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- <h1>袧邪褋褌褉芯泄泻邪 斜褉邪褍蟹械褉邪 写谢褟 懈褋锌芯谢褜蟹芯胁邪薪懈褟 <a href="../">Tor</a></h1>
- <br>
- <p>袝褋谢懈 胁褘 懈褋锌芯谢褜蟹褍械褌械 Firefox (屑褘 褉械泻芯屑械薪写褍械屑), 胁邪屑 薪械 薪褍卸薪邪 褝褌邪 褋褌褉邪薪懈褑邪.
- 袩褉芯褋褌芯 褍褋褌邪薪芯胁懈褌械
- <a href="">锌谢邪谐懈薪 Torbutton</a>,
- 锌械褉械蟹邪锌褍褋褌懈褌械 斜褉邪褍蟹械褉, 懈 胁褋褢 谐芯褌芯胁芯:
- </p>
- <img alt="袩谢邪谐懈薪 Torbutton 写谢褟 Firefox"
- src="../img/screenshot-torbutton.png"
- border="1" width="161" height="78">
- <br>
- <p>袙 锌褉芯褌懈胁薪芯屑 褋谢褍褔邪械 胁邪屑 锌褉懈写褢褌褋褟 胁褉褍褔薪褍褞 蟹邪写邪褌褜 薪邪褋褌褉芯泄泻懈 锌褉芯泻褋懈 胁 胁邪褕械屑
- 斜褉邪褍蟹械褉械.
- <br>袛谢褟 Mozilla 懈 Firefox 薪邪 Windows, 褝褌芯 Tools - Options - General - Connection Settings.
- <br>袛谢褟 Firefox 薪邪 OS X, 褝褌芯 Firefox - Preferences - General - Connection Settings.
- <br>袛谢褟 Firefox 薪邪 Linux, 褝褌芯 Edit - Preferences - Advanced - Proxies.
- <br>袛谢褟 Opera 褝褌芯 Tools - Preferences(Advanced) - Network - Proxy servers.
- <br>啸芯褌褜 屑褘 懈 薪械 褉械泻芯屑械薪写褍械屑 懈褋锌芯谢褜蟹芯胁邪褌褜 IE, 写谢褟 褋褌芯褉芯薪薪懈泻芯胁
- 屑械薪械械-褔械屑-褉械邪谢褜薪芯泄 邪薪芯薪懈屑薪芯褋褌懈: 袛谢褟 IE, 褝褌芯 Tools - Internet Options - Connections - LAN Settings - Check Proxy Server - Advanced.</p>
- <img alt="袧邪褋褌褉芯泄泻懈 锌褉芯泻褋懈 胁 Firefox"
- src="../img/screenshot-win32-firefox-proxies.jpg" width="525" height="505">
- <p>
- 袙褘 写芯谢卸薪褘 褍泻邪蟹邪褌褜 "localhost" 懈 "8118" 褔褌芯斜褘 锌械褉械薪邪锌褉邪胁谢褟褌褜
- 褔械褌褘褉械 褍泻邪蟹邪薪薪褘褏 锌褉芯褌芯泻芯谢邪 薪邪 Privoxy, 泻邪泻 锌芯泻邪蟹邪薪芯 薪邪 褉懈褋褍薪泻械. (袛邪卸械
- 褍褔懈褌褘胁邪褟 褔褌芯 Privoxy 薪械 锌芯写写械褉卸懈胁邪械褌 FTP 懈 Gopher,
- <a href="">胁褘
- 写芯谢卸薪褘 褍泻邪蟹邪褌褜 懈褏 胁 谢褞斜芯屑 褋谢褍褔邪械</a>.) 孝邪泻卸械 薪邪写芯 蟹邪锌芯谢薪懈褌褜 锌芯谢械 socks 胁 薪邪褋褌褉芯泄泻邪褏
- 锌褉芯泻褋懈 褔褌芯斜褘 锌械褉械薪邪锌褉邪胁谢褟褌褜 锌褉褟屑芯 胁 Tor ("localhost", "9050", 懈 socks5)
- 芯褋褌邪谢褜薪褘械 锌褉芯褌芯泻芯谢褘, 泻褉芯屑械 锌械褉胁褘褏 褔械褌褘褉褢褏. 袩芯褌芯屑 卸屑懈褌械 "OK".</p>
- <hr>
- <p>袝褋谢懈 褍 胁邪褋 械褋褌褜 锌褉械写谢芯卸械薪懈褟 锌芯 褍谢褍褔褕械薪懈褞 褝褌芯谐芯 写芯泻褍屑械薪褌邪, 锌芯卸邪谢褍泄褋褌邪
- <a href="../">锌褉懈褋褘谢邪泄褌械 懈褏 薪邪屑</a>. 小锌邪褋懈斜芯!</p>
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- <p>"Tor" 懈 "Onion Logo" — <a href="../trademark-faq.html">蟹邪褉械谐懈褋褌褉懈褉芯胁邪薪薪褘械 褌芯褉谐芯胁褘械
- 屑邪褉泻懈</a> Tor Project, Inc.
- <br>
- 小芯写械褉卸懈屑芯械 褋邪泄褌邪 蟹邪褖懈褖械薪o 锌芯 褍褋谢芯胁懈褟屑 谢懈褑械薪蟹懈懈
- <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License
- <!--img alt="Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License" style="border-width:0" src="../images/cc-by-us-80x15.png"--></a>, 械褋谢懈 褟胁薪芯 薪械 褍泻邪蟹邪薪芯 写褉褍谐芯械.
- </p>
- <p>
- 协褌邪 褋褌褉邪薪懈褑邪 褌邪泻卸械 锌械褉械胁械写械薪邪 薪邪 褋谢械写褍褞褖懈械 褟蟹褘泻懈:
- <a href="">Deutsch</a>, <a href="tor-doc-web.html.en">English</a>, <a href="">español</a>, <a href="">français</a>, <a href="">Italiano</a>, <a href="">polski</a>.<br>
- 袣邪泻 褍褋褌邪薪芯胁懈褌褜 <a href="">褟蟹褘泻 写芯泻褍屑械薪褌芯胁 锌芯 褍屑芯谢褔邪薪懈褞</a>.
- </p>
- <p>袪邪蟹褉邪斜芯褌褔懈泻懈 Tor 薪械 锌褉芯胁械褉褟谢懈 褝褌芯褌 锌械褉械胁芯写 薪邪 褌芯褔薪芯褋褌褜 懈 泻芯褉褉械泻褌薪芯褋褌褜.
- 袩械褉械胁芯写 屑芯卸械褌 斜褘褌褜 褍褋褌邪褉械胁褕懈屑 懈谢懈 锌褉芯褋褌芯 薪械锌褉邪胁懈谢褜薪褘屑. 袨褎懈褑懈邪谢褜薪褘泄 胁械斜-褋邪泄褌
- Tor 薪邪 邪薪谐谢懈泄褋泻芯屑 褟蟹褘泻械 写芯褋褌褍锌械薪 锌芯 邪写褉械褋褍
- <a href=""></a>.
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- <i><a href="../" class="smalllink">Webmaster</a></i> -
- 袩芯褋谢械写薪懈械 懈蟹屑械薪械薪懈褟: Wed Sep 2 15:15:50 2009
- -
- 袩芯褋谢械写薪褟褟 泻芯屑锌懈谢褟褑懈褟: Sun Oct 18 00:34:05 2009
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