- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Name: OlAddin.py
- # Product: ClamWin Free Antivirus
- #
- # Author: alch [alch at users dot sourceforge dot net]
- #
- # Created: 2004/31/03
- # Copyright: Copyright alch (c) 2004
- # Licence:
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ClamWin Outlook Addin
- # Parts of the code based on SpamBayes Source Code (Outlook2000/addin.py)
- # Thanks to Sean True and Mark Hammond
- # Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved
- #
- # The Python Software Foundation (PSF) holds copyright on all material
- # in this project. You may use it under the terms of the PSF license:
- #
- # -----------------------------------------------
- #
- # 1. This LICENSE AGREEMENT is between the Python Software Foundation
- # ("PSF"), and the Individual or Organization ("Licensee") accessing and
- # otherwise using the spambayes software ("Software") in source or binary
- # form and its associated documentation.
- #
- # 2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, PSF
- # hereby grants Licensee a nonexclusive, royalty-free, world-wide
- # license to reproduce, analyze, test, perform and/or display publicly,
- # prepare derivative works, distribute, and otherwise use the Software
- # alone or in any derivative version, provided, however, that PSF's
- # License Agreement and PSF's notice of copyright, i.e., "Copyright (c)
- # 2002-2003 Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved" are retained
- # the Software alone or in any derivative version prepared by Licensee.
- #
- # 3. In the event Licensee prepares a derivative work that is based on
- # or incorporates the Software or any part thereof, and wants to make
- # the derivative work available to others as provided herein, then
- # Licensee hereby agrees to include in any such work a brief summary of
- # the changes made to the Software.
- #
- # 4. PSF is making the Software available to Licensee on an "AS IS"
- #
- #
- # 6. This License Agreement will automatically terminate upon a material
- # breach of its terms and conditions.
- #
- # 7. Nothing in this License Agreement shall be deemed to create any
- # relationship of agency, partnership, or joint venture between PSF and
- # Licensee. This License Agreement does not grant permission to use PSF
- # trademarks or trade name in a trademark sense to endorse or promote
- # products or services of Licensee, or any third party.
- #
- # 8. By copying, installing or otherwise using the Software, Licensee
- # agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this License
- # Agreement.
- import SetUnicode
- import sys
- import os
- import re
- import tempfile
- import warnings
- import traceback
- import _winreg
- import Utils
- import Config
- import Process
- import SplashScreen
- # *sigh* - this is for the binary installer, and for the sake of one line
- # that is implicit anyway, I gave up
- import encodings
- try:
- True, False
- except NameError:
- # Maintain compatibility with Python 2.2
- True, False = 1, 0
- # We have lots of locale woes. The short story:
- # * Outlook/MAPI will change the locale on us as some predictable
- # times - but also at unpredictable times.
- # * Python currently insists on "C" locale - if it isn't, subtle things break,
- # such as floating point constants loaded from .pyc files.
- # * Our config files also want a consistent locale, so periods and commas
- # are the same when they are read as when they are written.
- # So, at a few opportune times, we simply set it back.
- # We do it here as early as possible, before any imports that may see this
- #
- # See also [725466] Include a proper locale fix in Options.py,
- # assorted errors relating to strange math errors, and spambayes-dev archives,
- # starting July 23 2003.
- import locale
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, "C")
- from win32com import universal
- from win32com.server.exception import COMException
- from win32com.client import gencache, DispatchWithEvents, Dispatch
- import win32api
- import pythoncom
- from win32com.client import constants, getevents
- import win32gui, win32con, win32clipboard # for button images!
- from win32com.mapi import mapi, mapiutil, mapitags
- import RedirectStd
- _DEBUG=False
- def dbg_print(*args):
- if not _DEBUG:
- return
- else:
- print args
- # As MarkH assumed, and later found to back him up in:
- # http://www.slipstick.com/dev/comaddins.htm:
- # On building add-ins for multiple Outlook versions, Randy Byrne writes in
- # the microsoft.public.office.developer.com.add_ins newsgroup, "The best
- # practice is to compile your Add-in with OL2000 and MSO9.dll. Then your
- # add-in will work with both OL2000 and OL2002, and CommandBar events will
- # work with both versions. If you need to use any specific OL2002 or
- # Office 10.0 Object Library calls, you can use late binding to address
- # those issues. The CommandBar Events are the same in both Office
- # 2000 and Office XP."
- # So that is what we do: specify the minimum versions of the typelibs we
- # can work with - ie, Outlook 2000.
- # win32com generally checks the gencache is up to date (typelib hasn't
- # changed, makepy hasn't changed, etc), but when frozen we dont want to
- # do this - not just for perf, but because they don't always exist!
- bValidateGencache = not hasattr(sys, "frozen")
- # Generate support so we get complete support including events
- gencache.EnsureModule('{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}', 0, 9, 0,
- bForDemand=True, bValidateFile=bValidateGencache) # Outlook 9
- gencache.EnsureModule('{2DF8D04C-5BFA-101B-BDE5-00AA0044DE52}', 0, 2, 1,
- bForDemand=True, bValidateFile=bValidateGencache) # Office 9
- # We the "Addin Designer" typelib for its constants
- gencache.EnsureModule('{AC0714F2-3D04-11D1-AE7D-00A0C90F26F4}', 0, 1, 0,
- bForDemand=True, bValidateFile=bValidateGencache)
- # ... and also for its _IDTExtensibility2 vtable interface.
- universal.RegisterInterfaces('{AC0714F2-3D04-11D1-AE7D-00A0C90F26F4}', 0, 1, 0,
- ["_IDTExtensibility2"])
- try:
- from win32com.client import CastTo, WithEvents
- except ImportError:
- print "*" * 50
- print "You appear to be running a win32all version pre 151, which is pretty old"
- print "I'm afraid it is time to upgrade"
- raise
- # we seem to have all the COM support we need - let's rock!
- # Button/Menu and other UI event handler classes
- class ButtonEvent:
- def Init(self, handler, *args):
- self.handler = handler
- self.args = args
- def Close(self):
- self.handler = self.args = None
- def OnClick(self, button, cancel):
- # Callback from Outlook - locale may have changed.
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, "C") # see locale comments above
- self.handler(*self.args)
- # no ui yet, no commands
- def HelpAbout():
- try:
- curDir = Utils.GetCurrentDir(True)
- Utils.SpawnPyOrExe(os.path.join(curDir, 'ClamWin'), ' --mode=about')
- except Exception, e:
- win32gui.MessageBox(GetWindow(), 'An error occured in ClamWin Free Antivirus About Box.n' + str(e), 'ClamWin Free Antivirus', win32con.MB_OK | win32con.MB_ICONERROR)
- # Helpers to work with images on buttons/toolbars.
- def SetButtonImage(button, fname):
- # whew - http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;EN-US;q288771
- # shows how to make a transparent bmp.
- # Also note that the clipboard takes ownership of the handle -
- # thus, we can not simply perform this load once and reuse the image.
- # Hacks for the binary - we can get the bitmaps from resources.
- if not os.path.isabs(fname):
- # images relative to the application path
- fname = os.path.join(Utils.GetCurrentDir(False),"images", fname)
- if not os.path.isfile(fname):
- print "WARNING - Trying to use image '%s', but it doesn't exist" % (fname,)
- return None
- handle = win32gui.LoadImage(0, fname, win32con.IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, win32con.LR_DEFAULTSIZE | win32con.LR_LOADFROMFILE)
- win32clipboard.OpenClipboard()
- win32clipboard.SetClipboardData(win32con.CF_BITMAP, handle)
- win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
- button.Style = constants.msoButtonIconAndCaption
- button.PasteFace()
- def GetWindow():
- hwnd = 0
- try:
- hwnd = win32gui.GetActiveWindow()
- except:
- hwnd = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()
- return hwnd
- class ScanError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, msg):
- Exception.__init__(self, msg)
- def ScanFile(path, config, attname):
- # initialise environment var TMPDIR
- # for clamav
- try:
- if os.getenv('TMPDIR') is None:
- os.putenv('TMPDIR', tempfile.gettempdir().replace('\', '/'))
- #re.sub('([A-Za-z]):[/\\]', r'/cygdrive/1/',
- #tempfile.gettempdir()).replace('\', '/'))
- #Utils.SetCygwinTemp()
- except Exception, e:
- print str(e)
- logfile = os.path.split(path)[0]+'\Virus Deleted by ClamWin.txt'
- cmd = '--tempdir "%s"' % tempfile.gettempdir().replace('\', '/').rstrip('/')
- path = path.replace('\', '/')
- cmd = '--max-ratio=0 --stdout --database="%s" --log="%s" "%s"' %
- (config.Get('ClamAV', 'Database'), logfile, path)
- cmd = cmd.replace('\', '/')
- cmd = '"%s" %s' % (config.Get('ClamAV', 'ClamScan'), cmd)
- scanstatus = ''
- retcode = 1
- proc = None
- try:
- proc = Process.ProcessOpen(cmd)
- retcode = proc.wait()
- dbg_print('scanning completed with %i' % retcode)
- # returns 100 if a damaged rar archive was found
- if retcode >= 100 and retcode <= 106:
- dbg_print('damaged archive - ignoring')
- retcode = 0
- except Exception, e:
- if proc is not None:
- proc.close()
- safe_remove(logfile)
- raise ScanError('An Error occured whilst starting clamscan: %s' % str(e))
- if proc is not None:
- proc.close()
- if retcode == 0:
- virusFound = False
- # check the retrun Code
- elif retcode == 1:
- virusFound = True
- else:
- # error, raise an exception
- try:
- error = file(logfile, 'rt').read()
- #error = re.sub('/cygdrive/([A-Za-z])/', r'1:/', error).replace('/', '\')
- safe_remove(logfile)
- except Exception, e:
- raise ScanError('An Error occured reading clamscan report: %s' % str(e))
- raise ScanError('An Error occured whilst scanning:n%s' % error)
- # replace n's with rn's
- # so it can be shown in notepad
- # also replace temp filename with real attachment name
- try:
- text = file(logfile, 'rt').read().replace('n', 'rn').replace(path, attname)
- file(logfile, 'wt').write(text)
- except Exception, e:
- safe_remove(logfile)
- raise ScanError('An Error occured whilst converting clamscan report: %s' % str(e))
- return (virusFound, logfile)
- # returns 0 if everything is okay, or number fo infected files
- def ScanMailItem(item, sending, added_attachments = None):
- if not item.Attachments.Count:
- return 0
- import win32gui, win32con
- config_file = os.path.join(Utils.GetProfileDir(True),'ClamWin.conf')
- if not os.path.isfile(config_file):
- config_file = 'ClamWin.conf'
- config = Config.Settings(config_file)
- config.Read()
- # get the virus database version from daily.cvd
- # we will need it when deciding if the message should be rescanned;
- # after message is scanned the current daily.cvd version is saved;
- # then when message is next accessed we compare the saved version
- # with the current version and if they're different then
- # we rescan the message
- # disabled as it is of little use and causes outlook
- # to switch to RTF winmail.dat format
- # when replying or forwarding a scanned message
- # virdb_ver = Utils.GetDBInfo(os.path.join(config.Get('ClamAV', 'Database'), 'daily.cvd'))[0]
- # dbg_print('Daily.cvd Version: %s' % str(virdb_ver))
- # check that there are database files and display an error ballon if not
- hasdb = Utils.CheckDatabase(config)
- if not hasdb:
- if config.Get('UI', 'TrayNotify') == '1':
- import win32gui
- tray_notify_params = (('Virus Definitions Database Not Found! Please download it now.',
- -1, win32gui.NIIF_ERROR, 30000), None)
- # show balloon
- Utils.ShowBalloon(-1, tray_notify_params)
- return 0
- dir = ''; path = ''; statusfile = ''
- infected = []; attachments = []
- try:
- attachments = item.Attachments
- # see if the message has already been scanned
- # disabled as it is of little use and causes outlook
- # to switch to RTF winmail.dat format
- # when replying or forwarding a scanned message
- #userProps = item.UserProperties
- #prop = userProps.Find('Scanned By ClamWin')
- #if prop is not None:
- # if prop.Value == virdb_ver:
- # dbg_print('ScanMailItem: Already Scanned')
- # return 0
- waitCursor = WaitCursor()
- for num in range(1, attachments.Count+1):
- att = attachments.Item(num)
- # create a temporary folder to save the attachment to
- dir = tempfile.mktemp()
- os.mkdir(dir)
- path = tempfile.mktemp(dir=dir)
- dbg_print('ScanMailItem: saving attachment - ', path)
- try:
- att.SaveAsFile(path)
- except pythoncom.com_error, e:
- # ignore "Object not found" save errors
- # most likely the file won't be saved by outlook anyway
- hr, desc, exc, argErr = e
- if exc[5] in (-2147221233, -2147024894, -2147467259): #0x8004010F, 0x80070002, 0x80040005
- dbg_print('error saving attachment to %s. Error: %s' % (path, str(exc)))
- safe_remove(dir)
- continue
- else:
- raise e
- try:
- attName = att.DisplayName.encode('ascii', 'replace')
- except:
- attName = 'Attached File'
- code, statusfile = ScanFile(path, config, attName)
- # remove saved and scanned attachment file
- safe_remove(path)
- if code == 0:
- # no viruses found
- # remove the scan status file
- # along with temp dir
- safe_remove(statusfile, True)
- else:
- # virus detected
- if sending:
- # for messages being sent display message box once and exit
- try:
- msg = file(statusfile, 'rt').read()
- # remove the scan status file
- # along with temp dir
- safe_remove(statusfile, True)
- except Exception, e:
- msg = 'ClamWin Free Antivirus could not scan file%sn.Error: %s' % (statusfile, str(e))
- win32gui.MessageBox(GetWindow(), msg, 'ClamWin Free Antivirus', win32con.MB_ICONERROR | win32con.MB_OK)
- return 1
- else:
- # bugfix [930909]
- # remove str(att.DisplayName) - was causing unicode woes
- infected.append((att, statusfile))
- # remove infected attachments
- for info in infected:
- dbg_print('ScanMailItem: removing attachment - ', info[0].DisplayName)
- info[0].Delete()
- # add status files instead of the infected attachments
- # can't have it in the for loop above because in some cases
- # (like when a message is opened form the .msg file
- # outlook saves the message when you add the attachment
- # and screwes the indices
- for info in infected:
- dbg_print('ScanMailItem: adding attachment - ', info[1])
- attachments.Add(Source=info[1], Type=constants.olByValue)
- # remove the scan status file
- # along with temp dir
- safe_remove(info[1], True)
- # add persistent property to the message
- # so we don't have to scan it in future
- # we save the daily.cvd version
- # so message gets rescanned if database is updated
- # disabled as it is of little use and causes outlook
- # to switch to RTF winmail.dat format
- # when replying or forwarding a scanned message
- #if virdb_ver is not None:
- # prop = userProps.Add('Scanned By ClamWin', constants.olNumber, False)
- # prop.Value = virdb_ver
- # dbg_print('ScanMailItem: Saving MailItem')
- # try:
- # item.Save()
- # except pythoncom.com_error, e:
- # # read only message store (hotmail, etc)
- # # ignore save errors
- # hr, desc, exc, argErr = e
- # if hr != -2147352567:
- # raise e
- if len(infected) > 0:
- # for Outlook 2000 we need to display a message box in order to
- # warn a user becuase it will not change the attachments info in
- # the event handlers
- if int(item.Application.Version.split('.', 1)[0]) < 10:
- msg = 'ClamWin Free Antivirus has detected a virus in the message attachments!'
- win32gui.MessageBox(GetWindow(), msg, 'Virus Detected!', win32con.MB_ICONERROR | win32con.MB_OK)
- elif config.Get('UI', 'TrayNotify') == '1':
- # show balloon in outlook 2002 +
- tray_notify_params = (('Virus has been detected in an email attachment! The attachment was replaced with the report file.', 1,
- win32gui.NIIF_ERROR, 30000),
- ('An error occured whilst scanning email message.', 0,
- win32gui.NIIF_WARNING, 30000))
- Utils.ShowBalloon(1, tray_notify_params)
- return len(infected)
- else:
- return 0
- except Exception, e:
- # cleanup any created files and folders
- safe_remove(path)
- safe_remove(statusfile)
- for info in infected:
- safe_remove(info[1], True)
- safe_remove(dir)
- # display error
- win32gui.MessageBox(GetWindow(), str(e), 'ClamWin Free Antivirus', win32con.MB_OK | win32con.MB_ICONERROR)
- return True
- return len(infected)
- def safe_remove(path, removeLastDir = False):
- try:
- if os.path.isfile(path):
- os.remove(path)
- else:
- os.rmdir(path)
- if removeLastDir:
- dir = os.path.split(path)[0]
- if os.path.exists(dir):
- os.rmdir(dir)
- except Exception, e:
- print 'Could not remove file: %s. Error: %s' % (path, str(e))
- class WaitCursor:
- def __init__(self):
- self._hCursor = win32gui.SetCursor(win32gui.LoadCursor(0, win32con.IDC_WAIT))
- def __del__(self):
- win32gui.SetCursor(self._hCursor)
- # Base Class for Explorer, Inspector and MailItem Outlook Objects
- class ObjectWithEvents:
- def Init(self, collection):
- self.collection = collection
- def OnClose(self):
- if hasattr(self.collection.host, 'DisconnectEventHandler'):
- self.collection.host.DisconnectEventHandler(self.collection)
- self.collection._DoDeadObject(self)
- self.collection = None
- self.close()
- # disconnect events.
- # EventSink Base Class for Explorers, Inspectors and MailItems Outlook Object Collections
- class ObjectsEvent:
- def Init(self, classWithEvents, host):
- self.objects = []
- self.classWithEvents = classWithEvents
- # host object that created EventSink
- self.host = host
- def Close(self):
- while self.objects:
- self._DoDeadObject(self.objects[0])
- self.objects = None
- self.close()
- def _DoNewObject(self, obj):
- obj = DispatchWithEvents(obj, self.classWithEvents)
- obj.Init(self)
- self.objects.append(obj)
- return obj
- def _DoDeadObject(self, obj):
- self.objects.remove(obj)
- obj = None
- # A class that manages an "Outlook Explorer" - that is, a top-level window
- # All UI elements are managed here, and there is one instance per explorer.
- class ExplorerWithEvents(ObjectWithEvents):
- def Init(self, explorers_collection):
- dbg_print('ExplorerWithEvents:Init')
- self.have_setup_ui = False
- self.event_handlers = []
- ObjectWithEvents.Init(self, explorers_collection)
- def SetupUI(self):
- # find Help->About Outlook menu
- aboutOutlook = self.CommandBars.FindControl(
- Type = constants.msoControlButton,
- Id = 927)
- if aboutOutlook is None:
- return
- popup = aboutOutlook.Parent
- if popup is None:
- return
- # Add Help->About Clamwin menu item
- child = self._AddControl(popup,
- constants.msoControlButton,
- ButtonEvent, (HelpAbout, ),
- Caption="&About ClamWin Free Antivirus",
- TooltipText = "Shows the ClamWin About Box",
- Enabled = True,
- Visible=True,
- Tag = "ClamWin.About")
- self.have_setup_ui = True
- def _AddControl(self,
- parent, # who the control is added to
- control_type, # type of control to add.
- events_class, events_init_args, # class/Init() args
- **item_attrs): # extra control attributes.
- assert item_attrs.has_key('Tag'), "Need a 'Tag' attribute!"
- image_fname = None
- if 'image' in item_attrs:
- image_fname = item_attrs['image']
- del item_attrs['image']
- tag = item_attrs["Tag"]
- item = self.CommandBars.FindControl(
- Type = control_type,
- Tag = tag)
- if item is None:
- # Now add the item itself to the parent.
- try:
- item = parent.Controls.Add(Type=control_type, Temporary=True)
- except pythoncom.com_error, e:
- print "FAILED to add the toolbar item '%s' - %s" % (tag,e)
- return
- if image_fname:
- # Eeek - only available in derived class.
- assert control_type == constants.msoControlButton
- but = CastTo(item, "_CommandBarButton")
- SetButtonImage(but, image_fname)
- # Set the extra attributes passed in.
- for attr, val in item_attrs.items():
- setattr(item, attr, val)
- # didn't previously set this, and it seems to fix alot of problem - so
- # we set it for every object, even existing ones.
- item.OnAction = "<!" + OutlookAddin._reg_progid_ + ">"
- # Hook events for the item, but only if we haven't already in some
- # other explorer instance.
- if events_class is not None and tag not in self.collection.button_event_map:
- item = DispatchWithEvents(item, events_class)
- item.Init(*events_init_args)
- # We must remember the item itself, else the events get disconnected
- # as the item destructs.
- self.collection.button_event_map[tag] = item
- return item
- # The Outlook event handlers
- def OnActivate(self):
- dbg_print('ExplorerWithEvents:OnActivate')
- # See comments for OnNewExplorer below.
- # *sigh* - OnActivate seems too early too for Outlook 2000,
- # but Outlook 2003 seems to work here, and *not* the folder switch etc
- # Outlook 2000 crashes when a second window is created and we use this
- # event
- # OnViewSwitch however seems useful, so we ignore this.
- pass
- def OnSelectionChange(self):
- dbg_print('ExplorerWithEvents:OnSelectionChange')
- # See comments for OnNewExplorer below.
- if not self.have_setup_ui:
- self.SetupUI()
- if self.IsPaneVisible(constants.olPreview) and
- self.Selection.Count == 1:
- item = self.Selection.Item(1)
- if item.Class == constants.olMail and item.Sent:
- ScanMailItem(item, False)
- def OnClose(self):
- dbg_print('ExplorerWithEvents:OnClose')
- for event_handler in self.event_handlers:
- event_handler.Close()
- self.event_handler = []
- ObjectWithEvents.OnClose(self)
- def OnBeforeFolderSwitch(self, new_folder, cancel):
- dbg_print('ExplorerWithEvents:OnBeforeFolderSwitch')
- pass
- def OnFolderSwitch(self):
- # Yet another work-around for our event timing woes. This may
- # be the first event ever seen for this explorer if, eg,
- # "Outlook Today" is the initial Outlook view.
- dbg_print('ExplorerWithEvents:OnFolderSwitch')
- if not self.have_setup_ui:
- self.SetupUI()
- def OnBeforeViewSwitch(self, new_view, cancel):
- dbg_print('ExplorerWithEvents:OnBeforeViewSwitch')
- pass
- def OnViewSwitch(self):
- dbg_print('ExplorerWithEvents:OnViewSwitch')
- if not self.have_setup_ui:
- self.SetupUI()
- # Events from our "Explorers" collection (not an Explorer instance)
- class ExplorersEvent(ObjectsEvent):
- def Init(self, olAddin):
- dbg_print('ExplorersEvent:Init')
- self.button_event_map = {}
- ObjectsEvent.Init(self, ExplorerWithEvents, olAddin)
- def _DoDeadObject(self, obj):
- dbg_print('ExplorersEvent:_DoDeadObject')
- ObjectsEvent._DoDeadObject(self, obj)
- if len(self.objects)==0:
- # No more explorers - disconnect all events.
- # (not doing this causes shutdown problems)
- for tag, button in self.button_event_map.items():
- closer = getattr(button, "Close", None)
- if closer is not None:
- closer()
- self.button_event_map = {}
- def OnNewExplorer(self, explorer):
- # NOTE - Outlook has a bug, as confirmed by many on Usenet, in
- # that OnNewExplorer is too early to access the CommandBars
- # etc elements. We hack around this by putting the logic in
- # the first OnActivate call of the explorer itself.
- # Except that doesn't always work either - sometimes
- # OnActivate will cause a crash when selecting "Open in New Window",
- # so we tried OnSelectionChanges, which works OK until there is a
- # view with no items (eg, Outlook Today) - so at the end of the
- # day, we can never assume we have been initialized!
- dbg_print('ExplorersEvent:OnNewExplorer')
- self._DoNewObject(explorer)
- # A class that manages an "Outlook Inspector" - that is, a message or contact window
- class InspectorWithEvents(ObjectWithEvents):
- def Init(self, inspectors_collection):
- dbg_print('InspectorWithEvents:Init')
- self.event_handlers = []
- item = self.CurrentItem
- if item.Class == constants.olMail:
- # Create EventHandler for MailItem
- mailitem_events = WithEvents(item, MailItemsEvent)
- mailitem_events.Init(self)
- mailitem_events._DoNewObject(item)
- self.event_handlers.append(mailitem_events)
- ObjectWithEvents.Init(self, inspectors_collection)
- # The Outlook event handlers
- def OnActivate(self):
- dbg_print('InspectorWithEvents:OnActivate')
- pass
- def OnClose(self):
- dbg_print('InspectorWithEvents:OnClose')
- for handler in self.event_handlers:
- handler.Close()
- self.event_handlers = []
- ObjectWithEvents.OnClose(self)
- def DisconnectEventHandler(self, obj):
- dbg_print('InspectorWithEvents:DisconnectEventHandler')
- obj.close()
- self.event_handlers.remove(obj)
- # Events from our "Inspectors" collection
- class InspectorsEvent(ObjectsEvent):
- def Init(self, host):
- dbg_print('InspectorsEvent:Init')
- ObjectsEvent.Init(self, InspectorWithEvents, host)
- def OnNewInspector(self, inspector):
- dbg_print('InspectorsEvent:OnNewInspector')
- self._DoNewObject(inspector)
- # A class that manages an "Outlook MailItem" - that is, a message
- class MailItemWithEvents(ObjectWithEvents):
- def Init(self, items_collection):
- dbg_print('MailItemWithEvents:Init')
- ObjectWithEvents.Init(self, items_collection)
- self._scanned = False
- self._close_inspector = False
- self._num_infected = 0
- def OnClose(self, cancel):
- dbg_print('MailItemWithEvents:OnClose')
- host = self.collection.host
- ObjectWithEvents.OnClose(self)
- if self._close_inspector:
- # need to disconnect Inspectors Collection ebent handler because
- # Outlook 2000 doesn't fire Inspector:Close event
- # for sent messages and remains hanging around after exit
- dbg_print('MailItemWithEvents:OnClose host.OnClose()')
- host.OnClose()
- def OnRead(self):
- dbg_print('MailItemWithEvents:OnRead')
- # OnOpen event is not always fired
- # only when a user double-clicks the message
- # so we scan here and reinitialize attachmets
- if self.Sent and not self._scanned:
- dbg_print('MailItemWithEvents:OnRead scanning')
- self._scanned = True
- self._num_infected = ScanMailItem(self, False)
- def OnOpen(self, cancel):
- dbg_print('MailItemWithEvents:OnOpen')
- if not self._scanned and self.Sent :
- # in case OnRead has not been called
- dbg_print('MailItemWithEvents:OnOpen scanning')
- self._scanned = True
- self._num_infected = ScanMailItem(self, False)
- elif self._num_infected:
- # a bit of trickery here - remove and reinsert attachments
- # so that bloody outlook shows our changes
- dbg_print('MailItemWithEvents:OnOpen Scanned Earlier')
- try:
- saved_attachments = []
- for i in range(self.Attachments.Count - self._num_infected + 1, self.Attachments.Count + 1):
- att = self.Attachments.Item(i)
- # save attachment to a temp file
- name = att.DisplayName
- dir = tempfile.mktemp()
- os.mkdir(dir)
- filename = os.path.join(dir, name)
- att.SaveAsFile(filename)
- saved_attachments.append((att, filename))
- for saved in saved_attachments:
- saved[0].Delete()
- for saved in saved_attachments:
- self.Attachments.Add(Source=saved[1], Type=constants.olByValue)
- for saved in saved_attachments:
- safe_remove(saved[1], True)
- saved_attachments = []
- try:
- self.Save()
- except pythoncom.com_error, e:
- # read only message store (hotmail, etc
- # ignore save errors
- hr, desc, exc, argErr = e
- if hr != -2147352567:
- raise e
- except Exception, e:
- for saved in saved_attachments:
- safe_remove(saved[1], True)
- msg = 'ClamWin Free Antivirus could not replace an attachment. Error: %s' % str(e)
- win32gui.MessageBox(GetWindow(), msg, 'ClamWin Free Antivirus!', win32con.MB_ICONERROR | win32con.MB_OK)
- def OnWrite(self, cancel):
- dbg_print('MailItemWithEvents:OnWrite')
- # disabled as it is of little use and causes outlook
- # to switch to RTF winmail.dat format
- # when replying or forwarding a scanned message
- #if self.Sent and not self._scanned:
- # prop = self.UserProperties.Find('Scanned By ClamWin')
- # if prop is not None:
- # prop.Delete()
- def OnSend(self, cancel):
- dbg_print('MailItemWithEvents:OnSend')
- virus_found = (ScanMailItem(self, True) > 0)
- cancel = virus_found
- # disconnect Inspectors Collection event handler
- # in OnClose
- self._close_inspector = True
- return not cancel
- # Events from our "MailItems" collection
- class MailItemsEvent(ObjectsEvent):
- def Init(self, host):
- dbg_print('MailItemsEvent:Init')
- ObjectsEvent.Init(self, MailItemWithEvents, host)
- def OnItemAdd(self, mailitem):
- dbg_print('MailItemsEvent:OnItemAdd')
- self._DoNewObject(mailitem)
- # The outlook Plugin COM object itself.
- class OutlookAddin(ObjectsEvent):
- _com_interfaces_ = ['_IDTExtensibility2']
- _public_methods_ = []
- # _reg_clsctx_ = pythoncom.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER
- _reg_clsid_ = "{E77FA584-1433-4af3-800D-AEC49BCCCB11}"
- _reg_progid_ = "ClamWin.OutlookAddin"
- _reg_policy_spec_ = "win32com.server.policy.EventHandlerPolicy"
- def __init__(self):
- self.application = None
- # check the debug flag iun the registry
- global _DEBUG
- try:
- subkey = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software\ClamWin')
- _DEBUG = int(_winreg.QueryValueEx(subkey, "Debug")[0])==1
- except:
- _DEBUG = False
- def OnConnection(self, application, connectMode, addin, custom):
- dbg_print('OutlookAddin:OnConnection')
- # Handle failures during initialization so that we are not
- # automatically disabled by Outlook.
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, "C") # see locale comments above
- try:
- self.application = application
- self.event_handlers = [] # create at OnStartupComplete
- if connectMode == constants.ext_cm_AfterStartup:
- # We are being enabled after startup, which means we don't get
- # the 'OnStartupComplete()' event - call it manually so we
- # bootstrap code that can't happen until startup is complete.
- self.OnStartupComplete(None)
- except:
- print "Error connecting to Outlook!"
- traceback.print_exc()
- print "There was an error initializing the ClamWin addinrnrn"
- "Please re-start Outlook and try again."
- def OnStartupComplete(self, custom):
- dbg_print('OutlookAddin:OnStartupComplete')
- Utils.CreateProfile()
- # display SplashScreen
- try:
- splash = os.path.join(Utils.GetCurrentDir(False), "img\Splash.bmp")
- SplashScreen.ShowSplashScreen(splash, 5)
- except Exception, e:
- print "An error occured whilst displaying the spashscreen %s. Error: %s." % (splash, str(e))
- # Setup all our filters and hooks. We used to do this in OnConnection,
- # but a number of 'strange' bugs were reported which I suspect would
- # go away if done during this later event - and this later place
- # does seem more "correct" than the initial OnConnection event.
- # Toolbar and other UI stuff must be setup once startup is complete.
- explorers = self.application.Explorers
- # and Explorers events so we know when new explorers spring into life.
- explorers_events = WithEvents(explorers, ExplorersEvent)
- explorers_events.Init(self)
- # And hook our UI elements to all existing explorers
- for i in range(explorers.Count):
- explorer = explorers.Item(i+1)
- explorer = explorers_events._DoNewObject(explorer)
- explorer.OnFolderSwitch()
- self.event_handlers.append(explorers_events)
- inspectors = self.application.Inspectors
- # and Inspectors events so we know when new inspectors spring into life.
- inspectors_events = WithEvents(inspectors, InspectorsEvent)
- inspectors_events.Init(self)
- # And elements to all existing inspectors
- for i in range(inspectors.Count):
- inspector = inspectors.Item(i+1)
- inspector = inspectors_events._DoNewObject(inspector)
- self.event_handlers.append(inspectors_events)
- # release application object otherwise Outlook2003 won't
- # shutdown if we are running in out-of-process EXE
- self.application = None
- def OnDisconnection(self, mode, custom):
- dbg_print('ClamWin - Disconnecting from Outlook')
- for handler in self.event_handlers:
- handler.Close()
- self.event_handlers = []
- self.application = None
- print "Addin terminating: %d COM client and %d COM servers exist."
- % (pythoncom._GetInterfaceCount(), pythoncom._GetGatewayCount())
- try:
- # will be available if "python_d addin.py" is used to
- # register the addin.
- total_refs = sys.gettotalrefcount() # debug Python builds only
- print "%d Python references exist" % (total_refs,)
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- def OnAddInsUpdate(self, custom):
- pass
- def OnBeginShutdown(self, custom):
- dbg_print('OutlookAddin:OnBeginShutdown')
- pass
- def _DoRegister(klass, root):
- key = _winreg.CreateKey(root,
- "Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins")
- subkey = _winreg.CreateKey(key, klass._reg_progid_)
- _winreg.SetValueEx(subkey, "CommandLineSafe", 0, _winreg.REG_DWORD, 0)
- _winreg.SetValueEx(subkey, "LoadBehavior", 0, _winreg.REG_DWORD, 3)
- _winreg.SetValueEx(subkey, "Description", 0, _winreg.REG_SZ, "ClamWin Free Antivirus")
- _winreg.SetValueEx(subkey, "FriendlyName", 0, _winreg.REG_SZ, "ClamWin Free Antivirus")
- # Note that Addins can be registered either in HKEY_CURRENT_USER or
- # HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. If the former, then:
- # * Only available for the user that installed the addin.
- # * Appears in the 'COM Addins' list, and can be removed by the user.
- # * Available for every user who uses the machine. This is useful for site
- # admins, so it works with "roaming profiles" as users move around.
- # * Does not appear in 'COM Addins', and thus can not be disabled by the user.
- # Note that if the addin is registered in both places, it acts as if it is
- # only installed in HKLM - ie, does not appear in the addins list.
- # For this reason, the addin can be registered in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
- # by executing 'regsvr32 /i:hkey_local_machine outlook_addin.dll'
- # (or 'python addin.py hkey_local_machine' for source code users.
- # Note to Binary Builders: You need py2exe dated 8-Dec-03+ for this to work.
- # Called when "regsvr32 /i:whatever" is used. We support 'hkey_local_machine'
- # and hkey_current_user
- def DllInstall(bInstall, cmdline):
- klass = OutlookAddin
- if bInstall:
- # Unregister the old installation, if one exists.
- DllUnregisterServer()
- rootkey = None
- if cmdline.lower().find('hkey_local_machine')>=0:
- rootkey = _winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
- print "Registering (in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)..."
- elif cmdline.lower().find('hkey_current_user')>=0:
- rootkey = _winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER
- print "Registering (in HKEY_CURRENT_USER)..."
- if rootkey is not None:
- # Don't catch exceptions here - if it fails, the Dll registration
- # must fail.
- _DoRegister(klass, _winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
- print "Registration Complete"
- def DllRegisterServer():
- klass = OutlookAddin
- # *sigh* - we used to *also* register in HKLM, but as above, this makes
- # things work like we are *only* installed in HKLM. Thus, we explicitly
- # remove the HKLM registration here (but it can be re-added - see the
- # notes above.)
- try:
- _winreg.DeleteKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
- "Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\"
- + klass._reg_progid_)
- except WindowsError:
- pass
- _DoRegister(klass, _winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER)
- print "Registration complete."
- def DllUnregisterServer():
- klass = OutlookAddin
- # Try to remove the HKLM version.
- try:
- _winreg.DeleteKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
- "Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\"
- + klass._reg_progid_)
- except WindowsError:
- pass
- # and again for current user.
- try:
- _winreg.DeleteKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
- "Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\"
- + klass._reg_progid_)
- except WindowsError:
- pass
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- if '--register' in sys.argv[1:] or
- '--unregister' in sys.argv[1:] or
- not hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
- import win32com.server.register
- win32com.server.register.UseCommandLine(OutlookAddin)
- if "--unregister" in sys.argv[1:]:
- DllUnregisterServer()
- else:
- DllRegisterServer()
- # Support 'hkey_local_machine' on the commandline, to work in
- # the same way as 'regsvr32 /i:hkey_local_machine' does.
- # regsvr32 calls it after DllRegisterServer, (and our registration
- # logic relies on that) so we will too.
- for a in sys.argv[1:]:
- if a.lower()=='hkey_local_machine':
- DllInstall(True, 'hkey_local_machine')
- elif hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
- if sys.frozen == "exe":
- # start the exe server.
- from win32com.server import localserver
- localserver.main()
- ## #Some MAPI code, just in case we need it
- ## try:
- ## iMsg = self.MAPIOBJECT.QueryInterface(mapi.IID_IMessage)
- ## for num in range (0, self.Attachments.Count):
- ## print "Deleting Attachment - ", num
- ## iMsg.DeleteAttach(num, 0, None, 0)
- ## deleted = True
- ## if deleted:
- ## iMsg.SaveChanges(0)
- ## iMsg = None
- ## except Exception, e:
- ## print "MailItem OnRead Exception: ", str(e)
- ##for i in range(attachments.Count - num_infected+1, attachments.Count+1):
- ## try:
- ## iMsg = item.MAPIOBJECT.QueryInterface(mapi.IID_IMessage)
- ## print 'getting att', i
- ## att = attachments.Item(i)
- ## print 'got att'
- ## iAtt = att.MAPIOBJECT.QueryInterface(mapi.IID_IMAPIProp)
- ## print 'got iAtt'
- ## iAtt.SetProps([(mapitags.PR_ATTACH_FILENAME, att.DisplayName),])
- ## print 'set PR_ATTACH_FILENAME'
- ## iAtt.SetProps([(mapitags.PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME, att.DisplayName),])
- ## print 'set PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME'
- ## iAtt.SaveChanges(mapi.KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE)
- ## print 'Saved Changes'
- ## iAtt = None; att = None
- ## except Exception, e:
- ## print "Could not set attachment display name: ", str(e)
- ##