资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _mc_matching.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * MAX_CARD_MATCHING (maximum cardinality matching)
- *
- * An implementation of Edmonds' algorithm
- *
- *
- * J. Edmonds: Paths, trees, and flowers
- * Canad. J. Math., Vol. 17, 1965, 449-467
- *
- * R.E. Tarjan: Data Structures and Network Algorithms,
- * CBMS-NFS Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics,
- * Vol. 44, 1983
- *
- *
- * running time: O(n*m*alpha(n))
- *
- *
- * S. Naeher (October 1991)
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include <LEDA/graph_alg.h>
- #include <LEDA/node_partition.h>
- static int cmp_degree(const node& v,const node& w) // compare indeg of v and w
- { return indeg(v) - indeg(w); }
- static int greedy( graph &G, node_array<node>& mate ) // greedy heuristic
- { node v;
- int count = 0;
- forall_nodes(v,G)
- if (mate[v] == nil)
- { edge e;
- forall_adj_edges(e,v)
- { node w = target(e);
- if (v != w && mate[w] == nil)
- { mate[v] = w;
- mate[w] = v;
- count++;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return count;
- }
- static void heuristic( graph &G, node_array<node>& mate )
- {
- // Heuristic (Markus Paul):
- // finds almost all augmenting paths of length <=3 with two passes over
- // the adjacency lists
- // ("almost": discovery of a blossom {v,w,x,v} leads to a skip of the
- // edge (x,v), even if the base v stays unmatched - it's not worth while
- // to fix this problem)
- // if all adjacent nodes w of v are matched, try to find an other
- // partner for mate[x], and match v and w on success
- node u,v;
- bool found;
- node_array<int> all_matched(G,false);
- forall_nodes( v, G )
- {
- edge e = G.first_adj_edge(v);
- if( mate[v]==nil )
- {
- while(e != nil && mate[target(e)]!=nil) e = G.adj_succ(e);
- if( e != nil )
- { mate[v] = target(e);
- mate[target(e)] = v ;
- }
- else // second pass
- {
- all_matched[v] = true;
- forall_adj_edges(e,v)
- {
- node w = target(e);
- node x = mate[w];
- if( ! all_matched[x] )
- {
- while((found=G.next_adj_node(u,x)) && (u==v || mate[u]!=nil));
- if( found )
- { mate[u] = x; mate[x] = u ;
- mate[v] = w; mate[w] = v ;
- G.init_adj_iterator(x);
- break;
- }
- else
- all_matched[x] = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- static void find_path(list<node>& L, node_array<int>& label,
- node_array<node>& pred,
- node_array<node>& mate,
- node_array<edge>& bridge,
- node x, node y)
- {
- /* computes an even length alternating path from x to y begining with a
- matching edge (Tarjan: Data Structures and Network Algorithms, page 122)
- Preconditions:
- a) x and y are even or shrinked
- b) when x was made part of a blossom for the first time, y was a base
- and predecessor of the base of that blossom
- */
- if (x==y)
- { // [ x ]
- L.append(x);
- return;
- }
- if (label[x] == EVEN)
- { // [ x --> mate[x] --> path(pred[mate[x]],y) ]
- find_path(L,label,pred,mate,bridge,pred[mate[x]],y);
- L.push(mate[x]);
- L.push(x);
- return;
- }
- if (label[x] == ODD)
- { // [ x --> REV(path(source(bridge),mate[x])) --> path(target(bridge),y)) ]
- node v;
- list<node> L1;
- find_path(L,label,pred,mate,bridge,target(bridge[x]),y);
- find_path(L1,label,pred,mate,bridge,source(bridge[x]),mate[x]);
- forall(v,L1) L.push(v);
- L.push(x);
- return;
- }
- }
- list<edge> MAX_CARD_MATCHING(graph& G, int heur)
- {
- float T = used_time();
- // input: directed graph G, we make it undirected (symmetric) by inserting
- // reversal edges
- list<edge> R;
- int strue = 0;
- bool done = false;
- node_array<int> label(G,UNREACHED);
- node_array<node> pred(G,nil);
- node_array<int> path1(G,0);
- node_array<int> path2(G,0);
- node_array<edge> bridge(G,nil);
- node_array<node> mate(G,nil);
- // make graph symmetric
- edge_array<edge> rev(G,nil);
- compute_correspondence(G,rev);
- edge e = G.first_edge();
- while (e && rev[e]) e = G.succ_edge(e);
- edge last_edge = nil;
- if (e !=nil)
- { last_edge = G.new_edge(target(e),source(e));
- R.append(last_edge);
- while (e != last_edge)
- { if (rev[e] == nil)
- { edge e1 = G.new_edge(target(e),source(e));
- rev[e] = e1;
- R.append(e1);
- }
- e = G.succ_edge(e);
- }
- }
- edge_array<edge> reversal(G,nil);
- for(e = G.first_edge(); e != last_edge; e = G.succ_edge(e))
- { edge r = rev[e];
- reversal[e] = r;
- reversal[r] = e;
- }
- /*
- edge_array<edge> reversal(G,nil);
- edge e = G.first_edge();
- edge last_edge = G.last_edge();
- do { edge e1 = G.new_edge(target(e),source(e));
- reversal[e] = e1;
- reversal[e1] = e;
- R.append(e1);
- e = G.succ_edge(e);
- }
- while(e != last_edge);
- */
- switch (heur) {
- case 1: { greedy(G,mate);
- break;
- }
- case 2: { G.sort_nodes(cmp_degree); // sort nodes by degree
- heuristic(G,mate);
- break;
- }
- }
- while (! done) /* main loop */
- {
- node_list Q;
- node v;
- node_partition base(G); // now base(v) = v for all nodes v
- done = true;
- forall_nodes(v,G)
- { pred[v] = nil;
- if (mate[v] == nil)
- { label[v] = EVEN;
- Q.append(v);
- }
- else label[v] = UNREACHED;
- }
- while (!Q.empty()) // search for augmenting path
- {
- node v = Q.pop();
- edge e;
- forall_adj_edges(e,v)
- {
- node w = G.target(e);
- if (v == w) continue; // ignore self-loops
- if (base(v) == base(w) || (label[w] == ODD && base(w) == w))
- continue; // do nothing
- if (label[w] == UNREACHED)
- { label[w] = ODD;
- pred[w] = v;
- label[mate[w]] = EVEN;
- Q.append(mate[w]);
- }
- else // base(v) != base(w) && (label[w] == EVEN || base(w) !=w)
- {
- node hv = base(v);
- node hw = base(w);
- strue++;
- path1[hv] = path2[hw] = strue;
- while ((path1[hw] != strue && path2[hv] != strue) &&
- (mate[hv] != nil || mate[hw] != nil) )
- {
- if (mate[hv] != nil)
- { hv = base(pred[mate[hv]]);
- path1[hv] = strue;
- }
- if (mate[hw] != nil)
- { hw = base(pred[mate[hw]]);
- path2[hw] = strue;
- }
- }
- if (path1[hw] == strue || path2[hv] == strue) // Shrink Blossom
- { node x;
- node y;
- node b = (path1[hw] == strue) ? hw : hv; // Base
- #if defined(REPORT_BLOSSOMS)
- cout << "SHRINK BLOSSOMn";
- cout << "bridge = ";
- G.print_edge(e);
- newline;
- cout << "base = ";
- G.print_node(b);
- newline;
- cout << "path1 = ";
- #endif
- x = base(v);
- while (x != b)
- {
- #if defined(REPORT_BLOSSOMS)
- G.print_node(x);
- cout << " ";
- #endif
- base.union_blocks(x,b);
- base.make_rep(b);
- x = mate[x];
- #if defined(REPORT_BLOSSOMS)
- G.print_node(x);
- cout << " ";
- #endif
- y = base(pred[x]);
- base.union_blocks(x,b);
- base.make_rep(b);
- Q.append(x);
- bridge[x] = e;
- x = y;
- }
- #if defined(REPORT_BLOSSOMS)
- G.print_node(b);
- newline;
- cout << "path2 = ";
- #endif
- x = base(w);
- while (x != b)
- {
- #if defined(REPORT_BLOSSOMS)
- G.print_node(x);
- cout << " ";
- #endif
- base.union_blocks(x,b);
- base.make_rep(b);
- x = mate[x];
- #if defined(REPORT_BLOSSOMS)
- G.print_node(x);
- cout << " ";
- #endif
- y = base(pred[x]);
- base.union_blocks(x,b);
- base.make_rep(b);
- Q.append(x);
- bridge[x] = reversal[e];
- x = y;
- }
- #if defined(REPORT_BLOSSOMS)
- G.print_node(b);
- newline;
- newline;
- #endif
- }
- else // augment path
- {
- list<node> P0,P1;
- find_path(P0,label,pred,mate,bridge,v,hv);
- P0.push(w);
- find_path(P1,label,pred,mate,bridge,w,hw);
- P1.pop();
- while(! P0.empty())
- { node a = P0.pop();
- node b = P0.pop();
- mate[a] = b;
- mate[b] = a;
- }
- while(! P1.empty())
- { node a = P1.pop();
- node b = P1.pop();
- mate[a] = b;
- mate[b] = a;
- }
- Q.clear(); /* stop search (while Q not empty) */
- done = false; /* continue main loop */
- G.init_adj_iterator(v);
- break; /* forall_adj_edges(e,v) ... */
- }
- } // base(v) != base(w) && (label[w] == EVEN || base(w) !=w)
- } // for all adjacent edges
- } // while Q not empty
- } // while not done
- // restore graph (only original edges in result!)
- forall(e,R) G.del_edge(e);
- list<edge> result;
- /*
- node v;
- forall_nodes(v,G)
- if (mate[v] != nil)
- { edge e;
- forall_adj_edges(e,v)
- if (mate[target(e)] == v)
- { result.append(e);
- break;
- }
- }
- */
- forall_edges(e,G)
- { node v = source(e);
- node w = target(e);
- if ( v != w && mate[v] == w )
- { result.append(e);
- mate[v] = v;
- mate[w] = w;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }