- % Demo script that generates all graphics in the report
- % and demonstrates our results.
- disp('Mini-Projet: Automatic Speaker Recognition');
- disp('By Christian Cornaz & Urs Hunkeler (SC)');
- disp('Responsible Assistant: Vladan Velisavljevic');
- disp(' ');
- disp(' ');
- [s1 fs1] = wavread('amintrains1.wav');
- [s2 fs2] = wavread('amintrains2.wav');
- %Question 2
- disp('> Question 2');
- t = 0:1/fs1:(length(s1) - 1)/fs1;
- plot(t, s1), axis([0, (length(s1) - 1)/fs1 -0.4 0.5]);
- title('Plot of signal s1.wav');
- xlabel('Time [s]');
- ylabel('Amplitude (normalized)')
- pause
- close all
- %Question 3 (linear)
- disp('> Question 3: linear spectrum plot');
- M = 100;
- N = 256;
- frames = blockFrames(s1, fs1, M, N);
- t = N / 2;
- tm = length(s1) / fs1;
- subplot(121);
- imagesc([0 tm], [0 fs1/2], abs(frames(1:t, :)).^2), axis xy;
- title('Power Spectrum (M = 100, N = 256)');
- xlabel('Time [s]');
- ylabel('Frequency [Hz]');
- colorbar;
- %Question 3 (logarithmic)
- disp('> Question 3: logarithmic spectrum plot');
- subplot(122);
- imagesc([0 tm], [0 fs1/2], 20 * log10(abs(frames(1:t, :)).^2)), axis xy;
- title('Logarithmic Power Spectrum (M = 100, N = 256)');
- xlabel('Time [s]');
- ylabel('Frequency [Hz]');
- colorbar;
- D=get(gcf,'Position');
- set(gcf,'Position',round([D(1)*.5 D(2)*.5 D(3)*2 D(4)*1.3]))
- pause
- close all
- %Question 4
- disp('> Question 4: Plots for different values for N');
- lN = [128 256 512];
- u=220;
- for i = 1:length(lN)
- N = lN(i);
- M = round(N / 3);
- frames = blockFrames(s1, fs1, M, N);
- t = N / 2;
- temp = size(frames);
- nbframes = temp(2);
- u=u+1;
- subplot(u)
- imagesc([0 tm], [0 fs1/2], 20 * log10(abs(frames(1:t, :)).^2)), axis xy;
- title(sprintf('Power Spectrum (M = %i, N = %i, frames = %i)', M, N, nbframes));
- xlabel('Time [s]');
- ylabel('Frequency [Hz]');
- colorbar
- end
- D=get(gcf,'Position');
- set(gcf,'Position',round([D(1)*.5 D(2)*.5 D(3)*1.5 D(4)*1.5]))
- pause
- close all
- %Question 5
- disp('> Question 5: Mel Space');
- plot(linspace(0, (fs1/2), 129), (melfb(20, 256, fs1))');
- title('Mel-Spaced Filterbank');
- xlabel('Frequency [Hz]');
- pause
- close all
- %Question 6
- disp('> Question 6: Modified spectrum');
- M = 100;
- N = 256;
- frames = blockFrames(s1, fs1, M, N);
- n2 = 1 + floor(N / 2);
- m = melfb(20, N, fs1);
- z = m * abs(frames(1:n2, :)).^2;
- t = N / 2;
- tm = length(s1) / fs1;
- subplot(121)
- imagesc([0 tm], [0 fs1/2], abs(frames(1:n2, :)).^2), axis xy;
- title('Power Spectrum unmodified');
- xlabel('Time [s]');
- ylabel('Frequency [Hz]');
- colorbar;
- subplot(122)
- imagesc([0 tm], [0 20], z), axis xy;
- title('Power Spectrum modified through Mel Cepstrum filter');
- xlabel('Time [s]');
- ylabel('Number of Filter in Filter Bank');
- colorbar;
- D=get(gcf,'Position');
- set(gcf,'Position',[0 D(2) D(3)*2 D(4)])
- pause
- close all
- %Question 7
- disp('> Question 7: 2D plot of accustic vectors');
- c1 = mfcc(s1, fs1);
- c2 = mfcc(s2, fs2);
- plot(c1(5, :), c1(6, :), 'or');
- hold on;
- plot(c2(5, :), c2(6, :), 'xb');
- xlabel('5th Dimension');
- ylabel('6th Dimension');
- legend('Signal 1', 'Signal 2');
- title('2D plot of accoustic vectors');
- pause
- close all
- %Question 8
- disp('> Question 8: Plot of the 2D trained VQ codewords')
- d1 = vqlbg(c1,16);
- d2 = vqlbg(c2,16);
- plot(c1(5, :), c1(6, :), 'xr')
- hold on
- plot(d1(5, :), d1(6, :), 'vk')
- plot(c2(5, :), c2(6, :), 'xb')
- plot(d2(5, :), d2(6, :), '+k')
- xlabel('5th Dimension');
- ylabel('6th Dimension');
- legend('Speaker 1', 'Codebook 1', 'Speaker 2', 'Codebook 2');
- title('2D plot of accoustic vectors');
- pause
- close all
- % %Question 8
- disp('> Question 8_1: Plot of the 2D trained VQ codewords')
- d1 = vqlbg(c1,16);
- d2 = vqlbg(c2,16);
- subplot(121)
- plot(c1(5, :), c1(6, :), 'or')
- hold on
- plot(d1(5,:),d1(6,:),'+')
- xlabel('5th Dimension');
- ylabel('6th Dimension');
- legend('Speaker 1', 'Codebook of s1');
- title('2D plot of accoustic vectors');
- subplot(122)
- plot(c2(5, :), c2(6, :), 'or')
- hold on
- plot(d2(5,:),d2(6,:),'+')
- xlabel('5th Dimension');
- ylabel('6th Dimension');
- legend('Speaker 2', 'Codebook of s2');
- title('2D plot of accoustic vectors');
- D=get(gcf,'Position');
- set(gcf,'Position',[0 D(2) D(3)*2 D(4)])
- pause
- close all