资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _ch_map.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include <LEDA/impl/ch_map.h>
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // hashing array with chaining and table doubling
- //
- // only integer/pointer keys
- // no delete operation
- //
- // S. Naeher (1994)
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #define NIL 0xFFFFFFFF
- ch_map_elem ch_map::STOP;
- ch_map::ch_map(int sz, int n)
- {
- shift = 0;
- while (sz >>= 1) shift++;
- if (n < 512)
- init_table(512);
- else
- { int ts = 1;
- while (ts < n) ts <<= 1;
- init_table(ts);
- }
- }
- GenPtr ch_map::lookup(unsigned long x) const
- { ch_map_item p = HASH(x);
- STOP.k = x;
- while (p->k != x) p = p->succ;
- return (p == &STOP) ? nil : p;
- }
- GenPtr ch_map::access(unsigned long x) const
- { ch_map_item p = HASH(x);
- GenPtr y;
- STOP.k = x;
- while (p->k != x) p = p->succ;
- if (p == &STOP) init_inf(y);
- else y = p->i;
- return y;
- }
- GenPtr& ch_map::access1(ch_map_item p, unsigned long x)
- {
- STOP.k = x;
- ch_map_item q = p->succ;
- while (q->k != x) q = q->succ;
- if (q != &STOP) return q->i;
- // index x not present, insert it
- if (free == table_end) // table full: rehash
- { rehash();
- p = HASH(x);
- }
- if (p->k == nil)
- { p->k = x;
- init_inf(p->i);
- return p->i;
- }
- q = free++;
- q->k = x;
- init_inf(q->i);
- q->succ = p->succ;
- p->succ = q;
- return q->i;
- }
- void ch_map::clear_entries()
- { for(ch_map_item p = table; p < free; p++)
- if (p->k != NIL) clear_inf(p->i);
- }
- void ch_map::init_table(int T)
- {
- table_size = T;
- table_size_1 = T-1;
- table = new ch_map_elem[2*T];
- free = table + T;
- table_end = free + T/2;
- for (ch_map_item p=table; p < free; p++)
- { p->k = NIL;
- p->succ = &STOP;
- }
- }
- #define INSERT(x,y)
- { ch_map_item q = HASH(x);
- if (q->k == NIL)
- { q->k = x;
- q->i = y;
- }
- else
- { free->k = x;
- free->i = y;
- free->succ = q->succ;
- q->succ = free++;
- }
- }
- void ch_map::rehash()
- {
- ch_map_item old_table = table;
- ch_map_item old_table_mid = table+table_size;
- ch_map_item old_table_end = table_end;
- //init_table(2*table_size);
- init_table(4*table_size);
- ch_map_item p;
- for(p = old_table; p < old_table_mid; p++)
- { unsigned long x = p->k;
- if (x != NIL)
- { ch_map_item q = HASH(x);
- q->k = x;
- q->i = p->i;
- }
- }
- while (p < old_table_end)
- { unsigned long x = p->k;
- INSERT(x,p->i);
- p++;
- }
- delete[] old_table;
- }
- void ch_map::start_iteration()
- { iterator = table;
- while (iterator < table_end && iterator->k == NIL) iterator++;
- }
- bool ch_map::next_index(unsigned long& p)
- { if (iterator == table_end) return false;
- p = iterator->k;
- iterator++;
- while (iterator < table_end && iterator->k == NIL) iterator++;
- return true;
- }
- ch_map::ch_map(const ch_map& D)
- {
- init_table(D.table_size);
- for(ch_map_item p = D.table; p < D.table_end; p++)
- { if (p->k != NIL)
- { INSERT(p->k,p->i);
- D.copy_inf(p->i);
- }
- }
- }
- ch_map& ch_map::operator=(const ch_map& D)
- {
- clear_entries();
- delete[] table;
- init_table(D.table_size);
- for(ch_map_item p = D.table; p < D.table_end; p++)
- { if (p->k != NIL)
- { INSERT(p->k,p->i);
- copy_inf(p->i);
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- void ch_map::print()
- { cout << "shift = " << shift << endl;
- for (int i=0; i<table_size; i++)
- { ch_map_item p = table + i;
- if (p->k != NIL)
- { int l = 0;
- while(p != &STOP)
- { l++;
- p = p->succ;
- }
- cout << string("L(%d) = %d",i,l) << endl;
- }
- }
- }