- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Copyright (C) 1998 by J鰎g K鰊ig
- // All rights reserved
- //
- // This file is part of the completely free tetris clone "CGTetris".
- //
- // This is free software.
- // You may redistribute it by any means providing it is not sold for profit
- // without the authors written consent.
- //
- // No warrantee of any kind, expressed or implied, is included with this
- // software; use at your own risk, responsibility for damages (if any) to
- // anyone resulting from the use of this software rests entirely with the
- // user.
- //
- // Send bug reports, bug fixes, enhancements, requests, flames, etc., and
- // I'll try to keep a version up to date. I can be reached as follows:
- // J.Koenig@adg.de (company site)
- // Joerg.Koenig@rhein-neckar.de (private site)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Midi.h : main header file for the MIDI application
- //
- // This class is based on the DirectX sample "mstream".
- #ifndef MIDI_h
- #define MIDI_h
- #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
- #include <mmsystem.h>
- #pragma message("linking with multimedia library")
- #pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib")
- #include <vector>
- using namespace std;
- // This message is sent to the controlling window, if the volume changes in
- // another way than explicitly set by the owner of the CMIDI object.
- // WPARAM the pointer to the MIDI object
- // LPARAM lo-word: the number of the channel that changed volume
- // hi-word: the new volume in percent
- #define MIDI_CTRLCHANGE ((BYTE)0xB0) // + ctrlr + value
- #define MIDI_PRGMCHANGE ((BYTE)0xC0) // + new patch
- #define MIDI_CHANPRESS ((BYTE)0xD0) // + pressure (1 byte)
- #define MIDICTRL_VOLUME ((BYTE)0x07)
- #define MIDIEVENT_CHANNEL(dw) (dw & 0x0000000F)
- #define MIDIEVENT_TYPE(dw) (dw & 0x000000F0)
- #define MIDIEVENT_DATA1(dw) ((dw & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)
- #define MIDIEVENT_VOLUME(dw) ((dw & 0x007F0000) >> 16)
- #define MIDI_SYSEX ((BYTE)0xF0) // SysEx begin
- #define MIDI_SYSEXEND ((BYTE)0xF7) // SysEx end
- #define MIDI_META ((BYTE)0xFF) // Meta event begin
- #define MIDI_META_TEMPO ((BYTE)0x51) // Tempo change
- #define MIDI_META_EOT ((BYTE)0x2F) // End-of-track
- // flags for the ConvertToBuffer() method
- #define CONVERTF_RESET 0x00000001
- #define CONVERTF_STATUS_DONE 0x00000001
- #define CONVERTF_STATUS_STUCK 0x00000002
- #define CONVERTF_STATUS_GOTEVENT 0x00000004
- // Return values from the ConvertToBuffer() method
- #define CONVERTERR_NOERROR 0 // No error occured
- #define CONVERTERR_CORRUPT -101 // The input file is corrupt
- // The converter has already encountered a corrupt file and cannot convert any
- // more of this file -- must reset the converter
- #define CONVERTERR_STUCK -102
- #define CONVERTERR_DONE -103 // Converter is done
- #define CONVERTERR_BUFFERFULL -104 // The buffer is full
- #define CONVERTERR_METASKIP -105 // Skipping unknown meta event
- #define STATUS_KILLCALLBACK 100 // Signals that the callback should die
- #define STATUS_CALLBACKDEAD 200 // Signals callback is done processing
- #define STATUS_WAITINGFOREND 300 // Callback's waiting for buffers to play
- // Description of a track
- //
- struct TRACK
- {
- DWORD fdwTrack; // Track's flags
- DWORD dwTrackLength; // Total bytes in track
- LPBYTE pTrackStart; // -> start of track data buffer
- LPBYTE pTrackCurrent; // -> next byte to read in buffer
- DWORD tkNextEventDue; // Absolute time of next event in track
- BYTE byRunningStatus;// Running status from last channel msg
- : fdwTrack(0)
- , dwTrackLength(0)
- , pTrackStart(0)
- , pTrackCurrent(0)
- , tkNextEventDue(0)
- , byRunningStatus(0)
- {
- }
- };
- #define ITS_F_ENDOFTRK 0x00000001
- // This structure is used to pass information to the ConvertToBuffer()
- // system and then internally by that function to send information about the
- // target stream buffer and current state of the conversion process to internal
- // lower level conversion routines.
- {
- MIDIHDR mhBuffer; // Standard Windows stream buffer header
- DWORD dwStartOffset; // Start offset from mhStreamBuffer.lpStart
- DWORD dwMaxLength; // Max length to convert on this pass
- DWORD dwBytesRecorded;
- DWORD tkStart;
- BOOL bTimesUp;
- : dwStartOffset(0)
- , dwMaxLength(0)
- , dwBytesRecorded(0)
- , tkStart(0)
- , bTimesUp(FALSE)
- {
- memset(&mhBuffer, 0, sizeof(MIDIHDR));
- }
- };
- // Temporary event structure which stores event data until we're ready to
- // dump it into a stream buffer
- struct TEMPEVENT
- {
- DWORD tkEvent; // Absolute time of event
- BYTE byShortData[4]; // Event type and parameters if channel msg
- DWORD dwEventLength; // Length of data which follows if meta or sysex
- LPBYTE pLongData; // -> Event data if applicable
- };
- class CMIDI
- {
- protected:
- typedef vector<TRACK> TrackArray_t;
- typedef vector<DWORD> VolumeArray_t;
- typedef vector<CONVERTINFO> ConvertArray_t;
- enum {
- NUM_CHANNELS = 16, // 16 volume channels
- VOLUME_INIT = 100, // 100% volume by default
- OUT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024, // Max stream buffer size in bytes
- VOLUME_MAX = 127 // == 100%
- };
- public:
- CMIDI();
- virtual ~CMIDI();
- BOOL Create(LPVOID pSoundData, DWORD dwSize, CWnd * pParent = 0);
- BOOL Create(LPCTSTR pszResID, CWnd * pParent = 0);
- BOOL Create(UINT uResID, CWnd * pParent = 0);
- BOOL Play(BOOL bInfinite = FALSE);
- BOOL Stop(BOOL bReOpen = TRUE);
- BOOL IsPlaying() const { return m_bPlaying; }
- BOOL Pause();
- BOOL Continue();
- BOOL IsPaused() const { return m_bPaused; }
- // Set playback position back to the start
- BOOL Rewind();
- // Get the number of volume channels
- DWORD GetChannelCount() const;
- // Set the volume of a channel in percent. Channels are from 0 to (GetChannelCount()-1)
- void SetChannelVolume(DWORD channel, DWORD percent);
- // Get the volume of a channel in percent
- DWORD GetChannelVolume(DWORD channel) const;
- // Set the volume for all channels in percent
- void SetVolume(DWORD percent);
- // Get the average volume for all channels
- DWORD GetVolume() const;
- // Set the tempo of the playback. Default: 100%
- void SetTempo(DWORD percent);
- // Get the current tempo in percent (usually 100)
- DWORD GetTempo() const;
- // You can (un)set an infinite loop during playback.
- // Note that "Play()" resets this setting!
- void SetInfinitePlay(BOOL bSet = TRUE);
- protected: // implementation
- // This function converts MIDI data from the track buffers.
- int ConvertToBuffer(DWORD dwFlags, CONVERTINFO * lpciInfo);
- // Fills in the event struct with the next event from the track
- BOOL GetTrackEvent(TRACK * ptsTrack, TEMPEVENT * pteTemp);
- // Retrieve the next byte from the track buffer, refilling the buffer from
- // disk if necessary.
- BOOL GetTrackByte(TRACK * ptsTrack, LPBYTE lpbyByte) {
- if( DWORD(ptsTrack->pTrackCurrent - ptsTrack->pTrackStart) == ptsTrack->dwTrackLength )
- return FALSE;
- *lpbyByte = *ptsTrack->pTrackCurrent++;
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Attempts to parse a variable length DWORD from the given track.
- BOOL GetTrackVDWord(TRACK * ptsTrack, LPDWORD lpdw);
- // Put the given event into the given stream buffer at the given location.
- int AddEventToStreamBuffer( TEMPEVENT * pteTemp, CONVERTINFO * lpciInfo );
- // Opens a MIDI stream. Then it goes about converting the data into a midiStream buffer for playback.
- BOOL StreamBufferSetup();
- void FreeBuffers();
- protected: // error handling
- // The default implementation writes the error message in the
- // debuggers output window. Override if you want a different
- // behavior.
- virtual void MidiError(MMRESULT Result);
- // Failure in converting track into stream.
- // The default implementation displays the offset and the total
- // number of bytes of the failed track and the error message in
- // the debuggers output window.
- virtual void TrackError(TRACK *, LPSTR ErrMsg);
- protected: // overridables
- // called when a MIDI output device is opened
- virtual void OnMidiOutOpen();
- // called when the MIDI output device is closed
- virtual void OnMidiOutClose();
- // called when the specified system-exclusive or stream buffer
- // has been played and is being returned to the application
- virtual void OnMidiOutDone(MIDIHDR &);
- // called when a MEVT_F_CALLBACK event is reached in the MIDI output stream
- virtual void OnMidiOutPositionCB(MIDIHDR &, MIDIEVENT &);
- private: // callback procedure
- // This procedure calls the overridables above.
- protected: // data members
- DWORD m_dwSoundSize;
- LPVOID m_pSoundData;
- DWORD m_dwFormat;
- DWORD m_dwTrackCount;
- DWORD m_dwTimeDivision;
- BOOL m_bPlaying;
- HMIDISTRM m_hStream;
- DWORD m_dwProgressBytes;
- BOOL m_bLooped;
- DWORD m_tkCurrentTime;
- DWORD m_dwBufferTickLength;
- DWORD m_dwCurrentTempo;
- DWORD m_dwTempoMultiplier;
- BOOL m_bInsertTempo;
- BOOL m_bBuffersPrepared;
- int m_nCurrentBuffer;
- UINT m_uMIDIDeviceID;
- int m_nEmptyBuffers;
- BOOL m_bPaused;
- UINT m_uCallbackStatus;
- HANDLE m_hBufferReturnEvent;
- CWnd * m_pWndParent;
- TrackArray_t m_Tracks;
- VolumeArray_t m_Volumes;
- ConvertArray_t m_StreamBuffers;
- // data members especially for ConvertToBuffer()
- TRACK * m_ptsTrack;
- TRACK * m_ptsFound;
- DWORD m_dwStatus;
- DWORD m_tkNext;
- DWORD m_dwMallocBlocks;
- TEMPEVENT m_teTemp;
- };
- // Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
- #endif // MIDI_h