- <%@ CODEPAGE=65001 %>
- <%
- '///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- '// 插件应用: 1.8 Pre Terminator 及以上版本, 其它版本的Z-blog未知
- '// 插件制作: haphic(http://haphic.com/)
- '// 备 注: 插件管理插件
- '// 最后修改: 2008-6-28
- '// 最后版本: 1.2
- '///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- %>
- <% Option Explicit %>
- <% On Error Resume Next %>
- <% Response.Charset="UTF-8" %>
- <% Response.Buffer=True %>
- <% Server.ScriptTimeout=99999999 %>
- <!-- #include file="../../c_option.asp" -->
- <!-- #include file="../../function/c_function.asp" -->
- <!-- #include file="../../function/c_system_lib.asp" -->
- <!-- #include file="../../function/c_system_base.asp" -->
- <!-- #include file="../../function/c_system_plugin.asp" -->
- <!-- #include file="c_sapper.asp" -->
- <!-- #include file="../p_config.asp" -->
- <%
- Call System_Initialize()
- '检查非法链接
- Call CheckReference("")
- '检查权限
- If BlogUser.Level>1 Then Call ShowError(6)
- If CheckPluginState("PluginSapper")=False Then Call ShowError(48)
- BlogTitle = "从服务器安装插件"
- %><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
- <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="<%=ZC_BLOG_LANGUAGE%>" lang="<%=ZC_BLOG_LANGUAGE%>">
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- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
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- <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"/>
- <link rel="stylesheet" rev="stylesheet" href="../../CSS/admin.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
- <link rel="stylesheet" rev="stylesheet" href="images/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
- <title><%=BlogTitle%></title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id="divMain">
- <div class="Header">Plugin Sapper-插件安装 - 在线安装您选择的插件.</div>
- <%Call SapperMenu("0")%>
- <div id="divMain2">
- <div>
- <%
- Dim Install_Error
- Install_Error=0
- Dim Install_Url,Install_ID,Install_Pack,Install_Path,Install_Data
- Install_Url=Request.QueryString("url")
- Install_ID=Mid(Install_Url, InStrRev(Install_Url, "plugin=")+7)
- If Install_Url="" Then
- Response.Write "<p><font color=""red""> × 插件的下载地址为空.</font></p>"
- Install_Error=Install_Error+1
- Else
- '验证所要安装的插件是否存在
- Action=Request.QueryString("act")
- If Action<>"confirm" Then
- Response.Write "<p id=""loading"">正在验证更新, 请稍候... 如果长时间停止响应, 请 <a href=""javascript:window.location.reload();"" title=""点此重试"">[点此重试]</a></p>"
- Response.Flush
- Set objXmlVerChk=New PluginSapper_CheckVersionViaXML
- objXmlVerChk.XmlDataWeb=(getHTTPPage(Resource_URL & Install_ID & "/verchk.xml"))
- objXmlVerChk.XmlDataLocal=(LoadFromFile(BlogPath & "/PLUGIN/" & Install_ID & "/plugin.xml","utf-8"))
- If Action="update" Then
- If (LCase(objXmlVerChk.Item_ID_Web)=LCase(Install_ID)) Then
- Response.Write "<p class=""status-box"">您将对这个插件 <b>("& objXmlVerChk.Item_Name_Web &")</b> 进行修复或升级, 如果继续安装会将其<b>完全覆盖</b>. 请在继续前确认您已按插件说明对插件中进行必要备份.<br/><br/>"
- Response.Write "您当前插件版本为: <b>"& objXmlVerChk.Item_Version_Local &"</b>. 发布日期为: <b>"& objXmlVerChk.Item_PubDate_Local &"</b>. 最后修改日期为: <b>"& objXmlVerChk.Item_Modified_Local &"</b>.<br/>"
- Response.Write "将要安装的版本为: <b>"& objXmlVerChk.Item_Version_Web &"</b>. 发布日期为: <b>"& objXmlVerChk.Item_PubDate_Web &"</b>. 最后修改日期为: <b>"& objXmlVerChk.Item_Modified_Web &"</b><br/><br/>"
- If objXmlVerChk.Item_Url_Web<>Empty Then
- Response.Write "<a href="""& objXmlVerChk.Item_Url_Web &""" target=""_blank"" title=""查看插件的发布页面"">点此查看插件的发布信息!</a><br/><br/>"
- End If
- Response.Write objXmlVerChk.OutputResults & "<br/><br/>"
- Response.Write "<a href=""Xml_Install.asp?act=confirm&url="& Server.URLEncode(Install_Url) &""" title=""继续安装"">[继续安装]</a> 或 <a href=""javascript:history.back(1);"" title=""返回上一页面"">[取消安装]</a><p>"
- Else
- Response.Write "<p class=""status-box"">对不起, 这个插件 <b>("& objXmlVerChk.Item_Name_Local &")</b> 不支持在线安装或升级, 请返回上一页. <br/><br/><a href=""javascript:history.back(1);"" title=""返回上一页面"">[返回上一页]</a><p>"
- End If
- Install_Error=Install_Error+1
- Else
- If (LCase(objXmlVerChk.Item_ID_Local)=LCase(Install_ID)) Then
- Response.Write "<p class=""status-box"">您已安装了这个插件 <b>("& objXmlVerChk.Item_Name_Local &")</b>, 如果继续安装会将其<b>完全覆盖</b>, 这可能会导致您对该插件的设置和操作及写入插件的信息等丢失, 是否继续安装?<br/><br/>"
- Response.Write "您当前插件版本为: <b>"& objXmlVerChk.Item_Version_Local &"</b>. 发布日期为: <b>"& objXmlVerChk.Item_PubDate_Local &"</b>. 最后修改日期为: <b>"& objXmlVerChk.Item_Modified_Local &"</b>.<br/>"
- Response.Write "将要安装的版本为: <b>"& objXmlVerChk.Item_Version_Web &"</b>. 发布日期为: <b>"& objXmlVerChk.Item_PubDate_Web &"</b>. 最后修改日期为: <b>"& objXmlVerChk.Item_Modified_Web &"</b><br/><br/>"
- If objXmlVerChk.Item_Url_Web<>Empty Then
- Response.Write "<a href="""& objXmlVerChk.Item_Url_Web &""" target=""_blank"" title=""查看插件的发布页面"">点此查看插件的发布信息!</a><br/><br/>"
- End If
- Response.Write objXmlVerChk.OutputResults & "<br/><br/>"
- Response.Write "<a href=""Xml_Install.asp?act=confirm&url="& Server.URLEncode(Install_Url) &""" title=""继续安装"">[继续安装]</a> 或 <a href=""javascript:history.back(1);"" title=""返回上一页面"">[取消安装]</a><p>"
- Install_Error=Install_Error+1
- End If
- End If
- Set objXmlVerChk=Nothing
- Response.Write "<script language=""JavaScript"" type=""text/javascript"">document.getElementById('loading').style.display = 'none';</script>"
- If Install_Error<>0 Then Response.End
- End If
- Response.Write "<p id=""loading"">正在安装插件, 请稍候... 如果长时间停止响应, 请 <a href=""javascript:window.location.reload();"" title=""点此重试"">[点此重试]</a></p>"
- Response.Flush
- '下载安装插件
- Response.Write "<p class=""status-box"">正在下载 ZPI 插件安装包文件... <img id=""status"" align=""absmiddle"" src=""images/loading.gif"" /><p>"
- Response.Flush
- Install_Data = getHTTPPage(Install_Url)
- Install_Pack = BlogPath & "PLUGIN/Install.zpi"
- Install_Path = BlogPath & "PLUGIN/"
- If Install_Data = False Then
- Response.Write "<p><font color=""red""> × ZPI 文件下载失败.</font></p>"
- Install_Error=Install_Error+1
- Else
- Response.Write "<p><font color=""green""> √ ZPI 文件下载完成.</font></p>"
- End If
- Response.Write "<script language=""JavaScript"" type=""text/javascript"">document.getElementById('status').style.display = 'none';</script>"
- Response.Flush
- Call SaveToFile(Install_Pack,Install_Data,"utf-8",False)
- Response.Write "<p><font color=""green""> √ ZPI 文件 ""PLUGIN/Install.zpi"" 已被保存到您的空间内.</font></p>"
- Response.Flush
- Response.Write "<p class=""status-box"">ZPI 文件 ""PLUGIN/Install.zpi"" 正在解包安装...<p>"
- Response.Flush
- Dim objXmlVerChkFile
- Dim objNodeList
- Dim objFSO
- Dim objStream
- Dim i,j
- Set objXmlVerChkFile = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
- objXmlVerChkFile.async = False
- objXmlVerChkFile.ValidateOnParse=False
- objXmlVerChkFile.load(Install_Pack)
- If objXmlVerChkFile.readyState<>4 Then
- Response.Write "<p><font color=""red""> × ZPI 文件未准备就绪, 无法解包.</font></p>"
- Install_Error=Install_Error+1
- Else
- If objXmlVerChkFile.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then
- Response.Write "<p><font color=""red""> × ZPI 文件有错误, 无法解包.</font></p>"
- Install_Error=Install_Error+1
- Else
- Dim Pack_ver,Pack_Type,Pack_For,Pack_ID,Pack_Name
- Pack_Ver = objXmlVerChkFile.documentElement.SelectSingleNode("//root").getAttributeNode("version").value
- Pack_Type = objXmlVerChkFile.documentElement.selectSingleNode("//root").getAttributeNode("type").value
- Pack_For = objXmlVerChkFile.documentElement.selectSingleNode("//root").getAttributeNode("for").value
- Pack_ID = objXmlVerChkFile.documentElement.selectSingleNode("id").text
- Pack_Name = objXmlVerChkFile.documentElement.selectSingleNode("name").text
- If (CDbl(Pack_Ver) > CDbl(XML_Pack_Ver)) Then
- Response.Write "<p><font color=""red""> × ZPI 文件的 XML 版本为 "& Pack_Ver &", 而你的解包器版本为 "& XML_Pack_Ver &", 请升级您的 PluginSapper, 安装被中止.</font></p>"
- Install_Error=Install_Error+1
- ElseIf (LCase(Pack_Type) <> LCase(XML_Pack_Type)) Then
- Response.Write "<p><font color=""red""> × 不是 ZPI 文件, 而可能是 "& Pack_Type &", 安装被中止.</font></p>"
- Install_Error=Install_Error+1
- ElseIf (LCase(Pack_For) <> LCase(XML_Pack_Version)) Then
- Response.Write "<p><font color=""red""> × ZPI 文件版本不符合, 该版本可能是 "& Pack_For &", 安装被中止.</font></p>"
- Install_Error=Install_Error+1
- Else
- Response.Write "<blockquote><font color=""Teal"">"
- Set objNodeList = objXmlVerChkFile.documentElement.selectNodes("//folder/path")
- Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- j=objNodeList.length-1
- For i=0 To j
- If objFSO.FolderExists(Install_Path & objNodeList(i).text)=False Then
- objFSO.CreateFolder(Install_Path & objNodeList(i).text)
- End If
- Response.Write "创建目录" & objNodeList(i).text & "<br/>"
- Response.Flush
- Next
- Set objFSO = Nothing
- Set objNodeList = Nothing
- Set objNodeList = objXmlVerChkFile.documentElement.selectNodes("//file/path")
- j=objNodeList.length-1
- For i=0 To j
- Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
- With objStream
- .Type = 1
- .Open
- .Write objNodeList(i).nextSibling.nodeTypedvalue
- .SaveToFile Install_Path & objNodeList(i).text,2
- Response.Write "释放文件" & objNodeList(i).text & "<br/>"
- Response.Flush
- .Close
- End With
- Set objStream = Nothing
- Next
- Set objNodeList = Nothing
- Response.Write "</font></blockquote>"
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Set objXmlVerChkFile = Nothing
- If Err.Number<>0 Then Install_Error=Install_Error+1
- Err.Clear
- Response.Write "<p>"
- Install_Error = Install_Error + DeleteFile(BlogPath & "PLUGIN/" & "Install.zpi")
- Response.Write "</p>"
- If Install_Error = 0 Then
- Response.Write "<p>"
- Install_Error = Install_Error + DeleteFile(BlogPath & "PLUGIN/" & Pack_ID & "/verchk.xml")
- Response.Write "</p>"
- End If
- Response.Flush
- End If
- If Install_Error = 0 Then
- Response.Write "<p class=""status-box""> √ 插件安装完成. 如果您的浏览器没能自动跳转, 请 <a href=""PluginDetail.asp?Plugin=" & Server.URLEncode(Pack_ID) & "&Pluginname=" & Server.URLEncode(Pack_Name) & """>[点击这里]</a>.</p>"
- Response.Write "<script>setTimeout(""self.location.href='PluginDetail.asp?Plugin=" & Server.URLEncode(Pack_ID) & "&Pluginname=" & Server.URLEncode(Pack_Name) & "'"",3000);</script>"
- Else
- Response.Write "<p class=""status-box""><font color=""red""> × 插件安装失败. "
- Response.Write "<a href=""javascript:window.location.reload();"" title=""返回上一个页面""><span>[点此重试]</span></a> 或 <a href=""Xml_List.asp"" title=""返回资源列表页""><span>[点此返回资源列表页]</span></a></font></p>"
- End If
- Response.Write "<script language=""JavaScript"" type=""text/javascript"">document.getElementById('loading').style.display = 'none';</script>"
- %>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </body>
- </html>
- <%
- Call System_Terminate()
- If Err.Number<>0 Then
- Call ShowError(0)
- End If
- %>