- /**********************************************************************
- /* Copyright (C) 1990 - 1999 Steve A. Olson
- /* 11617 Quarterfield Dr
- /* Ellicott City, MD, 21042
- /* All rights reserved.
- /**********************************************************************
- /* */
- /*
- /* The main LINKED-LIST routines. This file contains most of the API
- /* functions -- some are in seperate modules so that target
- /* executables are as small as possible.
- /*
- /* Contained in this module are the following functions:
- /* l_create()
- /* l_destroy()
- /* l_insert()
- /* l_delete()
- /* l_find()
- /* */
- #include "list.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- /* L_CREATE -- Create a LIST.
- /* Create takes one paramater -- the name of the LIST CLASS, the
- /* name is used to lookup the INSERT, DELETE, and FIND functions
- /* from the LIST FUNCTION TABLE.
- */
- LIST *
- l_create(char *name)
- {
- register LIST *ll;
- PFI lgetinsf();
- PFV lgetdelf();
- PFN lgetfindf();
- PFI lgetscanf();
- if( (ll=(LIST *)malloc(sizeof(LIST))) == NULL_LIST )
- return( NULL_LIST );
- if( ((ll->f_insert = lgetinsf(name)) == NULL_PFI ) ||
- ((ll->f_delete = lgetdelf(name)) == NULL_PFV ) ||
- ((ll->f_scan = lgetscanf(name))== NULL_PFI ) ||
- ((ll->f_find = lgetfindf(name))== NULL_PFN )
- ) {
- free( ll );
- return( NULL_LIST );
- }
- ll->size = 0;
- ll->first = NULL_LNODE;
- ll->last = NULL_LNODE;
- ll->current = NULL_LNODE;
- return(ll);
- }
- /* L_DESTROY -- Destroy a LIST.
- /*
- /* Destroy takes one paramater -- the LIST to be destroyed.
- */
- int
- l_destroy(LIST *ll)
- {
- if(ll==NULL_LIST)
- return ( 0 );
- while(ll->first) {
- ll->current=ll->first;
- ll->first=ll->first->next;
- free(ll->current);
- }
- free(ll);
- return(1); /* returns TRUE */
- }
- /* L_INSERT -- Insert an Element into the LIST.
- /* Insert takes three paramaters
- /* LIST, the compare function, and the INFO to be INSERTED.
- /*
- /* The compare function is used for ASCEND and DESCEND LIST CLASSES
- /* so that the INFO gets inserted in the proper order.
- /*
- /* The compare function must take two parameters both the same type as
- /* INFO. INFO already in LIST is given as the FIRST parameter and the
- /* NEW INFO is always the SECOND parameter.
- /*
- /* The compare function must know how to compare the two INFO and what
- /* constitutes one being 'Greater Than', 'Less Than', and 'Equal To'
- /* another. If the First Parameter is 'Greater Than' and Second the
- /* compare function should return an INTEGER Greater Than 0. If the
- /* First Parameter is 'Less Than' the Second it should return an INTEGER
- /* Less Than 0. If the two are Equal the Compare function should
- /* return 0.
- */
- int
- l_insert(LIST *ll, PFI cmp_f, void *info)
- {
- register int val;
- if(ll==NULL_LIST)
- return ( 0 );
- if( (val=((*ll->f_insert)(&ll->first, &ll->last, cmp_f, info)))==1)
- ll->size++;
- return( val );
- }
- /* L_DELETE -- Delete an Element LIST.
- /*
- /* Delete takes 4 arguments:
- /* LIST, find function, compare function, and compare INFO.
- /* Valid 'find function' are: NULL_PFV, l_find, l_ffirst, l_fnext,
- /* and l_fprev. (NULL_PFV is used for QUEUE and STACK LISTS).
- /* The 'find function' sets ll->current.
- /*
- /* l_delete returns a pointer to the Deleted INFO so that the USER
- /* can manually free it.
- /*
- /* The 'Compare function' is the same as INSERT.
- */
- void *
- l_delete(LIST *ll,PFV find_f,PFI cmp_f,void *cmp_i)
- {
- register void *info;
- if(ll==NULL_LIST)
- return ( (void *)0 );
- if( find_f==NULL_PFV || ((*find_f)(ll,cmp_f,cmp_i)) ) {
- if((info=((*ll->f_delete)(&ll->first,&ll->last,&ll->current))))
- ll->size--;
- return(info);
- }
- return( (void *)0 );
- }
- /* L_FIND -- Find an Element in the LIST.
- /* Find takes three paramater.
- /* LIST, compare function, and compare information.
- /* Compare function is same as INSERT.
- */
- void *
- l_find(LIST *ll, PFI cmp_f, void *cmp_i)
- {
- if(ll==NULL_LIST)
- return ( (void *)0 );
- if((ll->current=(*ll->f_find)(&ll->first,&ll->last,ll->size,cmp_f,cmp_i)))
- return ( ll->current->info );
- return ( (void *)0 );
- }
- /* L_SCAN -- SCAN entire LIST and invoke scan_f for every node.
- /* SCAN takes two paramaters.
- /* LIST and scan function.
- */
- int
- l_scan(LIST *ll, PFI scan_f)
- {
- if(ll==NULL_LIST)
- return(0);
- return (*ll->f_scan)(ll->first,ll->size,scan_f);
- }