- /* scalar.c - suupporting functions for parser
- /*
- /* Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Applied Information Technologies, Inc.
- /* All Rights Reserved.
- /*
- /* Distributed uder the GNU General Public License which was included in
- /* the file named "LICENSE" in the package that you recieved.
- /* If not, write to:
- /* The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- /* 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- #include <string.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include "scalar.h"
- #include "sqlweb.h"
- #include "ifparse.h"
- #include "ifwords.h"
- /*
- /* The Global Variables for the IfParser
- */
- static LIST *glAllScalarElements; /* All Allocated Stuff, for cleanup */
- static Scalar_t gsNullScalar /* = {-1,0,0,0} */ ;
- /*
- /* External Functions
- */
- extern double atof();
- extern char *strcat();
- extern atoi();
- /*
- /* Private Functions
- */
- static eBoolean_t aToBool(char *p);
- /* static void PushScalar(Scalar_t *p);
- */
- static double ScalarToDouble(Scalar_t *p);
- static char *ScalarToString(Scalar_t *p);
- static eBoolean_t CompareDouble(int iOp,double dLeft, double dRight);
- static eBoolean_t CompareString(int iOp,char *pLeft, char *pRight);
- static eBoolean_t IsNumber(Scalar_t *p);
- static void ToUpper(char *pBuf);
- static void ToLower(char *pBuf);
- static void FormatString(char *pInpStr,char *pFmtStr,char *pOutBuf);
- static long GetReplaceSize(char *pBuf, char *pSrch, char *pRepl );
- static char * Replace( char *pBuf, char *pSrch, char *pRepl );
- /********************************************************
- /* Boolean Functions
- */
- eBoolean_t
- BetweenCond(Scalar_t *p, Scalar_t *pLo, Scalar_t *pHi)
- {
- double d, dLo, dHi;
- if(!p || !pLo || !pHi) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0
- ,"WARN:BETWEEN:Scalar is NULL(%x between %x and %x)"
- ,p
- ,pLo
- ,pHi
- );
- MsgPush("WARN:BETWEEN:Scalar is NULL");
- return(eFalse);
- }
- d = ScalarToDouble(p);
- dLo = ScalarToDouble(pLo);
- dHi = ScalarToDouble(pHi);
- return( (d>=dLo && d<=dHi)?eTrue :eFalse);
- }
- eBoolean_t
- LikeCond(Scalar_t *p1, Scalar_t *p2)
- {
- char *pStr1, *pStr2;
- if(!p1 || !p2) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0
- ,"WARN:LIKE:Scalar is NULL(%x like %x)"
- ,pStr1
- ,pStr2
- );
- MsgPush("WARN:LIKE:Scalar is NULL");
- return(eFalse);
- }
- pStr1 = ScalarToString(p1);
- pStr2 = ScalarToString(p2);
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:LIKE only supports EQ.");
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,4,"Strcmp(%s,%s)",pStr1,pStr2);
- /* return( (strcmp(pStr1,pStr2)==0)?eTrue :eFalse );
- */
- return( bStrMatch(pStr1,pStr2) );
- }
- eBoolean_t
- IsNullCond(Scalar_t *p)
- {
- char *pStr;
- if(!p){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,2,"WARN:IS NULL:Scalar is NULL");
- return(eTrue);
- }
- pStr = ScalarToString(p);
- /*
- /* Compare STRINGS
- */
- return(pStr ? (iStrLen(pStr)==0)?eTrue :eFalse
- : eTrue
- );
- }
- eBoolean_t
- InCond(Scalar_t *pVal, Scalar_t *pList)
- {
- Scalar_t *pTop;
- if(!pVal || !pList) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0
- ,"WARN:IN:Scalar is NULL(%x in(%x))"
- ,pVal
- ,pList
- );
- MsgPush("WARN:IN:Scalar is NULL");
- return(eFalse);
- }
- for(pTop=DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);pTop;pTop=DEQ(pList->uVal.pList)){
- if(ISeTrue(CompareCond(MkScalarToken(EQ),pVal,pTop))){
- return(eTrue);
- }
- }
- return(eFalse);
- }
- eBoolean_t
- CompareCond(Scalar_t *pOp,Scalar_t *pLeft,Scalar_t *pRight)
- {
- double dLeft, dRight;
- char *pStrLeft,*pStrRight;
- if(!pOp || !pLeft || !pRight) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0
- ,"WARN:COMPARE:Scalar is NULL(op=%x, %x op %x)"
- ,pOp
- ,pLeft
- ,pRight
- );
- MsgPush("WARN:COMPARE:Scalar is NULL");
- return(eFalse);
- }
- /*
- /* If either operand is a number, they are all numbers
- */
- if(ISeTrue(IsNumber(pLeft)) || ISeTrue(IsNumber(pRight)))
- {
- /* Comparing Numbers */
- dLeft = ScalarToDouble(pLeft);
- dRight= ScalarToDouble(pRight);
- return(CompareDouble(pOp->uVal.iInt,dLeft,dRight));
- }
- /*
- /* Otherwise treat them as strings
- */
- pStrLeft =ScalarToString(pLeft);
- pStrRight=ScalarToString(pRight);
- return(CompareString(pOp->uVal.iInt,pStrLeft,pStrRight));
- }
- /********************************************************
- /* The Scalar Functions
- */
- Scalar_t *
- AddScalar(Scalar_t *p1, Scalar_t *p2)
- {
- double d1, d2;
- if(!p1 || !p2) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0
- ,"WARN:ADD:Scalar is NULL(%x + %x)"
- ,p1
- ,p2
- );
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- /*
- /* If either is a number convert to number...
- */
- if( ISeTrue(IsNumber(p1)) || ISeTrue(IsNumber(p2))) {
- d1 = ScalarToDouble(p1);
- d2 = ScalarToDouble(p2);
- p1->esType = eDoubleType;
- p1->uVal.dDouble = d1+d2;
- p1->lSize = 0L;
- return(p1);
- }
- return(CatScalar(p1,p2));
- }
- Scalar_t *
- CatScalar(Scalar_t *p1, Scalar_t *p2)
- {
- char *pB1,*pB2,*pRet;
- long lSize;
- if(!p1 || !p2) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0
- ,"WARN:CAT:Scalar is NULL(%x + %x)"
- ,p1
- ,p2
- );
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- pB1=ScalarToString(p1);
- pB2=ScalarToString(p2);
- lSize = iStrLen(pB1)+iStrLen(pB2)+1; /* need room for null */
- pRet = (char*)malloc(lSize);
- if(!pRet) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0
- ,"WARN:CAT:Malloc failed(%x,%x)"
- ,p1
- ,p2
- );
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- (void)memset(pRet,0,lSize);
- strcpy(pRet,pB1);
- strcat(pRet,pB2);
- p1->esType = eStringType;
- p1->uVal.pString = pRet;
- p1->lSize = lSize;
- return(p1);
- }
- Scalar_t *
- SubScalar(Scalar_t *p1, Scalar_t *p2)
- {
- double d1, d2;
- if(!p1 || !p2) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0
- ,"WARN:SUB:Scalar is NULL(%x - %x)"
- ,p1
- ,p2
- );
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- /*
- /* Convert to number and subtract...
- */
- d1 = ScalarToDouble(p1);
- d2 = ScalarToDouble(p2);
- p1->esType = eDoubleType;
- p1->uVal.dDouble = d1-d2;
- p1->lSize = 0;
- return(p1);
- }
- Scalar_t *
- MultScalar(Scalar_t *p1, Scalar_t *p2)
- {
- double d1, d2;
- if(!p1 || !p2) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0
- ,"WARN:MULTIPLY:Scalar is NULL(%x * %x)"
- ,p1
- ,p2
- );
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- /* Convert to number and do it!
- */
- d1 = ScalarToDouble(p1);
- d2 = ScalarToDouble(p2);
- p1->esType = eDoubleType;
- p1->uVal.dDouble = d1*d2;
- p1->lSize = 0;
- return(p1);
- }
- Scalar_t *
- DivScalar(Scalar_t *p1, Scalar_t *p2)
- {
- double d1, d2;
- if(!p1 || !p2) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0
- ,"WARN:DIV:Scalar is NULL(%x / %x)"
- ,p1
- ,p2
- );
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- d1 = ScalarToDouble(p1);
- d2 = ScalarToDouble(p2);
- if( (int)d2==0) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:Div by Zero");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- p1->esType = eDoubleType;
- p1->uVal.dDouble = d1/d2;
- p1->lSize = 0;
- return(p1);
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ModScalar(Scalar_t *p1, Scalar_t *p2)
- {
- double d1, d2;
- if(!p1 || !p2) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0
- ,"WARN:MOD:Scalar is NULL(%x / %x)"
- ,p1
- ,p2
- );
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- d1 = ScalarToDouble(p1);
- d2 = ScalarToDouble(p2);
- if( (int)d2==0) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:Div by Zero");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- p1->esType = eDoubleType;
- p1->uVal.dDouble = (int)d1 %(int)d2;
- p1->lSize = 0;
- return(p1);
- }
- Scalar_t *
- USubScalar(Scalar_t *p1)
- {
- double d1;
- if(!p1) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:USUB:Scalar is NULL(%x)",p1);
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- d1 = ScalarToDouble(p1);
- p1->esType = eDoubleType;
- p1->uVal.dDouble = -d1;
- p1->lSize = 0;
- return(p1);
- }
- Scalar_t *
- CallFunction
- (Scalar_t *pName
- ,Scalar_t *pList
- )
- {
- Reserved_t *pResWord;
- if(!pName || !pList) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0
- ,"WARN:CALL:Scalar is NULL(%x(%x))"
- ,pName
- ,pList
- );
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- for(pResWord=gaReservedWordTable; pResWord->pName; pResWord++){
- if(is_casematch(pResWord->pName,pName->uVal.pString)) {
- /* Got one!
- */
- return( (pResWord->pScalarFunc)(pList) );
- }
- }
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:CALL:Unknown Function or Type.");
- return( &gsNullScalar );
- }
- Scalar_t *
- AddScalarToList(Scalar_t *pList,Scalar_t *p1)
- {
- if(!p1) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:ADD LIST:Scalar is NULL(%x)",p1);
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- if(!pList){
- pList=MkScalar(eListType,p1,p1->lSize);
- return(pList);
- }
- ENQ(pList->uVal.pList,p1);
- return(pList);
- }
- /********************************************************
- /* Called by yylex and elsewhere to create a scalar when found
- */
- Scalar_t *
- MkScalarToken(int iToken)
- {
- Scalar_t *p;
- p = (Scalar_t *)malloc(sizeof(Scalar_t));
- if(!p){
- /* out of memory */
- return(0);
- }
- (void)memset(p,0,sizeof(Scalar_t));
- p->esType = eIntType;
- p->uVal.iInt = iToken;
- p->lSize = 0;
- /* PushScalar(p);
- */
- return(p);
- }
- Scalar_t *
- MkScalar(eScalar_t esType, void *pValue, long lSize)
- {
- Scalar_t *p;
- p = (Scalar_t *)malloc(sizeof(Scalar_t));
- if(!p){
- /* out of memory */
- return(0);
- }
- (void)memset(p,0,sizeof(Scalar_t));
- p->esType = esType;
- p->lSize = lSize;
- switch(esType) {
- case eStringType:p->uVal.pString= DupMem(pValue,lSize); break;
- case eIntType: p->uVal.iInt = atoi(pValue); break;/* Integers */
- case eDoubleType:p->uVal.dDouble= atof(pValue); break;/* Real */
- case eListType: p->uVal.pList = l_create("QUEUE");
- ENQ(p->uVal.pList,pValue);
- break; /* Lists */
- case eBoolType: p->uVal.bBool = aToBool(pValue); break;/* Bool */
- case eRawType: p->uVal.pRaw = DupMem(pValue,lSize); break;
- }
- /* PushScalar(p);
- */
- return(p);
- }
- extern Scalar_t *
- ToScalar(eBoolean_t bBool)
- {
- Scalar_t *p;
- p = (Scalar_t *)malloc(sizeof(Scalar_t));
- if(!p){
- /* out of memory */
- return(0);
- }
- (void)memset(p,0,sizeof(Scalar_t));
- p->esType = eBoolType;
- p->uVal.bBool = bBool;
- /* PushScalar(p);
- */
- return(p);
- }
- extern eBoolean_t
- IsScalar(Scalar_t *pScalar)
- {
- switch(pScalar->esType) {
- case eStringType:
- if(is_casematch(pScalar->uVal.pString,"TRUE")) return(eTrue);
- else return(eFalse);
- case eIntType:
- if(pScalar->uVal.iInt) return(eTrue);
- else return(eFalse);
- case eDoubleType:
- if(pScalar->uVal.dDouble) return(eTrue);
- else return(eFalse);
- /* case eListType: pScalar->uVal.pList = l_create("QUEUE");
- /* ENQ(pScalar->uVal.pList,pValue);
- /* break; /* Lists */
- /* */
- case eBoolType: return(pScalar->uVal.bBool);
- default: return(eFalse);
- }
- return(eFalse);
- }
- extern eBoolean_t
- OutputScalar(Scalar_t *pScalar)
- {
- OutputHTML("%s",ScalarToString(pScalar));
- return(eTrue);
- }
- /*
- /* Internal Private Functions
- /* static void
- /* PushScalar(Scalar_t *p)
- /* {
- /* if(!glAllScalarElements){
- /* glAllScalarElements=l_create("QUEUE");
- /* }
- /* ENQ(glAllScalarElements,p);
- /* return;
- /* }
- */
- static double
- ScalarToDouble(Scalar_t *p)
- {
- if(!p) return(0.0);
- switch(p->esType) {
- case eStringType:return(atof(p->uVal.pString));
- case eIntType: return((double)p->uVal.iInt);
- case eDoubleType:return(p->uVal.dDouble);
- case eListType: return(0.0);
- case eBoolType: return ISeTrue(p->uVal.bBool) ? 1.0 :0.0 ;
- default: return(0.0);
- }
- return(0.0);
- }
- static char *
- ScalarToString(Scalar_t *p)
- {
- char sBuf[BUFSIZ];
- char *pNullStr = "";
- int iLen;
- if(!p) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ToStr:NULLStr");
- return(pNullStr);
- }
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,5,"ToStr:%s.%d(%d),%s"
- ,p->esType==eStringType ?"S"
- :p->esType==eIntType ?"I"
- :p->esType==eDoubleType?"D"
- :p->esType==eListType ?"L"
- :p->esType==eBoolType ?"B"
- :p->esType==eRawType ?"R"
- :"?"
- ,p->lSize
- ,p->esType==eStringType?iStrLen(p->uVal.pString):-1
- ,p->esType==eStringType && p->uVal.pString?p->uVal.pString:"*?*"
- );
- switch(p->esType) {
- case eStringType:
- if(p->lSize==0) {
- return(DupBuf(0));
- }
- /* if(p->uVal.pString && p->lSize>=0)
- /* *(p->uVal.pString + p->lSize)=0; /* set NULL */
- /* */
- return(p->uVal.pString);
- case eIntType: sprintf(sBuf,"%d",p->uVal.iInt);
- return(DupBuf(sBuf));
- case eDoubleType:
- sprintf(sBuf,"%f",p->uVal.dDouble);
- if(strchr(sBuf,'.')) {
- /* Strip Trailing zeros, if decpt
- */
- iLen = iStrLen(sBuf);
- while( sBuf[--iLen] == '0')
- sBuf[iLen]=0;
- if(sBuf[iLen] == '.')
- sBuf[iLen]=0;
- }
- return(DupBuf(sBuf));
- case eListType: return(pNullStr);
- case eBoolType: return(ISeTrue(p->uVal.bBool)?"TRUE":"FALSE");
- default:
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ToStr:Unknown Type %d",p->esType);
- }
- return(pNullStr);
- }
- static eBoolean_t
- aToBool(char *p)
- {
- if(is_casematch(p,"FALSE")) return(eFalse);
- if(is_casematch(p,"TRUE") ) return(eTrue);
- return(eTrue);
- }
- static eBoolean_t
- CompareDouble(int iOp,double dLeft,double dRight)
- {
- switch(iOp){
- case EQ: return( (dLeft==dRight) ?eTrue:eFalse);
- case NEQ: return( (!(dLeft==dRight))?eTrue:eFalse);
- case GT: return( (dLeft>dRight) ?eTrue:eFalse);
- case GE: return( (dLeft>=dRight) ?eTrue:eFalse);
- case LT: return( (dLeft<dRight) ?eTrue:eFalse);
- case LE: return( (dLeft<=dRight) ?eTrue:eFalse);
- }
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:COMPARE DBL:Unknown OP:%d",iOp);
- return(eFalse);
- }
- static eBoolean_t
- CompareString(int iOp,char *pLeft,char *pRight)
- {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,2,"COMPARE STR:%s %d %s",pLeft,iOp,pRight);
- switch(iOp){
- case EQ: return(is_match(pLeft,pRight) ?eTrue:eFalse);
- case NEQ: return(!(is_match(pLeft,pRight))?eTrue:eFalse);
- case GT: return((iStrCmp(pLeft,pRight)>0) ?eTrue:eFalse);
- case GE: return((iStrCmp(pLeft,pRight)>=0) ?eTrue:eFalse);
- case LT: return((iStrCmp(pLeft,pRight)<0) ?eTrue:eFalse);
- case LE: return((iStrCmp(pLeft,pRight)<=0) ?eTrue:eFalse);
- }
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:COMPARE STR:Unknown OP:%d",iOp);
- MsgPush("WARN:COMPARE STR:Unknown OP:%d",iOp);
- return(eFalse);
- }
- static eBoolean_t
- IsNumber(Scalar_t *p)
- {
- if(!p){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"IsNumber:Scalar is NULL");
- MsgPush("IsNumber:Scalar is NULL");
- return(eFalse);
- }
- if(p->esType==eDoubleType || p->esType==eIntType)
- return(eTrue);
- return(eFalse);
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ScalarUpper(Scalar_t *pList)
- {
- Scalar_t *pTop;
- char sBuf[MAX_BUFSIZ];
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,3,"Called Upper(%x)",pList);
- if(!pList){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarUpper:Scalar is NULL(%x)",pList);
- MsgPush("ScalarUpper:Scalar is NULL");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- if(pList->esType != eListType) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:UPPER:Invalid arg type passed to Function");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- sBuf[0]=0;
- while( (pTop = (Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList)) ) {
- char *pTmp = ScalarToString(pTop);
- strcat(sBuf,pTmp);
- }
- ToUpper(sBuf);
- return(MkScalar(eStringType,sBuf,1+iStrLen(sBuf)));
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ScalarLower(Scalar_t *pList)
- {
- Scalar_t *pTop;
- char sBuf[MAX_BUFSIZ];
- if(!pList) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarLower:Scalar is NULL(%x)",pList);
- MsgPush("ScalarLower:Scalar is NULL");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- if(pList->esType != eListType) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:LOWER:Invalid arg type passed to Function");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- sBuf[0]=0;
- while( (pTop = (Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList)) ) {
- char *pTmp = ScalarToString(pTop);
- strcat(sBuf,pTmp);
- }
- ToLower(sBuf);
- return(MkScalar(eStringType,sBuf,1+iStrLen(sBuf)));
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ScalarSubstr(Scalar_t *pList)
- {
- char *pTmp;
- int iSize,iOffset,iLength;
- Scalar_t *pString = 0
- ,*pOffset = 0
- ,*pLength = 0
- ;
- if(!pList){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarSubstr:Scalar is NULL(%x)",pList);
- MsgPush("ScalarSubstr:Scalar is NULL");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- iSize = l_size(pList->uVal.pList);
- if(iSize==2){
- pString=(Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pOffset=(Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pTmp = ScalarToString(pString);
- iOffset= (int)ScalarToDouble(pOffset);
- if(iOffset<iStrLen(pTmp)) {
- pString->esType = eStringType;
- pString->uVal.pString = (pTmp+iOffset);
- pString->lSize = 1+iStrLen(pString->uVal.pString);
- return(pString);
- }
- } else if (iSize==3) {
- pString=(Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pOffset=(Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pLength=(Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pTmp = ScalarToString(pString);
- iOffset= (int)ScalarToDouble(pOffset);
- iLength= (int)ScalarToDouble(pLength);
- /* Reusing iSize as length of first arg */
- iSize = iStrLen(pTmp);
- if(iOffset<iSize) {
- pString->uVal.pString = (pTmp + iOffset);
- if((iOffset+iLength) <iSize)
- *(pTmp + iOffset + iLength) = 0;
- pString->esType = eStringType;
- pString->lSize = 1+iStrLen(pString->uVal.pString);
- return(pString);
- }
- } else {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:SUBSTR:Invalid args to Substr");
- }
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ScalarLength(Scalar_t *pList)
- {
- Scalar_t *pTop;
- int iLen=0, lLen=0;
- if(!pList){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarLength:Scalar is NULL(%x)",pList);
- MsgPush("ScalarLength:Scalar is NULL");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- if(pList->esType != eListType) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0
- ,"WARN:LENGTH:Invalid arg type passed to Function"
- );
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- iLen=0, lLen=0;
- while( (pTop = (Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList)) ) {
- /* char *pTmp = ScalarToString(pTop);
- /* iLen += iStrLen(pTmp);
- */
- lLen += (pTop->lSize>0)?(pTop->lSize) -1:0;
- /* DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"lSize=%d",lLen);
- */
- }
- sprintf(sLenBuf,"%d",lLen);
- return(MkScalar(eDoubleType, sLenBuf,1+iStrLen(sLenBuf)));
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ScalarNVL(Scalar_t *pList)
- {
- Scalar_t *pTop;
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,3,"Called NVL");
- if(!pList){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarNVL:Scalar is NULL(%x)",pList);
- MsgPush("ScalarNVL:Scalar is NULL");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- pTop = (Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- if(IsNullCond(pTop)) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,2,"NVL:NULL Condition");
- return((Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList));
- }
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,2,"NVL:NOT NULL Condition");
- return(pTop);
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ScalarHost(Scalar_t *pList)
- {
- Scalar_t *pTop;
- char sBuf[MAX_BUFSIZ];
- int c, iCharCount, iStatus;
- FILE *pF;
- #ifdef WIN32
- MsgPush("SQLweb/NT: Doesn't Support HOST");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- #endif
- #ifndef WIN32
- {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,3,"Called Host");
- if(!pList){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarHost:Scalar is NULL(%x)",pList);
- MsgPush("ScalarHost:Scalar is NULL");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- sBuf[0]=0;
- while( (pTop = (Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList)) ) {
- char *pTmp = ScalarToString(pTop);
- strcat(sBuf,pTmp);
- }
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,2,"Running: `%s`",sBuf);
- pF = popen(sBuf,"r");
- if(!pF){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"POpen Failed: (%s)",sBuf);
- MsgPush("Host:Can't popen(%s,"r")", sBuf);
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,3,"Open'd(%x)",pF);
- for( c=fgetc(pF), iCharCount=0
- ;c != EOF && iCharCount<MAX_BUFSIZ
- ;c=fgetc(pF), iCharCount++ )
- {
- sBuf[iCharCount] = c;
- }
- /*
- /* NULL the string...
- */
- if(iCharCount && sBuf[iCharCount-1]=='n')
- sBuf[iCharCount-1]=0;
- else sBuf[iCharCount] = 0;
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,3,"Read %d chars",iCharCount);
- iStatus = pclose(pF);
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,3,"popen:%d:%d",iStatus,c);
- return(MkScalar(eStringType, sBuf,1+iStrLen(sBuf)));
- }
- #endif
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ScalarSaveFile(Scalar_t *pList)
- {
- Scalar_t *pScalarFileName
- ,*pScalarData
- ;
- char *pFileName;
- long lSize;
- int iListSize;
- FILE *pF;
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,3,"Called SaveFile");
- if(!pList){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"SaveFile:Scalar is NULL(%x)",pList);
- MsgPush("ScalarSaveFile:Scalar is NULL");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- /*
- /* Check number of parameters (the USAGE)
- */
- iListSize = l_size(pList->uVal.pList);
- if(iListSize != 2) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0
- ,"WARN:SAVEFILE:USAGE:SaveFile(filename,data)"
- );
- MsgPush("ScalarSaveFile:Scalar is NULL");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- /*
- /* Get Filename
- */
- pScalarFileName = (Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pScalarData = (Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pFileName = ScalarToString(pScalarFileName);
- pF=fopen(pFileName,"w");
- if(!pF){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"SaveFile:Open Failed:%d",errno);
- MsgPush("ScalarSaveFile:Open Failed");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- lSize = pScalarData->lSize;
- lSize = fwrite(pScalarData->uVal.pString,lSize,1,pF);
- fclose(pF);
- pScalarFileName->esType = eBoolType;
- pScalarFileName->uVal.bBool = lSize==1?eTrue:eFalse;
- pScalarFileName->lSize = 0;
- return(pScalarFileName);
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ScalarToChar(Scalar_t *pList)
- {
- char *pFmtStr
- ,*pInpStr
- ,sBuf[BUFSIZ]
- ;
- int iSize;
- Scalar_t *pInput = 0
- ,*pFormat = 0
- ;
- if(!pList){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarToChar:Scalar is NULL(%x)",pList);
- MsgPush("ScalarToChar:Scalar is NULL");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- iSize = l_size(pList->uVal.pList);
- if(iSize!=2){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:TO_CHAR:usage error:to_char(input,fmt)");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- /* Get the Parameters
- */
- pInput =(Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pFormat=(Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- /* Convert Each Parameter to a string
- */
- pInpStr= ScalarToString(pInput);
- pFmtStr= ScalarToString(pFormat);
- /*
- /* Convert input string using format mask
- */
- FormatString(pInpStr,pFmtStr,sBuf);
- return(MkScalar(eStringType, sBuf,1+iStrLen(sBuf)));
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ScalarToNumber(Scalar_t *pList)
- {
- int iDotFlag = 0
- ,iDigFlag = 0;
- Scalar_t *pScalar;
- char *pInStr;
- char sBuf[MAX_BUFSIZ], *psBuf=sBuf;
- /* fprintf(stderr,"ToNumber(!)n");fflush(stderr);
- */
- if(!pList){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarToNumber:Scalar is NULL(%x)",pList);
- MsgPush("ScalarToNumber:Scalar is NULL");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- pScalar = DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pInStr = ScalarToString(pScalar);
- for( ; *pInStr; pInStr++) {
- switch(*pInStr){
- case '-' :
- if(iDigFlag) break;
- case '.' :
- if(iDotFlag) break;
- iDotFlag=1;
- case '0' :
- case '1' :
- case '2' :
- case '3' :
- case '4' :
- case '5' :
- case '6' :
- case '7' :
- case '8' :
- case '9' :
- iDigFlag=1;
- *psBuf++ = *pInStr;
- break;
- } /* end of switch */
- } /* end of for */
- *psBuf = '';
- /* fprintf(stderr,"ToNumber(%s)n",sBuf);fflush(stderr);
- */
- return(MkScalar(eStringType,sBuf,1+iStrLen(sBuf)));
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ScalarLPad(Scalar_t *pList)
- {
- int iSize
- ,iPadSize
- ;
- Scalar_t *pSource
- ,*pSize
- ,*pChar
- ;
- char *pStrSource
- ,*pStrChar = " "
- ;
- /* fprintf(stderr,"LPad(!)n");fflush(stderr);
- */
- if(!pList){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarLPad:Scalar is NULL(%x)",pList);
- MsgPush("ScalarLPad:Scalar is NULL");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- iSize = l_size(pList->uVal.pList);
- if(iSize != 2 && iSize !=3) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:LPAD:USAGE:LPad(input,size[,padchar])");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- pSource = DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pSize = DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- if(iSize == 3) {
- pChar = DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- }
- pStrSource = ScalarToString(pSource);
- iPadSize = (int)ScalarToDouble(pSize);
- pStrChar = ScalarToString(pChar);
- if(iPadSize >= MAX_BUFSIZ) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0
- ,"WARN:LPAD:overflow, truncated to %d",MAX_BUFSIZ);
- iPadSize = MAX_BUFSIZ -1;
- }
- memset(sBuf, *pStrChar, iPadSize);
- sBuf[iPadSize] = 0;
- strcpy(&sBuf[iPadSize-iStrLen(pStrSource)],pStrSource);
- return(MkScalar(eStringType,sBuf,1+iStrLen(sBuf)));
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ScalarRPad(Scalar_t *pList)
- {
- int iSize
- ,iPadSize
- ;
- Scalar_t *pSource
- ,*pSize
- ,*pChar
- ;
- char *pStrSource
- ,*pStrChar = " "
- ;
- /* fprintf(stderr,"RPad(!)n");fflush(stderr);
- */
- if(!pList){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarRPad:Scalar is NULL(%x)",pList);
- MsgPush("ScalarRPad:Scalar is NULL");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- iSize = l_size(pList->uVal.pList);
- if(iSize != 2 && iSize !=3) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:RPAD:USAGE:RPad(input,size[,padchar])");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- pSource = DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pSize = DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- if(iSize == 3) {
- pChar = DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- }
- pStrSource = ScalarToString(pSource);
- iPadSize = (int)ScalarToDouble(pSize);
- pStrChar = ScalarToString(pChar);
- if(iPadSize >= MAX_BUFSIZ) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0
- ,"WARN:RPAD:overflow, truncated to %d",MAX_BUFSIZ);
- iPadSize = MAX_BUFSIZ -1;
- }
- memset(sBuf, *pStrChar, iPadSize);
- sBuf[iPadSize] = 0;
- strncpy(sBuf,pStrSource,iStrLen(pStrSource));
- return(MkScalar(eStringType, sBuf,1+iStrLen(sBuf)));
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ScalarLTrim(Scalar_t *pList)
- {
- int iSize
- ;
- Scalar_t *pSource
- ,*pChar
- ;
- char *pStrSource
- ,*pStrChar = " "
- ;
- if(!pList){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarTrim:Scalar is NULL(%x)",pList);
- MsgPush("ScalarLTrim:Scalar is NULL");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- iSize = l_size(pList->uVal.pList);
- if(iSize != 1 && iSize !=2) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:LTRIM:USAGE:LTrim(input[,trimchar])");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- /*
- /* Get String version of Variable
- */
- pSource = DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pStrSource = ScalarToString(pSource);
- /*
- /* Now Get The "Trimoff Char"
- */
- if(iSize == 2) {
- pChar = DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pStrChar = ScalarToString(pChar);
- }
- while(*pStrSource == *pStrChar)
- pStrSource++;
- if(*pStrSource)
- strcpy(sBuf,pStrSource);
- else sBuf[0] = 0;
- return(MkScalar(eStringType, sBuf,1+iStrLen(sBuf)));
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ScalarRTrim(Scalar_t *pList)
- {
- int iSize
- ;
- Scalar_t *pSource
- ,*pChar
- ;
- char *pStrSource
- ,*pStrChar = " "
- ;
- if(!pList){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarRTrim:Scalar is NULL(%x)",pList);
- MsgPush("ScalarRTrim:Scalar is NULL");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- iSize = l_size(pList->uVal.pList);
- if(iSize != 1 && iSize !=2) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:RTRIM:USAGE:RTrim(input[,padchar])");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- pSource = DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pStrSource = ScalarToString(pSource);
- if(iSize == 2) {
- pChar = DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pStrChar = ScalarToString(pChar);
- }
- iSize = iStrLen(pStrSource);
- while( *(pStrSource+ (--iSize)) == *pStrChar)
- ; /* nothing */
- *(pStrSource + iSize +1) = 0;
- return(MkScalar(eStringType, pStrSource,1+iStrLen(pStrSource)));
- }
- static void
- ToUpper(char *pBuf)
- {
- int c;
- for(c= *pBuf;c;c = *++pBuf)
- *pBuf=(char)toupper(c);
- return;
- }
- static void
- ToLower(char *pBuf)
- {
- int c;
- for(c = *pBuf;c; c= *++pBuf)
- *pBuf = (char)tolower(c);
- return;
- }
- static void
- FormatString(char *pInpStr,char *pFmtStr,char *pOutBuf)
- {
- char *pInDecPt
- ,*pFmtDecPt
- ;
- int iInDecSize
- ,iFmtPrecision
- ,iNewDecSize
- ,iNewBufSize
- ,iCommaFlag
- ,i
- ;
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,3,"FormatString(%s,%s,buf)",pInpStr,pFmtStr);
- pInDecPt = (char *)strchr(pInpStr,'.');
- pFmtDecPt= (char *)strchr(pFmtStr,'.');
- iInDecSize = (pInDecPt) ? pInDecPt - pInpStr : iStrLen(pInpStr);
- iFmtPrecision= (pFmtDecPt)? iStrLen(pFmtDecPt+1) : 0;
- iCommaFlag = (strchr(pFmtStr,',')) ? 1 : 0;
- iNewDecSize= (iCommaFlag)
- ? (iInDecSize + ((iInDecSize-1)/3)) /* Fmt str has commas */
- : iInDecSize /* Fmt str NO commas */
- ;
- iNewBufSize= iNewDecSize + ((iFmtPrecision>0)?1:0) + iFmtPrecision;
- /* fprintf(stderr,"NSiz=%d (%d + %d + %d) (fmtprec=%s)n"
- /* , iNewBufSize
- /* , iNewDecSize
- /* , ((iFmtPrecision>0)?1:0)
- /* , iFmtPrecision
- /* , pFmtDecPt+1
- /* );
- /* fflush(stderr);
- */
- for(i=0;i<iNewBufSize;i++) {
- /* Place Decimal point when not included in pInpStr
- */
- if(i==iNewDecSize && !pInDecPt) {
- *pOutBuf++ = '.';
- }
- /* if a comma goes here
- */
- else if(iCommaFlag /* format string has comma */
- && i>0 /* no leading comma */
- && iNewDecSize-i>0 /* no comma after decpt */
- && ((iNewDecSize-i)%4)==0) /* comma position */
- {
- *pOutBuf++ = ','; /* Insert Comma */
- }else {
- *pOutBuf++ = (*pInpStr) ?*pInpStr++ : '0';
- }
- }
- *pOutBuf = 0;
- return;
- }
- extern eBoolean_t
- AssignCond(Scalar_t *pScalarName
- ,Scalar_t *pScalarValue
- )
- {
- char *pValue
- ,*pName
- ;
- if(!pScalarName) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0 ,"WARN:ASSIGN:No Symbol Name");
- MsgPush("WARN:ASSIGN:No Symbol Name");
- return(eFalse);
- }
- pName=pScalarName->pName? pScalarName->pName: ScalarToString(pScalarName);
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,2,"AssignCond(%s)",pName);
- if(!pScalarValue) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0
- ,"WARN:ASSIGN:No Symbol Value for %s"
- ,pName
- );
- /* return(eFalse);
- */
- pValue = "";
- } else {
- pValue = ScalarToString(pScalarValue); /* Determine Value */
- }
- SELSym(pName,pValue);
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,2,"AssignCond:Completed");
- return(eTrue);
- }
- extern Scalar_t *
- ScalarGetSym(Scalar_t *pScalar
- ,char *pRule
- )
- {
- char *pBuf, *pName;
- Scalar_t *pNewScalar;
- long lSize;
- if(!pScalar){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarGetSym:%s:Scalar is NULL",pRule);
- MsgPush("ScalarGetSym:%s:Scalar is NULL",pRule);
- return(pScalar);
- }
- pName = pScalar->pName? pScalar->pName: ScalarToString(pScalar);
- if(!pName || iStrLen(pName)==0) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarGetSym:No Name");
- return(pScalar);
- }
- (void)GetRawSymbolValueREF(pName,&pBuf,&lSize);
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,2,"ScalarGetSym(%s,%s):%s:%d"
- ,pName
- ,pBuf?pBuf:""
- ,pRule
- ,lSize
- );
- pNewScalar = MkScalar(eStringType,pBuf,lSize);
- pNewScalar->pName = DupBuf(pName);
- return(pNewScalar);
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ScalarGetSymARR(Scalar_t *pScalar,Scalar_t *pArrayOffset)
- {
- char *pBuf, *pName;
- int iOffset;
- Scalar_t *pNewScalar;
- if(!pScalar || !pArrayOffset){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarARRGetSym(%x,%x):Scalar is NULL"
- ,pScalar
- ,pArrayOffset
- );
- MsgPush("ScalarARRGetSym:Scalar is NULL");
- return(pScalar);
- }
- pName = pScalar->pName? pScalar->pName: ScalarToString(pScalar);
- if(!pName || iStrLen(pName)==0) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarGetSym:No Name");
- return(pScalar);
- }
- iOffset = (int)ScalarToDouble(pArrayOffset);
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,2,"ScalarGetSym(%s,%d):%s",pName,iOffset);
- (void)GetARRSymbolValueREF(pName,iOffset,&pBuf);
- pNewScalar = MkScalar(eStringType,pBuf,1+iStrLen(pBuf));
- pNewScalar->pName = DupBuf(pName);
- return(pNewScalar);
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ScalarGetCookieValue(Scalar_t *pList)
- {
- int iListSize;
- long lSize;
- char *pName, *pBuf;
- Scalar_t *pCookieName;
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,3,"Called GetCookieValue()");
- if(!pList){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"GetCookieValue:Scalar is NULL(0)");
- MsgPush("GetCookieValue:Scalar is NULL");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- /* Check number of parameters (the USAGE)
- */
- iListSize = l_size(pList->uVal.pList);
- if(iListSize != 1) {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0
- ,"WARN:GetCookieValue:USAGE:GetCookieValue(CookieName)"
- );
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- /*
- /* Get CookieName
- */
- pCookieName=(Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pName=ScalarToString(pCookieName);
- lSize=0L;
- (void)GetCookieValueREF(pName,&pBuf,&lSize);
- if(lSize>0){
- return( MkScalar(eStringType,pBuf,1+iStrLen(pBuf)) );
- }
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,1 ,"WARN:GetCookie(%s):No HTTP_COOKIE",pName);
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ScalarReplace(Scalar_t *pList)
- {
- char *pStr, *pSrch, *pRepl, *pResult;
- int iSize;
- Scalar_t *pString = 0
- ,*pSearch = 0
- ,*pReplace = 0
- ;
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,3,"ScalarReplace()");
- if(!pList){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarReplace:Scalar is NULL(%x)",pList);
- MsgPush("ScalarReplace:Scalar is NULL");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- iSize = l_size(pList->uVal.pList);
- if(iSize==2){
- pString=(Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pSearch=(Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pStr = ScalarToString(pString);
- pSrch = ScalarToString(pSearch);
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,2,"ScalarReplace(%s,%s)",pStr,pSrch);
- pResult= Replace( pStr, pSrch, "" );
- pString->esType = eStringType;
- pString->uVal.pString = pResult;
- pString->lSize = iStrLen(pResult);
- return(pString);
- } else if (iSize==3) {
- pString =(Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pSearch =(Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pReplace=(Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pStr = ScalarToString(pString);
- pSrch = ScalarToString(pSearch);
- pRepl = ScalarToString(pReplace);
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,2,"ScalarReplace(%s,%s,%s)"
- ,pStr
- ,pSrch
- ,pRepl
- );
- pResult= Replace( pStr, pSrch, pRepl );
- pString->esType = eStringType;
- pString->uVal.pString = pResult;
- pString->lSize = iStrLen(pResult);
- return(pString);
- } else {
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:SUBSTR:Invalid args to Replace");
- }
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- static char *
- Replace( char *pBuf, char *pSrch, char *pRepl )
- {
- char *p, *pE, *po, *pOut;
- long lOutSize;
- lOutSize=GetReplaceSize(pBuf,pSrch,pRepl);
- /* Calc size of resultant string */
- po=pOut=(char*)malloc(lOutSize+1);
- /* Get storage */
- (void)memset(pOut,0,lOutSize);
- /* just in case ... cleanup space */
- for(pE=pBuf,p=strstr(pBuf,pSrch); p; p=strstr(pE,pSrch)) {
- while(pE<p)
- *po++ = *pE++; /* copy characters not being replaced */
- strcpy(po,pRepl); /* copy replace string */
- pE = p + strlen(pSrch); /* move pointer on input string ahead */
- po = po + strlen(pRepl);/* move pointer on output string ahead */
- }
- while(*pE) /* process remaining part of string */
- *po++ = *pE++; /* copy characters */
- *po=0; /* don't forget the all important NULL */
- return( pOut ); /* OK, otta here! */
- }
- static long
- GetReplaceSize(char *pBuf, char *pSrch, char *pRepl )
- {
- char *p, *pE;
- long lStrCount = 0;
- for( p=strstr(pBuf,pSrch); p; p=strstr(pE,pSrch)) {
- pE = p + strlen(pSrch);
- pE++;
- lStrCount++; /* Count occurances of "pSrch" */
- }
- return (strlen(pBuf)+(lStrCount*(strlen(pRepl)-strlen(pSrch))) );
- /* Calc Size of replaced string */
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ScalarAscii(Scalar_t *pList)
- {
- char *pStr;
- Scalar_t *pInt;
- int iSize, iChar;
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,3,"ScalarAscii()");
- if(!pList){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarAscii:Scalar is NULL(%x)",pList);
- MsgPush("ScalarAscii:Scalar is NULL");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- iSize = l_size(pList->uVal.pList);
- if(iSize!=1){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:Invalid args to Ascii");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- pInt=(Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- pStr=ScalarToString(pInt);
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,2,"ScalarAscii(%s)",pStr);
- iChar = (int) *pStr;
- pInt->esType = eIntType;
- pInt->uVal.iInt = iChar;
- pInt->lSize = 1;
- return(pInt);
- }
- Scalar_t *
- ScalarCHR(Scalar_t *pList)
- {
- char *pStr, sChar[2];
- Scalar_t *pString;
- int iSize, iChar;
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,3,"ScalarCHR()");
- if(!pList){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"ScalarCHR:Scalar is NULL(%x)",pList);
- MsgPush("ScalarCHR:Scalar is NULL");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- iSize = l_size(pList->uVal.pList);
- if(iSize!=1){
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,0,"WARN:Invalid args to CHR");
- return(&gsNullScalar);
- }
- pString=(Scalar_t *)DEQ(pList->uVal.pList);
- iChar = (int) ScalarToDouble(pString);
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,2,"ScalarCHR(%d)",iChar);
- sChar[0] = (char)iChar;
- sChar[1] = (char)0;
- DebugHTML(__FILE__,__LINE__,2,"ScalarCHR(%s,%c)",sChar,iChar);
- pString->esType = eStringType;
- pString->uVal.pString = DupBuf(sChar);
- pString->lSize =iStrLen(sChar);
- return(pString);
- }