资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _doswin.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include <LEDA/impl/doswin.h>
- #include <LEDA/bitmaps/leda_icon.xbm>
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // event handling, window manager, etc ...
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static char read_kbd()
- {
- #if defined(__EMX__)
- return _read_kbd(0,0,0);
- #else
- return (kbhit()) ? getch() : 0;
- #endif
- }
- const int root_color = blue2;
- const int label_col0 = grey2;
- const int label_col1 = grey2;
- const int win_max = 16;
- DosWindow win_stack[win_max];
- int win_top = 0;
- #define BORDER_W 5
- #define HEADER_W 20
- static int display = 0;
- static int mouse_installed=0;
- static int mouse_two_buttons=0;
- static DosWindow root_win = 0;
- static DosWindow active_win = 0;
- static int pointer_shape = 0;
- static int pointer_visible = 0;
- static int mouse_x = 320;
- static int mouse_y = 240;
- static int event_buffer_e = -1;
- static int event_buffer_val;
- static DosWindow event_buffer_win;
- static int last_event_e;
- static int last_event_val;
- static DosWindow last_event_win;
- static int save_mode;
- static int save_lw;
- static int save_ls;
- static void show_pointer()
- { if (!pointer_visible)
- draw_pointer(mouse_x,mouse_y,pointer_shape);
- pointer_visible = 1;
- }
- static void hide_pointer()
- { if (pointer_visible)
- draw_pointer(mouse_x,mouse_y,pointer_shape);
- pointer_visible = 0;
- }
- static void set_pointer_shape(int shape)
- { if (pointer_shape != shape)
- { hide_pointer();
- pointer_shape = shape;
- show_pointer();
- }
- }
- static void put_header(DosWindow win)
- { char str[80];
- int n = (win->width - 40)/text_width("H");
- strncpy(str,win->header,n);
- str[n] = 0;
- put_ctext(root_win->id,win->x0 + win->width/2 + 20, win->y0 + 10 ,str,0);
- }
- static void set_header(DosWindow win, const char* s)
- { int save_co = set_color(win->label_col);
- int save_mo = set_mode(0);
- put_header(win);
- if (s != win->header) strcpy(win->header,s);
- set_color(1);
- put_header(win);
- set_color(save_co);
- set_mode(save_mo);
- }
- void set_header(Window win, const char* s) { set_header(win_stack[win],s); }
- void draw_window(DosWindow win, int clear_win = 1)
- {
- int bw = win->xpos - win->x0 - 2;
- int lw = win->ypos - win->y0 - 2;
- int bw1 = 2*(bw+1);
- int x0 = win->x0;
- int y0 = win->y0;
- int x1 = win->x1;
- int y1 = win->y1;
- int save_mode = set_mode(0);
- if (clear_win)
- { set_color(win->bg_col);
- box(root_win->id,x0,y0,x1,y1);
- }
- set_color(win->label_col);
- box(root_win->id,x0+bw,y0+bw,x1-bw,y0+lw);
- box(root_win->id,x0,y0+bw1,x0+bw,y1-bw1);
- box(root_win->id,x1-bw,y0+bw1,x1,y1-bw1);
- box(root_win->id,x0+bw1,y1-bw,x1-bw1,y1);
- box(root_win->id,x0+bw1,y0,x1-bw1,y0+bw);
- set_color(1);
- rectangle(root_win->id,x0,y0,x1,y1);
- line(root_win->id,x0+bw,y0+bw,x0+bw1,y0+bw);
- line(root_win->id,x0+bw1,y0+bw,x0+bw1,y0+1);
- line(root_win->id,x0+bw1,y0+1,x1-bw1,y0+1);
- line(root_win->id,x1-bw1,y0+1,x1-bw1,y0+bw);
- line(root_win->id,x1-bw1,y0+bw,x1-bw,y0+bw);
- line(root_win->id,x1-bw,y0+bw,x1-bw,y0+bw1);
- line(root_win->id,x1-bw,y0+bw1,x1-1,y0+bw1);
- line(root_win->id,x1-1,y0+bw1,x1-1,y1-bw1);
- line(root_win->id,x1-1,y1-bw1,x1-bw,y1-bw1);
- line(root_win->id,x1-bw,y1-bw1,x1-bw,y1-bw);
- line(root_win->id,x1-bw,y1-bw,x1-bw1,y1-bw);
- line(root_win->id,x1-bw1,y1-bw,x1-bw1,y1-1);
- line(root_win->id,x1-bw1,y1-1,x0+bw1,y1-1);
- line(root_win->id,x0+bw1,y1-1,x0+bw1,y1-bw);
- line(root_win->id,x0+bw1,y1-bw,x0+bw,y1-bw);
- line(root_win->id,x0+bw,y1-bw,x0+bw,y1-bw1);
- line(root_win->id,x0+bw,y1-bw1,x0+1,y1-bw1);
- line(root_win->id,x0+1,y1-bw1,x0+1,y0+bw1);
- line(root_win->id,x0+1,y0+bw1,x0+bw,y0+bw1);
- line(root_win->id,x0+bw,y0+bw1,x0+bw,y0+bw);
- rectangle(root_win->id, win->xpos-1, win->ypos-1,
- win->xpos+win->width, win->ypos+win->height);
- // iconize-button
- set_color(0);
- box(root_win->id,x0+13,y0+3,x0+27,y0+15);
- set_color(1);
- rectangle(root_win->id,x0+13,y0+3,x0+27,y0+15);
- line(root_win->id,x0+14,y0+16,x0+28,y0+16);
- line(root_win->id,x0+28,y0+4,x0+28,y0+15);
- line(root_win->id,x0+17,y0+6,x0+23,y0+6);
- line(root_win->id,x0+16,y0+6,x0+20,y0+13);
- line(root_win->id,x0+17,y0+6,x0+20,y0+13);
- line(root_win->id,x0+24,y0+6,x0+20,y0+13);
- line(root_win->id,x0+23,y0+6,x0+20,y0+13);
- set_header(win->id,win->header);
- set_mode(save_mode);
- }
- Window open_window(int x,int y,int width,int height,int bg,
- const char* header, const char* label)
- {
- if (win_top > 0) // deactivate top window
- { DosWindow w = win_stack[win_top];
- w->label_col = label_col0;
- draw_window(w,0);
- }
- DosWindow win = new dos_window;
- win_stack[++win_top] = win;
- win->id = win_top;
- strcpy(win->header," ");
- strcpy(win->label,label);
- win->bg_col = bg;
- win->label_col = label_col0;
- width += 2*BORDER_W;
- height += HEADER_W+BORDER_W;
- win->x0 = x;
- win->y0 = y;
- win->x1 = x+width-1;
- win->y1 = y+height-1;
- win->xpos = x+BORDER_W;
- win->ypos = y+HEADER_W;
- win->width = width - 2*BORDER_W;
- win->height = height - HEADER_W - BORDER_W;
- win->iconized = 0;
- win->save_x0 = 3;
- win->save_y0 = 3 + 150*(win_top-1);
- win->save_x1 = win->save_x0 + 128 + 2*BORDER_W;
- win->save_y1 = win->save_y0 + 128 + HEADER_W + BORDER_W;
- win->save_bg_col = white;
- win->redraw = 0;
- win->image_buf = create_pixrect(root_win->id,win->x0,win->y0,win->x1,win->y1);
- draw_window(win);
- set_header(win->id,header);
- return win->id;
- }
- void clear_window(Window w)
- { DosWindow win = win_stack[w];
- int save_col = set_color(win->bg_col);
- int save_mode = set_mode(0);
- box(w,0,0,win->width-1,win->height-1);
- set_color(save_col);
- set_mode(save_mode);
- while (w < win_top)
- { w++;
- DosWindow win = win_stack[w];
- draw_window(win);
- if (win->redraw) (*(win->redraw))();
- }
- }
- void close_window(Window w)
- { if (w != win_top) return; /* can close top window only */
- DosWindow win = win_stack[w];
- insert_pixrect(root_win->id,win->x0,win->y0,win->image_buf);
- delete_pixrect(win->image_buf);
- win_top--;
- delete win;
- }
- void set_read_gc()
- { save_mode = set_mode(1);
- save_ls = set_line_style(0);
- save_lw = set_line_width(1);
- set_color(1);
- show_pointer();
- }
- void reset_gc()
- { hide_pointer();
- set_mode(save_mode);
- set_line_style(save_ls);
- set_line_width(save_lw);
- }
- #define UP 72
- #define DO 80
- #define LE 75
- #define RI 77
- static int handle_next_event(Window* win, int *val, int *x, int *y)
- {
- int e = no_event;
- int i;
- DosWindow w;
- union REGISTERS key_regs;
- union REGISTERS mouse_regs;
- if (event_buffer_e != -1)
- { *val = event_buffer_val;
- w = event_buffer_win;
- *win = w->id;
- *x = mouse_x - w->xpos;
- *y = mouse_y - w->ypos;
- last_event_e = event_buffer_e;
- last_event_val = event_buffer_val;
- last_event_win = event_buffer_win;
- event_buffer_e = -1;
- return last_event_e;
- }
- mouse_regs.x.cx = 8*mouse_x;
- mouse_regs.x.dx = 8*mouse_y;
- char c;
- if ((c = read_kbd()) > 0)
- {
- int step = 16;
- if (c==27)
- { close_display();
- exit(0);
- }
- if (c != 0) /* ascii char */
- { *val = c;
- e = key_press_event;
- }
- else /* cursor or function key */
- {
- c = getch();
- switch(c) {
- case LE: mouse_regs.x.cx -= step;
- e = motion_event;
- break;
- case RI: mouse_regs.x.cx += step;
- e = motion_event;
- break;
- case UP: mouse_regs.x.dx -= step;
- e = motion_event;
- break;
- case DO: mouse_regs.x.dx += step;
- e = motion_event;
- break;
- }
- /* set cursor position */
- mouse_regs.x.ax=04;
- int_86(0x33,&mouse_regs,&mouse_regs);
- }
- } /* kbhit */
- else
- if (mouse_installed)
- {
- int but;
- /* check for button press and release events */
- // AX = 0005h
- // BX = button
- // 0000h left
- // 0001h right
- // 0002h middle (Mouse Systems/Logitech mouse)
- //Return: AX = 1 if button pressed
- // BX = number of times specified button has been pressed since last call
- // CX = column at time specified button was last pressed
- // DX = row at time specified button was last pressed
- // AX = 0006h
- // BX = button
- // 0000h left
- // 0001h right
- // 0002h middle (Mouse Systems/Logitech mouse)
- //Return: AX = 1 if button released
- // BX = # of times specified button has been released since last call
- // CX = column at time specified button was last released
- // DX = row at time specified button was last released
- for(but=0; but < 3; but++)
- {
- mouse_regs.x.ax=5;
- mouse_regs.x.bx=but;
- int_86(0x33,&mouse_regs,&mouse_regs);
- if (mouse_regs.x.bx)
- { e = button_press_event;
- break;
- }
- mouse_regs.x.ax=6;
- mouse_regs.x.bx=but;
- int_86(0x33,&mouse_regs,&mouse_regs);
- if (mouse_regs.x.bx)
- { e = button_release_event;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (but < 3)
- {
- if (but == 0) *val = 1; // left
- if (but == 1) *val = 3; // right
- if (but == 2) *val = 2; // middle
- // AH = 0002h
- // OUTPUT: AL bit 0 right shift
- // bit 1 left shift
- // bit 2 ctrl
- // bit 3 alt
- key_regs.h.ah=0x02;
- int_86(0x16,&key_regs,&key_regs);
- // ALT key simulates middle button (two-button mouse)
- if (key_regs.h.al & 8) *val = 2; // alt
- if (key_regs.h.al & 3) *val = -*val; // shift
- if (key_regs.h.al & 4) *val += 3; // ctrl
- }
- mouse_regs.x.ax=03;
- int_86(0x33,&mouse_regs,&mouse_regs);
- }
- if (mouse_regs.x.cx/8 != mouse_x || mouse_regs.x.dx/8 != mouse_y)
- { if (e==no_event) e = motion_event;
- hide_pointer();
- mouse_y = mouse_regs.x.dx/8;
- mouse_x = mouse_regs.x.cx/8;
- show_pointer();
- }
- for(i = win_top; i >= 0; i--)
- { w = win_stack[i];
- if (mouse_x >= w->x0 && mouse_x <= w->x1 &&
- mouse_y >= w->y0 && mouse_y <= w->y1 ) break;
- }
- *win = w->id;
- *x = mouse_x - w->xpos;
- *y = mouse_y - w->ypos;
- if (e != no_event)
- { last_event_e = e;
- last_event_val = *val;
- last_event_win = w;
- }
- return e;
- }
- void put_back_event()
- { event_buffer_e = last_event_e;
- event_buffer_val = last_event_val;
- event_buffer_win = last_event_win;
- }
- static void change_geometry(DosWindow win, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
- {
- if (x0==win->x0 && y0==win->y0 && x1==win->x1 && y1==win->y1) return;
- int w = x1-x0+1;
- int h = y1-y0+1;
- hide_pointer();
- insert_pixrect(root_win->id,win->x0,win->y0,win->image_buf);
- delete_pixrect(win->image_buf);
- win->x0 = x0;
- win->y0 = y0;
- win->x1 = x1;
- win->y1 = y1;
- win->xpos = x0+BORDER_W;
- win->ypos = y0+HEADER_W;
- win->width = w - 2*BORDER_W;
- win->height = h - HEADER_W - BORDER_W;
- win->image_buf = create_pixrect(root_win->id,win->x0,win->y0,win->x1,win->y1);
- draw_window(win);
- show_pointer();
- }
- static void iconize(DosWindow win)
- { Window w;
- int val,x,y;
- box(root_win->id,win->x0+14,win->y0+4,win->x0+26,win->y0+14);
- while (handle_next_event(&w,&val,&x,&y) != button_release_event);
- box(root_win->id,win->x0+14,win->y0+4,win->x0+26,win->y0+14);
- int x0 = win->save_x0;
- int y0 = win->save_y0;
- int x1 = win->save_x1;
- int y1 = win->save_y1;
- int bg = win->save_bg_col;
- win->save_x0 = win->x0;
- win->save_y0 = win->y0;
- win->save_x1 = win->x1;
- win->save_y1 = win->y1;
- win->save_bg_col = win->bg_col;
- win->bg_col = bg;
- change_geometry(win,x0,y0,x1,y1);
- win->iconized = 1-win->iconized;
- if (win->iconized)
- insert_bitmap(win->id, leda_icon_width, leda_icon_height,
- (char*)leda_icon_bits);
- }
- static void move_win(DosWindow win, int *x, int *y)
- { int xp0 = win->x0;
- int yp0 = win->y0;
- int xp1 = win->x1;
- int yp1 = win->y1;
- int wi = xp1-xp0+1;
- int he = yp1-yp0+1;
- int xb = win->xpos - xp0;
- int yb = win->ypos - yp0;
- int xc = mouse_x; /* absolute cursor coordinates */
- int yc = mouse_y;
- int dx = xc-xp0; /* relative to upper left corner */
- int dy = yc-yp0;
- Window w;
- int e,val;
- rectangle(root_win->id,xp0-1,yp0-1,xp1+1,yp1+1);
- do { e = handle_next_event(&w,&val,x,y);
- if (mouse_x != xc || mouse_y != yc)
- { int rx0 = mouse_x-dx-1;
- int ry0 = mouse_y-dy-1;
- int rx1 = mouse_x-dx+wi;
- int ry1 = mouse_y-dy+he;
- rectangle(root_win->id,rx0,ry0,rx1,ry1);
- rectangle(root_win->id,xc-dx-1,yc-dy-1,xc-dx+wi,yc-dy+he);
- xc = mouse_x;
- yc = mouse_y;
- }
- } while (e != button_release_event);
- xc -= dx;
- yc -= dy;
- rectangle(root_win->id,xc-1,yc-1,xc+wi,yc+he);
- if (win_top > 1) /* move panel */
- { change_geometry(win,xc,yc,xc+wi-1,yc+he-1);
- if (win->iconized)
- insert_bitmap(win->id, leda_icon_width, leda_icon_height,
- (char*)leda_icon_bits);
- return;
- }
- if (xc < 0) xc = 0;
- if (yc < 0) yc = 0;
- if (xc + wi > DISP_MAX_X) xc = DISP_MAX_X - wi;
- if (yc + he > DISP_MAX_Y) yc = DISP_MAX_Y - he;
- xc -= xc % 8;
- xc += xp0 % 8;
- hide_pointer();
- copy_pixrect(root_win->id,xp0,yp0+1,xp0+wi,yp0+he-1,xc,yc+1);
- show_pointer();
- set_mode(0);
- set_color(root_color);
- if (xc > xp0)
- box(root_win->id,xp0,yp0,xc-1,yp1);
- else
- box(root_win->id,xc+wi,yp0,xp1,yp1);
- if (yc > yp0)
- box(root_win->id,xp0,yp0,xp1,yc-1);
- else
- box(root_win->id,xp0,yc+he,xp1,yp1);
- set_color(1);
- rectangle(root_win->id,xc,yc,xc+wi-1,yc+he-1);
- set_mode(1);
- win->x0 = xc;
- win->y0 = yc;
- win->x1 = xc+wi-1;
- win->y1 = yc+he-1;
- win->xpos = xc+xb;
- win->ypos = yc+yb;
- }
- static void resize_win(DosWindow win, int* x, int* y, int pos)
- { int xp0 = win->x0;
- int yp0 = win->y0;
- int xp1 = win->x1;
- int yp1 = win->y1;
- int xb = win->xpos - xp0;
- int yb = win->ypos - yp0;
- int xc = mouse_x; /* absolute cursor coordinates */
- int yc = mouse_y;
- Window w;
- int e,val,dx,dy;
- rectangle(root_win->id,xp0-1,yp0-1,xp1+1,yp1+1);
- switch(pos) {
- case 0: dx = xp0-xc; /* upper left */
- dy = yp0-yc;
- break;
- case 1: dx = xp1-xc; /* upper right */
- dy = yp0-yc;
- break;
- case 2: dx = xp1-xc; /* lower right */
- dy = yp1-yc;
- break;
- case 3: dx = xp0-xc; /* lower left */
- dy = yp1-yc;
- break;
- }
- do { e = handle_next_event(&w,&val,x,y);
- if (mouse_x != xc || mouse_y != yc)
- {
- switch(pos) {
- case 0: rectangle(root_win->id,mouse_x+dx-1,mouse_y+dy-1,xp1+1,yp1+1);
- rectangle(root_win->id,xc+dx-1,yc+dy-1,xp1+1,yp1+1);
- break;
- case 1: rectangle(root_win->id,xp0-1,mouse_y+dy-1,mouse_x+dx+1,yp1+1);
- rectangle(root_win->id,xp0-1,yc+dy-1,xc+dx+1,yp1+1);
- break;
- case 2: rectangle(root_win->id,xp0-1,yp0-1,mouse_x+dx+1,mouse_y+dy+1);
- rectangle(root_win->id,xp0-1,yp0-1,xc+dx+1,yc+dy+1);
- break;
- case 3: rectangle(root_win->id,mouse_x+dx-1,yp0-1,xp1+1,mouse_y+dy+1);
- rectangle(root_win->id,xc+dx-1,yp0-1,xp1+1,yc+dy+1);
- break;
- }
- xc = mouse_x;
- yc = mouse_y;
- }
- } while (e != button_release_event);
- xc += dx;
- yc += dy;
- switch(pos) {
- case 0: win->x0 = xc;
- win->y0 = yc;
- break;
- case 1: win->x1 = xc;
- win->y0 = yc;
- break;
- case 2: win->x1 = xc;
- win->y1 = yc;
- break;
- case 3: win->x0 = xc;
- win->y1 = yc;
- break;
- }
- win->xpos = win->x0 + xb;
- win->ypos = win->y0 + yb;
- win->width = win->x1 - win->x0 - 2*xb + 1;
- win->height = win->y1 - win->y0 - xb - yb + 1;
- rectangle(root_win->id,win->x0-1,win->y0-1,win->x1+1,win->y1+1);
- hide_pointer();
- insert_pixrect(root_win->id,xp0,yp0,win->image_buf);
- delete_pixrect(win->image_buf);
- win->image_buf = create_pixrect(root_win->id,win->x0,win->y0,win->x1,win->y1);
- draw_window(win);
- show_pointer();
- *x = win->width;
- *y = win->height;
- }
- int check_next_event(Window* w, int* val, int* x, int *y, unsigned long* t)
- {
- // non-blocking
- // a primitive window manager active while searching for next event
- int cx[4];
- int cy[4];
- int bw = BORDER_W;
- int lw = HEADER_W;
- int e = handle_next_event(w,val,x,y);
- if (*w != active_win->id)
- { hide_pointer();
- active_win->label_col = label_col0;
- if (active_win->id == win_top) draw_window(active_win,0);
- active_win = win_stack[*w];
- active_win->label_col = label_col1;
- if (active_win->id == win_top) draw_window(active_win,0);
- show_pointer();
- }
- DosWindow win = win_stack[*w];
- int x0 = win->x0;
- int y0 = win->y0;
- int x1 = win->x1;
- int y1 = win->y1;
- cx[0] = x0;
- cy[0] = y0;
- cx[1] = x1-6;
- cy[1] = y0;
- cx[2] = x1-6;
- cy[2] = y1-6;
- cx[3] = x0;
- cy[3] = y1-6;
- if ( (x0 <= mouse_x && mouse_x <= x0+bw)
- || (x1 >= mouse_x && mouse_x >= x1-bw)
- || (y0 <= mouse_y && mouse_y <= y0+lw)
- || (y1 >= mouse_y && mouse_y >= y1-bw))
- {
- // pointer on window boundary: move or resize window
- if (win != win_stack[win_top]) /* only top window can be changed */
- { set_pointer_shape(0);
- return no_event;
- }
- for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
- if ( cy[i] <= mouse_y && mouse_y <= cy[i]+6 &&
- cx[i] <= mouse_x && mouse_x <= cx[i]+6 )
- { set_pointer_shape(1);
- if (e == button_press_event && ! win->iconized)
- { if (win->iconized)
- e = no_event;
- else
- resize_win(win,x,y,i);
- e = configure_event;
- }
- return e;
- }
- set_pointer_shape(0);
- if (x0+13 <= mouse_x && mouse_x <= x0+27 &&
- y0+3 <= mouse_y && mouse_y <= y0+15 && e == button_press_event)
- { iconize(win);
- return (win->iconized) ? no_event : configure_event;
- }
- if (e== button_press_event)
- { move_win(win,x,y);
- if (win_top==1 || win->iconized)
- return handle_next_event(w,val,x,y);
- else
- return configure_event;
- }
- e = no_event;
- } // if pointer on window boundary
- set_pointer_shape(0);
- return e;
- }
- int get_next_event(Window* win, int* val, int* x, int *y, unsigned long* t)
- { // blocking
- int e = no_event;
- while (e == no_event) e = check_next_event(win,val,x,y,t);
- return e;
- }
- void open_display()
- { REGISTERS regs;
- if (display) return;
- display = 1;
- init_graphics(1,root_color);
- // AX = 0000h
- //Return: AX = status
- // 0000h hardware/driver not installed
- // FFFFh hardware/driver installed
- // BX = number of buttons
- // FFFFh two buttons
- // 0000h other than two
- // 0003h Mouse Systems/Logitech mouse
- regs.x.ax=0x00;
- int_86(0x33,®s,®s);
- mouse_installed = (regs.x.ax == 0x0ffff);
- mouse_two_buttons = (regs.x.bx == 0x0ffff);
- regs.x.ax=0x07;
- regs.x.cx=0;
- regs.x.dx=8*DISP_MAX_X;
- int_86(0x33,®s,®s);
- regs.x.ax=0x08;
- regs.x.cx=0;
- regs.x.dx=8*DISP_MAX_Y;
- int_86(0x33,®s,®s);
- regs.x.ax=0x0F;
- regs.x.cx=1;
- regs.x.dx=1;
- int_86(0x33,®s,®s);
- mouse_x = DISP_MAX_X/2;
- mouse_y = DISP_MAX_Y/2;
- regs.x.cx = 8*mouse_x;
- regs.x.dx = 8*mouse_y;
- regs.x.ax=04;
- int_86(0x33,®s,®s);
- root_win = new dos_window;
- active_win = root_win;
- root_win->id = 0;
- win_stack[0] = root_win;
- win_top = 0;
- root_win->x0 = -1000;
- root_win->y0 = -1000;
- root_win->x1 = 1000;
- root_win->y1 = 1000;
- root_win->xpos = 0;
- root_win->ypos = 0;
- root_win->width = display_width();
- root_win->height = display_height();
- root_win->bg_col = root_color;
- set_color(root_color);
- box(root_win->id,0,0,DISP_MAX_X,DISP_MAX_Y);
- set_color(black);
- }
- void close_display()
- { init_graphics(0,0);
- delete root_win;
- }
- int window_width(Window win) { return win_stack[win]->width; }
- int window_height(Window win) { return win_stack[win]->height; }
- void window_position(Window win,int* x,int* y)
- { *x = win_stack[win]->x0;
- *y = win_stack[win]->y0;
- }