资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _mwb_matching.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- /*******************************************************************************
- * *
- * MAX_WEIGHT_BIPARTITE_MATCHING (maximum weight bipartite matching) *
- * *
- * modified 01/94, M.Paul *
- * *
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include <LEDA/graph_alg.h>
- #include <LEDA/node_pq.h>
- static list<edge> compute_MWBM( graph& G,
- const list<node>& A, const list<node>& B,
- const edge_array<num_type>& weight );
- const list<node>& A, const list<node>& B,
- const edge_array<num_type>& weight )
- {
- list<edge> mwm;
- if( ! (A.empty() || B.empty()) )
- {
- /* change the graph such that A becomes the node set with
- smaller cardinality (if necessary)
- */
- if( B.size() < A.size() )
- { G.rev();
- mwm = compute_MWBM( G, B, A, weight );
- G.rev();
- }
- else
- mwm = compute_MWBM( G, A, B, weight );
- }
- return mwm;
- }
- /* return the list of possible endpoints of augmenting paths which
- only need a minimal change of the dual function u
- */
- static list<node> dijkstra( const graph& G,
- const node_list& free,
- const node_array<num_type>& u,
- const edge_array<num_type>& weight,
- num_type maxval,
- node_array<num_type>& dist,
- node_array<edge>& pred,
- const node_array<int>& side)
- {
- node_pq<num_type> PQ(G);
- num_type a_min = maxval, // minimal distance to an endpoint of
- b_min = maxval, // an augmenting path in A resp. B
- dv, dw, c, uv;
- list<node> alist, blist; // the lists of minimal endpoints
- node v, w;
- edge e;
- forall(v,free) { // initialize distances and PQ
- dist[v] = 0;
- PQ.insert(v,0);
- if( u[v]<=a_min ) { // compute initial nodelist for A
- if( u[v]<a_min ) {
- alist.clear();
- a_min = u[v];
- }
- alist.append(v);
- }
- }
- while( !PQ.empty() ) {
- v = PQ.del_min(); // dist[v] is the final distance of v
- dv = dist[v];
- uv = u[v];
- /* if v is in A, update the nodelist for A
- */
- if( !side[v] && uv+dv<=a_min ) {
- if( uv+dv<a_min ) {
- alist.clear();
- a_min = uv+dv;
- }
- alist.append(v);
- }
- /* stop if the actual distance becomes greater than the
- distance to an endpoint of an augmenting path already seen
- */
- if( a_min<dv || b_min<dv )
- break;
- /* if v is in B, update the nodelist for B
- */
- if( side[v] && !G.outdeg(v) ) {
- b_min = dv;
- blist.append(v);
- }
- /* perform one step of Dijkstra's algorithm
- */
- forall_adj_edges( e, v ) {
- w = G.target(e);
- dw = dist[w];
- c = dv + uv + u[w] - weight[e];
- if (c < dv) c = dv; /* rounding errors: u[v]+u[w]-weight[e]
- might become negative */
- if( c < dw ) {
- if( dw == maxval )
- PQ.insert(w,c);
- else
- PQ.decrease_p(w,c);
- dist[w] = c;
- pred[w] = e;
- }
- }
- }
- /* return the appropriate list of nodes
- */
- if( a_min==b_min )
- alist.conc( blist );
- return a_min<=b_min ? alist : blist;
- }
- /* augment matching in one pass along paths of length 1 and 3
- */
- static int mwbm_heuristic( graph& G,
- const list<node>& A,
- const edge_array<num_type>& weight,
- node_array<num_type>& u)
- {
- node v, w;
- edge e, e2, eb;
- int n = 0;
- num_type max, max2, we;
- node_array<edge> sec_edge(G,0);
- forall( v, A ) { // for all nodes in A ...
- max2 = 0; max = 0; eb = 0;
- forall_adj_edges( e, v ) { // compute edges with largest
- we = weight[e]-u[target(e)]; // and second largest slack
- if( we >= max2 ) {
- if( we >= max ) {
- max2 = max; e2 = eb;
- max = we; eb = e;
- }
- else {
- max2 = we; e2 = e;
- }
- }
- }
- if( eb ) {
- w = target(eb);
- if( !G.outdeg(w) ) { // match eb and change u[] such
- sec_edge[v] = e2; // that e2 also gets slack 0
- u[v] = max2;
- u[w] = max-max2;
- G.rev_edge(eb);
- n++;
- }
- else { // try to augment matching along
- u[v] = max; // path of length 3 given by sec_edge[]
- e2 = G.first_adj_edge(w);
- e = sec_edge[target(e2)];
- if( e && !G.outdeg(target(e)) ) {
- G.rev_edge(e); G.rev_edge(e2); G.rev_edge(eb);
- n++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return n;
- }
- /* compute a maximum weight matching in G
- */
- static list<edge> compute_MWBM( graph& G,
- const list<node>& A,
- const list<node>& B,
- const edge_array<num_type>& weight )
- {
- num_type MAX, MIN;
- Max_Value(MAX); Min_Value(MIN);
- num_type d_min;
- node v, v_min;
- edge e;
- node_array<edge> pred(G,nil);
- node_array<num_type> dist(G,MAX), u(G,0);
- node_array<int> side(G,1), used(G,0);
- int mark=0; // nodes v with used[v]<mark are unused
- node_list free;
- list<node> vlist;
- mwbm_heuristic(G,A,weight,u);
- forall(v,A) {
- if( G.indeg(v)==0 && G.outdeg(v) ) {
- free.append(v);
- dist[v] = 0;
- }
- side[v]=0;
- }
- while( !free.empty() ) {
- mark++; // mark all nodes as unused
- /* compute the list of possible endpoints
- */
- vlist = dijkstra(G,free,u,weight,MAX,dist,pred,side);
- forall( v_min, vlist ) {
- v=v_min;
- /* if v_min is not the first node of the list, check if the
- augmenting path to v_min contains an used node
- */
- if( v_min!=vlist.head() ) {
- e=pred[v];
- while( e && used[v]<mark ) {
- v = source(e);
- e = pred[v];
- }
- }
- /* if all nodes are unused, augment the matching along the path
- */
- if( used[v]<mark ) {
- v = v_min; e = pred[v];
- while( e ) {
- used[v]=mark;
- v = source(e);
- G.rev_edge(e);
- e = pred[v];
- }
- free.del(v);
- used[v]=mark;
- }
- }
- /* change the dual function
- */
- v_min = vlist.head();
- d_min = side[v_min] ? dist[v_min] : u[v_min]+dist[v_min];
- forall(v,A) {
- if (d_min > dist[v])
- u[v] -= d_min-dist[v];
- dist[v] = MAX;
- }
- forall(v,B) {
- if (d_min > dist[v])
- u[v] += d_min-dist[v];
- dist[v] = MAX;
- }
- }
- /* compute the result
- */
- list<edge> result;
- forall(v,B)
- forall_adj_edges(e,v) result.append(e);
- forall(e,result) G.rev_edge(e);
- return result;
- }