资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _real.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- /* This file has been automatically generated from "real.w"
- by CTANGLE (Version 3.1 [km2c]) */
- /*12:*/
- #include <LEDA/real.h>
- /*16:*/
- #include <math.h>
- /*:16*/
- /*14:*/
- enum constructortype{DOUBLE= 0,BIGFLOAT= 1,NEGATION= 2,
- struct app_bf
- {bigfloat NUM_BF;
- bigfloat ERROR_BF;
- app_bf(){}
- app_bf(const bigfloat&x,const bigfloat&error_x)
- {NUM_BF= x;ERROR_BF= error_x;}
- };
- /*:14*/
- /*3:*/
- const double eps= ldexp(1,-53);/* $eps = 2^{-53}$ */
- const double correction= 1+8*eps;
- const double MaxError= ldexp(1,900);/* $2^{900}$ */
- const double MinDbl= ldexp(1,-1022);
- const double MaxDbl= ldexp(2-ldexp(1,-52),1023);
- /*:3*//*4:*/
- const bigfloat zero= double(0);
- const bigfloat one= double(0);
- const bigfloat two= double(2);
- const bigfloat onehalf= double(1)/double(2);
- const bigfloat onefourth= double(1)/double(4);
- const bigfloat oneeighth= double(1)/double(8);
- const bigfloat eps_prec= eps;
- const bigfloat correction_bf= correction;
- /*:4*/
- /*15:*/
- class real_rep
- {
- friend class real;
- /*9:*/
- friend real operator+(const real&,const real&);
- /*{Mbinop addition
- }*/
- friend real operator-(const real&,const real&);
- /*{Mbinop subtraction
- }*/
- friend real operator*(const real&,const real&);
- /*{Mbinop multiplication
- }*/
- friend real operator/(const real&,const real&);
- /*{Mbinop division
- }*/
- friend real operator-(const real&);
- /*{Munop negation
- }*/
- friend real sqrt(const real&);
- /*{Mop squareroot operation
- }*/
- /*:9*/
- double NUM;
- double ERROR;
- app_bf*APP_BF_PTR;
- constructortype CON;
- real_rep*OP1,*OP2;
- int count;
- real_rep(double= 0);
- real_rep(const bigfloat&);
- real_rep(const bigrational&);
- ~real_rep();
- LEDA_MEMORY(real_rep)
- inline bigfloat&num_bf() const {return APP_BF_PTR->NUM_BF;}
- inline bigfloat&error_bf() const {return APP_BF_PTR->ERROR_BF;}
- void init_app_bf();
- void adjust_dbl();
- int sign();
- int sign(const bigfloat&);
- inline void improve(const bigfloat&);
- inline void improve(long k);
- inline void compute(long);
- /*43:*/
- friend void Mignotte_parameters(const real_rep&,integer&,integer&);
- /*:43*/
- };
- /*:15*/
- GenPtr real::copy() const { PTR->count++; return PTR; }
- void real::clear() { if (PTR && --(PTR->count)==0) delete PTR; }
- /*17:*/
- real::real(){PTR= new real_rep(0);}
- real::real(double x){PTR= new real_rep(x);}
- real::real(int x){PTR= new real_rep(double(x));}
- real::real(const bigrational&x){PTR= new real_rep(x);}
- real::real(const bigfloat&x){PTR= new real_rep(x);}
- real::real(const integer&x){PTR= new real_rep(bigfloat(x));}
- real::real(real_rep&x_rep){PTR= &x_rep;}
- real::real(const real&x){PTR= x.PTR;x.PTR->count++;}
- real&real::operator= (const real&x)
- {x.PTR->count++;
- if(PTR && --PTR->count==0)delete PTR;
- PTR= x.PTR;
- return(*this);
- }
- /*:17*//*18:*/
- real_rep::real_rep(double x)
- {APP_BF_PTR= nil;count= 1;
- OP1= OP2= nil;
- }
- real_rep::real_rep(const bigfloat&x)
- {APP_BF_PTR= new app_bf(x,0);count= 1;
- OP1= nil;OP2= nil;CON= BIGFLOAT;
- adjust_dbl();
- }
- real_rep::real_rep(const bigrational&x)
- {
- APP_BF_PTR= nil;count= 1;
- OP1= new real_rep(bigfloat(x.numerator()));
- OP2= new real_rep(bigfloat(x.denominator()));
- adjust_dbl();
- }
- /*:18*//*19:*/
- real::~real()
- {PTR->count--;
- if(PTR->count==0)
- delete PTR;
- }
- real_rep::~real_rep()
- {
- if(APP_BF_PTR!=nil)
- delete APP_BF_PTR;
- if((OP1!=nil)&&(--OP1->count==0))
- delete OP1;
- if((OP2!=nil)&&(--OP2->count==0))
- delete OP2;
- #ifdef DEBUG_REAL
- APP_BF_PTR= nil;
- OP1= OP2= nil;
- #endif
- }
- /*:19*/
- /*20:*/
- void real_rep::init_app_bf()
- {
- if(APP_BF_PTR==nil)
- if(ERROR!=Infinity)
- new app_bf(bigfloat(NUM),fabs(bigfloat(ERROR*NUM*correction)));
- else
- compute(52);
- }
- /*:20*//*21:*/
- void real_rep::adjust_dbl()
- {
- if((fabs(num_bf())>bigfloat(MaxDbl))
- ||(error_bf()>bigfloat(MaxDbl))
- )
- {
- ERROR= Infinity;NUM= 1;return;
- }
- if((num_bf()==zero)&&(error_bf()==zero))
- {
- NUM= ERROR= 0;return;
- }
- double n_head= num_bf().todouble();
- double e_head= error_bf().todouble();
- if(n_head!=0)
- {NUM= n_head;
- ERROR= eps+Max(MinDbl,e_head)/fabs(n_head);
- }
- else
- {NUM= e_head+2*MinDbl;
- ERROR= 2;
- }
- ERROR= ERROR*correction;
- if(ERROR>=MaxError)
- {NUM= 1;ERROR= Infinity;
- }
- }
- /*:21*//*22:*/
- double real::todouble()const
- {return PTR->NUM;}
- double real::get_double_error()const
- {return PTR->ERROR;}
- bigfloat real::tobigfloat()const
- {PTR->init_app_bf();return PTR->num_bf();}
- integer real::get_precision()const
- {PTR->init_app_bf();return-PTR->error_bf().get_exponent();}
- ostream&operator<<(ostream&out, const real&x)
- {out<<x.tobigfloat();return out;}
- istream&operator>>(istream&in,real&x)
- {
- double x_num;in>>x_num;
- x= real(x_num);return in;
- }
- /*:22*/
- /*23:*/
- real operator+(const real&x,const real&y)
- {
- real_rep&z_rep= *new real_rep();
- /* this represents the new |real| element |z| that we return later */
- z_rep.CON= ADDITION;
- z_rep.OP1= x.PTR;z_rep.OP2= y.PTR;
- z_rep.OP1->count++;z_rep.OP2->count++;
- /* the new element |z| now points to |x| and |y|, so their counters have
- to be increased by one
- */
- double&x_num= x.PTR->NUM;
- double&y_num= y.PTR->NUM;
- double&NUM= z_rep.NUM;
- NUM= x_num+y_num;/* approximation of $x+y$ */
- if(fabs(NUM)>MinDbl)
- {/* regular case */
- z_rep.ERROR= fabs(x_num/NUM)*x.PTR->ERROR
- +fabs(y_num/NUM)*y.PTR->ERROR
- +eps;
- }
- else
- {/* underflow is possible */
- NUM= fabs(x_num)*x.PTR->ERROR+fabs(y_num)*y.PTR->ERROR+4*MinDbl;
- z_rep.ERROR= 2;
- }
- z_rep.ERROR*= correction;
- if(!((fabs(NUM)+x.PTR->ERROR+y.PTR->ERROR<Infinity)
- &&(z_rep.ERROR<MaxError)
- )
- )
- /* if one of the quantities fabs(NUM), x.PTR->ERROR, y.PTR->ERROR, and
- z_rep.ERROR is either Infinity or NaN, we set the error of the
- result to Infinity
- */
- z_rep.ERROR= Infinity;
- return real(z_rep);
- }
- real operator-(const real&x,const real&y)
- {
- real_rep&z_rep= *new real_rep();
- z_rep.OP1= x.PTR;z_rep.OP2= y.PTR;
- z_rep.OP1->count++;z_rep.OP2->count++;
- if((x.PTR->ERROR==Infinity)||(y.PTR->ERROR==Infinity))
- {z_rep.ERROR= Infinity;return real(z_rep);
- }
- double x_num= x.PTR->NUM,y_num= y.PTR->NUM;
- double&NUM= z_rep.NUM;
- NUM= x_num-y_num;/* approximation of $x-y$ */
- if(fabs(NUM)<=MinDbl)
- {
- NUM= fabs(x_num)*x.PTR->ERROR+fabs(y_num)*y.PTR->ERROR+4*MinDbl;
- z_rep.ERROR= 2;
- }
- else
- {z_rep.ERROR= fabs(x_num/NUM)*x.PTR->ERROR
- +fabs(y_num/NUM)*y.PTR->ERROR
- +eps;
- }
- z_rep.ERROR*= correction;
- if(!((fabs(NUM)+x.PTR->ERROR+y.PTR->ERROR<Infinity)
- &&(z_rep.ERROR<MaxError)
- )
- )
- z_rep.ERROR= Infinity;
- return real(z_rep);
- }
- /*:23*//*24:*/
- real operator*(const real&x,const real&y)
- {
- real_rep&z_rep= *new real_rep();
- z_rep.OP1= x.PTR;z_rep.OP2= y.PTR;
- z_rep.OP1->count++;z_rep.OP2->count++;
- double&x_num= x.PTR->NUM;
- double&y_num= y.PTR->NUM;
- double&qx= x.PTR->ERROR;
- double&qy= y.PTR->ERROR;
- double&NUM= z_rep.NUM;
- NUM= x_num*y_num;
- if(!(fabs(NUM)<MinDbl))
- {
- z_rep.ERROR= qx+qy+qx*qy+eps;
- }
- else
- {if((x_num!=0)&&(y_num!=0))
- {/* underflow occurred in the computation of |z_rep.NUM| */
- z_rep.NUM= MinDbl*(1+qx)*(1+qy);
- z_rep.ERROR= 2;
- }
- else
- z_rep.ERROR= 0;
- }
- z_rep.ERROR*= correction;
- if(!((fabs(NUM)+qx+qy<Infinity)&&(z_rep.ERROR<MaxError)))
- z_rep.ERROR= Infinity;
- return real(z_rep);
- }
- /*:24*//*25:*/
- real operator/(const real&x,const real&y)
- {
- real_rep&z_rep= *new real_rep();
- z_rep.CON= DIVISION;
- z_rep.OP1= x.PTR;z_rep.OP2= y.PTR;
- z_rep.OP1->count++;z_rep.OP2->count++;
- double x_num= x.PTR->NUM,y_num= y.PTR->NUM;
- double&NUM= z_rep.NUM;
- if(!(y.PTR->ERROR<1))
- {z_rep.ERROR= Infinity;return real(z_rep);
- }
- if(y_num==0)
- error_handler(1,"real::operator/:Division by zero");
- NUM= x_num/y_num;
- if(fabs(NUM)>=MinDbl)
- z_rep.ERROR= (x.PTR->ERROR+y.PTR->ERROR)/(1-y.PTR->ERROR)
- +eps;
- else
- {
- if(x_num!=0)
- {
- NUM= MinDbl*(1+x.PTR->ERROR)/(1-y.PTR->ERROR);
- z_rep.ERROR= 2;
- }
- else z_rep.ERROR= 0;
- }
- z_rep.ERROR*= correction;
- if(!((fabs(NUM)+x.PTR->ERROR!=Infinity)||(z_rep.ERROR<MaxError)))
- z_rep.ERROR= Infinity;
- return real(z_rep);
- }
- /*:25*//*26:*/
- real sqrt(const real&x)
- {real_rep&z_rep= *new real_rep();
- z_rep.OP1= x.PTR;z_rep.OP1->count++;
- z_rep.OP2= nil;
- double x_num= x.PTR->NUM;
- if(x.PTR->ERROR>=1)
- {z_rep.ERROR= Infinity;return real(z_rep);
- }
- if(x_num==0)
- {z_rep.NUM= z_rep.ERROR= 0;return real(z_rep);
- }
- if(x_num<0)
- error_handler(-1,"real::sqrt: sqrt of negative number");
- z_rep.NUM= sqrt(x_num);
- z_rep.ERROR= x.PTR->ERROR+eps;
- z_rep.ERROR*= correction;
- return real(z_rep);
- }
- /*:26*//*27:*/
- real operator-(const real&x)
- {real_rep&z_rep= *new real_rep();
- z_rep.CON= NEGATION;
- z_rep.OP1= x.PTR;z_rep.OP1->count++;z_rep.OP2= nil;
- z_rep.NUM= -x.PTR->NUM;z_rep.ERROR= x.PTR->ERROR;
- return real(z_rep);
- }
- /*:27*//*28:*/
- real operator+= (real&x,real&y){x= x+y;return x;}
- real operator-= (real&x,real&y){x= x-y;return x;}
- real operator*= (real&x,real&y){x= x*y;return x;}
- /*:28*/
- /*32:*/
- long needed_places(const bigfloat&epsilon)
- {return-epsilon.get_exponent().tolong();}
- /*:32*/
- /*29:*/
- void real::improve(const integer&prec){PTR->improve(pow2(-prec));}
- void real::improve(long p){PTR->improve(pow2(-p));}
- void real::compute_in(long p){PTR->compute(p);}
- void real::compute_up_to(long p)
- {PTR->init_app_bf();
- if(PTR->sign()==0)return;
- bigfloat q= (fabs(tobigfloat())+pow2(-get_precision()))*bigfloat(pow2(-p-1));
- PTR->improve(q);
- PTR->APP_BF_PTR->NUM_BF.round(p);
- PTR->adjust_dbl();
- }
- /*:29*//*30:*/
- void real_rep::improve(const bigfloat&q)
- {
- if(q<=zero)
- error_handler(-1,"real_rep::improve: quality <= 0");
- int signum;
- long p;
- bigfloat needed_precision,
- easy_value,
- qx,qy,
- y_low,
- x_high,x_low,
- qsquare;
- init_app_bf();
- if(error_bf()<=q)return;
- switch(CON)
- {
- case DOUBLE:case BIGFLOAT:return;
- case NEGATION:
- OP1->improve(q);
- num_bf()= -OP1->num_bf();
- break;
- case ADDITION:/*33:*/
- OP1->improve(onefourth*q);
- OP2->improve(onefourth*q);
- easy_value= OP1->num_bf()+OP2->num_bf();
- if(easy_value==zero)
- num_bf()= zero;
- else
- {
- needed_precision= onefourth*q/fabs(easy_value);
- p= needed_places(needed_precision);
- num_bf()= add(OP1->num_bf(),OP2->num_bf(),p);
- }
- /*:33*/
- ;break;
- case SUBTRACTION:/*34:*/
- OP1->improve(onefourth*q);
- OP2->improve(onefourth*q);
- easy_value= OP1->num_bf()+OP2->num_bf();
- if(easy_value==zero)
- num_bf()= 0;
- else
- {
- needed_precision= onefourth*q/fabs(easy_value);
- p= needed_places(needed_precision);
- num_bf()= sub(OP1->num_bf(),OP2->num_bf(),p);
- }
- /*:34*/
- ;break;
- case MULTIPLICATION:/*35:*/
- OP2->init_app_bf();
- qx= q*oneeighth/(fabs(OP2->num_bf())+OP2->error_bf());
- OP1->improve(qx);
- qy= q*oneeighth/fabs(OP1->num_bf());
- OP2->improve(qy);
- easy_value= OP1->num_bf()*OP2->num_bf();
- if(easy_value==zero)
- num_bf()= zero;
- else
- {
- needed_precision= q*onefourth/fabs(easy_value);
- p= needed_places(needed_precision);
- num_bf()= mul(OP1->num_bf(),OP2->num_bf(),p);
- }
- /*:35*/
- ;break;
- case DIVISION:/*36:*/
- signum= OP2->sign();
- if(signum==0)error_handler(0,"real::improve: division by zero");
- OP2->init_app_bf();
- y_low= fabs(OP2->num_bf())-error_bf();
- qx= q*y_low*oneeighth;
- OP1->improve(qx);
- if(OP1->num_bf()==zero)
- num_bf()= 0;
- else
- {
- qy= q*y_low*y_low*oneeighth/fabs(OP1->num_bf());
- OP2->improve(qy);
- needed_precision= q*onefourth*fabs(OP2->num_bf()/OP1->num_bf());
- p= needed_places(needed_precision);
- num_bf()= div(OP1->num_bf(),OP2->num_bf(),p);
- }
- /*:36*/
- ;break;
- case SQUAREROOT:/*37:*/
- OP1->init_app_bf();
- x_low= OP1->num_bf()-OP1->error_bf();
- x_high= OP1->num_bf()+OP1->error_bf();
- qsquare= q*q;
- if((x_low<=onefourth*qsquare)&&(x_high>=onehalf*qsquare))
- {
- OP1->improve(oneeighth*qsquare);
- x_low= OP1->num_bf()-OP1->error_bf();
- x_high= OP1->num_bf()+OP1->error_bf();
- }
- if(x_high<zero)
- error_handler(-1,"real::improve: sqrt needs an argument >= 0");
- if(x_low>onefourth*qsquare)
- {
- qx= onefourth*q*sqrt(x_low);
- OP1->improve(qx);
- needed_precision= onefourth*q/sqrt(x_high);
- p= needed_places(needed_precision);
- num_bf()= sqrt(fabs(OP1->num_bf()),p);
- }
- else
- num_bf()= 0;
- /*:37*/
- ;break;
- }
- error_bf() = q;
- adjust_dbl();
- }
- /*:30*//*38:*/
- void real_rep::compute(long p)
- {
- if(p<=0)
- error_handler(1,"real_rep::compute needs an argument > 0");
- bigfloat*x_ptr= nil,*qx_ptr= nil,*y_ptr= nil,*qy_ptr= nil;
- if(OP1!=nil)
- {OP1->compute(p);
- x_ptr= &(OP1->num_bf());
- qx_ptr= &(OP1->error_bf());
- }
- if(OP2!=nil)
- {OP2->compute(p);
- y_ptr= &(OP2->num_bf());
- qy_ptr= &(OP2->error_bf());
- }
- bigfloat&x= *x_ptr,&y= *y_ptr,&qx= *qx_ptr,&qy= *qy_ptr,
- x_low,x_high,y_low;
- if(APP_BF_PTR==nil)APP_BF_PTR= new app_bf();
- int signum;
- bigfloat prec= pow2(-p);
- switch(CON)
- {
- case DOUBLE:
- num_bf()= bigfloat(NUM);
- error_bf()= 0;break;
- case BIGFLOAT:break;
- case NEGATION:
- num_bf()= -x;
- error_bf()= qx;break;
- case ADDITION:
- num_bf()= add(x,y,p);
- error_bf()= fabs(num_bf())*prec+qx+qy;break;
- num_bf()= sub(x,y,p);
- error_bf()= fabs(num_bf())*prec+qx+qy;break;
- num_bf()= mul(x,y,p);
- error_bf()= fabs(num_bf())*prec+fabs(x)*qy+fabs(y)*qx+qx*qy;
- break;
- case DIVISION:
- if(qy>=fabs(y))
- {signum= OP2->sign();
- if(signum==0)error_handler(-2,"real::compute: division by zero");
- }
- y_low= fabs(OP2->num_bf())-OP2->error_bf();
- num_bf()= div(x,y,p);
- error_bf()= fabs(num_bf())*prec+(qy*fabs(num_bf())+qx)/y_low;
- break;
- x_low= x-qx;x_high= x+qx;
- if(x_high<zero)
- error_handler(-1,"real::compute: squareroot needs argument >= 0");
- if(x_low>zero)
- {
- num_bf()= sqrt(x,p);
- error_bf()= num_bf()*prec+qx/sqrt(x_low);
- }
- else
- {
- num_bf()= sqrt(qx,p);
- error_bf()= two*num_bf();
- }
- }
- error_bf()= error_bf()*bigfloat(correction);
- adjust_dbl();
- }
- /*:38*/
- /*39:*/
- int sign(double x)
- {if(x==0)return 0;else return(x>0?1:-1);}
- /*:39*//*40:*/
- int real::sign() {return PTR->sign(0);}
- int real::sign(const integer&prec) {return PTR->sign(pow2(-prec));}
- int real::sign(long p) {return PTR->sign(pow2(-p));}
- int real_rep::sign() {return sign(0);}
- int real_rep::sign(const bigfloat&q_initial)
- {integer M= 0,deg= 1;
- bigfloat q= q_initial;
- /*41:*/
- if((ERROR!=Infinity)&&((NUM==0)||(ERROR<1)))
- return::sign(NUM);
- if((APP_BF_PTR!=nil)&&
- ((error_bf()==zero)||(error_bf()<fabs(num_bf())))
- )
- return::sign(num_bf());
- /*:41*/
- if(q==zero)/*45:*/
- Mignotte_parameters(*this,M,deg);
- q= pow2(-M)*correction_bf;
- /*:45*/
- /*42:*/
- bigfloat current_precision= eps_prec;
- init_app_bf();
- if(error_bf()<one)
- current_precision= error_bf()*eps_prec;
- improve(current_precision);
- while((current_precision>q)&&(error_bf()>=fabs(num_bf())))
- {current_precision= current_precision*current_precision;
- improve(current_precision);
- }
- if(fabs(num_bf())>error_bf())
- return::sign(num_bf());
- return 0;
- /*:42*/
- }
- /*:40*//*44:*/
- void Mignotte_parameters(const real_rep&x,integer&M,integer°)
- {
- long exp,M_int;
- integer M1,M2,deg1,deg2;
- switch(x.CON)
- {case DOUBLE:
- deg= 1;
- exp= bigfloat(x.NUM).get_exponent().tolong();
- if(x.NUM==int(x.NUM))/* x.NUM is an integer */
- {M= exp+1;break;}
- if(exp>=52)
- {M_int= exp+1;M= M_int;break;}
- if(exp<0){M_int= 52-exp;M= M_int;break;}
- M= 53;break;
- case BIGFLOAT:if(x.APP_BF_PTR->NUM_BF!=zero)
- M= (x.APP_BF_PTR->NUM_BF).get_exponent();
- else
- M= 0;
- deg= 1;break;
- case NEGATION:Mignotte_parameters(*x.OP1,M,deg);break;
- Mignotte_parameters(*x.OP1,M1,deg1);
- Mignotte_parameters(*x.OP2,M2,deg2);
- M= M1*deg2+M2*deg1;
- deg= deg1*deg2;
- break;
- Mignotte_parameters(*x.OP1,M1,deg1);
- Mignotte_parameters(*x.OP2,M2,deg2);
- M= deg1*deg2+M1*deg2+M2*deg1;
- deg= deg1*deg2;
- break;
- Mignotte_parameters(*x.OP1,M1,deg1);
- M= M1;deg= deg1<<1;
- break;
- }
- }
- /*:44*//*46:*/
- int operator==(const real&x,const real&y)
- {return((y-x).sign()==0?1:0);}
- int operator<(const real&x,const real&y)
- {return((y-x).sign()>0?1:0);}
- int operator>(const real&x,const real&y)
- {return((y-x).sign()<0?1:0);}
- int operator<=(const real&x,const real&y)
- {return((y-x).sign()>=0?1:0);}
- int operator>=(const real&x,const real&y)
- {return((y-x).sign()<=0?1:0);}
- int operator!=(const real&x,const real&y)
- {return((y-x).sign()!=0?1:0);}
- /*:46*/
- /*47:*/
- real fabs(real&x){ if (x.sign()<0) return -x; else return x; }
- real sq(const real&x){return x*x;}
- real hypot(const real&x,const real&y){return sqrt(x*x+y*y);}
- real powi(const real&x,int n)
- {real y= x,z= 1;
- int n_prefix= n;
- while(n_prefix>0)
- {
- if(n_prefix%2)z= z*y;
- n_prefix= n_prefix/2;
- y= y*y;
- }
- return z;
- }
- /*:47*/
- /*:12*/