a++;
- bb = *b++;
- aa += bb;
- if (carry) { if (++aa > bb) carry = false; }
- else if (aa < bb) carry = true;
- *sum++ = aa; }
- int r = b_used % 16;
- switch (r) {
- case 15: ADD_LOOP_BODY;
- case 14: ADD_LOOP_BODY;
- case 13: ADD_LOOP_BODY;
- case 12: ADD_LOOP_BODY;
- case 11: ADD_LOOP_BODY;
- case 10: ADD_LOOP_BODY;
- case 9: ADD_LOOP_BODY;
- case 8: ADD_LOOP_BODY;
- case 7: ADD_LOOP_BODY;
- case 6: ADD_LOOP_BODY;
- case 5: ADD_LOOP_BODY;
- case 4: ADD_LOOP_BODY;
- case 3: ADD_LOOP_BODY;
- case 2: ADD_LOOP_BODY;
- case 1: ADD_LOOP_BODY;
- }
- int n = b_used / 16;
- while (n--)
- }
- if (sum != a) // copy rest of a to sum
- { Copy_Vector(sum,a,a_used-b_used);
- *s_last = 0;
- }
- if (carry) // propagate carry
- { while (++*sum == 0) sum++;
- if (sum == s_last) a_used++;
- }
- return a_used;
- }
- static sz_t School_Sub(word *a, sz_t a_used, word *b, sz_t b_used, word* diff)
- {
- // compute diff = a - b (a > b)
- #define SUB_LOOP_BODY {
- aa = *a++;
- bb = *b++;
- if (borrow && ++bb) borrow = false;
- if (aa < bb) borrow = true;
- *diff++ = aa - bb; }
- word aa;
- word bb;
- bool borrow = false;
- word* d_stop = diff + a_used;
- switch (b_used % 16)
- { case 15: SUB_LOOP_BODY;
- case 14: SUB_LOOP_BODY;
- case 13: SUB_LOOP_BODY;
- case 12: SUB_LOOP_BODY;
- case 11: SUB_LOOP_BODY;
- case 10: SUB_LOOP_BODY;
- case 9: SUB_LOOP_BODY;
- case 8: SUB_LOOP_BODY;
- case 7: SUB_LOOP_BODY;
- case 6: SUB_LOOP_BODY;
- case 5: SUB_LOOP_BODY;
- case 4: SUB_LOOP_BODY;
- case 3: SUB_LOOP_BODY;
- case 2: SUB_LOOP_BODY;
- case 1: SUB_LOOP_BODY;
- }
- int n = b_used / 16;
- while (n--)
- }
- if (diff != a) Copy_Vector(diff,a,a_used-b_used);
- if (borrow)
- while (--*diff == MAX_WORD) diff++;
- while (*--d_stop == 0) a_used--;
- return a_used;
- }
- /* end of not-sparc section */
- #endif
- static sz_t School_Mult(word *a, sz_t a_used, word *b,int b_used, word* prod)
- {
- sz_t p_used = a_used + b_used;
- word* a_stop = a + a_used;
- word* b_last = b + b_used - 1;
- Init_Vector(prod,a_used);
- while (b < b_last)
- Mult_Inner_Loop(prod++,a,a_stop,*b++);
- if (Mult_Inner_Loop(prod,a,a_stop,*b) == 0) p_used--; // no carry
- return p_used;
- }
- static void Karatsuba(word* prod, word* a, word* b, word* tmp, int n)
- {
- /* Input:
- 4n 3n 2n n 0
- A1 A0
- +-------+--------+
- a[0..2n-1] | a1 | a0 |
- +-------+--------+
- B1 B0
- +-------+--------+
- b[0..2n-1] | b1 | b0 |
- +-------+--------+
- T2 T1 T0
- +-------+-------+-------+--------+
- tmp[0..4n-1] | | | | | space for temporaries
- +-------+-------+-------+--------+
- Output: P3 P2 P1 P0
- +-------+-------+-------+--------+
- prod[0..4n-1] | a * b |
- +-------+-------+-------+--------+
- Let
- a = a1*B^n + a0
- b = b1*B^n + b0
- then
- a*b = (a1*b1)*B^2n + (a1*b0)*B^n + (a0*b1)*B^n + (a0*b0)
- = (a0*b0) + (a1*b1)*B^2n + (a1*b1 + a0*b0 + (a1-a0)(b0-b1))*B^n
- 4n 3n 2n n 0
- +-------+-------+-------+--------+
- | a1 * b1 | a0 * b0 |
- +-------+-------+-------+--------+
- +-------+-------+-------+--------+
- + | 0 | a1 * b1 | 0 |
- +-------+-------+-------+--------+
- +-------+-------+-------+--------+
- + | 0 | a0 * b0 | 0 |
- +-------+-------+-------+--------+
- +-------+-------+-------+--------+
- + | 0 |(a1-a0)*(b0-b1)| 0 |
- +-------+-------+-------+--------+
- ----------------------------------------
- +--------------------------------+
- = | a * b |
- +--------------------------------+
- We compute the three partial products a1*b1, a0*b0, and (a1-a0)*(b0-b1)
- recursively as long as n is even and greater or equal to KARA_LIMIT
- and by a call of School_Mult otherwise.
- */
- if (n & 1 || n < KARA_LIMIT)
- { School_Mult(a,2*n,b,2*n,prod);
- return;
- }
- word* A0 = a;
- word* A1 = a + n;
- word* B0 = b;
- word* B1 = b + n;
- word* P0 = prod;
- word* P1 = prod + n;
- word* P2 = prod + 2*n;
- word* P3 = prod + 3*n;
- word* T0 = tmp;
- // word* T1 = tmp + n; (never used)
- word* T2 = tmp + 2*n;
- int a_sign = absolute_cmp(A1,n,A0,n);
- int b_sign = absolute_cmp(B0,n,B1,n);
- Karatsuba(P0,A0,B0,T0,n/2); // prod[0..2n] := a0 * b0
- if (a_sign >= 0)
- School_Sub(A1,n,A0,n,P2); // prod[2n..3n] := a1 - a0
- else
- School_Sub(A0,n,A1,n,P2); // prod[2n..3n] := a0 - a1
- if (b_sign >= 0)
- School_Sub(B0,n,B1,n,P3); // prod[3n..4n] := b0 - b1
- else
- School_Sub(B1,n,B0,n,P3); // prod[3n..4n] := b1 - b0
- Karatsuba(T2,P2,P3,T0,n/2); // tmp[2n..4n] := |a1-a0|*|b0-b1|
- Karatsuba(P2,A1,B1,T0,n/2); // prod[2n..4n] := a1 * b1
- Copy_Vector(T0,P0,2*n);
- /* now we have
- P3 P2 P1 P0
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+
- prod = | a1*b1 | a0*b0 |
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+
- T2 T1 T0
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+
- tmp = ||a1-a0|*|b0-b1|| a0*b0 |
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+
- */
- // add up partial products
- School_Add(P1,3*n,P2,2*n,P1); // prod[1n..3n] += prod[2n..4n]
- School_Add(P1,3*n,T0,2*n,P1); // prod[1n..3n] += tmp[0n..2n]
- if (a_sign == b_sign)
- School_Add(P1,3*n,T2,2*n,P1); // prod[1n..3n] += tmp[2n..4n]
- else
- School_Sub(P1,3*n,T2,2*n,P1); // prod[1n..3n] -= tmp[2n..4n]
- }
- static sz_t Kara_Mult(word* a, sz_t a_used, word* b, sz_t b_used, word* prod)
- {
- // a_used >= b_used
- if (b_used < 4*KARA_LIMIT)
- return School_Mult(a, a_used, b, b_used, prod);
- sz_t p_used = a_used + b_used;
- int m = next_power(b_used)/KARA_LIMIT;
- int n = 0;
- while (n < b_used) n += m; // n = i*2^k with i < KARA_LIMIT
- word* ap = a;
- word* bp = b;
- // extend length of b to n (append zeroes)
- if (n > b_used)
- { bp = new word[n];
- word* p = Copy_Vector(bp,b,b_used);
- Init_Vector(p,n-b_used);
- }
- // partition a into t intervals of size n each
- // r is size of remainder
- int t = a_used / n;
- int r = a_used % n;
- if (r > n/2) // make length(a) a muliple of n
- { t++;
- r = 0;
- ap = new word[t*n];
- word* p = Copy_Vector(ap,a,a_used);
- Init_Vector(p,t*n-a_used);
- a_used = t*n;
- }
- word* res = new word[a_used + n]; // result
- Init_Vector(res,a_used+n);
- word* tpr = new word[2*n]; // temporary product
- word* tmp = new word[2*n]; // temporary space used by Karatsuba
- word* q = ap; // current position in ap
- word* p = res; // current position in result
- while (t--)
- { Karatsuba(tpr, q, bp, tmp, n/2); // tpr := q[0..n-1] * bp[0..n-1]
- School_Add(p,2*n,tpr,2*n,p); // add tpr to result
- q += n;
- p += n;
- }
- // use School_Mult to multiply rest of a with bp
- while (r--) Mult_Inner_Loop(p++,bp,bp+b_used, *q++);
- p = Copy_Vector(prod,res,p_used); // copy result to pred
- while (*--p == 0) p_used--; // and adjust p_used
- if (ap != a) delete[] ap;
- if (bp != b) delete[] bp;
- delete[] tmp;
- delete[] res;
- return p_used;
- }
- static word Shift_Left(word *a, word *b, sz_t length, sz_t shift)
- {
- // auxiliary function used in School_Div
- // a := (b << shift) and return carry (0 < shift < 32)
- word* b_stop = b + length;
- if (shift == 0)
- { while (b < b_stop) *a++ = *b++;
- return 0;
- }
- int r = WORD_LENGTH-shift;
- word carry = 0;
- while (b < b_stop)
- { word B = *b++;
- carry |= (B << shift);
- *a++ = carry;
- carry = (B >> r);
- }
- return carry;
- }
- static sz_t School_Div(word* A, sz_t a_used, word* B, sz_t b_used,
- word* Q, word* R, sz_t* R_used)
- {
- word* a = new word[a_used + 1];
- word* b = new word[b_used];
- word* b_stop = b + b_used;
- sz_t quot_used = a_used - b_used + 1;
- // we first normalize A and B, i.e. ...
- sz_t shift = 0;
- word sh = B[b_used-1];
- while ((sh & 0x80000000) == 0)
- { sh <<= 1;
- shift++;
- }
- a[a_used] = Shift_Left(a, A, a_used, shift);
- Shift_Left(b, B, b_used, shift);
- // two often used values
- word b1 = b[b_used-1];
- word b2 = (b_used > 1) ? b[b_used-2] : 0;
- /* division main loop */
- word* a_ptr = a + a_used; // current position in a
- word* Q_ptr = Q + quot_used - 1; // current position in Q
- while (Q_ptr >= Q)
- {
- word q = MAX_WORD;
- if (*a_ptr != b1)
- { word r = DivTwoWordsByOne(*a_ptr, *(a_ptr-1), b1, &q);
- word h11;
- word h10 = Multiply_Words(q, b2, &h11);
- word h21 = r;
- word h20 = *(a_ptr-2);
- while( h11 > h21 || (h11 == h21 && h10 > h20) ) // [h11,h10] > [h21,h20]
- { q--;
- if (h10 < b2) h11--;
- h10 -= b2;
- h21 += b1;
- if (h21 < b1) break;
- }
- }
- if (Div_Inner_Loop(a_ptr-b_used,b,b_stop,q)) // a -= b*q
- { // if carry add one b back to a and decrement q (never executed ?)
- word* ap;
- word* bp;
- bool carry = false;
- for(bp = b, ap = a_ptr-b_used; bp < b_stop; bp++, ap++)
- { word aa = *ap;
- word bb = *bp;
- bb += aa;
- if (carry)
- { if (++bb > aa) carry = false; }
- else
- if (bb < aa) carry = true;
- *ap = bb;
- }
- if (carry) (*ap)++;
- q--;
- }
- *Q_ptr-- = q;
- a_ptr--;
- }
- if (R) // copy remainder to R[]
- { word* p = a + b_used;
- word* q = R + b_used;
- // copy and shift a to R[]
- if (shift)
- { int r = WORD_LENGTH-shift;
- word carry = 0;
- while (p > a)
- { word A = *--p;
- carry |= (A >> shift);
- *--q = carry;
- carry = (A << r);
- }
- }
- else
- while (p > a) *--q = *--p;
- for(q = R+b_used-1; b_used && *q==0; q--) b_used--;
- *R_used = b_used;
- }
- delete[] a;
- delete[] b;
- if (Q[quot_used-1] == 0) quot_used--;
- return quot_used;
- }
- static sz_t DivByOneWord(word *a, sz_t a_used, word B, word* quot, word* rem)
- {
- word r = 0;
- word* a_ptr = a + a_used;
- word* q_ptr = quot + a_used;
- while (a_ptr > a) r = DivTwoWordsByOne(r,*--a_ptr,B,--q_ptr);
- if (quot[a_used-1] == 0) a_used--;
- if (rem) *rem = r;
- return a_used;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // friend operators + - * / % == < > ...
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- integer operator+(const integer & a, const integer & b)
- {
- sz_t a_sign = a.PTR->sign;
- sz_t b_sign = b.PTR->sign;
- sz_t sum_size;
- if (a_sign == ZERO) return b;
- if (b_sign == ZERO) return a;
- integer_rep* sum_ptr;
- sz_t a_used = a.PTR->used;
- sz_t b_used = b.PTR->used;
- sz_t a_size = a.PTR->size;
- sz_t b_size = b.PTR->size;
- word* av = a.PTR->vec;
- word* bv = b.PTR->vec;
- // we distinguish the cases of equal and unequal sign
- if (a_sign == b_sign)
- { if (a_used >= b_used)
- { sum_size = (a_used+1 <= a_size) ? a_size : 2*a_size;
- sum_ptr = new_integer_rep(sum_size);
- sum_ptr->used = School_Add(av, a_used, bv, b_used, sum_ptr->vec);
- }
- else
- { sum_size = (b_used+1 <= b_size) ? b_size : 2*b_size;
- sum_ptr = new_integer_rep(sum_size);
- sum_ptr->used = School_Add(bv, b_used, av, a_used, sum_ptr->vec);
- }
- sum_ptr->sign = a_sign;
- return sum_ptr;
- }
- /* if |a| and |b| have different signs, we must subtract the smaller absolute
- * value from the greater one and set the sign appropriately
- */
- int rel = a_used - b_used;
- if (rel == 0)
- { word* p = av + a_used;
- word* q = bv + b_used;
- while (a_used && *--p == *--q)
- { a_used--;
- b_used--;
- }
- if (a_used == 0) return 0;
- rel = (*p > *q) ? 1 : -1;
- }
- if (rel > 0)
- { // |a| > |b|
- sum_ptr = new_integer_rep(a_size);
- sum_ptr->used = School_Sub(av, a_used, bv, b_used, sum_ptr->vec);
- sum_ptr->sign = a_sign;
- }
- else
- { // |a| < |b|
- sum_ptr = new_integer_rep(b_size);
- sum_ptr->used = School_Sub(bv, b_used, av, a_used, sum_ptr->vec);
- sum_ptr->sign = b_sign;
- }
- return sum_ptr;
- }
- integer operator-(const integer & a, const integer & b)
- {
- if (a.PTR == b.PTR) return 0;
- sz_t a_sign = a.PTR->sign;
- sz_t b_sign = b.PTR->sign;
- sz_t a_used = a.PTR->used;
- sz_t b_used = b.PTR->used;
- sz_t a_size = a.PTR->size;
- sz_t b_size = b.PTR->size;
- word* av = a.PTR->vec;
- word* bv = b.PTR->vec;
- sz_t diff_size;
- if (b_sign == ZERO) return a;
- if (a_sign == ZERO) return -b;
- integer_rep* diff_ptr;
- /* we distinguish the cases of equal and unequal signs */
- if (a_sign == b_sign)
- {
- int rel = a_used - b_used;
- if (rel == 0)
- { word* p = av + a_used;
- word* q = bv + b_used;
- while (a_used && *--p == *--q)
- { a_used--;
- b_used--;
- }
- if (a_used == 0) return 0;
- rel = (*p > *q) ? 1 : -1;
- }
- if (rel > 0)
- { // |a| > |b|
- diff_ptr = new_integer_rep(a_size);
- diff_ptr->used = School_Sub(av, a_used, bv, b_used, diff_ptr->vec);
- diff_ptr->sign = a_sign;
- return diff_ptr;
- }
- else
- { // |b| > |a|
- diff_ptr = new_integer_rep(b_size);
- diff_ptr->used = School_Sub(bv, b_used, av, a_used, diff_ptr->vec);
- diff_ptr->sign = -a_sign;
- return diff_ptr;
- }
- }
- /*
- * if |a| and |b| have different signs, we must carry out an addition and set
- * the sign appropriately
- */
- if (a_used >= b_used)
- { diff_size = (a_used+1 <= a_size) ? a_size : 2*a_size;
- diff_ptr = new_integer_rep(diff_size);
- diff_ptr->used = School_Add(av, a_used, bv, b_used, diff_ptr->vec);
- }
- else
- { diff_size = (b_used+1 <= b_size) ? b_size : 2*b_size;
- diff_ptr = new_integer_rep(diff_size);
- diff_ptr->used = School_Add(bv, b_used, av, a_used, diff_ptr->vec);
- }
- diff_ptr->sign = a_sign;
- return diff_ptr;
- }
- integer operator*(const integer& a, const integer& b)
- {
- sz_t a_sign = a.PTR->sign;
- sz_t b_sign = b.PTR->sign;
- if (a_sign == ZERO) return a;
- if (b_sign == ZERO) return b;
- sz_t a_used = a.PTR->used;
- sz_t b_used = b.PTR->used;
- integer_rep* prod_ptr;
- if (a_used == 1 && b_used == 1)
- { prod_ptr = new_integer_rep(2);
- word* p = prod_ptr->vec;
- prod_ptr->sign = (a_sign == b_sign ? POSITIVE : NEGATIVE);
- *p = Multiply_Words(a.PTR->vec[0], b.PTR->vec[0], p+1);
- prod_ptr->used = (p[1]) ? 2 : 1;
- return prod_ptr;
- }
- int sz = next_power(a_used+b_used);
- prod_ptr = new_integer_rep(sz);
- prod_ptr->sign = (a_sign == b_sign ? POSITIVE : NEGATIVE);
- if (a_used >= b_used)
- prod_ptr->used = Kara_Mult(a.PTR->vec, a_used, b.PTR->vec, b_used,
- prod_ptr->vec);
- else
- prod_ptr->used = Kara_Mult(b.PTR->vec, b_used, a.PTR->vec, a_used,
- prod_ptr->vec);
- return prod_ptr;
- }
- integer operator/(const integer & a, const integer & b)
- {
- sz_t a_sign = a.PTR->sign;
- sz_t b_sign = b.PTR->sign;
- sz_t a_used = a.PTR->used;
- sz_t b_used = b.PTR->used;
- if (b_sign == ZERO) error_handler(1,"division by zero");
- if (a_sign == ZERO) return a;
- int rel = absolute_cmp(a.PTR->vec,a_used, b.PTR->vec, b_used);
- if (rel == 0) return (a_sign == b_sign) ? 1 : -1; // |a| == |b|
- if (rel < 0) return 0; // |a| < |b|
- // |a| > |b|
- int sz = next_power(a_used - b_used + 1);
- integer_rep* quot_ptr = new_integer_rep(sz);
- quot_ptr->sign = (a_sign == b_sign) ? POSITIVE : NEGATIVE;
- if (b_used == 1)
- quot_ptr->used = DivByOneWord(a.PTR->vec, a_used, b.PTR->vec[0],
- quot_ptr->vec,0);
- else
- // |a| and |b| both have at least 2 digits
- quot_ptr->used = School_Div(a.PTR->vec, a_used, b.PTR->vec, b_used,
- quot_ptr->vec,0,0);
- return quot_ptr;
- }
- integer operator%(const integer & a, const integer & b)
- {
- sz_t a_sign = a.PTR->sign;
- sz_t b_sign = b.PTR->sign;
- sz_t a_used = a.PTR->used;
- sz_t b_used = b.PTR->used;
- if (b_sign == ZERO) error_handler(1,"mod by zero");
- if (a_sign == ZERO) return a;
- int rel = absolute_cmp(a.PTR->vec,a_used, b.PTR->vec, b_used);
- if (rel == 0) return 0; // |a| == |b|
- if (rel < 0) return a; // |a| < |b|
- // |a| > |b|
- int qsz = next_power(a_used - b_used + 1);
- int rsz = b.PTR->size;
- integer_rep* quot_ptr = new_integer_rep(qsz);
- integer_rep* rem_ptr = new_integer_rep(rsz);
- if (b_used == 1)
- { quot_ptr->used = DivByOneWord(a.PTR->vec, a_used, b.PTR->vec[0],
- quot_ptr->vec, rem_ptr->vec);
- rem_ptr->used = (rem_ptr->vec[0] == 0) ? 0 : 1;
- }
- else
- { sz_t r_used;
- School_Div(a.PTR->vec, a_used, b.PTR->vec, b_used,
- quot_ptr->vec,rem_ptr->vec,&r_used);
- rem_ptr->used = r_used;
- }
- delete_integer_rep(quot_ptr);
- if (rem_ptr->used == 0)
- rem_ptr->sign = ZERO;
- else
- rem_ptr->sign = a_sign;
- return rem_ptr;
- }
- integer operator & (const integer & a, const integer & b) // bitwise and
- {
- sz_t a_sign = a.PTR->sign;
- sz_t b_sign = b.PTR->sign;
- if (a_sign == 0) return a;
- if (b_sign == 0) return b;
- sz_t a_used = a.PTR->used;
- sz_t b_used = b.PTR->used;
- integer_rep* and_ptr;
- word* ap = a.PTR->vec;
- word* bp = b.PTR->vec;
- word* a_stop = ap + a_used;
- word* b_stop = bp + b_used;
- int used;
- word* p;
- if (a_used <= b_used)
- { and_ptr = new_integer_rep(a.PTR->size);
- used = a_used;
- p = and_ptr->vec;
- while (ap < a_stop) *p++ = *ap++ & *bp++;
- }
- else
- { and_ptr = new_integer_rep(b.PTR->size);
- used = b_used;
- p = and_ptr->vec;
- while (bp < b_stop) *p++ = *ap++ & *bp++;
- }
- while (*--p == 0 && used > 0) used--;
- and_ptr->used = used;
- and_ptr->sign = (used > 0) ? a_sign : ZERO;
- return and_ptr;
- }
- integer operator | (const integer & a, const integer & b) // bitwise or
- {
- sz_t a_sign = a.PTR->sign;
- sz_t b_sign = b.PTR->sign;
- if (a_sign == 0) return a;
- if (b_sign == 0) return b;
- sz_t a_used = a.PTR->used;
- sz_t b_used = b.PTR->used;
- integer_rep* and_ptr;
- word* ap = a.PTR->vec;
- word* bp = b.PTR->vec;
- word* a_stop = ap + a_used;
- word* b_stop = bp + b_used;
- if (a_used >= b_used)
- { and_ptr = new_integer_rep(a.PTR->size);
- and_ptr->used = a_used;
- and_ptr->sign = a_sign;
- word* p = and_ptr->vec;
- while (bp < b_stop) *p++ = *ap++ | *bp++;
- while (ap < a_stop) *p++ = *ap++;
- }
- else
- { and_ptr = new_integer_rep(b.PTR->size);
- and_ptr->used = b_used;
- and_ptr->sign = a_sign;
- word* p = and_ptr->vec;
- while (ap < a_stop) *p++ = *ap++ | *bp++;
- while (bp < b_stop) *p++ = *bp++;
- }
- and_ptr->sign = a_sign;
- return and_ptr;
- }
- bool operator > (const integer & a, const integer & b)
- {
- if (a.PTR == b.PTR) return false;
- int a_sign = a.PTR->sign;
- int b_sign = b.PTR->sign;
- if (a_sign > b_sign) return true;
- if (a_sign < b_sign) return false;
- /* the signs are equal */
- if (a_sign == ZERO) return false;
- if (a_sign == POSITIVE)
- return (absolute_cmp(a.PTR->vec,a.PTR->used,
- b.PTR->vec,b.PTR->used) > 0);
- else
- return (absolute_cmp(a.PTR->vec,a.PTR->used,
- b.PTR->vec,b.PTR->used) < 0);
- }
- bool operator < (const integer & a, const integer & b)
- {
- if (a.PTR == b.PTR) return false;
- int a_sign = a.PTR->sign;
- int b_sign = b.PTR->sign;
- if (a_sign < b_sign) return true;
- if (a_sign > b_sign) return false;
- /* the signs are equal */
- if (a_sign == ZERO) return false;
- if (a_sign == POSITIVE)
- return (absolute_cmp(a.PTR->vec,a.PTR->used,
- b.PTR->vec,b.PTR->used) < 0);
- else
- return (absolute_cmp(a.PTR->vec,a.PTR->used,
- b.PTR->vec,b.PTR->used) > 0);
- }
- bool operator == (const integer & a, const integer & b)
- {
- if (a.PTR == b.PTR) return true;
- int a_sign = a.PTR->sign;
- int b_sign = b.PTR->sign;
- if (a_sign != b_sign) return false;
- if (a_sign == ZERO) return true;
- return (absolute_cmp(a.PTR->vec,a.PTR->used,
- b.PTR->vec,b.PTR->used) == 0);
- }
- integer gcd(const integer& a, const integer& b)
- {
- // gcd is not efficient. See Knuth 2 for improvements.
- int a_sign = a.PTR->sign;
- int b_sign = b.PTR->sign;
- if (a_sign == ZERO)
- if (b_sign == ZERO)
- return 1;
- else
- return abs(b);
- // a is non-zero
- if (b_sign == 0) return abs(a);
- // both a and b are non-zero
- integer u = abs(a);
- integer v = abs(b);
- if (u < v) v = v%u;
- while (sign(v) != 0)
- { integer tmp = u % v;
- u = v;
- v = tmp;
- }
- return u;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // member functions
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void integer::absolute() // *this = abs(*this), nur effizienter
- {
- if (PTR->count == 1) PTR->sign = POSITIVE;
- else
- *this = abs(*this);
- }
- int integer::zeros() const
- { // gives the number of zeros at the end of the integer
- if (PTR->sign == ZERO) return 0;
- int k=0;
- while (!(PTR->vec[k])) k++;
- int len = k * WORD_LENGTH;
- word low = PTR->vec[k];
- if (! (low & 65535)) { low >>= 16; len += 16; }
- if (! (low & 255)) { low >>= 8; len += 8; }
- if (! (low & 15)) { low >>= 4; len += 4; }
- if (! (low & 3)) { low >>= 2; len += 2; }
- if (! (low & 1)) { low >>= 1; len += 1; }
- return len;
- }
- integer integer::div(const integer & b, integer& r)
- {
- // returns quotient and assings remainder to r
- sz_t a_sign = PTR->sign;
- sz_t b_sign = b.PTR->sign;
- sz_t a_used = PTR->used;
- sz_t b_used = b.PTR->used;
- if (b_sign == ZERO) error_handler(1,"division by zero");
- if (a_sign == ZERO)
- { r = 0;
- return *this;
- }
- int rel = absolute_cmp(PTR->vec,a_used, b.PTR->vec, b_used);
- if (rel == 0)
- { r = 0;
- return (a_sign == b_sign) ? 1 : -1;
- }
- if (rel < 0)
- { r = *this;
- return 0;
- }
- // |a| > |b|
- int sz = next_power(a_used - b_used + 1);
- integer_rep* quot_ptr = new_integer_rep(sz);
- quot_ptr->sign = (a_sign == b_sign) ? POSITIVE : NEGATIVE;
- integer_rep* rem_ptr = new_integer_rep(b.PTR->size);
- sz_t r_used;
- if (b_used == 1)
- { quot_ptr->used = DivByOneWord(PTR->vec, a_used, b.PTR->vec[0],
- quot_ptr->vec, rem_ptr->vec);
- r_used = (rem_ptr->vec[0] == 0) ? 0 : 1;
- }
- else
- School_Div(PTR->vec, a_used, b.PTR->vec, b_used,
- quot_ptr->vec,rem_ptr->vec,&r_used);
- rem_ptr->used = r_used;
- rem_ptr->sign = (r_used == 0) ? ZERO : a_sign;
- r = rem_ptr;
- return quot_ptr;
- }
- int integer::length() const // number of bits
- { if (PTR->sign == ZERO) return 0;
- int len = PTR->used - 1;
- word hi= PTR->vec[len];
- len *= WORD_LENGTH;
- while(hi)
- { hi >>= 1;
- len++;
- }
- return len;
- }
- integer integer::operator-() const
- { // unary minus
- if (PTR->sign == ZERO) return *this;
- integer_rep* p = copy_integer_rep(PTR);
- p->sign = -PTR->sign;
- return p;
- }
- integer integer::operator~() const
- { // negation
- integer_rep* p = copy_integer_rep(PTR);
- word* wp = p->vec + p->used;
- while (--wp >= p->vec) *wp = ~*wp;
- return p;
- }
- bool integer::operator==(int l) const
- { int sig = PTR->sign;
- if (l==0) return sig == ZERO;
- if (PTR->used > 1) return false;
- if (l > 0 )
- { if (sig <= 0) return false;
- return PTR->vec[0] == word(l);
- }
- // l < 0
- if (sig >= 0) return false;
- return PTR->vec[0] == word(-l);
- }
- bool integer::operator<(int l) const
- { int sig = PTR->sign;
- if (l==0) return sig == NEGATIVE;
- if (l > 0 )
- { if (sig <= 0) return true;
- if (PTR->used > 1) return false;
- return PTR->vec[0] < word(l);
- }
- // l < 0
- if (sig >= 0) return false;
- if (PTR->used > 1) return true;
- return PTR->vec[0] > word(-l);
- }
- bool integer::operator>(int l) const
- { int sig = PTR->sign;
- if (l==0) return sig == POSITIVE;
- if (l < 0 )
- { if (sig >= 0) return true;
- if (PTR->used > 1) return false;
- return PTR->vec[0] < word(-l);
- }
- // l > 0
- if (sig <= 0) return false;
- if (PTR->used > 1) return true;
- return PTR->vec[0] > word(l);
- }
- double integer::todouble() const
- {
- int i = PTR->used;
- if (i == 0) return 0;
- if (i > 32) return 2*MAXDOUBLE; //Infinity
- word* v = PTR->vec;
- double d = 0;
- while (i > 0) d = pow32*d + v[--i];
- return (PTR->sign == NEGATIVE) ? -d : d;
- }
- integer integer::sqrt() const
- {
- if (PTR->sign == NEGATIVE)
- error_handler(1, "negative argument in integer::sqrt");
- if (PTR->sign == ZERO) return *this;
- integer root = (*this) >> (length()/2); // first approx.
- integer fix = (root*root + *this)/(root << 1);
- while (fix != root)
- { fix = (root*root + *this)/(root << 1);
- root = (fix*fix + *this)/(fix << 1);
- }
- return root;
- }
- integer integer::operator<<(long n) const
- {
- if (PTR->sign == ZERO || n == 0) return *this;
- int w_shift = int(n / WORD_LENGTH);
- int b_shift = int(n % WORD_LENGTH);
- int used = PTR->used + w_shift;
- int r = WORD_LENGTH - b_shift;
- if (b_shift && (PTR->vec[PTR->used-1] >> r)) used++;
- int sz = next_power(used);
- integer_rep* result;
- result = new_integer_rep(sz);
- result->used = used;
- result->sign = PTR->sign;
- word* q = PTR->vec;
- word* q_stop = q + PTR->used;
- word* p = result->vec;
- while (w_shift--) *p++ = 0;
- if (b_shift)
- { word carry = 0;
- while (q < q_stop)
- { word B = *q++;
- carry |= (B << b_shift);
- *p++ = carry;
- carry = (B >> r);
- }
- if (carry) *p = carry;
- }
- else
- while (q < q_stop) *p++ = *q++;
- return result;
- }
- integer integer::operator>>(long n) const
- {
- if (n <= 0 || PTR->sign == ZERO) return *this;
- int sticks = int(n / WORD_LENGTH);
- int shifts = int(n % WORD_LENGTH);
- int used = PTR->used - sticks;
- int sz = next_power(used);
- integer_rep* result;
- result = new_integer_rep(sz);
- result->sign = PTR->sign;
- word* p = result->vec + used;
- word* q = PTR->vec + PTR->used;
- if (shifts != 0)
- { word carry = 0;
- int r = WORD_LENGTH - shifts;
- while (p > result->vec)
- { word B = *--q;
- carry |= (B >> shifts);
- *--p = carry;
- carry = (B << r);
- }
- }
- else
- while (p > result->vec) *--p = *--q;
- if (result->vec[used-1] == 0) used--;
- if (used == 0) result->sign = ZERO;
- result->used = used;
- return result;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // stream i/o
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void integer::hex_print(ostream& out)
- { if (PTR->sign == ZERO)
- { out << "0";
- return;
- }
- word* p = PTR->vec + PTR->used;
- out << string("%x",*--p);
- while (p > PTR->vec) out << string("%0x",*--p);
- }
- ostream & operator << (ostream & out, const integer & x)
- {
- if (x.PTR->sign == ZERO)
- { out << "0";
- return out;
- }
- if (x.PTR->sign == NEGATIVE) out << "-";
- Print_Vector(x.PTR->vec,x.PTR->used,out);
- return out;
- }
- istream & operator >> (istream & in, integer & a)
- {
- bool negative = false;
- const int null = '0';
- char c;
- while (in.get(c) && isspace(c));
- if (c == '-')
- { negative = true;
- while (in.get(c) && isspace(c));
- }
- if (isdigit(c))
- { a = c - '0';
- while (in.get(c) && isdigit(c)) a = 10*a + (c-null);
- }
- if (sign(a) != 0 && negative) a = -a;
- return in;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // miscellaneous
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- integer_rep* copy_integer_rep(integer_rep* x)
- { integer_rep* result = new_integer_rep(x->size);
- result->sign = x->sign;
- result->used = x->used;
- Copy_Vector(result->vec,x->vec,x->size);
- return result;
- }
- integer abs(const integer & a)
- { if (a.PTR->sign >= 0) return a;
- integer_rep* ptr = copy_integer_rep(a.PTR);
- ptr->sign = POSITIVE;
- return ptr;
- }
- int log(const integer & a)
- {
- if (a.PTR->sign != POSITIVE)
- error_handler(999,"domain error in log(integer)");
- int l = a.PTR->used - 1;
- int lg = l * WORD_LENGTH;
- word hi = a.PTR->vec[l];
- while (hi >>= 1) lg++;
- return lg;
- }
- int integer::cmp(const integer & a, const integer & b)
- { int a_sign = a.PTR->sign;
- int b_sign = b.PTR->sign;
- if (a_sign < b_sign) return -1;
- if (a_sign > b_sign) return 1;
- // the signs are equal
- if (a_sign == ZERO) return 0;
- if (a_sign == POSITIVE)
- return absolute_cmp(a.PTR->vec,a.PTR->used,
- b.PTR->vec,b.PTR->used);
- else
- return -absolute_cmp(a.PTR->vec,a.PTR->used,
- b.PTR->vec,b.PTR->used);
- }
- integer integer::random(int n) // return n-bit random integer
- {
- sz_t w = n / WORD_LENGTH;
- sz_t r = n % WORD_LENGTH;
- if (r) w++;
- int sz = next_power(w);
- integer_rep* ptr = new_integer_rep(sz);
- ptr->sign = POSITIVE;
- ptr->used = w;
- for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) rand_int >> ptr->vec[i];
- if (r) ptr->vec[w-1] >>= (WORD_LENGTH-r);
- return ptr;
- }