资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _segment.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include <LEDA/line.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- unsigned long segment_rep::id_counter = 0;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // segments
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- segment_rep::segment_rep() { count = 1; id = id_counter++; }
- segment_rep::segment_rep(const point& p, const point& q)
- {
- count = 1;
- start = p;
- end = q;
- dx = q.xcoord() - p.xcoord();
- dy = q.ycoord() - p.ycoord();
- if (dx==0)
- { slope = MAXDOUBLE;
- y_abs = -MAXDOUBLE;
- }
- else
- { slope = dy/dx;
- y_abs = p.ycoord() - slope * p.xcoord();
- }
- if (dx != 0 || dy != 0)
- angle = atan2(dy,dx);
- else
- angle = 0;
- id = id_counter++;
- }
- segment::segment() { PTR = new segment_rep; }
- segment::segment(const point& x, const point& y)
- { PTR = new segment_rep(x,y); }
- segment::segment(const point& x, const vector& v)
- { PTR = new segment_rep(x,x+v); }
- segment::segment(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
- { PTR = new segment_rep(point(x1,y1), point(x2,y2)); }
- segment::segment(const point& p, double alpha, double length)
- { point q = p.translate(alpha,length);
- PTR = new segment_rep(p,q);
- }
- segment segment::translate(double alpha, double d) const
- { point p = ptr()->start.translate(alpha,d);
- point q = ptr()->end.translate(alpha,d);
- return segment(p,q);
- }
- segment segment::translate(const vector& v) const
- { point p = ptr()->start.translate(v);
- point q = ptr()->end.translate(v);
- return segment(p,q);
- }
- ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const segment& s)
- { out << "[" << s.start() << "===" << s.end() << "]";
- return out;
- }
- istream& operator>>(istream& in, segment& s)
- { // syntax: {[} p {===} q {]}
- point p,q;
- char c;
- do in.get(c); while (isspace(c));
- if (c != '[') in.putback(c);
- in >> p;
- do in.get(c); while (isspace(c));
- while (c== '=') in.get(c);
- while (isspace(c)) in.get(c);
- in.putback(c);
- in >> q;
- do in.get(c); while (c == ' ');
- if (c != ']') in.putback(c);
- s = segment(p,q);
- return in;
- }
- double segment::angle(const segment& s) const
- {
- double cosfi,fi,norm;
- double dx = ptr()->end.ptr()->x - ptr()->start.ptr()->x;
- double dy = ptr()->end.ptr()->y - ptr()->start.ptr()->y;
- double dxs = s.ptr()->end.ptr()->x - s.ptr()->start.ptr()->x;
- double dys = s.ptr()->end.ptr()->y - s.ptr()->start.ptr()->y;
- cosfi=dx*dxs+dy*dys;
- norm=(dx*dx+dy*dy)*(dxs*dxs+dys*dys);
- if (norm == 0) return 0;
- cosfi /= sqrt( norm );
- if (cosfi >= 1.0 ) return 0;
- if (cosfi <= -1.0 ) return LEDA_PI;
- fi=acos(cosfi);
- if (dx*dys-dy*dxs>0) return fi;
- return -fi;
- }
- double segment::distance(const segment& s) const
- { if (angle(s)!=0) return 0;
- return distance(s.ptr()->start);
- }
- double segment::distance() const
- { return distance(point(0,0)); }
- double segment::distance(const point& p) const
- { segment s(ptr()->start,p);
- double l = s.length();
- if (l==0) return 0;
- else return l*sin(angle(s));
- }
- double segment::y_proj(double x) const
- { return ptr()->start.ptr()->y - ptr()->slope * (ptr()->start.ptr()->x - x); }
- double segment::x_proj(double y) const
- { if (vertical()) return ptr()->start.ptr()->x;
- return ptr()->start.ptr()->x - (ptr()->start.ptr()->y - y)/ptr()->slope; }
- bool segment::intersection(const segment& s, point& inter) const
- { double cx,cy;
- if (slope() == s.slope()) return false;
- if (start() == s.start() || start() == s.end())
- { inter = start();
- return true;
- }
- if (end() == s.start() || end() == s.end())
- { inter = end();
- return true;
- }
- if (vertical())
- cx = xcoord1();
- else
- if (s.vertical())
- cx = s.xcoord1();
- else
- cx = (s.y_abs()-y_abs())/(slope()-s.slope());
- // test whether cx lies in the x-ranges of both segments
- if ( xcoord1() < cx && xcoord2() < cx ||
- xcoord1() > cx && xcoord2() > cx ||
- s.xcoord1() < cx && s.xcoord2() < cx ||
- s.xcoord1() > cx && s.xcoord2() > cx ) return false;
- if (vertical())
- cy = s.slope() * cx + s.y_abs();
- else
- cy = slope() * cx + y_abs();
- // if vertical test y-ranges too
- if (vertical() && (ycoord1() < cy && ycoord2() < cy
- || ycoord1() > cy && ycoord2() > cy) ) return false;
- if (s.vertical() && (s.ycoord1() < cy && s.ycoord2() < cy
- || s.ycoord1() > cy && s.ycoord2() > cy) ) return false;
- inter = point(cx,cy);
- return true;
- }
- bool segment::intersection_of_lines(const segment& s, point& inter) const
- { double cx,cy;
- if (slope() == s.slope()) return false;
- if (start() == s.start() || start() == s.end())
- { inter = start();
- return true;
- }
- if (end() == s.start() || end() == s.end())
- { inter = end();
- return true;
- }
- if (vertical())
- cx = xcoord1();
- else
- if (s.vertical())
- cx = s.xcoord1();
- else
- cx = (s.y_abs()-y_abs())/(slope()-s.slope());
- if (vertical())
- cy = s.slope() * cx + s.y_abs();
- else
- cy = slope() * cx + y_abs();
- inter = point(cx,cy);
- return true;
- }
- segment segment::rotate(double alpha) const
- { point p = start();
- point q = end();
- return segment(p,q.rotate(p,alpha));
- }
- segment segment::rotate(const point& origin, double alpha) const
- { point p = start().rotate(origin,alpha);
- point q = end().rotate(origin,alpha);
- return segment(p,q);
- }
- segment segment::rotate90() const
- { return segment(start(),point(xcoord1()-dy(),ycoord1()+dx())); }
- segment segment::rotate90(const point& origin) const
- { return segment(start().rotate90(origin),end().rotate90(origin)); }