资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _olist.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include <LEDA/impl/olist.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #define SWAP(a,b) { register obj_link* x = *a; *a = *b; *b = x; }
- #define MIN_D 16
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Members of class obj_list
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- obj_list::obj_list()
- { h = nil;
- t = nil;
- count = 0;
- }
- void obj_list::clear()
- { h = nil;
- t = nil;
- count = 0;
- }
- obj_link* obj_list::get_item(int i) const
- { obj_link* p = h;
- while ( p && i--) p = p->succ_link;
- return p;
- }
- obj_link* obj_list::succ(obj_link* p, int i) const
- { while ( p && i--) p = p->succ_link;
- return p;
- }
- obj_link* obj_list::pred(obj_link* p, int i) const
- { while ( p && i--) p = p->pred_link;
- return p;
- }
- int obj_list::rank(obj_link* x) const /* rank by linear search */
- { obj_link* p = h;
- int r = 1;
- while ( p && p != x)
- { p = p->succ_link;
- r++;
- }
- return (p) ? r : 0;
- }
- obj_link* obj_list::insert(obj_link* n, obj_link* l, int dir)
- {
- if (dir==0) //insert after l
- return insert(n,l);
- else //insert before l
- { obj_link* p=l->pred_link;
- n->pred_link = p;
- n->succ_link = l;
- l->pred_link = n;
- if (l==h) h=n;
- else p->succ_link = n;
- count++;
- return n;
- }
- }
- void obj_list::conc(obj_list& l)
- { if (t) { t->succ_link = l.h;
- if (l.h) { l.h->pred_link = t; t = l.t; } }
- else { h = l.h; t = l.t; }
- count = count+l.count;
- l.h = l.t = 0;
- l.count = 0;
- }
- void obj_list::split(obj_link* p, obj_list& l1, obj_list& l2)
- {
- l1.clear();
- l2.clear();
- if (p==nil) // l1 = empty, l2 = l, l = empty;
- { l2.h = h;
- l2.t = t;
- l2.count = count;
- h = t = 0;
- count = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (h == 0) return; /* empty list */
- if (p->pred_link)
- { l1.h = h;
- l1.t = p->pred_link;
- p->pred_link->succ_link = 0;
- }
- p->pred_link = 0;
- l2.h = p;
- l2.t = t;
- // have to set counters
- // "count the smaller half" gives amortized n log n bound
- obj_link* l = l1.h;
- obj_link* r = l2.h;
- int c = 0;
- while (l && r)
- { l = l->succ_link;
- r = r->succ_link;
- c++;
- }
- if (l==0) // left end reached first
- { l1.count = c;
- l2.count = count - l1.count;
- }
- else
- { l2.count = c;
- l1.count = count - l2.count;
- }
- /* make original list empty */
- h = t = 0;
- count = 0;
- }
- void obj_list::del(obj_link* x)
- {
- if (x==h)
- pop();
- else
- if (x==t)
- Pop();
- else
- { obj_link* p = x->pred_link;
- obj_link* s = x->succ_link;
- p->succ_link = s;
- s->pred_link = p;
- count--;
- }
- }
- obj_link* obj_list::max(CMP_ITEM f) const
- { if (h==0) return 0;
- obj_link* m=h;
- obj_link* p=m->succ_link;
- while (p)
- { if (f(p,m) > 0) m=p;
- p=p->succ_link;
- }
- return m;
- }
- obj_link* obj_list::min(CMP_ITEM f) const
- { if (h==0) return 0;
- obj_link* m=h;
- obj_link* p=m->succ_link;
- while (p)
- { if (f(p,m) < 0) m=p;
- p=p->succ_link;
- }
- return m;
- }
- void obj_list::apply(APP_ITEM apply)
- { register obj_link* p = h;
- while (p)
- { apply(p);
- p = p->succ_link;
- }
- }
- void obj_list::permute()
- {
- obj_link** A = new obj_link*[count+2];
- obj_link* x = h;
- int j;
- A[0] = A[count+1] = 0;
- for(j=1; j <= count; j++)
- { A[j] = x;
- x = x->succ_link;
- }
- for(j=1; j<count; j++)
- { int r = rand_int(j,count);
- x = A[j];
- A[j] = A[r];
- A[r] = x;
- }
- for(j=1; j<=count; j++)
- { A[j]->succ_link = A[j+1];
- A[j]->pred_link = A[j-1];
- }
- h = A[1];
- t = A[count];
- delete A;
- }
- void obj_list::bucket_sort(int i, int j, ORD_ITEM ord)
- {
- int n = j-i+1;
- register obj_link** bucket= new obj_link*[n+1];
- register obj_link** stop = bucket + n;
- register obj_link** p;
- register obj_link* q;
- register obj_link* x;
- for(p=bucket;p<=stop;p++) *p = 0;
- while (h)
- { x = h;
- h = h->succ_link;
- int k = ord(x);
- if (k >= i && k <= j)
- { p = bucket+k-i;
- x->succ_link = *p;
- if (*p) (*p)->pred_link = x;
- *p = x;
- }
- else
- error_handler(4,"bucket_sort: value out of range") ;
- }
- for(p=bucket; *p==0 && p<stop; p++);
- h = *p;
- if (h)
- { for(q=h;q->succ_link; q = q->succ_link);
- h->pred_link = 0;
- p++;
- }
- while(p<stop)
- { if (*p)
- { q->succ_link = *p;
- (*p)->pred_link = q;
- while(q->succ_link) q = q->succ_link;
- }
- p++;
- }
- t = q;
- delete bucket;
- }
- void obj_list::quick_sort(obj_link** l, obj_link** r, CMP_ITEM usr_cmp)
- { // use parameter usr_cmp
- register obj_link** i = l+(r-l)/2; //rand_int()%(r-l);
- register obj_link** k;
- if (usr_cmp((*i),(*r))>0) SWAP(i,r);
- SWAP(l,i);
- obj_link* s = (*l);
- i = l;
- k = r;
- for(;;)
- { while (usr_cmp((*(++i)),s)<0);
- while (usr_cmp((*(--k)),s)>0);
- if (i<k) SWAP(i,k) else break;
- }
- SWAP(l,k);
- if (k > l+MIN_D) quick_sort(l,k-1,usr_cmp);
- if (r > k+MIN_D) quick_sort(k+1,r,usr_cmp);
- }
- void obj_list::insertion_sort(obj_link** l, obj_link** r, obj_link** min_stop,
- CMP_ITEM usr_cmp)
- {
- register obj_link** min=l;
- register obj_link** run;
- register obj_link** p;
- register obj_link** q;
- for (run = l+1; run <= min_stop; run++)
- if (usr_cmp((*run),(*min)) < 0) min = run;
- SWAP(min,l);
- if (r == l+1) return;
- for(run=l+2; run <= r; run++)
- { for (min = run-1; usr_cmp((*run),(*min)) < 0; min--);
- min++;
- if (run != min)
- { obj_link* save = *run;
- for(p=run, q = run-1; p > min; p--,q--) *p = *q;
- *min = save;
- }
- }
- }
- void obj_list::sort(CMP_ITEM f)
- {
- if (count<=1) return; // nothing to sort
- obj_link** A = new obj_link*[count+2];
- register obj_link* loc = h;
- register obj_link** p;
- register obj_link** stop = A+count+1;
- obj_link** left = A+1;
- obj_link** right = A+count;
- obj_link** min_stop = left + MIN_D;
- if (min_stop > right) min_stop = right;
- min_stop = right;
- for(p=A+1; p<stop; p++)
- { *p = loc;
- loc = loc->succ_link;
- }
- quick_sort(left,right,f);
- insertion_sort(left,right,min_stop,f);
- *A = *stop = 0;
- for (p=A+1;p<stop;p++)
- { (*p)->succ_link = *(p+1);
- (*p)->pred_link = *(p-1);
- }
- h = A[1];
- t = A[count];
- delete A;
- }