- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Name: Utils.py
- # Product: ClamWin Free Antivirus
- #
- # Author: alch [alch at users dot sourceforge dot net]
- #
- # Created: 2004/22/04
- # Copyright: Copyright alch (c) 2004
- # Licence:
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- import os, sys, time, tempfile, shutil, locale
- import Config, ConfigParser
- import re, fnmatch, urllib2
- import win32api, win32con, win32gui, win32event, win32con, pywintypes
- from win32com.shell import shell, shellcon
- if win32api.GetVersionEx()[3] != win32con.VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS:
- import win32security
- CONFIG_EVENT='ClamWinConfigUpdateEvent01'
- DNSDatabaseInfo current.cvd.clamav.net
- DatabaseMirror %s
- MaxAttempts 3
- """
- HTTPProxyServer %s
- HTTPProxyPort %s
- """
- HTTPProxyUsername %s
- HTTPProxyPassword %s
- """
- def _ShowOwnBalloon(title, text, icon, hwnd, timeout):
- import BalloonTip
- hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow("Shell_TrayWnd", "")
- hwnd = win32gui.FindWindowEx(hwnd, 0, "TrayNotifyWnd", "")
- rect = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd)
- flags = BalloonTip.SHOW_CLOSE_BUTTON|BalloonTip.SHOW_INNER_SHADOW|
- # find and close existing notification
- hExistingWnd = None
- wnd_classes = (BalloonTip.SHADOWED_CLASS, BalloonTip.SHADOWLESS_CLASS)
- for wnd_class in wnd_classes:
- try:
- hExistingWnd = win32gui.FindWindow(wnd_class, None)
- break
- except Exception, e:
- pass
- if hExistingWnd is not None:
- win32api.SendMessage(hExistingWnd, win32con.WM_CLOSE, 0, 0)
- #display balloon tooltip
- BalloonTip.ShowBalloonTip(title, text, (rect[0], rect[1]), icon,
- flags, hwnd, '', timeout)
- # balloon_info tuple contains 2 tuples for error and success notifications
- # each tuple has (HeaderMessage, Expected Retcode, ICON_ID, Timeout)
- def ShowBalloon(ret_code, balloon_info, hwnd = None):
- if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
- # no hwnd supplied - find it
- if hwnd is None:
- try:
- hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow('ClamWinTrayWindow', 'ClamWin')
- except:
- return
- try:
- if balloon_info[0] is None:
- tuple = balloon_info[1]
- elif balloon_info[1] is None:
- tuple = balloon_info[0]
- elif ret_code == balloon_info[0][1]:
- tuple = balloon_info[0]
- elif ret_code != balloon_info[1][1]:
- tuple = balloon_info[1]
- else:
- return
- title = 'ClamWin Free Antivirus'
- txt = tuple[0]
- icon = tuple[2]
- timeout = tuple[3]
- # there is not balloon tips on windows 95/98/NT
- # (windows ME with balloons implemented has version 4.9)
- # need to display custom notification
- version = win32api.GetVersionEx()
- if version[0] == 4 and version[1] < 90:
- if icon == win32gui.NIIF_INFO:
- icon = win32con.IDI_INFORMATION
- elif icon == win32gui.NIIF_WARNING:
- icon = win32con.IDI_WARNING
- elif icon == win32gui.NIIF_ERROR:
- icon = win32con.IDI_ERROR
- elif icon == win32gui.NIIF_NONE:
- icon = 0
- _ShowOwnBalloon(title, txt, icon, hwnd, timeout)
- else:
- nid = (hwnd, 0, win32gui.NIF_INFO, 0, 0, "", txt, timeout, title, icon)
- win32gui.Shell_NotifyIcon(win32gui.NIM_MODIFY, nid)
- except Exception, e:
- print 'Could not display notification. Error: %s' % str(e)
- def GetCurrentDir(bUnicode):
- if sys.platform.startswith("win") and hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
- # get current dir where the file was executed form
- if sys.frozen == "dll":
- this_filename = win32api.GetModuleFileName(sys.frozendllhandle)
- else:
- this_filename = sys.executable
- currentDir = os.path.split(this_filename)[0]
- # attempt to read the config from the working folder
- conf = Config.Settings(os.path.join(currentDir, 'ClamWin.conf'))
- # not a standalone version
- if not conf.Read() or conf.Get('UI', 'Standalone') != '1':
- try:
- # try HKCU first and then HKLM keys
- # (this is to enable non admin user to install and use clamwin)
- try:
- key = win32api.RegOpenKeyEx(win32con.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software\ClamWin')
- except win32api.error:
- key = win32api.RegOpenKeyEx(win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'Software\ClamWin')
- currentDir = SafeExpandEnvironmentStrings(win32api.RegQueryValueEx(key, 'Path')[0])
- except win32api.error:
- pass
- else:
- try:
- currentDir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]
- except NameError: # No __file__ attribute (in boa debugger)
- currentDir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))[0]
- if bUnicode and sys.platform.startswith("win"):
- # change encoding to proper unicode
- currentDir = pywintypes.Unicode(currentDir)
- return currentDir
- def GetProfileDir(bUnicode):
- try:
- if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
- # read template config file
- conf = Config.Settings(os.path.join(GetCurrentDir(bUnicode), 'ClamWin.conf'))
- if conf.Read() and conf.Get('UI', 'Standalone') == '1':
- profileDir = GetCurrentDir(bUnicode)
- else:
- profileDir = shell.SHGetSpecialFolderPath(0, shellcon.CSIDL_APPDATA, True)
- profileDir = os.path.join(profileDir, '.clamwin')
- # change encoding to proper unicode
- if bUnicode:
- profileDir = pywintypes.Unicode(profileDir)
- else:
- profileDir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.clamwin')
- except Exception, e:
- print 'Could not get the profile folder. Error: %s' % str(e)
- profileDir = GetCurrentDir(bUnicode)
- return profileDir
- def CopyFile(src, dst, overwrite = False):
- copied = False
- if overwrite or
- (not os.path.isfile(dst) and os.path.isfile(src)):
- try:
- shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
- copied = True
- except Exception, e:
- print 'Could not copy %s to %s. Error: %s' % (src, dst, str(e))
- return copied
- # since ver 0.34 config files are stored in user's home directory
- # but installer puts the template version to the program folder
- # which an admin can preconfigure for all new users
- # then confing and scheduler info files are copied
- # at runtime to user's home dir
- # only if these files are not yet present in the home dir
- def CreateProfile():
- curDir = GetCurrentDir(True)
- profileDir = GetProfileDir(True)
- # read template config file
- conf = Config.Settings(os.path.join(curDir, 'ClamWin.conf'))
- if not conf.Read():
- return
- # check for standalone flag and exit (don't copy anything)
- if conf.Get('UI', 'Standalone') == '1':
- return
- # create profile dir
- try:
- if not os.path.isdir(profileDir):
- os.makedirs(profileDir)
- except Exception, e:
- print 'Could not create profile directory %s. Error: %s' % (profileDir, str(e))
- # copy configuration file
- copied = CopyFile(os.path.join(curDir, 'ClamWin.conf'),
- os.path.join(profileDir, 'ClamWin.conf'))
- if copied:
- # copy scheduled scans info
- shelvePath = conf.Get('Schedule', 'Path')
- # no [Schedule]-Path in conf file, copy schedule info across
- if not shelvePath:
- CopyFile(os.path.join(curDir, 'ScheduledScans'),
- os.path.join(profileDir, 'ScheduledScans'))
- def GetScheduleShelvePath(config):
- # In some rare cases (clamwin plugin to BartPE <http://oss.netfarm.it/winpe/>)
- # path to Shelve may be not in the current dir
- shelvePath = config.Get('Schedule', 'Path')
- if not len(shelvePath):
- shelvePath = GetProfileDir(True)
- else:
- if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
- shelvePath = pywintypes.Unicode(shelvePath)
- shelvePath = SafeExpandEnvironmentStrings(shelvePath)
- return shelvePath
- # we want to be user-friendly and determine should
- # we use 24 or 12 hour clock
- # on Win32 this is a bit of a hack because GetTimeFormat() is
- # not available and time.strftime('%X', t) tends to return
- # 24 hr format regardless the regional settings
- # therefore we use repr(pywintypes.Time()) that calls
- # GetTimeFormat() internally. This should work unless
- # pywintypes.Time().repr() changes
- def IsTime24():
- # set C locale, otherwise python and wxpython complain
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C')
- t = time.localtime()
- if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
- import pywintypes
- timestr = repr(pywintypes.Time(t))
- else:
- timestr = time.strftime('%X', t)
- return not time.strftime('%p', t) in timestr
- # use secure mkstemp() in python 2.3 and less secure mktemp/open combination in 2.2
- def SafeTempFile():
- fd = -1
- name = ''
- try:
- if sys.version_info[0] < 2 or sys.version_info[1] < 3:
- name = tempfile.mktemp()
- fd = os.open(name, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT)
- else:
- fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True)
- except Exception, e:
- print 'cannot create temp file. Error: ' + str(e)
- return (fd, name)
- def SaveFreshClamConf(config):
- data = _FRESHCLAM_CONF_GENERAL % config.Get('Updates', 'DBMirror')
- if len(config.Get('Proxy', 'Host')):
- (config.Get('Proxy', 'Host'), config.Get('Proxy', 'Port'))
- if len(config.Get('Proxy', 'User')):
- (config.Get('Proxy', 'User'), config.Get('Proxy', 'Password'))
- fd, name = SafeTempFile()
- try:
- os.write(fd, data)
- finally:
- if fd != -1:
- os.close(fd)
- return name
- def GetExcludeSysLockedFiles():
- configDir = os.path.join(win32api.GetSystemDirectory(), 'config')
- regFiles = ('default', 'SAM', 'SECURITY',
- 'software', 'software.alt', 'system',
- 'system.alt')
- ret = ''
- for regFile in regFiles:
- ret += ' --exclude="%s"' % os.path.join(configDir, regFile).replace('\', '/')
- return ret
- def GetScanCmd(config, path, scanlog):
- # 2006-03-18 alch moving to native win32 clamav binaries
- # remove all /cygdrive/ referneces and slash conversions
- # append / to a DRIVE letter as our regexep relacer needs that
- # i.e C: will become C:/
- path = re.sub('([A-Za-z]):("|$)', r'1:/2', path)
- print "Scanning: %s" % path
- cmd = '--tempdir "%s"' % tempfile.gettempdir().replace('\', '/').rstrip('/')
- if config.Get('ClamAV', 'Debug') == '1':
- cmd += ' --debug'
- #this disables oversized zip checking
- cmd += ' --max-ratio=0'
- if config.Get('ClamAV', 'ScanRecursive') == '1':
- cmd += ' --recursive'
- if config.Get('ClamAV', 'RemoveInfected') == '1':
- cmd += ' --remove'
- elif config.Get('ClamAV', 'MoveInfected') == '1':
- quarantinedir = config.Get('ClamAV', 'QuarantineDir')
- # create quarantine folder before scanning
- if quarantinedir and not os.path.exists(quarantinedir):
- try:
- os.makedirs(quarantinedir)
- except:
- pass
- cmd += ' --move="%s"' % quarantinedir
- if config.Get('ClamAV', 'EnableMbox') != '1':
- cmd += ' --no-mail'
- if config.Get('ClamAV', 'ScanOle2') != '1':
- cmd += ' --no-ole2'
- if config.Get('ClamAV', 'DetectBroken') == '1':
- cmd += ' --detect-broken'
- if config.Get('ClamAV', 'ClamScanParams') != '':
- cmd += ' ' + config.Get('ClamAV', 'ClamScanParams')
- if config.Get('ClamAV', 'InfectedOnly') == '1':
- cmd += ' --infected'
- if config.Get('ClamAV', 'ScanArchives') == '1':
- cmd += ' --max-files=%i --max-space=%i --max-recursion=%i' %
- (int(config.Get('ClamAV', 'MaxFiles')),
- int(config.Get('ClamAV', 'MaxSize'))*1024,
- int(config.Get('ClamAV', 'MaxRecursion')))
- else:
- cmd += ' --no-archive'
- cmd += ' --show-progress --stdout --database="%s" --log="%s" %s' %
- (config.Get('ClamAV', 'Database'),
- scanlog, path)
- if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
- # replace windows path with cygwin-like one
- cmd = cmd.replace('\', '/')
- # add --exlude=win386.swp to fix the bug 939877
- # see http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=939877&group_id=105508&atid=641462
- if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
- # Win 98/ME
- if win32api.GetVersionEx()[3] == win32con.VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS:
- cmd += ' --exclude=win386.swp --exclude=pagefile.sys'
- # add annoying registry files to exclude as they're locked by OS
- cmd += GetExcludeSysLockedFiles()
- # add include and exclude patterns
- for patterns in (['--include', config.Get('ClamAV', 'IncludePatterns')],
- ['--exclude', config.Get('ClamAV', 'ExcludePatterns')]):
- patterns[1] = patterns[1].replace('\', '/')
- for pat in patterns[1].split(Config.REGEX_SEPARATOR):
- if len(pat):
- # proper regular expressions are started with ':'
- if pat.startswith('<') and pat.endswith('>'):
- pat = pat[1:len(pat)-1].replace('//', '/')
- else:
- # not a regular expression
- # translate glob style to regex
- pat = fnmatch.translate(pat)
- # '?' and '*' in the glob pattern become '.' and '.*' in the RE, which
- # IMHO is wrong -- '?' and '*' aren't supposed to match slash in Unix,
- # and by extension they shouldn't match such "special characters" under
- # any OS. So change all non-escaped dots in the RE to match any
- # character except the special characters.
- # XXX currently the "special characters" are just slash -- i.e. this is
- # Unix-only.
- pat = re.sub(r'(^|[^\]).', r'1[^/]', pat)
- cmd += ' %s="%s"' % (patterns[0], pat)
- cmd = '"%s" %s' % (config.Get('ClamAV', 'ClamScan'), cmd)
- return cmd
- def AppendLogFile(logfile, appendfile, maxsize):
- try:
- # create logs folder before appending
- if logfile:
- logsdir = os.path.split(logfile)[0]
- if logsdir and not os.path.exists(logsdir):
- os.makedirs(logsdir)
- # we need to synchronise log file access here
- # to avoid race conditions
- if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
- name = 'ClamWinLogFileUpdate-' + os.path.split(logfile)[1]
- try:
- # try to acquire our logupdate mutex
- hMutex = win32event.OpenMutex(win32con.SYNCHRONIZE, False, name)
- # wait until it is released
- win32event.WaitForSingleObject(hMutex, win32event.INFINITE)
- win32api.CloseHandle(hMutex)
- except win32api.error:
- pass
- # create and own the mutex now to prevent others from modifying the log file
- # whilst we append to it
- hMutex = None
- try:
- hMutex = win32event.CreateMutex(None, True, name)
- except win32api.error, e:
- print('Could not create mutex %s. Error: %s' % (name, str(e)))
- ftemp = file(appendfile, 'rt')
- # check if the file is larger then maxsize and read last maxsize bytes
- # go to end of file
- ftemp.seek(0, 2)
- tempsize = ftemp.tell()
- if tempsize > maxsize:
- ftemp.seek(-maxsize, 2)
- else:
- # read from the beginning
- ftemp.seek(0, 0)
- # open main file for appending
- f = file(logfile, 'a+t')
- # get the file size
- f.seek(0, 2)
- # empty the file if longer than log size limit
- # shall implement rotation here, when have time
- if f.tell() > maxsize - tempsize:
- f.truncate(0)
- # copy data in using 64Kb buffer
- bufsize = 65535
- pos = 0
- while pos < tempsize:
- # read text from our temporary log file
- text = ftemp.read(min(bufsize, tempsize - pos)).replace('rn', 'n')
- f.write(text)
- pos = pos + bufsize
- except IOError, e:
- print('Could not write to the log file %s. Error: %s' % (logfile, str(e)))
- # release our synchronisation mutex
- if sys.platform.startswith("win") and hMutex is not None:
- try:
- win32event.ReleaseMutex(hMutex)
- except win32api.error, e:
- print('Could not release mutex %s Error: %s' % (name, str(e)))
- def GetDBInfo(filename):
- try:
- # first 100 bytes of the file are definitely text
- f = file(filename, 'rt')
- # read first 100 bytes
- data = f.read(100)
- data = data.split(':')
- updatestr, ver, numv = data[1:4]
- # set C locale, otherwise python and wxpython complain
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C')
- # parse datestr to local time
- # time is in following format '12 May 2004 15-55 +0200' or
- # '%d %b %Y %H-%M %z', since strptime on windows has no %z flag,
- # we need to process it separately
- sep = updatestr.rfind(' ')
- # get the time differnece relative to GMT
- tzhour = time.strptime(updatestr[sep + 2:], '%H%M').tm_hour
- # deduct or add tzhour to the time based on timezone
- if updatestr[sep + 1] == '-':
- tzhour = -tzhour
- updatestr = updatestr[:sep]
- # set default C locale, as *.cvd timestring uses that
- loc = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'C')
- update_tm = time.strptime(updatestr, '%d %b %Y %H-%M %Z')
- # restore the locale
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, loc)
- #get the final update time and add the UTC difference
- updated = time.mktime(update_tm) - tzhour*3600.0 - time.altzone
- return int(ver), int(numv), updated
- except Exception, e:
- print 'Unable to retrieve %s version. Error: %s' % (filename, str(e))
- return None, None, None
- def GetHostName():
- hostname = ''
- if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
- # ignore errors retrieving domain name
- try:
- try:
- # there is no win32api.GetDomainName()
- # on 9x, therefore try: except: block
- dom_name = win32api.GetDomainName()
- except:
- dom_name = None
- comp_name = win32api.GetComputerName()
- # on computers that are not members of domain
- # GetDomainName returns computer name
- # we don't want to duplicate it
- hostname = comp_name
- if (dom_name is not None) and (dom_name != comp_name):
- hostname = dom_name + '\' + hostname
- except:
- hostname = 'Unknown'
- else:
- import socket
- try:
- hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()))[0]
- except:
- hostname = 'Unknown'
- return hostname
- def SpawnPyOrExe(filename, *params):
- if not hasattr(sys, 'frozen') and sys.platform.startswith('win'):
- win32api.ShellExecute(0, 'open', 'pythonw.exe',
- filename + '.py ' + ' '.join(params),
- None, win32con.SW_SHOWNORMAL)
- else:
- os.spawnl(os.P_NOWAIT, filename + '.exe', *params)
- def SetDbFilesPermissions(dbdir):
- if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
- # cygwin creates database files writable for a user
- # who downloaded the database only
- # this is a problem in the multiuser environment
- # we need to reset file permissions to match
- # those of the parent folder
- # don't do anything on Windows 9x or Me
- isWin9x = win32api.GetVersionEx()[3] == win32con.VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS
- if isWin9x:
- return
- # inherit securiy from parent
- try:
- sdParent = win32security.GetFileSecurity(dbdir, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION);
- fname = os.path.join(dbdir, 'main.cvd')
- win32security.SetFileSecurity(fname,
- sdParent)
- except Exception, e:
- print 'An error occured whilst setting database permissions on %s. Error: %s' % (fname, str(e))
- try:
- fname = os.path.join(dbdir, 'daily.cvd')
- win32security.SetFileSecurity(fname,
- sdParent)
- except Exception, e:
- print 'An error occured whilst setting database permissions on %s. Error: %s' % (fname, str(e))
- else:
- pass
- def SafeExpandEnvironmentStrings(s):
- if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
- try:
- s = win32api.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(s)
- except Exception,e:
- print "An Error occured in ExpandEnvironmentStrings: %s" % str(e)
- return s
- def IsCygwinInstalled():
- if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
- # look for / (root) mount point for cygwin and return yes if found
- try:
- win32api.RegOpenKeyEx(win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
- r'SOFTWARECygnus SolutionsCygwinmounts v2/', 0,
- win32con.KEY_READ);
- return True
- except:
- return False
- else:
- return False
- def SetCygwinTemp():
- # if we have full cygwin install let's not worry
- # about setting /tmp mount point
- if IsCygwinInstalled():
- return
- # get user's temp folder
- temp = win32api.GetTempPath().rstrip('\');
- # set necessary cygwin registries
- try:
- # set magic flags and /cygdrive prefix
- key = win32api.RegCreateKey(win32con.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
- r'SOFTWARECygnus SolutionsCygwinmounts v2');
- win32api.RegSetValueEx(key, 'cygdrive prefix', 0, win32con.REG_SZ, '/cygdrive')
- win32api.RegSetValueEx(key, 'cygdrive flags', 0, win32con.REG_DWORD, 34)
- # add tmp mount point
- key = win32api.RegCreateKey(win32con.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
- r'SOFTWARECygnus SolutionsCygwinmounts v2/tmp');
- win32api.RegSetValueEx(key, 'native', 0, win32con.REG_SZ, temp)
- win32api.RegSetValueEx(key, 'flags', 0, win32con.REG_DWORD, 10)
- except Exception, e:
- raise Exception("An Error occured whilst configuring Temporary Folder. Error: %s" % str(e))
- def ReformatLog(data, rtf):
- data = ReplaceClamAVWarnings(data.replace('rn', 'n'))
- # retrieve the pure report strings
- rex = re.compile('(.*)(-- summary --.*)(Infected files: d*?n)(.*)', re.M|re.S)
- #rex = re.compile('(.*)(----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------.*)(Infected files: d*?n)(.*)', re.M|re.S)
- r = rex.search(data)
- if r is not None:
- found = ''
- other = ''
- lines = r.group(1).splitlines()
- # get all infections first
- for line in lines:
- if line.endswith('FOUND'):
- if rtf:
- found += '\cf1\b %s\cf0\b0n' % line.replace('\', '\\')
- else:
- found += line + 'n'
- elif not line.endswith('OK'):
- if rtf:
- other += line.replace('\', '\\') + 'n'
- else:
- other += line + 'n'
- data = '%s%s' + r.group(2) + "%s" + r.group(4)
- # line with number of infected files
- infected = r.group(3)
- if rtf:
- num = re.match('.*?(d*?)$', infected)
- if num is not None and int(num.group(1)) > 0:
- # print in red
- infected = '\cf1\b %s\cf0\b0n' % infected
- else:
- # print in green
- infected = '\cf2\b %s\cf0\b0n' % infected
- data = data.replace('\', '\\')
- data %= (other, found, infected)
- if rtf:
- data = r'{rtf1{colortbl ;red128green0blue0;;red0green128blue0;}%s}' % data.replace('n', '\parrn')
- return data
- # replaces clamav warnings with ours
- def ReplaceClamAVWarnings(data):
- # reformat database update warnings to our FAQ
- data = data.replace('Please check if ClamAV tools are linked against proper version of libclamavn', '')
- data = data.replace(r'http:\www.clamav.netfaq.html', 'http://www.clamwin.com/content/view/10/27/')
- # remove XXX: Excluded lines
- data = re.sub('.*: Excludedn', '', data)
- return data
- # returns tuple (version, url, changelog)
- # exception on error
- def GetOnlineVersion(config):
- tmpfile = None
- url = config.Get('Updates', 'CheckVersionURL')
- try:
- # add proxy info
- if config.Get('Proxy', 'Host') != '':
- proxy_info = {
- 'user' : config.Get('Proxy', 'User'),
- 'pass' : config.Get('Proxy', 'Password'),
- 'host' : config.Get('Proxy', 'Host'),
- 'port' : config.Get('Proxy', 'Port')
- }
- if proxy_info['user'] != '':
- proxy_url = "http://%(user)s:%(pass)s@%(host)s:%(port)s"
- else:
- proxy_url = "http://%(host)s:%(port)s"
- proxy_url = proxy_url % proxy_info
- proxy_support = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http": proxy_url})
- opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_support, urllib2.HTTPHandler())
- urllib2.install_opener(opener)
- f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
- verinfo = f.read()
- #write to a temp file
- tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp()
- file(tmpfile, 'wt').write(verinfo)
- # read ini file
- conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
- conf.read(tmpfile)
- os.unlink(tmpfile)
- tmpfile = None
- # get our data
- version = conf.get('VERSION', 'VER')
- if conf.has_option('CHANGELOG', 'HTML'):
- changelog = conf.get('CHANGELOG', 'HTML')
- elif conf.has_option('CHANGELOG', 'TEXT'):
- changelog = conf.get('CHANGELOG', 'TEXT')
- else:
- changelog = None
- changelog = changelog.replace('\n', 'n')
- url = conf.get('DOWNLOAD', 'WEB')
- except Exception, e:
- if tmpfile is not None:
- try:
- os.unlink(tmpfile)
- except:
- pass
- raise e
- return (version, url, changelog)
- def CheckDatabase(config):
- path = config.Get('ClamAV', 'Database')
- if path == '':
- return False
- return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'main.cvd')) and
- os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'daily.cvd'))
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- f = file('c:\2.txt', 'rt')
- file('c:\3.rtf', 'wt').write(ReformatLog(f.read(), True))
- #AppendLogFile('c:\1.txt', 'C:\MSDE2kLog.txt', 30000)
- #currentDir = GetCurrentDir(True)
- #os.chdir(currentDir)
- #CreateProfile()
- config_file = os.path.join(GetProfileDir(True),'ClamWin.conf')
- config = Config.Settings(config_file)
- b = config.Read()
- print GetOnlineVersion(config)
- print CheckDatabase(config)