- Attribute VB_Name = "DXF"
- Option Explicit
- Const pi = 3.14159265358979
- Type RECT
- X1 As Single
- Y1 As Single
- X2 As Single
- Y2 As Single
- End Type
- Private Type LOGFONT
- lfHeight As Long
- lfWidth As Long
- lfEscapement As Long
- lfOrientation As Long
- lfWeight As Long
- lfItalic As Byte
- lfUnderline As Byte
- lfStrikeOut As Byte
- lfCharSet As Byte
- lfOutPrecision As Byte
- lfClipPrecision As Byte
- lfQuality As Byte
- lfPitchAndFamily As Byte
- ' lfFaceName(LF_FACESIZE)
- lfFacename As String * 33
- End Type
- Type DataSet
- Key As Integer
- Value As Variant
- End Type
- Type Geometry
- Type As String
- Data() As DataSet
- End Type
- Type Block
- Name As String
- Entities() As Geometry
- End Type
- Type DXFData
- Blocks() As Block
- Entities() As Geometry
- End Type
- Dim Section() As String
- Private Declare Function CreateFontIndirect Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateFontIndirectA" (lpLogFont As LOGFONT) As Long
- Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
- Sub ClearKeys(ByRef Geo As Geometry)
- Dim i As Integer
- For i = 0 To UBound(Geo.Data)
- Geo.Data(i).Key = i
- Next i
- End Sub
- Function dAngle(Angle As Single) As Single
- If Angle > 360 Then
- dAngle = Angle - 360
- ElseIf Angle < 0 Then
- dAngle = Angle + 360
- Else
- dAngle = Angle
- End If
- End Function
- Function FindStart(sArray() As String, Start As Long)
- Dim i As Long
- For i = Start To UBound(sArray)
- If sArray(i) = "10" And sArray(i + 2) = "20" Then
- FindStart = i
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next i
- FindStart = -1
- End Function
- Sub PrepareEntity(ByRef Geo As Geometry)
- 'This may take a little more time during the "load"
- 'and it may take a little more memory, but in the end
- 'it will draw much faster
- Dim i As Integer
- Select Case Geo.Type
- Case "LINE"
- If UBound(Geo.Data) < 3 Then ReDim Preserve Geo.Data(3) As DataSet
- Geo.Data(0).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 10)
- Geo.Data(1).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 20)
- Geo.Data(2).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 11)
- Geo.Data(3).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 21)
- ReDim Preserve Geo.Data(3) As DataSet
- Case "ARC"
- If UBound(Geo.Data) < 4 Then ReDim Preserve Geo.Data(4) As DataSet
- Geo.Data(0).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 10)
- Geo.Data(1).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 20)
- Geo.Data(2).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 40)
- Geo.Data(3).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 50)
- Geo.Data(4).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 51)
- ReDim Preserve Geo.Data(4) As DataSet
- Case "CIRCLE"
- If UBound(Geo.Data) < 2 Then ReDim Preserve Geo.Data(2) As DataSet
- Geo.Data(0).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 10)
- Geo.Data(1).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 20)
- Geo.Data(2).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 40)
- ReDim Preserve Geo.Data(2) As DataSet
- Case "ELLIPSE"
- If UBound(Geo.Data) < 6 Then ReDim Preserve Geo.Data(6) As DataSet
- Geo.Data(0).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 10)
- Geo.Data(1).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 20)
- Geo.Data(2).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 11)
- Geo.Data(3).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 21)
- Geo.Data(4).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 40)
- Geo.Data(5).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 41)
- Geo.Data(6).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 42)
- ReDim Preserve Geo.Data(6) As DataSet
- Case "VERTEX"
- If UBound(Geo.Data) < 1 Then ReDim Preserve Geo.Data(1) As DataSet
- Geo.Data(0).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 10)
- Geo.Data(1).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 20)
- ReDim Preserve Geo.Data(1) As DataSet
- Case "TEXT"
- If UBound(Geo.Data) < 4 Then ReDim Preserve Geo.Data(4) As DataSet
- Geo.Data(0).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 10)
- Geo.Data(1).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 20)
- Geo.Data(2).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 40)
- Geo.Data(3).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 50)
- Geo.Data(4).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 1)
- ReDim Preserve Geo.Data(4) As DataSet
- Case "INSERT"
- If UBound(Geo.Data) < 5 Then ReDim Preserve Geo.Data(5) As DataSet
- Geo.Data(0).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 2)
- Geo.Data(1).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 10)
- Geo.Data(2).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 20)
- Geo.Data(3).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 41)
- Geo.Data(4).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 42)
- Geo.Data(5).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 50)
- ReDim Preserve Geo.Data(5) As DataSet
- If UBound(Geo.Data) < 10 Then ReDim Preserve Geo.Data(10) As DataSet
- Geo.Data(0).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 2)
- Geo.Data(1).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 10)
- Geo.Data(2).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 20)
- Geo.Data(3).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 11)
- Geo.Data(4).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 21)
- Geo.Data(5).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 12)
- Geo.Data(6).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 22)
- Geo.Data(7).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 13)
- Geo.Data(8).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 23)
- Geo.Data(9).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 14)
- Geo.Data(10).Value = kVal(Geo.Data(), 24)
- ReDim Preserve Geo.Data(10) As DataSet
- End Select
- ClearKeys Geo
- End Sub
- Function PtAng(X1 As Single, Y1 As Single) As Single
- If X1 = 0 Then
- If Y1 >= 0 Then
- PtAng = 90
- Else
- PtAng = 270
- End If
- PtAng = PtAng * pi / 180
- Exit Function
- ElseIf Y1 = 0 Then
- If X1 >= 0 Then
- PtAng = 0
- Else
- PtAng = 180
- End If
- PtAng = PtAng * pi / 180
- Exit Function
- Else
- PtAng = Atn(Y1 / X1)
- PtAng = PtAng * 180 / pi
- If PtAng < 0 Then PtAng = PtAng + 360
- If PtAng > 360 Then PtAng = PtAng - 360
- '----------Test for direction-(quadrant check)-------
- If X1 < 0 Then PtAng = PtAng + 180
- If Y1 < 0 And PtAng < 90 Then PtAng = PtAng + 180
- 'If X1 < 0 And PtAng <> 180 Then PtAng = PtAng + 180
- 'If Y1 < 0 And PtAng = 90 Then PtAng = PtAng + 180
- 'One final check
- If PtAng < 0 Then PtAng = PtAng + 360
- If PtAng > 360 Then PtAng = PtAng - 360
- PtAng = PtAng * pi / 180
- End If
- End Function
- Function cHyp(X1 As Single, Y1 As Single) As Single
- cHyp = Sqr((X1 * X1) + (Y1 * Y1))
- End Function
- Sub DrawDXF(Canvas As PictureBox, DXF As DXFData)
- On Error GoTo exitMe
- Canvas.Cls
- Canvas.Picture = LoadPicture()
- Dim i As Integer
- For i = 0 To UBound(DXF.Entities)
- DrawDXFGeometry Canvas, DXF, DXF.Entities(), i, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0
- Next i
- Canvas.Picture = Canvas.Image
- exitMe:
- End Sub
- Sub DrawBlock(Canvas As PictureBox, DXF As DXFData, BlockNum As Integer)
- On Error GoTo exitMe
- Canvas.Cls
- Canvas.Picture = LoadPicture()
- Dim i As Integer
- For i = 0 To UBound(DXF.Blocks(BlockNum).Entities)
- DrawDXFGeometry Canvas, DXF, DXF.Blocks(BlockNum).Entities(), i, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0
- Next i
- Canvas.Picture = Canvas.Image
- exitMe:
- End Sub
- Sub DrawDXFBlock(Canvas As PictureBox, DXF As DXFData, Name As String, cX As Single, cY As Single, ScaleX As Single, ScaleY As Single, Angle As Single)
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim bNum As Integer
- bNum = GetBlock(DXF, Name)
- For i = 0 To UBound(DXF.Blocks(bNum).Entities)
- DrawDXFGeometry Canvas, DXF, DXF.Blocks(bNum).Entities(), i, cX, cY, ScaleX, ScaleY, Angle
- Next i
- End Sub
- Sub DrawDXFDImension(Canvas As PictureBox, DXF As DXFData, Name As String)
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim bNum As Integer
- bNum = GetBlock(DXF, Name)
- For i = 0 To UBound(DXF.Blocks(bNum).Entities)
- DrawDXFGeometry Canvas, DXF, DXF.Blocks(bNum).Entities(), i, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0
- Next i
- End Sub
- Sub DrawDXFLine(Canvas As PictureBox, X1 As Single, Y1 As Single, X2 As Single, Y2 As Single, Color As Long)
- Canvas.Line (X1, -Y1)-(X2, -Y2), Color
- End Sub
- Sub DrawDXFText(Canvas As PictureBox, X1 As Single, Y1 As Single, Angle As Single, Size As Single, Text As String, Color As Long)
- Dim hPrevFont As Long
- Dim hFont As Long
- Dim FontName As String
- Dim XSIZE As Integer
- Dim YSIZE As Integer
- F.lfEscapement = 10 * Val(Angle) 'rotation angle, in tenths
- FontName = "Arial Black" + Chr$(0) 'null terminated
- F.lfFacename = FontName
- XSIZE = Canvas.ScaleX(Size, 0, 2)
- YSIZE = Canvas.ScaleY(Size, 0, 2)
- If XSIZE = 0 Then XSIZE = 1
- If YSIZE = 0 Then YSIZE = 1
- F.lfWidth = (XSIZE * -15) / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
- F.lfHeight = (YSIZE * -20) / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
- hFont = CreateFontIndirect(F)
- hPrevFont = SelectObject(Canvas.hdc, hFont)
- Canvas.ForeColor = Color
- Canvas.CurrentX = X1
- Canvas.CurrentY = -Y1 - Size
- Canvas.Print Text
- ' Clean up, restore original font
- hFont = SelectObject(Canvas.hdc, hPrevFont)
- DeleteObject hFont
- End Sub
- Sub DrawDXFArc(Canvas As PictureBox, X1 As Single, Y1 As Single, rad As Single, Angle1 As Single, Angle2 As Single, Color As Long)
- Angle1 = dAngle(Angle1)
- Angle2 = dAngle(Angle2)
- Dim i As Single
- Dim interval As Single
- If Angle1 > Angle2 Then
- If Angle1 <> 360 Then Canvas.Circle (X1, -Y1), rad, Color, Angle1 * pi / 180, 2 * pi
- If Angle2 <> 0 Then Canvas.Circle (X1, -Y1), rad, Color, 0, Angle2 * pi / 180
- Else
- 'It's a good practice to ALWAYS split your arcs into sections
- 'this method may not draw it properly
- 'if the arc ever ends up being close to a circle (CLOSED)
- interval = (Angle2 - Angle1) / pi
- For i = Angle1 To Angle2 - interval Step interval
- Canvas.Circle (X1, -Y1), rad, Color, i * pi / 180, (i + interval) * pi / 180
- Next i
- Canvas.Circle (X1, -Y1), rad, Color, i * pi / 180, (Angle2) * pi / 180
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub DrawDXFCircle(Canvas As PictureBox, X1 As Single, Y1 As Single, rad As Single, Color As Long)
- Canvas.Circle (X1, -Y1), rad, Color
- End Sub
- Sub DrawDXFPoint(Canvas As PictureBox, X1 As Single, Y1 As Single, Color As Long)
- Canvas.DrawWidth = 3
- Canvas.PSet (X1, -Y1), Color
- Canvas.DrawWidth = 1
- End Sub
- Sub DrawDXFEllipse(Canvas As PictureBox, cX As Single, cY As Single, mX As Single, mY As Single, Ratio As Single, Angle1 As Single, Angle2 As Single, NumPoints As Integer, Color)
- 'This was the HARDEST part of this project
- 'I don't know why . . it all seems simple now,
- 'but I had the hardest time figuring out how to rotate the ellipse
- 'none the less rotate an ellipse that isn't "closed"
- 'you CAN NOT simply use the windows API for drawing ellipses,
- 'because Windows does not allow rotation of the ellipse
- Dim A As Single, B As Single
- Dim RotAngle As Single
- Dim A1 As Single, A2 As Single
- Dim X1 As Single, Y1 As Single
- Dim X2 As Single, Y2 As Single
- Dim X3 As Single, Y3 As Single
- Dim Hyp As Single
- Dim j As Single
- Dim U As Single
- Dim Count As Integer
- A = Sqr((mX * mX) + (mY * mY))
- If mX < 0 Then A = -A
- B = Ratio * A
- If mX = 0 Then
- RotAngle = pi / 2
- Else
- RotAngle = Atn(mY / mX)
- End If
- For U = Angle1 To Angle2 + (pi / (NumPoints * 2)) Step pi / NumPoints
- X1 = A * Cos(U)
- Y1 = B * Sin(U)
- Hyp = Sqr((X1 * X1) + (Y1 * Y1))
- If X1 = 0 Then
- j = pi / 2
- Else
- j = Atn(Y1 / X1)
- End If
- If X1 < 0 Then Hyp = -Hyp
- If (j * 180 / pi) + (RotAngle * 180 / pi) > 360 Then j = j + (2 * pi)
- X2 = (Hyp * Cos(RotAngle + j))
- Y2 = (Hyp * Sin(RotAngle + j))
- If Count > 0 Then Canvas.Line (cX + X3, -cY - Y3)-(cX + X2, -cY - Y2), Color
- X3 = X2
- Y3 = Y2
- Count = Count + 1
- Next U
- End Sub
- Sub DrawDXFGeometry(Canvas As PictureBox, DXF As DXFData, Geo() As Geometry, Start As Integer, cX As Single, cY As Single, ScaleX As Single, ScaleY As Single, Angle As Single)
- 'When drawing geometry, and a 'modifier' is applied such as origin,scale or rotation
- 'you should follow the following order to draw geometry properly (when modified)
- '--------
- '--------
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim Color As Long
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim X1 As Single
- Dim Y1 As Single
- Dim X2 As Single
- Dim Y2 As Single
- Dim X3 As Single
- Dim Y3 As Single
- Dim Angle1 As Single
- Dim Angle2 As Single
- Dim Angle3 As Single
- Dim Ratio As Single
- Dim rad As Single
- Dim PCount As Integer
- Dim Text As String
- Dim Size As Single
- Dim Name As String
- Dim EndPoly As Boolean
- Canvas.DrawWidth = 1
- Canvas.DrawStyle = vbSolid
- Color = vbBlack
- Select Case Geo(Start).Type
- Case "LINE"
- 'Get the values
- X1 = Geo(Start).Data(0).Value
- Y1 = Geo(Start).Data(1).Value
- X2 = Geo(Start).Data(2).Value
- Y2 = Geo(Start).Data(3).Value
- 'Scale them relative to their origin
- X1 = X1 * ScaleX
- Y1 = Y1 * ScaleY
- X2 = X2 * ScaleX
- Y2 = Y2 * ScaleY
- 'Rotate them relative to their origin
- If Angle <> 0 Then
- X3 = RotX(X1, Y1, Angle)
- Y3 = RotY(X1, Y1, Angle)
- X1 = X3
- Y1 = Y3
- X3 = RotX(X2, Y2, Angle)
- Y3 = RotY(X2, Y2, Angle)
- X2 = X3
- Y2 = Y3
- End If
- 'Move the origin
- X1 = X1 + cX
- Y1 = Y1 + cY
- X2 = X2 + cX
- Y2 = Y2 + cY
- 'Draw the line
- DrawDXFLine Canvas, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Color
- Case "ARC"
- 'Circles and arc's AUTOMATICALLY become ELLIPSES when scaled
- X1 = Geo(Start).Data(0).Value
- Y1 = Geo(Start).Data(1).Value
- rad = Geo(Start).Data(2).Value
- Angle1 = Geo(Start).Data(3).Value
- Angle2 = Geo(Start).Data(4).Value
- X1 = X1 * ScaleX
- Y1 = Y1 * ScaleY
- 'You can't "STRETCH' an arc . . . or any BLOCK for that matter
- 'If you stretch and ARC or a circle in the PV . . .it becomes an ellipse
- If ScaleX <> 1 Then
- rad = rad * ScaleX
- ElseIf ScaleY <> 1 Then
- rad = rad * ScaleY
- End If
- If Angle <> 0 Then
- X3 = RotX(X1, Y1, Angle)
- Y3 = RotY(X1, Y1, Angle)
- X1 = X3
- Y1 = Y3
- End If
- If ScaleX < 0 Or ScaleY < 0 Then
- 'the ARC is mirrored
- Swap Angle1, Angle2
- Angle1 = 180 - Angle1
- Angle2 = 180 - Angle2
- End If
- Angle1 = Angle1 + (Angle * 180 / pi)
- Angle2 = Angle2 + (Angle * 180 / pi)
- X1 = X1 + cX
- Y1 = Y1 + cY
- DrawDXFArc Canvas, X1, Y1, Abs(rad), Angle1, Angle2, Color
- Case "CIRCLE"
- 'Circles and arc's AUTOMATICALLY become ELLIPSES when scaled
- X1 = Geo(Start).Data(0).Value
- Y1 = Geo(Start).Data(1).Value
- rad = Geo(Start).Data(2).Value
- X1 = X1 * ScaleX
- Y1 = Y1 * ScaleY
- If ScaleX <> 1 Then
- rad = rad * ScaleX
- ElseIf ScaleY <> 1 Then
- rad = rad * ScaleY
- End If
- If Angle <> 0 Then
- X3 = RotX(X1, Y1, Angle)
- Y3 = RotY(X1, Y1, Angle)
- X1 = X3
- Y1 = Y3
- End If
- X1 = X1 + cX
- Y1 = Y1 + cY
- DrawDXFCircle Canvas, X1, Y1, Abs(rad), Color
- Case "ELLIPSE"
- X1 = Geo(Start).Data(0).Value
- Y1 = Geo(Start).Data(1).Value
- X2 = Geo(Start).Data(2).Value
- Y2 = Geo(Start).Data(3).Value
- Ratio = Geo(Start).Data(4).Value
- Angle1 = Geo(Start).Data(5).Value
- Angle2 = Geo(Start).Data(6).Value
- X1 = X1 * ScaleX
- Y1 = Y1 * ScaleY
- X2 = X2 * ScaleX
- Y2 = Y2 * ScaleY
- If Angle <> 0 Then
- X3 = RotX(X1, Y1, Angle)
- Y3 = RotY(X1, Y1, Angle)
- X1 = X3
- Y1 = Y3
- X3 = RotX(X2, Y2, Angle)
- Y3 = RotY(X2, Y2, Angle)
- X2 = X3
- Y2 = Y3
- End If
- If ScaleX < 0 Or ScaleY < 0 Then Ratio = -Ratio 'the ELLIPSE is mirrored
- X1 = X1 + cX
- Y1 = Y1 + cY
- DrawDXFEllipse Canvas, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Ratio, Angle1, Angle2, 32, Color
- 'a POLYLINE is a list of "VERTEX" points that are strung together
- PCount = 1
- EndPoly = False
- Do While Not EndPoly
- X1 = Geo(Start + PCount).Data(0).Value
- Y1 = Geo(Start + PCount).Data(1).Value
- X2 = Geo(Start + PCount + 1).Data(0).Value
- Y2 = Geo(Start + PCount + 1).Data(1).Value
- 'Scale them relative to their origin
- X1 = X1 * ScaleX
- X2 = X2 * ScaleX
- Y1 = Y1 * ScaleY
- Y2 = Y2 * ScaleY
- 'Rotate them relative to their origin
- If Angle <> 0 Then
- X3 = RotX(X1, Y1, Angle)
- Y3 = RotY(X1, Y1, Angle)
- X1 = X3
- Y1 = Y3
- X3 = RotX(X2, Y2, Angle)
- Y3 = RotY(X2, Y2, Angle)
- X2 = X3
- Y2 = Y3
- End If
- 'Move the origin
- X1 = X1 + cX
- Y1 = Y1 + cY
- X2 = X2 + cX
- Y2 = Y2 + cY
- 'Dray the line
- DrawDXFLine Canvas, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Color
- PCount = PCount + 1
- If Start + PCount + 1 > UBound(Geo) Then
- EndPoly = True
- ElseIf Geo(Start + PCount + 1).Type <> "VERTEX" Then
- EndPoly = True
- End If
- Loop
- Case "TEXT"
- 'there is no scaling for TEXT entities
- X1 = Geo(Start).Data(0).Value
- Y1 = Geo(Start).Data(1).Value
- Size = Geo(Start).Data(2).Value
- Angle1 = Geo(Start).Data(3).Value + Angle
- Text = Geo(Start).Data(4).Value
- 'Move the origin
- X1 = X1 + cX
- Y1 = Y1 + cY
- DrawDXFText Canvas, X1, Y1, Angle1, Size, Text, Color
- Case "INSERT"
- 'Just a note: BLOCKS can not be "Stretched" but if they are mirrored . . that
- 'shows up in the "scale" dataset for BLOCKS
- Name = Geo(Start).Data(0).Value
- X1 = Geo(Start).Data(1).Value
- Y1 = Geo(Start).Data(2).Value
- X2 = Geo(Start).Data(3).Value
- Y2 = Geo(Start).Data(4).Value
- '"0" scale = scale of "1"
- If X2 = 0 Then X2 = 1
- If Y2 = 0 Then Y2 = 1
- Angle1 = Geo(Start).Data(5).Value * pi / 180
- DrawDXFBlock Canvas, DXF, Name, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Angle1
- 'Just a note: BLOCKS can not be "Stretched" but if they are mirrored . . that
- 'shows up in the "scale" dataset for BLOCKS
- Name = Geo(Start).Data(0).Value
- X1 = Geo(Start).Data(1).Value
- Y1 = Geo(Start).Data(2).Value
- DrawDXFDImension Canvas, DXF, Name
- End Select
- End Sub
- Sub FindCommand(FileNum As Integer, Command As String)
- Dim X As String
- Do While UCase(Trim(X)) <> UCase(Command)
- Line Input #FileNum, X
- Loop
- End Sub
- Function GetBlock(DXF As DXFData, Name As String) As Integer
- Dim i As Integer
- For i = 0 To UBound(DXF.Blocks)
- If DXF.Blocks(i).Name = Name Then
- GetBlock = i
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next i
- End Function
- Function GetSection(FileNum As Integer, Start As String, Finish As String, EndString As String, sArray() As String) As Boolean
- ReDim sArray(0) As String
- Dim Temp As String
- Dim i As Long
- Do While Temp <> Start
- Line Input #FileNum, Temp
- Temp = UCase(Trim(Temp))
- If Temp = EndString Then
- GetSection = False
- Exit Function
- End If
- Loop
- Do While Temp <> Finish
- Line Input #FileNum, Temp
- Temp = UCase(Trim(Temp))
- If Temp <> Finish Then
- ReDim Preserve sArray(i) As String
- sArray(i) = Temp
- i = i + 1
- End If
- Loop
- GetSection = True
- End Function
- Sub ImportDXF(FileDXF As String, ByRef DXF As DXFData)
- Dim FF As Integer
- Dim DXFLine As String
- Dim bCount As Integer
- Dim eCount As Integer
- Dim ENDSEC As Boolean
- ReDim DXF.Blocks(0) As Block
- ReDim DXF.Entities(0) As Geometry
- FF = FreeFile
- Open FileDXF For Input As #FF
- 'First we skip all the header stuff and get to the section called 'BLOCKS'
- FindCommand FF, "BLOCKS"
- '---------------------------
- 'BLOCKS are groups of geometry that
- 'are re-useable within the drawing
- 'they may appear several times within one drawing
- 'and if the block is modified it automatically
- 'modifies each time wherev it's used within the drawing
- Do While Not ENDSEC
- 'First we load in a SECTION into an array (BLOCK) to (ENDBLK)
- 'we do this until we come across the "ENDSEC" command
- If GetSection(FF, "BLOCK", "ENDBLK", "ENDSEC", Section()) Then
- 'We have a "BLOCK" in the array
- 'So we have to advance our array of BLOCKS
- ReDim Preserve DXF.Blocks(bCount) As Block
- ReDim Preserve DXF.Blocks(bCount).Entities(eCount) As Geometry
- If ParseBlock(Section(), DXF.Blocks(bCount)) Then
- bCount = bCount + 1
- eCount = 0
- End If
- Else
- ENDSEC = True
- End If
- Loop
- 'Now we go after the 'Primary View Entities
- ENDSEC = False
- eCount = 0
- GetSection FF, "ENTITIES", "ENDSEC", "ENDSEC", Section()
- 'This grabs ALL PV ENTITIES . . . kind of like one huge block
- Close #FF 'We can close the file because we're finished with it
- 'Next we fill the array with geometry data
- ParsePV Section(), DXF.Entities()
- End Sub
- Function IsCommand(InText As String)
- Select Case UCase(InText)
- 'These are the basic ENTITY COMMANDS available in the DXF language
- IsCommand = True
- Case Else
- IsCommand = False
- End Select
- End Function
- Function kVal(Data() As DataSet, Key As Integer) As Variant
- Dim i As Integer
- For i = 0 To UBound(Data)
- If Data(i).Key = Key Then
- kVal = Data(i).Value
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next i
- kVal = 0
- End Function
- Function ParseBlock(sArray() As String, ByRef tBlock As Block) As Boolean
- 'On Local Error GoTo exitMe:
- Dim i As Long
- Dim j As Long
- Dim k As Long
- Dim p As Long
- 'first we have to look for a section "6" to determine if this BLOCK section is "important"
- i = SearchSection(sArray(), i, "6")
- If i = -1 Then
- ParseBlock = False
- Exit Function
- End If
- i = SearchSection(sArray(), i, "2") + 1
- tBlock.Name = sArray(i)
- For j = i To UBound(sArray)
- If IsCommand(sArray(j)) Then 'We Found an ENTITY COMMAND
- ReDim Preserve tBlock.Entities(k) As Geometry
- tBlock.Entities(k).Type = sArray(j)
- 'I am not sure if a BLOCK can use a block.
- 'Either way, this is designed to work even if you can
- Select Case tBlock.Entities(k).Type
- 'KEY "2" on an INSERT provides the BLOCK name to be inserted
- j = SearchSection(sArray(), j, "2")
- Case Else
- j = FindStart(sArray(), j)
- 'j = SearchSection(sArray(), j, "10")
- End Select
- Do While sArray(j) <> "0"
- ReDim Preserve tBlock.Entities(k).Data(p)
- tBlock.Entities(k).Data(p).Key = sArray(j)
- tBlock.Entities(k).Data(p).Value = sArray(j + 1)
- p = p + 1
- j = j + 2
- Loop
- PrepareEntity tBlock.Entities(k)
- k = k + 1
- p = 0
- End If
- Next j
- ParseBlock = True
- Exit Function
- exitMe:
- MsgBox "ERROR " & Err.Description
- End Function
- Function ParsePV(sArray() As String, ByRef tGeo() As Geometry) As Boolean
- Dim i As Long
- Dim j As Long
- Dim k As Long
- Dim p As Long
- For j = i To UBound(sArray)
- If IsCommand(sArray(j)) Then 'we found an ENTITY COMMAND
- ReDim Preserve tGeo(k) As Geometry
- tGeo(k).Type = sArray(j)
- Select Case tGeo(k).Type
- 'KEY "2" on an INSERT provides the BLOCK name to be inserted to the PV
- j = SearchSection(sArray(), j, "2")
- Case Else
- j = FindStart(sArray(), j)
- 'j = SearchSection(sArray(), j, "10")
- End Select
- Do While sArray(j) <> "0"
- ReDim Preserve tGeo(k).Data(p)
- tGeo(k).Data(p).Key = sArray(j)
- tGeo(k).Data(p).Value = sArray(j + 1)
- p = p + 1
- j = j + 2
- Loop
- PrepareEntity tGeo(k)
- k = k + 1
- p = 0
- End If
- Next j
- ParsePV = True
- End Function
- Function RotX(X1 As Single, Y1 As Single, Angle As Single) As Single
- RotX = cHyp(X1, Y1) * Cos(PtAng(X1, Y1) + Angle)
- End Function
- Function RotY(X1 As Single, Y1 As Single, Angle As Single) As Single
- RotY = cHyp(X1, Y1) * Sin(PtAng(X1, Y1) + Angle)
- End Function
- Function SearchSection(sArray() As String, Start As Long, Value As String) As Long
- Dim i As Long
- For i = Start To UBound(sArray)
- If sArray(i) = Value Then
- SearchSection = i
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next i
- SearchSection = -1
- End Function
- Sub Swap(ByRef A As Variant, ByRef B As Variant)
- Dim C As Variant
- C = A
- A = B
- B = C
- End Sub