- <?php
- /**
- * Joomla/Mambo Community Builder : Plugin Handler
- * @version $Id: library/cb/cb.params.php 610 2006-12-13 17:33:44Z beat $
- * @package Community Builder
- * @subpackage cb.params.php
- * @author various, JoomlaJoe and Beat
- * @copyright (C) Beat and JoomlaJoe, www.joomlapolis.com and various
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL version 2
- */
- // ensure this file is being included by a parent file
- if ( ! ( defined( '_VALID_CB' ) || defined( '_JEXEC' ) || defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) ) ) { die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' ); }
- /**
- * Parameters handler
- * @package Joomla/Mambo Community Builder
- */
- class cbParamsEditorController extends cbParamsBase {
- // /** @var object */
- // var $_params = null;
- // /** @var string The raw params string */
- // var $_raw = null;
- /** The main enclosing tag name
- * @var string */
- var $_maintagname = null;
- /** The attribute name of setup file
- * @var string */
- var $_attrname = null;
- /** The attribute value of setup file
- * @var string */
- var $_attrvalue = null;
- /** plugin object
- * @var moscomprofilerPlugin */
- var $_pluginObject = null;
- /** @var int */
- var $_tabid = null;
- /** The xml plugin root element
- * @var CBSimpleXMLElement */
- var $_xml = null;
- /** The xml params element
- * @var CBSimpleXMLElement */
- var $_xmlElem = null;
- /** The xml actions element
- * @var CBSimpleXMLElement */
- var $_actions = null;
- /** The xml types element
- * @var CBSimpleXMLElement */
- var $_types = null;
- /** The xml views element
- * @var CBSimpleXMLElement */
- var $_views = null;
- /** Options from url REQUEST
- * @var unknown_type */
- var $_options = null;
- /** Extending view parser
- * @var cbEditRowView */
- var $_extendViewParser = null;
- /** CB plugin parameters
- * @var unknown_type */
- var $_pluginParams = null;
- /**
- * Constructor
- * @param string The raw parms text
- * @param CBSimpleXMLElement The root element
- * @param string The type of setup file
- */
- function cbParamsEditorController( $paramsValues, $xmlElement, $xml, &$pluginObject, $tabId=null, $maintagname='cbinstall', $attrname='type', $attrvalue='plugin' ) {
- // $this->_params = $this->parse( $text );
- // $this->_raw = $text;
- $this->cbParamsBase( $paramsValues );
- $this->_xml =& $xmlElement;
- if ( $xml ) {
- $this->_actions =& $xml->getElementByPath( 'actions' );
- $this->_types =& $xml->getElementByPath( 'types' );
- $this->_views =& $xml->getElementByPath( 'views' );
- }
- $this->_pluginObject =& $pluginObject;
- $this->_tabId = $tabId;
- $this->_maintagname = $maintagname;
- $this->_attrname = $attrname;
- $this->_attrvalue = $attrvalue;
- $this->_pluginParams =& $this;
- }
- function setAllParams( &$object ) {
- $this->_params =& $object;
- }
- function setPluginParams( &$pluginParams ) {
- $this->_pluginParams =& $pluginParams;
- }
- function setOptions( $options ) {
- $this->_options = $options;
- }
- function setExtendedViewParser( &$extendedViewParser ) {
- $this->_extendViewParser =& $extendedViewParser;
- }
- /**
- * Converts the parameters received as POST array into the raw parms text
- * @param mixed POST array or string
- * @return string The raw parms text
- * @var string The type of setup file
- */
- function getRawParams ( $params ) {
- $ret = null;
- if(is_array($params)) {
- foreach ($params as $k=>$v) {
- if (is_array($v)) {
- $v = implode("|*|", $v);
- }
- if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
- $v = stripslashes( $v );
- }
- $txt[] = "$k=$v";
- }
- $ret = cbEditRowView::textareaHandling( $txt );
- if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
- $ret = addslashes( $ret );
- }
- } else {
- $ret = $params;
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- /**
- * Converts the parameters received as POST array into the |*| and CBparams formats
- * @param array $params MODIFIED BY THIS CALL: POST array
- */
- function fixMultiSelects ( &$params ) {
- if ( is_array( $params ) ) {
- foreach ( $params as $k => $v ) {
- if ( is_array( $v ) ) {
- if ( isset( $v[0] ) ) {
- $params[$k] = implode( "|*|", $v );
- } else {
- $params[$k] = cbParamsEditorController::getRawParams( $v );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Draws the control, or the default text area if a setup file is not found
- *
- * @param string $tag_path
- * @param string $grand_parent_path
- * @param string $parent_tag
- * @param string $parent_attr
- * @param string $parent_attrvalue
- * @param string $control_name
- * @param boolean $paramstextarea
- * @param atring $viewType ( 'view', 'param', 'depends': means: <param> tag => param, <field> tag => view )
- * @param string $htmlFormatting ( 'table', 'td', 'none', 'fieldsListArray' )
- * @return string HTML
- */
- function draw( $tag_path='params', $grand_parent_path=null, $parent_tag=null, $parent_attr=null, $parent_attrvalue=null, $control_name='params', $paramstextarea=true, $viewType = 'depends', $htmlFormatting = 'table' ) {
- if ( $this->_xml ) {
- $element =& $this->_xml;
- if ( $element && $element->name() == $this->_maintagname && $element->attributes( $this->_attrname ) == $this->_attrvalue) {
- if ( $grand_parent_path != null ) {
- $element =& $element->getElementByPath( $grand_parent_path );
- if ( ! $element ) {
- return null;
- }
- }
- if ( $parent_tag != null && $parent_attr != null && $parent_attrvalue != null ) {
- $element =& $element->getChildByNameAttr( $parent_tag, $parent_attr, $parent_attrvalue );
- if ( $element ) {
- if ( $tag_path ) {
- $element =& $element->getElementByPath( $tag_path );
- }
- if ( $element ) {
- $this->_xmlElem =& $element;
- }
- }
- } else {
- $element =& $element->getElementByPath( $tag_path );
- if ( $element ) {
- $this->_xmlElem =& $element;
- }
- }
- } elseif ( ! $tag_path ) {
- $this->_xmlElem =& $element;
- }
- }
- if ( $this->_xmlElem ) {
- $controllerView = new cbDrawController( $this->_xmlElem, $this->_actions, $this->_options );
- $controllerView->setControl_name( $control_name );
- $editRowView =& new cbEditRowView( $this->_pluginParams, $this->_types, $this->_actions, $this->_views, $this->_pluginObject, $this->_tabid );
- $editRowView->setModelOfDataRows( $this->_params );
- if ( $this->_extendViewParser ) {
- $editRowView->setExtendedViewParser( $this->_extendViewParser );
- }
- return $editRowView->renderEditRowView( $this->_xmlElem, $this->_params, $controllerView, $this->_options, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
- } else {
- if ($paramstextarea) {
- return "<textarea name="$control_name" cols="40" rows="10" class="text_area">".htmlspecialchars($this->_raw)."</textarea>";
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- } // class cbParamsEditorController
- class cbEditRowView {
- var $_i = 0;
- /** A stack (array) of the data which is a class
- * @var array of stdClass */
- var $_modelOfData = array();
- /** The data rows (for ordering arrows)
- * @var array */
- var $_modelOfDataRows = null;
- /** The current row number (for ordering arrows)
- * @var int */
- var $_modelOfDataRowsNumber = null;
- /** Extending view functions
- * @var cbEditRowView */
- var $_extendViewParser = null;
- /** Drawing controller
- * @var cbDrawController */
- var $_controllerView = null;
- /** The options from url REQUEST
- * @var array of string */
- var $_options = null;
- /** The plugin parameters
- * @var cbParamsBase */
- var $_pluginParams = null;
- /** The parameters objects for individual columns (cache)
- * @var array of cbParamsBase */
- var $_paramsOfColumns = null;
- /** The xml <types> element
- * @var CBSimpleXMLElement */
- var $_types = null;
- /** The xml <actions> element
- * @var CBSimpleXMLElement */
- var $_actions = null;
- /** The xml <views> element
- * @var CBSimpleXMLElement */
- var $_views = null;
- /** The xml parent element
- * @var CBSimpleXMLElement */
- var $_parentModelOfView = null;
- /** The plugin object
- * @var moscomprofilerPlugin */
- var $_pluginObject = null;
- /** Id of tab
- * @var int */
- var $_tabid = null;
- /** internal temporary var: if render as view (true) or as param (false)
- * @var boolean */
- var $_view = null;
- /** methods of this class
- * @var array */
- var $_methods = null;
- /** list of possible values
- * @var array of stdClass: 'name' => object (->value, (optional ->index), ->text) */
- var $_selectValues = array();
- function cbEditRowView( &$pluginParams, &$types, &$actions, &$views, &$pluginObject, $tabId = null ) {
- $this->_pluginParams =& $pluginParams;
- $this->_types =& $types;
- $this->_actions =& $actions;
- $this->_views =& $views;
- $this->_pluginObject =& $pluginObject;
- $this->_tabid = $tabId;
- }
- function setParentView( &$modelView ) {
- $this->_parentModelOfView =& $modelView;
- if ( isset( $this->_extendViewParser ) && ( $this->_extendViewParser->_parentModelOfView === null ) ) {
- $this->_extendViewParser->setParentView( $modelView );
- }
- }
- function pushModelOfData( &$modelOfData ) {
- array_unshift( $this->_modelOfData, $modelOfData );
- }
- function popModelOfData( ) {
- array_shift( $this->_modelOfData );
- }
- function setModelOfDataRows( &$modelOfDataRows ) {
- $this->_modelOfDataRows =& $modelOfDataRows;
- }
- function setModelOfDataRowsNumber( $i ) {
- $this->_modelOfDataRowsNumber = $i;
- if ( $this->_extendViewParser ) {
- $this->_extendViewParser->setModelOfDataRowsNumber( $i );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets an extended view parser
- * This method is experimental and not part of CB API.
- *
- * @param CBSimpleXmlElement $extendedViewParserElement an xml element like <extendparser class="className" /> where className extends cbEditRowView
- */
- function setExtendedViewParser( &$extendedViewParserElement ) {
- if ( $extendedViewParserElement ) {
- $class = $extendedViewParserElement->attributes( 'class' );
- if ( $class ) {
- $extendedViewParser =& new $class( $this->_pluginParams, $this->_types, $this->_actions, $this->_views, $this->_pluginObject, $this->_tabid, $this );
- $this->_extendViewParser =& $extendedViewParser;
- }
- }
- }
- function setSelectValues( &$node, &$selectValues ) {
- $this->_selectValues[$node->attributes( 'name' )] =& $selectValues;
- }
- function & _getSelectValues( &$node ) {
- $nodeName = $node->attributes( 'name' );
- if ( isset( $this->_selectValues[$nodeName] ) ) {
- return $this->_selectValues[$nodeName];
- } else {
- $arr = array();
- return $arr;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Renders as ECHO HTML code of a table
- *
- * @param CBSimpleXmlElement $modelView
- * @param stdClass $modelOfData ( $row object )
- * @param cbDrawController $controllerView
- * @param array $options
- * @param atring $viewType ( 'view', 'param', 'depends': means: <param> tag => param, <field> tag => view )
- * @param atring $htmlFormatting ( 'table', 'td', 'none' )
- *
- */
- function renderEditRowView( &$modelOfView, &$modelOfData, &$controllerView, $options, $viewType = 'depends', $htmlFormatting = 'table' ) {
- global $_CB_framework;
- if ( $this->_parentModelOfView === null ) {
- $this->setParentView( $modelOfView );
- }
- $this->pushModelOfData( $modelOfData );
- $this->_controllerView =& $controllerView;
- $this->_options = $options;
- if ( $this->_extendViewParser ) {
- $html = $this->_extendViewParser->renderEditRowView( $modelOfView, $modelOfData, $controllerView, $options, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
- if ( $html ) {
- return $html;
- }
- }
- $html = array();
- if ( $htmlFormatting == 'table' ) {
- $html[] = '<table class="adminform">';
- $label = $modelOfView->attributes( 'label' );
- if ( $label ) {
- // add the params description to the display
- $html[] = '<tr><th colspan="3">' . getLangDefinition( $label ) . '</th></tr>';
- }
- $description = $modelOfView->attributes( 'description' );
- if ( $description ) {
- // add the params description to the display
- $html[] = '<tr><td colspan="3">' . getLangDefinition( $description ) . '</td></tr>';
- }
- }
- $this->_methods = get_class_methods( get_class( $this ) );
- $this->_jsif = array();
- $tabs = new cbTabs( 0, $_CB_framework->getUi() );
- $html[] = $this->renderAllParams( $modelOfView, $controllerView->control_name(), $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
- if ( $htmlFormatting == 'table' ) {
- $html[] = '</table>';
- }
- $jsCode = $this->_compileJsCode();
- if ( $jsCode && ( $htmlFormatting != 'fieldsListArray' ) ) {
- $html[] = '<script type="text/javascript"><!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--' . "n";
- // $html[] = "var cbHideFields = new Array();n";
- $html[] = $jsCode;
- $html[] = "//--><!]]></script>n";
- }
- return ( $htmlFormatting == 'fieldsListArray' ? $html : implode( "n", $html ) );
- }
- /**
- * @param string The name of the field
- * @param mixed The default value if not found
- * @return string
- */
- function get( $key, $default=null ) {
- if ( isset( $this->_modelOfData[0]->$key ) ) {
- if (is_array( $default ) ) {
- return explode( '|*|', $this->_modelOfData[0]->$key );
- } else {
- return $this->_modelOfData[0]->$key;
- }
- } else {
- return $default;
- }
- }
- function _compileJsCode( ) {
- if ( count( $this->_jsif ) == 0 ) {
- return null;
- }
- $js = '';
- $i = 0;
- foreach ( $this->_jsif as $ifVal ) {
- $ifName = $ifVal['ifname'];
- $element = $ifVal['element'];
- $name = $element->attributes( 'name' );
- $operator = $element->attributes( 'operator' );
- $value = $element->attributes( 'value' );
- // $valuetype = $element->attributes( 'valuetype' );
- if ( $operator ) {
- $operatorNegation = array( '=' => '!=', '==' => '!=', '!=' => '==', '<>' => '==', '<' => '>=', '>' => '<=', '<=' => '>', '>=' => '<', 'regexp' => 'regexp' );
- $revertedOp = $operatorNegation[$operator];
- } elseif ( isset( $ifVal['onchange'] ) && ( $ifVal['onchange'] == 'evaluate' ) ) {
- $revertedOp = 'evaluate';
- } else {
- $revertedOp = 'no-operator-specified-in-xml';
- }
- //if ( in_array( $valuetype, array( 'string', 'const:string', 'text', 'const:text' ) ) ) {
- // $value = "\'" . $value . "\'";
- //}
- if ( isset( $ifVal['show'] ) && ( count( $ifVal['show'] ) > 0 ) ) {
- $show = "['" . implode( "','", $ifVal['show'] ) . "']";
- } else {
- $show = "[]";
- }
- if ( isset( $ifVal['set'] ) && ( count( $ifVal['set'] ) > 0 ) ) {
- $set = "['" . implode( "','", $ifVal['set'] ) . "']";
- } else {
- $set = "[]";
- }
- $js .= "cbHideFields[" . $i . "] = new Array();n";
- $js .= "cbHideFields[" . $i . "][0] = '" . $ifName . "';n";
- $js .= "cbHideFields[" . $i . "][1] = '" . $name . "';n";
- $js .= "cbHideFields[" . $i . "][2] = '" . $revertedOp . "';n";
- $js .= "cbHideFields[" . $i . "][3] = '" . str_replace( '\', '\\', $value ) . "';n";
- $js .= "cbHideFields[" . $i . "][4] = " . $show . ";n";
- $js .= "cbHideFields[" . $i . "][5] = " . $set . ";n";
- $i++;
- }
- return $js;
- }
- function _evalIf( &$element ) {
- $name = $element->attributes( 'name' );
- $operator = $element->attributes( 'operator' );
- $value = $element->attributes( 'value' );
- // $valuetype = $element->attributes( 'valuetype' );
- $paramValue = $this->get( $name ); //TBD: missing default value, but not easy to find, as it's in the view param for now: $param->attributes( 'default' ) );
- if ( $element->attributes( 'translate' ) == '_UE' ) {
- $value = getLangDefinition( $value );
- }
- switch ( $operator ) {
- case '=':
- case '==':
- $result = ( $paramValue == $value );
- break;
- case '!=':
- case '<>':
- $result = ( $paramValue != $value );
- break;
- case '<':
- $result = ( $paramValue < $value );
- break;
- case '>':
- $result = ( $paramValue > $value );
- break;
- case '<=':
- $result = ( $paramValue <= $value );
- break;
- case '>=':
- $result = ( $paramValue >= $value );
- break;
- case 'regexp':
- $result = ( preg_match( '/' . $value . '/', $paramValue ) == 1 );
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return $result;
- }
- function _htmlId( $control_name, $element ) {
- $name = $element->attributes( 'name' );
- if ( $name ) {
- return str_replace( array( '[', ']' ), '__', 'cbfr_' . ( $control_name ? $control_name . '_' : '' ) . $name );
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- function _outputIdEqualHtmlId( $control_name, $element ) {
- $htmlid = $this->_htmlId( $control_name, $element );
- if ( $htmlid ) {
- $htmlid = ' id="' . htmlspecialchars( $htmlid ) . '"';
- }
- return $htmlid;
- }
- function _renderLine( $param, $result, $control_name='params', $htmlFormatting = 'table', $htmlid = true ) {
- $html = array();
- if ( $htmlid ) {
- $htid = $this->_outputIdEqualHtmlId( $control_name, $param );
- } else {
- $htid = null;
- }
- if ( $htmlFormatting == 'table' ) {
- $html[] = '<tr' . $htid
- . ( ( $param->attributes( 'class' ) ) ? ' class="' . htmlspecialchars( $param->attributes( 'class' ) ) . '"' : '' )
- . '>';
- if ( $param->attributes( 'label' ) === '' ) {
- $html[] = '<td colspan="2" width="95%"'
- . ( ( $param->attributes( 'valuedescription' ) ) ? ' onmouseover="return overlib(''. str_replace( array( "n", "r" ), array( "<br />", "\r" ), htmlspecialchars( addslashes( $param->attributes( 'valuedescription' ) ) ) ) .'', CAPTION, ''
- . htmlspecialchars( addslashes( $param->attributes( 'valuedescriptiontitle' ) ) ) . '', BELOW, RIGHT);" onmouseout="return nd();"' : '' )
- . '>' . $result[1] . '</td>';
- } else {
- $html[] = '<td width="35%" align="right" valign="top">' . $result[0] . '</td>';
- $html[] = '<td width="60%"'
- . ( ( $param->attributes( 'valuedescription' ) ) ? ' onmouseover="return overlib(''. str_replace( array( "n", "r" ), array( "<br />", "\r" ), htmlspecialchars( addslashes( $param->attributes( 'valuedescription' ) ) ) ) .'', CAPTION, ''
- . htmlspecialchars( addslashes( $param->attributes( 'valuedescriptiontitle' ) ) ) . '', BELOW, RIGHT);" onmouseout="return nd();"' : '' )
- . '>' . $result[1] . '</td>';
- }
- $html[] = '<td width="5%" align="left" valign="top">' . $result[2] . "</td>";
- $html[] = '</tr>';
- } elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'td' ) {
- $rowspan = $param->attributes( 'rowspan' );
- if ( ( ! $rowspan ) || ( ( $rowspan == 'all' ) && ( $this->_modelOfDataRowsNumber == 0 ) ) ) {
- $html[] = "ttt<td" . $htid
- . ( ( $param->attributes( 'class' ) ) ? ' class="' . htmlspecialchars( $param->attributes( 'class' ) ) . '"' : '' )
- . ( ( $param->attributes( 'align' ) ) ? ' style="text-align:' . htmlspecialchars( $param->attributes( 'align' ) ) . ';"' :
- ( in_array( $param->attributes( 'type' ), array( 'checkmark', 'published' ) ) ? ' style="text-align:center;"' : '' ) )
- . ( ( $param->attributes( 'nowrap' ) ) || in_array( $param->attributes( 'type' ), array( 'checkmark', 'ordering' ) ) ? ' nowrap="nowrap"' : '' )
- . ( ( $param->attributes( 'valuedescription' ) ) ? ' onmouseover="return overlib(''. htmlspecialchars( addslashes( str_replace( array( "n", "r" ), array( "<br />", "\r" ), $param->attributes( 'valuedescription' ) ) ) ) .'', CAPTION, ''
- . htmlspecialchars( addslashes( $param->attributes( 'valuedescriptiontitle' ) ) ) . '', BELOW, RIGHT);" onmouseout="return nd();"' : '' )
- . ( ( $rowspan == 'all' ) ? ' rowspan="' . (int) count( $this->_modelOfDataRows ) . '"' : '' )
- . '>'
- . $result[1]
- . "</td>";
- } else {
- $html[] = '';
- }
- } elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'span' ) {
- if (substr( $result[0], -1 ) == ":" ) {
- $result[0] = substr( $result[0], 0, -1 );
- }
- if (substr( $result[0], -2 ) == "%s" ) {
- $result[0] = substr( $result[0], 0, -2 );
- $html[] = '<div' . $htid
- . ( ( $param->attributes( 'class' ) ) ? ' class="' . htmlspecialchars( $param->attributes( 'class' ) ) . '"' : '' )
- . '>'
- . '<span class="cbLabelSpan">' . $result[0] . '</span>'
- . '<span class="cbFieldSpan"'
- . ( ( $param->attributes( 'valuedescription' ) ) ? ' onmouseover="return overlib(''. str_replace( array( "n", "r" ), array( "<br />", "\r" ), htmlspecialchars( addslashes( $param->attributes( 'valuedescription' ) ) ) ) .'', CAPTION, ''
- . htmlspecialchars( addslashes( $param->attributes( 'valuedescriptiontitle' ) ) ) . '', BELOW, RIGHT);" onmouseout="return nd();"' : '' )
- . '>' . $result[1] . '</span> '
- . '</div>';
- } else {
- $html[] = '<div' . $htid
- . ( ( $param->attributes( 'class' ) ) ? ' class="' . htmlspecialchars( $param->attributes( 'class' ) ) . '"' : '' )
- . '>'
- . '<span class="cbFieldSpan"'
- . ( ( $param->attributes( 'valuedescription' ) ) ? ' onmouseover="return overlib(''. str_replace( array( "n", "r" ), array( "<br />", "\r" ), htmlspecialchars( addslashes( $param->attributes( 'valuedescription' ) ) ) ) .'', CAPTION, ''
- . htmlspecialchars( addslashes( $param->attributes( 'valuedescriptiontitle' ) ) ) . '', BELOW, RIGHT);" onmouseout="return nd();"' : '' )
- . '>' . $result[1] . '</span> '
- . '<span class="cbLabelSpan">' . $result[0] . '</span>'
- . '</div>';
- }
- } elseif ( in_array( $htmlFormatting, array( 'none', 'fieldsListArray' ) ) ) {
- $html[] = $result[1];
- } else {
- $html[] = "*" . $result[1] . "*";
- }
- return ( $htmlFormatting == 'fieldsListArray' ? $html : implode( "n", $html ) );
- }
- function & _parseParamsColumn( $paramsName ) {
- if ( ! isset( $this->_paramsOfColumns[$paramsName] ) ) {
- $this->_paramsOfColumns[$paramsName] = new cbParamsBase( $this->_modelOfData[0]->$paramsName );
- }
- return $this->_paramsOfColumns[$paramsName]->_params;
- }
- /**
- * Renders all parameters (including inheritance magic)
- *
- * @param CBSimpleXMLElement $element
- * @param string $control_name
- * @param cbTabs $tabs
- * @param atring $viewType ( 'view', 'param', 'depends': means: <param> tag => param, <field> tag => view )
- * @param atring $htmlFormatting ( 'table', 'td', 'span', 'none' )
- * @return string HTML
- */
- function renderAllParams( &$xmlParentElement, $control_name='params', $tabs=null, $viewType = 'depends', $htmlFormatting = 'table' ) {
- $html = array();
- $extenders = array();
- if ( ( $this->_inverted ) && ( count( $this->_extenders ) == 1 ) ) {
- $element = array_shift( $this->_extenders );
- array_unshift( $this->_extenders, array( &$xmlParentElement ) );
- $this->_inverted = false;
- } else {
- $element =& $xmlParentElement;
- }
- if ( is_array( $element ) ) {
- foreach ( $element as $el ) {
- $html[] = $this->renderAllParams( $el, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
- }
- } else {
- $identicalMatches = array();
- $nonMatches = array();
- if ( count( $this->_extenders ) > 0 ) {
- $extenders = array_shift( $this->_extenders );
- foreach ( $extenders as $ext ) {
- if ( ( $ext->name() == 'inherit' ) || ( ( ( $ext->name() == $element->name() ) ) && $ext->attributes( 'name' ) == $element->attributes( 'name' ) ) ) {
- if ( count( $element->children() ) > 0 ) {
- foreach ( $ext->children() as $chld ) {
- $this->_addTagMatch( $identicalMatches, $chld );
- }
- } else {
- foreach ( $ext->children() as $chld ) {
- $saveExtTwo = $this->_extenders;
- $this->_extenders = array ();
- $html[] = $this->renderOneParamAndChildren( $chld, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
- $this->_extenders = $saveExtTwo;
- }
- }
- } else {
- foreach ( $ext->children() as $chld ) {
- $nonMatches[] = $chld;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- foreach ( $element->children() as $param ) {
- $idkeyMatched = $this->_getKeyOfTagMatch( $identicalMatches, $param );
- if ( $idkeyMatched !== null ) {
- foreach ( $identicalMatches as $idkey => $idmatch ) {
- if ( $idkey == $idkeyMatched ) {
- break;
- } else {
- foreach ( $idmatch as $extparam ) {
- $saveExtTwo = $this->_extenders;
- $this->_extenders = array ( array( &$param ) );
- $html[] = $this->renderOneParamAndChildren( $extparam, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
- $this->_extenders = $saveExtTwo;
- }
- unset( $identicalMatches[$idkey] );
- }
- }
- foreach ( $identicalMatches[$idkeyMatched] as $k => $extparam ) {
- $saveExtTwo = $this->_extenders;
- $this->_extenders = array ( array( &$param ) );
- $this->_inverted = true;
- $html[] = $this->renderOneParamAndChildren( $extparam, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
- $this->_inverted = false;
- $this->_extenders = $saveExtTwo;
- unset( $identicalMatches[$idkeyMatched][$k] );
- }
- } else {
- $html[] = $this->renderOneParamAndChildren( $param, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
- }
- }
- foreach ( $identicalMatches as $idmatch ) {
- foreach ( $idmatch as $extparam ) {
- $saveExtTwo = $this->_extenders;
- $this->_extenders = array ();
- $html[] = $this->renderOneParamAndChildren( $extparam, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
- $this->_extenders = $saveExtTwo;
- }
- }
- foreach ( $nonMatches as $chld ) {
- // if ( ( count( $chld->children() ) == 0 ) || in_array( $chld->name(), array( 'param', 'field' ) ) ) {
- // $html[] = $this->renderOneParamAndChildren( $chld, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
- // unset( $this->_extenders[$k] );
- // }
- }
- // $this->_extenders = $saveExt;
- if ( ( count( $element->children() ) < 1 ) && ( count( $extenders ) == 0 ) ) {
- if ( $htmlFormatting == 'table' ) {
- $html[] = "<tr><td colspan="2"><i>" . _UE_NO_PARAMS . /* ": " . $element->name() . '(' . implode( ',', $element->attributes() ) . ')' . */ "</i></td></tr>";
- } elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'td' ) {
- $html[] = "<td><i>" . _UE_NO_PARAMS . "</i></td>";
- } elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'fieldsListArray' ) {
- // nothing
- } else {
- $html[] = "<i>" . _UE_NO_PARAMS . "</i>";
- }
- }
- }
- return ( $htmlFormatting == 'fieldsListArray' ? $html : implode( "n", $html ) );
- }
- /**
- * Returns a unique text id of a xml element depending on name and attribute values
- * @access private
- *
- * @param CBSimpleXMLElement $el
- * @return string
- */
- function _uniqueTag( &$el ) {
- $add = '';
- foreach ( $el->attributes() as $k => $v ) {
- $add .= '|**|' . $k . '|==|' . $v;
- }
- return ( $el->name()) . $add;
- }
- /*
- function _explodeTag( $uniqueTag ) {
- $tags = explode( '|**|', $uniqueTag );
- $name = $tags[0];
- $attr = array();
- for ( $i = 1, $n = count( $tags ); $i < $n; $i++ ) {
- $parts = explode( '|==|', $tags[$i] );
- $attr[$parts[0]] = $parts[1];
- }
- }
- */
- function _addTagMatch( &$identicalMatches, $chld ) {
- $identicalMatches[$this->_uniqueTag( $chld )][] = $chld;
- }
- function _getKeyOfTagMatch( &$identicalMatches, &$param ) {
- $paramTag = $this->_uniqueTag( $param );
- foreach ( $identicalMatches as $k => $v ) {
- if ( strpos( $k, $paramTag ) === 0 ) {
- return $k;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- function _getKeyOfTagMatchOLD( &$identicalMatches, $param ) {
- if ( isset( $identicalMatches[$this->_uniqueTag( $param )] ) ) {
- return $this->_uniqueTag( $param );
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * renders one parameter and its children
- *
- * @param CBSimpleXMLElement $param
- * @param string $control_name
- * @param cbTabs $tabs
- * @param atring $viewType ( 'view', 'param', 'depends': means: <param> tag => param, <field> tag => view )
- * @param atring $htmlFormatting ( 'table', 'td', 'span', 'none' )
- * @return string HTML
- */
- var $_inverted = false;
- var $_extenders = array();
- function renderOneParamAndChildren( &$param, $control_name='params', $tabs=null, $viewType = 'depends', $htmlFormatting = 'table' ) {
- static $tabNavJS = array(); // javascript for all nested tabs.
- static $tabpaneCounter = 0; // level of tabs (for nested tabs)
- // static $tabpaneNames = array(); // names of the tabpanes of level [tabpaneCounter] for the tabpanetabs
- $html = array();
- $viewMode = $param->attributes( 'mode' );
- switch ( $viewMode ) {
- // case 'view':
- case 'show':
- $viewType = 'view';
- break;
- // case 'param':
- case 'edit':
- $viewType = 'param';
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- switch ( $param->name() ) {
- case 'inherit':
- $from = $param->attributes( 'from' );
- if ( $from ) {
- $fromXml = $param->xpath( $from );
- if ( $fromXml && ( count( $fromXml ) > 0 ) ) {
- array_unshift( $this->_extenders, array( &$param ) );
- foreach ( $fromXml as $fmx ) {
- $html[] = $this->renderAllParams( $fmx, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'param':
- $result = $this->renderParam( $param, $control_name, ( $viewType == 'view' ), $htmlFormatting );
- $html[] = $this->_renderLine( $param, $result, $control_name, $htmlFormatting );
- if ( ( ! ( $viewType == 'view' ) ) && ( $param->attributes( 'onchange' ) == 'evaluate' ) ) {
- $ifName = $this->_htmlId( $control_name, $param );
- $this->_jsif[$ifName]['element'] = $param;
- $this->_jsif[$ifName]['ifname'] = $ifName;
- $this->_jsif[$ifName]['onchange'] = $param->attributes( 'onchange' );
- }
- break;
- case 'params':
- $paramsName = $param->attributes( 'name' );
- $paramsType = $param->attributes( 'type' );
- if ( ( $paramsType == 'params' ) && $paramsName ) {
- $valueObj =& $this->_parseParamsColumn( $paramsName );
- $this->pushModelOfData( $valueObj );
- if ( $control_name ) {
- $child_cnam = $control_name . '[' . $paramsName . ']';
- } else {
- $child_cnam = $paramsName;
- }
- $html[] = $this->renderAllParams( $param, $child_cnam, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
- $this->popModelOfData();
- }
- break;
- case 'field':
- $result = $this->renderParam( $param, $control_name, ( $viewType != 'param' ) );
- $link = $param->attributes( 'link' );
- $title = htmlspecialchars( $param->attributes( 'title' ) );
- if ( $title ) {
- $title = ' title="' . $title . '"';
- } else {
- $title = '';
- }
- if ( $htmlFormatting != 'fieldsListArray' ) {
- if ( $link ) {
- if ( $param->attributes( 'target' ) == '_blank' ) {
- $linkhref = $this->_controllerView->drawUrl( $link, $param, $this->_modelOfData[0], isset( $this->_modelOfData[0]->id ) ? $this->_modelOfData[0]->id : null, true, false ); //TBD NOT URGENT: hardcoded id column name 'id'
- $onclickJS = 'window.open('' . htmlspecialchars( unHtmlspecialchars( $linkhref ) )
- . '', 'cbtablebrowserpopup', 'status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,titlebar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,width=640,height=480,directories=no,location=no'); return false;';
- $rowOnclickHtml = ' onclick="' . $onclickJS . '"';
- } else {
- $linkhref = $this->_controllerView->drawUrl( $link, $param, $this->_modelOfData[0], isset( $this->_modelOfData[0]->id ) ? $this->_modelOfData[0]->id : null, true ); //TBD NOT URGENT: hardcoded id column name 'id'
- $rowOnclickHtml = '';
- }
- $result[1] = '<a href="' . $linkhref .'"' . $title . $rowOnclickHtml . '>' . ( trim( $result[1] ) ? $result[1] : '---' ) . '</a>';
- } elseif ( $title ) {
- $result[1] = '<span' . $title . '>' . $result[1] . '</span>';
- }
- }
- $html[] = $this->_renderLine( $param, $result, $control_name, $htmlFormatting, false );
- break;
- case 'fieldset':
- $htid = $this->_outputIdEqualHtmlId( $control_name, $param );
- $legend = $param->attributes( 'label' );
- $description = $param->attributes( 'description' );
- $name = $param->attributes( 'name' );
- $fieldsethtml = '<fieldset' . ( $name ? ( ' class="cbfieldset_' . $name . '"' ) : '' ) . '>';
- if ( $htmlFormatting == 'table' ) {
- $html[] = '<tr' . $htid . '><td colspan="3" width="100%">' . $fieldsethtml;
- } elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'td' ) {
- $html[] = "ttt<td" . $htid . ">" . $fieldsethtml;
- } elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'span' ) {
- $html[] = '<div' . $htid . '>' . $fieldsethtml;
- } elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'fieldsListArray' ) {
- // nothing
- } else {
- $html[] = '<fieldset' . $htid . ( $name ? ( ' class="cbfieldset_' . $name . '"' ) : '' ) . '>';
- }
- if ( $legend && ( $htmlFormatting != 'fieldsListArray' ) ) {
- $html[] = '<legend>' . getLangDefinition($legend) . '</legend>';
- }
- if ( $htmlFormatting == 'table' ) {
- $html[] = '<table class="paramlist" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">';
- if ( $description ) {
- $html[] = '<tr><td colspan="3" width="100%"><strong>' . getLangDefinition($description) . '</strong></td></tr>';
- }
- } elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'td' ) {
- if ( $description ) {
- $html[] = '<td colspan="3" width="100%"><strong>' . getLangDefinition($description) . '</strong></td>';
- }
- } elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'span' ) {
- if ( $description ) {
- $html[] = '<span class="cbLabelSpan">' . getLangDefinition($description) . '</span> ';
- }
- $html[] = '<span class="cbFieldSpan">';
- } elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'fieldsListArray' ) {
- // nothing
- } else {
- if ( $description ) {
- $html[] = '<strong>' . getLangDefinition($description) . '</strong>';
- }
- }
- $html[] = $this->renderAllParams( $param, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
- if ( $htmlFormatting == 'table' ) {
- $html[] = "nt</table>";
- $html[] = '</fieldset></td></tr>';
- } elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'td' ) {
- $html[] = '</fieldset></td>';
- } elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'span' ) {
- $html[] = '</span></fieldset></div>';
- } elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'fieldsListArray' ) {
- // nothing
- } else {
- $html[] = '</fieldset>';
- }
- break;
- case 'fields':
- case 'status':
- $html[] = $this->renderAllParams( $param, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
- break;
- case 'if':
- $showInside = true;
- $ifType = $param->attributes( 'type' );
- if ( ( $ifType == 'showhide' ) && ( ! ( $viewType == 'view' ) ) ) {
- $ifName = $this->_htmlId( $control_name, $param ) . $param->attributes( 'operator' ) . $param->attributes( 'value' ). $param->attributes( 'valuetype' );
- // $this->_jsif[$ifName] = array();
- // $this->_jsif[$ifName]['show']= array();
- // $this->_jsif[$ifName]['set'] = array();
- if ( count( $param->children() ) > 0 ) {
- foreach ( $param->children() as $subParam ) {
- if ( $subParam->name() == 'showview' ) {
- $viewName = $subParam->attributes( 'view' );
- $viewModel =& $this->_views->getChildByNameAttributes( 'view', array( 'ui' => 'admin', 'name' => $viewName ) );
- if ( !$viewModel ) {
- echo 'Extended renderAllParams:showview: View ' . $viewName . ' not defined in XML';
- return false;
- }
- foreach ( $viewModel->children() as $vChild ) {
- $this->_jsif[$ifName]['show'][] = $this->_htmlId( $control_name, $vChild );
- }
- } elseif ( in_array( $subParam->name(), array( 'params', 'fields', 'status' ) ) ) {
- if ( count( $subParam->children() ) > 0 ) {
- if ( $subParam->name() == 'params' ) {
- $paramsName = $subParam->attributes( 'name' );
- if ( $control_name ) {
- $child_cnam = $control_name . '[' . $paramsName . ']';
- } else {
- $child_cnam = $paramsName;
- }
- } else {
- $child_cnam = $control_name;
- }
- foreach ( $subParam->children() as $vChild ) {
- if ( $vChild->name() != 'showview' ) { //TBD //FIXME: this avoids JS error but still shows sub-view ! recursive function needed here
- $this->_jsif[$ifName]['show'][] = $this->_htmlId( $child_cnam, $vChild );
- }
- }
- }
- } elseif ( $subParam->name() == 'else' ) {
- if ( $subParam->attributes( 'action' ) == 'set' ) {
- $correspondingParam = $param->getAnyChildByNameAttr( 'param', 'name', $subParam->attributes( 'name' ) );
- if ( $correspondingParam ) {
- $this->_jsif[$ifName]['set'][] = $this->_htmlId( $control_name, $correspondingParam )
- . '=' . $this->control_id( $control_name, $subParam->attributes( 'name' ) )
- . '=' . $subParam->attributes( 'value' );
- } else {
- echo 'No corresponding param to the else statement for name ' . $subParam->attributes( 'name' ) . ' !';
- }
- }
- } else {
- $this->_jsif[$ifName]['show'][] = $this->_htmlId( $control_name, $subParam );
- }
- }
- $this->_jsif[$ifName]['element'] = $param;
- $this->_jsif[$ifName]['ifname'] = $this->_htmlId( $control_name, $param );
- }
- } elseif ( ( $ifType == 'condition' ) || ( $viewType == 'view' ) ) {
- $showInside = $this->_evalIf( $param );
- }
- if ( $showInside ) {
- $html[] = $this->renderAllParams( $param, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
- }
- break;
- case 'else':
- break; // implemented in if above it
- case 'toolbarmenu':
- break; // implemented in higher level
- case 'tabpane':
- // first render all tabpanetabs (including nested tabpanes):
- $tabpaneCounter++;
- $this->tabpaneNames[$tabpaneCounter] = $param->attributes( 'name' );
- $subhtml = $this->renderAllParams( $param, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
- unset( $this->tabpaneNames[$tabpaneCounter] );
- $tabpaneCounter--;
- if ( $htmlFormatting != 'fieldsListArray' ) {
- // then puts them together:
- $htid = $this->_outputIdEqualHtmlId( $control_name, $param );
- if ( $htmlFormatting == 'table' ) {
- $html[] = '<tr' . $htid . '><td colspan="3" width="100%">';
- } elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'td' ) {
- $html[] = '<td' . $htid . '>';
- }
- if ( $tabpaneCounter == 0 ) {
- $html[] = $tabs->_getTabNavJS( $param->attributes( 'name' ), $tabNavJS );
- $tabNavJS = array();
- }
- $html[] = $tabs->startPane( $param->attributes( 'name' ) );
- }
- $html[] = $subhtml;
- if ( $htmlFormatting != 'fieldsListArray' ) {
- $html[] = $tabs->endPane();
- if ( $htmlFormatting == 'table' ) {
- $html[] = '</td></tr>';
- } elseif ( $htmlFormatting == 'td' ) {
- $html[] = '</td>';
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'tabpanetab':
- if ( $htmlFormatting != 'fieldsListArray' ) {
- $i = $this->_i++;
- $idtab = $this->tabpaneNames[$tabpaneCounter] . $this->_i;
- $html[] = $tabs->startTab( $this->tabpaneNames[$tabpaneCounter], getLangDefinition( $param->attributes( 'label' ) ), $idtab );
- $html[] = '<table class="paramlist" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">';
- $tabName = $param->attributes( 'name' );
- $tabTitle = $param->attributes( 'title' );
- $description = $param->attributes( 'description' );
- if ( $tabTitle ) {
- $html[] = '<tr><td colspan="3" width="100%"><h3' . ( $tabName ? ' class="cbTH' . $this->tabpaneNames[$tabpaneCounter] . $tabName . '"' : '' ) . '>' . getLangDefinition( $tabTitle ) . '</h3></td></tr>';
- }
- if ( $description || ! $tabTitle ) {
- $html[] = '<tr><td colspan="3" width="100%"><strong>' . getLangDefinition( $description ) . '</strong></td></tr>'; // either description or a spacer.
- }
- }
- $html[] = $this->renderAllParams( $param, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
- if ( $htmlFormatting != 'fieldsListArray' ) {
- $html[] = "nt</table>";
- $html[] = $tabs->endTab();
- $tabNavJS[$i]->nested = ( $tabpaneCounter > 1 );
- $tabNavJS[$i]->name = getLangDefinition( $param->attributes( 'label' ) );
- $tabNavJS[$i]->id = $idtab;
- $tabNavJS[$i]->pluginclass = $idtab;
- }
- break;
- case 'extendparser':
- $this->setExtendedViewParser( $param );
- break;
- default:
- if ( $this->_extendViewParser ) {
- $html[] = $this->_extendViewParser->renderAllParams( $param, $control_name, $tabs, $viewType, $htmlFormatting );
- } else {
- echo 'Method to render XML view element ' . $param->name() . ' is not implemented !';
- }
- break;
- }
- return ( $htmlFormatting == 'fieldsListArray' ? $html : implode( "n", $html ) );
- }
- /**
- * @param CBSimpleXMLElement $param object A param tag node
- * @param string $control_name The control name
- * @param boolean $view true if view only, false if editable
- * @param string $htmlFormatting 'table', 'fieldsListArray', etc.
- * @return array Any array of the label, the form element and the tooltip
- */
- function renderParam( &$param, $control_name = 'params', $view = true, $htmlFormatting = 'table' ) {
- if ( $htmlFormatting == 'fieldsListArray' ) {
- return array( null, $this->control_name( $control_name, $param->attributes( 'name' ) ), null );
- }
- $result = array();
- $name = $param->attributes( 'name' );
- $label = getLangDefinition($param->attributes( 'label' ));
- $description = getLangDefinition(htmlspecialchars($param->attributes( 'description' )));
- $value = $this->get( $name, $param->attributes( 'default' ) );
- if ( $param->attributes( 'translate' ) == '_UE' ) {
- $value = getLangDefinition( $value );
- }
- $result[0] = $label ? $label : $name;
- if ( $result[0] == '@spacer' ) {
- $result[0] = '<hr/>';
- } else if ( $result[0] ) {
- if ($name == '@spacer') $result[0] = '<strong>'.$result[0].'</strong>';
- else $result[0] .= ':';
- }
- $result[1] = null;
- $type = $param->attributes( 'type' );
- /* up to proof of contrary, not needed, as type="private" does it... //TBD remove this once sure
- if ( $type == 'privateparam' ) {
- $className = $param->attributes( 'class' );
- $methodName = $param->attributes( 'method' );
- if ( ! $className ) {
- $className = $this->_parentModelOfView->attributes( 'class' );
- }
- if ( $className && $methodName && class_exists( $className ) ) {
- global $_CB_database;
- $obj = new $className( $_CB_database );
- if ( method_exists( $obj, $methodName ) ) {
- $control_name_name = $this->control_name( $control_name, $name );
- $result[1] = $obj->$methodName( $param, $control_name, $view, $name, $control_name_name, $value, $this->_pluginParams, $type ); //TBD FIXME: pluginParams should be available by the method params() of $obj, not as function parameter
- } else {
- $result[1] = "Missing method " . $methodName. " in class " . $className;
- }
- } else {
- $result[1] = "Missing class " . $className . ", and/or method " . $methodName . " in xml";
- }
- }
- */
- if ( substr( $type, 0, 4 ) == 'xml:' ) {
- $xmlType = substr( $type, 4 );
- if ( $this->_types ) {
- $typeModel = $this->_types->getChildByNameAttr( 'type', 'name' , $xmlType );
- // find root type:
- if ( $typeModel ) {
- $root = $typeModel;
- for ( $i = 0; $i < 100; $i++ ) {
- if ( substr( $root->attributes( 'base' ), 0, 4 ) == 'xml:' ) {
- $subbasetype = $root->attributes( 'base' );
- $root = $this->_types->getChildByNameAttr( 'type', 'name' , substr( $subbasetype, 4 ) );
- if ( ! $root ) {
- $result[1] = "Missing type definition of " . $subbasetype;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- // we found the root and type:
- $type = $root->attributes( 'base' );
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( $i >= 99 ) {
- echo 'Error: recursion loop in XML type definition of ' . $o->name() . ' ' . $o->attributes( 'name' ) . ' type: ' . $o->attributes( 'type' );
- exit;
- }
- $levelModel = $typeModel;
- $insertAfter = array();
- for ( $i = 0; $i < 100; $i++ ) {
- switch ( $type ) {
- case 'list':
- case 'multilist':
- case 'radio':
- case 'checkbox':
- if ( $view ) {
- $valueNode = $levelModel->getAnyChildByNameAttr( 'option', 'value', $value ); // recurse in children over optgroups if needed.
- if ( $valueNode ) {
- $result[1] = $valueNode->data();
- }
- } else {
- if ( $levelModel->attributes( 'insertbase' ) != 'before' ) {
- foreach ( $levelModel->children() as $option ) {
- if ( $option->name() == 'option' ) {
- $param->addChildWithAttr( 'option', $option->data(), null, $option->attributes() );
- } elseif ( $option->name() == 'optgroup' ) {
- $paramOptgroup = $param->addChildWithAttr( 'optgroup', $option->data(), null, $option->attributes() );
- // in HTML 4, optgroups can not be nested (w3c)
- foreach ( $option->children() as $optChild ) {
- if ( $optChild->name() == 'option' ) {
- $paramOptgroup->addChildWithAttr( 'option', $optChild->data(), null, $optChild->attributes() );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- $insertAfter[] = $levelModel;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- if ( $view ) {
- $result[1] = "Unknown base type " . $type . " in XML";
- } else {
- $param->addChildWithAttr( 'option', "Unknown base type " . $type . " in XML", null, array( 'value' => '0') );
- }
- break;
- }
- if ( ( $levelModel->attributes( 'name' ) == $typeModel->attributes( 'name' ) ) && ( substr( $levelModel->attributes( 'type' ), 0, 4 ) == 'xml:' ) ) {
- $levelModel = $this->_types->getChildByNameAttr( 'type', 'name' , substr( $levelModel->attributes( 'type' ), 4 ) );
- } elseif ( substr( $levelModel->attributes( 'base' ), 0, 4 ) == 'xml:' ) {
- $levelModel = $this->_types->getChildByNameAttr( 'type', 'name' , substr( $levelModel->attributes( 'base' ), 4 ) );
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- foreach ( $insertAfter as $levelModel ) {
- foreach ($levelModel->children() as $option ) {
- if ( $option->name() == 'option' ) {
- $param->addChildWithAttr( 'option', $option->data(), null, $option->attributes() );
- } elseif ( $option->name() == 'optgroup' ) {
- $paramOptgroup = $param->addChildWithAttr( 'optgroup', $option->data(), null, $option->attributes() );
- foreach ( $option->children() as $optChild ) {
- if ( $optChild->name() == 'option' ) {
- $paramOptgroup->addChildWithAttr( 'option', $optChild->data(), null, $optChild->attributes() );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- $result[1] = "Missing type def. for param-type " . $param->attributes( 'type' );
- }
- } else {
- $result[1] = "No types defined in XML";
- }
- }
- if ( ! isset( $this->_methods ) ) {
- $this->_methods = get_class_methods( get_class( $this ) );
- }
- if ($result[1] ) {
- // nothing to do
- } elseif ( $this->_extendViewParser && in_array( '_form_' . $type, $this->_extendViewParser->_methods ) ) {
- $this->_view = $view;
- $this->_extendViewParser->_view = $view;
- $result[1] = call_user_func( array( &$this->_extendViewParser, '_form_' . $type ), $name, $value, $param, $control_name );
- } elseif (in_array( '_form_' . $type, $this->_methods )) {
- $this->_view = $view;
- $result[1] = call_user_func( array( &$this, '_form_' . $type ), $name, $value, $param, $control_name );
- } else {
- $result[1] = _HANDLER . ' = ' . $type;
- }
- if ( $description ) {
- $result[2] = cbFieldTip( null, $description, $name );
- } else {
- $result[2] = '';
- }
- if ( ( ! $view ) && ( ! $result[1] ) ) {
- $result = array( null, null, null );
- }
- return $result;
- }
- function control_name( $control_name, $name ) {
- if ( $control_name ) {
- return $control_name .'['. $name .']';
- } else {
- return $name;
- }
- }
- function control_id( $control_name, $name ) {
- return moscomprofilerHTML::htmlId( $this->control_name( $control_name, $name ) );
- /*
- if ( $control_name ) {
- return str_replace( array( '[', ']' ), array( '__', '' ), $control_name ) .'__'. $name;
- } else {
- return $name;
- }
- */
- }
- /**
- * @param string The name of the form element
- * @param string The value of the element
- * @param CBSimpleXMLElement $node The xml element for the parameter
- * @param string The control name
- * @return string The html for the element
- */
- function _form_text( $name, $value, &$node, $control_name ) {
- $size = $node->attributes( 'size' );
- $maxlength = $node->attributes( 'maxlength' );
- return '<input type="text" name="'. $this->control_name( $control_name, $name ) . '" id="'. $this->control_id( $control_name, $name ) . '" value="'. htmlspecialchars($value) .'" class="text_area" '
- . ( $size ? 'size="'. $size .'" ' : '' )
- . ( $maxlength ? 'maxlength="'. $maxlength .'" ' : '' )
- . '/>';
- }
- /**
- * Calls method or function of plugin/tab
- *
- * @param string The name of the form element
- * @param string The value of the element
- * @param CBSimpleXMLElement $node The xml element for the parameter
- * @param string The control name
- * @return string The html for the element
- */
- function _form_custom( $name, $value, &$node, $control_name ) {
- global $_CB_database, $_PLUGINS;
- $pluginId = $this->_pluginObject->id;
- $tabId = $this->_tabid;
- $class = $node->attributes( 'class' );
- $method = $node->attributes( 'method' );
- if(!is_null($class) && strlen(trim($class)) > 0) {
- if ($pluginId !== null) {
- $params = null;
- if ($tabId !== null) {
- $_CB_database->setQuery( "SELECT * FROM #__comprofiler_tabs t"
- . "n WHERE t.enabled=1 AND t.tabid = " . (int) $tabId);
- $oTabs = $_CB_database->loadObjectList();
- if (count($oTabs)>0) $params = $oTabs[0]->params;
- }
- $args = array($name,$value,$control_name);
- $_PLUGINS->plugVarValue($pluginId, "published", "1"); // need to be able to call also unpublished plugin for parametring
- return $_PLUGINS->call($pluginId,$method,$class,$args,$params);
- } else {
- $udc = new $class();
- if(method_exists($udc,$method)) {
- return call_user_func_array(array($udc,$method),array($name,$value,$control_name));
- }
- }
- } elseif (function_exists( $method )) {
- return call_user_func_array( $method, array($name,$value,$control_name) );
- }
- return "";
- }
- /**
- * @param string The name of the form element
- * @param string The value of the element
- * @param CBSimpleXMLElement $node The xml element for the parameter
- * @param string The control name
- * @return string The html for the element
- */
- function _form_list( $name, $value, &$node, $control_name ) {
- $options = array();
- if ( ( $node->attributes( 'blanktext' ) ) && ( ( $node->attributes( 'hideblanktext' ) != 'true' ) || ( $value == $node->attributes( 'default' ) ) ) ) {
- $options[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( $node->attributes( 'default' ), $node->attributes( 'blanktext' ) );
- }
- foreach ( $node->children() as $option ) {
- if ( $option->name() == 'option' ) {
- if ( $option->attributes( 'index' ) ) {
- $val = $option->attributes( 'index' );
- } else {
- $val = $option->attributes( 'value' );
- }
- $text = getLangDefinition($option->data());
- $options[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( $val, $text );
- } elseif ( $option->name() == 'optgroup' ) {
- $text = getLangDefinition( $option->attributes( 'label' ) );
- $options[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( $text );
- foreach ( $option->children() as $optGroupOption ) {
- if ( $optGroupOption->name() == 'option' ) {
- if ( $optGroupOption->attributes( 'index' ) ) {
- $val = $optGroupOption->attributes( 'index' );
- } else {
- $val = $optGroupOption->attributes( 'value' );
- }
- $text = getLangDefinition($optGroupOption->data());
- $options[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( $val, $text );
- }
- }
- $options[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( null );
- }
- }
- return moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $options, ''. $this->control_name( $control_name, $name ) . '', 'class="inputbox" id="' . $this->control_id( $control_name, $name ) . '"', 'value', 'text', $value, 2 );
- }
- /**
- * @param string The name of the form element
- * @param string The value of the element
- * @param CBSimpleXMLElement $node The xml element for the parameter
- * @param string The control name
- * @return string The html for the element
- */
- function _form_radio( $name, $value, &$node, $control_name ) {
- $options = array();
- foreach ( $node->children() as $option ) {
- if ( $option->attributes( 'index' ) ) {
- $val = $option->attributes( 'index' );
- } else {
- $val = $option->attributes( 'value' );
- }
- $text = getLangDefinition($option->data());
- $options[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( $val, $text );
- }
- return moscomprofilerHTML::radioList( $options, ''. $this->control_name( $control_name, $name ) . '', '', 'value', 'text', $value ); //TBD missing id : id="' . $this->control_id( $control_name, $name ) . '"
- }
- /**
- * @param string The name of the form element
- * @param string The value of the element
- * @param CBSimpleXMLElement $node The xml element for the parameter
- * @param string The control name
- * @return string The html for the element
- */
- function _form_mos_section( $name, $value, &$node, $control_name ) {
- global $_CB_database;
- $query = "SELECT id AS value, title AS text"
- . "n FROM #__sections"
- . "n WHERE published = 1 AND scope = 'content'"
- . "n ORDER BY title"
- ;
- $_CB_database->setQuery( $query );
- $options = $_CB_database->loadObjectList();
- array_unshift( $options, moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '0', '- Select Content Section -' ) );
- return moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $options, ''. $this->control_name( $control_name, $name ) . '', 'class="inputbox" id="' . $this->control_id( $control_name, $name ) . '"', 'value', 'text', $value, 2 );
- }
- /**
- * @param string The name of the form element
- * @param string The value of the element
- * @param CBSimpleXMLElement $node The xml element for the parameter
- * @param string The control name
- * @return string The html for the element
- */
- function _form_mos_category( $name, $value, &$node, $control_name ) {
- global $_CB_database;
- $query = "SELECT c.id AS value, CONCAT_WS( '/',s.title, c.title ) AS text"
- . "n FROM #__categories AS c"
- . "n LEFT JOIN #__sections AS s ON s.id=c.section"
- . "n WHERE c.published = 1 AND s.scope='content'"
- . "n ORDER BY c.title"
- ;
- $_CB_database->setQuery( $query );
- $options = $_CB_database->loadObjectList();
- array_unshift( $options, moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '0', '- Select Content Category -' ) );
- return moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $options, ''. $this->control_name( $control_name, $name ) . '', 'class="inputbox" id="' . $this->control_id( $control_name, $name ) . '"', 'value', 'text', $value, 2 );
- }
- /**
- * @param string The name of the form element
- * @param string The value of the element
- * @param CBSimpleXMLElement $node The xml element for the parameter
- * @param string The control name
- * @return string The html for the element
- */
- function _form_field( $name, $value, &$node, $control_name ) {
- global $_CB_database;
- $query = "SELECT f.fieldid AS value, f.title AS text"
- . "n FROM #__comprofiler_fields AS f"
- . "n LEFT JOIN #__comprofiler_tabs AS t ON t.tabid = f.tabid"
- . "n WHERE f.published = 1 AND f.name != 'NA'"
- . "n ORDER BY t.ordering, f.ordering"
- ;
- $_CB_database->setQuery( $query );
- $options = $_CB_database->loadObjectList();
- for ($i=0, $n=count($options); $i<$n; $i++) {
- $options[$i]->text = getLangDefinition( $options[$i]->text );
- }
- array_unshift( $options, moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '0', '- Select Field -' ) );
- return moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $options, ''. $this->control_name( $control_name, $name ) . '', 'class="inputbox" id="' . $this->control_id( $control_name, $name ) . '"', 'value', 'text', $value, 2 );
- }
- /**
- * @param string The name of the form element
- * @param string The value of the element
- * @param CBSimpleXMLElement $node The xml element for the parameter
- * @param string The control name
- * @return string The html for the element
- */
- function _form_mos_menu( $name, $value, &$node, $control_name ) {
- $menuTypes = $this->_form_mos_menu__menutypes();
- foreach( $menuTypes as $menutype ) {
- $options[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( $menutype, $menutype );
- }
- array_unshift( $options, moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '', '- Select Menu -' ) );
- return moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $options, ''. $this->control_name( $control_name, $name ) . '', 'class="inputbox" id="' . $this->control_id( $control_name, $name ) . '"', 'value', 'text', $value, 2 );
- }
- function _form_mos_menu__menutypes() {
- global $_CB_database;
- $query = "SELECT params"
- . "n FROM #__modules"
- . "n WHERE module = 'mod_mainmenu'"
- //. "n ORDER BY title"
- ;
- $_CB_database->setQuery( $query );
- $modMenus = $_CB_database->loadObjectList();
- $query = "SELECT menutype"
- . "n FROM #__menu"
- . "n GROUP BY menutype"
- //. "n ORDER BY menutype"
- ;
- $_CB_database->setQuery( $query );
- $menuMenus = $_CB_database->loadResultArray();
- $menuTypes = array();
- foreach ( $modMenus as $modMenu ) {
- $modParams = new cbParamsBase( $modMenu->params );
- $menuType = $modParams->get( 'menutype' );
- if ( ! $menuType ) {
- $menuType = 'mainmenu';
- }
- if ( ! in_array( $menuType, $menuTypes ) ) {
- $menuTypes[] = $menuType;
- }
- }
- foreach ( $menuMenus as $menuType ) {
- if ( ! in_array( $menuType, $menuTypes ) ) {
- $menuTypes[] = $menuType;
- }
- }
- asort( $menuTypes );
- return $menuTypes;
- }
- /**
- * @param string The name of the form element
- * @param string The value of the element
- * @param CBSimpleXMLElement $node The xml element for the parameter
- * @param string The control name
- * @return string The html for the element
- */
- function _form_imagelist( $name, $value, &$node, $control_name ) {
- global $_CB_framework;
- // path to images directory
- $path = $_CB_framework->getCfg('absolute_path') . $node->attributes( 'directory' );
- $files = cbReadDirectory( $path, '.png$|.gif$|.jpg$|.bmp$|.ico$' );
- $options = array();
- foreach ($files as $file) {
- $options[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( $file, $file );
- }
- if ( !$node->attributes( 'hide_none' ) ) {
- array_unshift( $options, moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '-1', '- Do not use an image -' ) );
- }
- if ( !$node->attributes( 'hide_default' ) ) {
- array_unshift( $options, moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '', '- Use Default image -' ) );
- }
- return moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $options, ''. $this->control_name( $control_name, $name ) . '', 'class="inputbox" id="' . $this->control_id( $control_name, $name ) . '"', 'value', 'text', $value, 2 );
- }
- /**
- * @param string The name of the form element
- * @param string The value of the element
- * @param CBSimpleXMLElement $node The xml element for the parameter
- * @param string The control name
- * @return string The html for the element
- */
- function _form_textarea( $name, $value, &$node, $control_name ) {
- $rows = $node->attributes( 'rows' );
- $cols = $node->attributes( 'cols' );
- // convert <br /> tags so they are not visible when editing
- $value = str_replace( array( "\\", 'n', 'r' ), array( "\", "n", "r" ), $value );
- return '<textarea name="'. $this->control_name( $control_name, $name ) . '" cols="'. $cols .'" rows="'. $rows .'" class="text_area" id="' . $this->control_id( $control_name, $name ) . '">'. htmlspecialchars($value) .'</textarea>';
- }
- /**
- * @param string The name of the form element
- * @param string The value of the element
- * @param CBSimpleXMLElement $node The xml element for the parameter
- * @param string The control name
- * @return string The html for the element
- */
- function _form_spacer( $name, $value, &$node, $control_name ) {
- if ( $value ) {
- return '<strong id="' . $this->control_id( $control_name, $name ) . '">'.$value.'</strong>';
- } else {
- return '<hr id="' . $this->control_id( $control_name, $name ) . '" />';
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param string The name of the form element
- * @param string The value of the element
- * @param CBSimpleXMLElement $node The xml element for the parameter
- * @param string The control name
- * @return string The html for the element
- */
- function _form_usergroup( $name, $value, &$node, $control_name ) {
- $gtree = cbGetAllUsergroupsBelowMe();
- /*
- if ( ! $value ) {
- $value = $_CB_framework->acl->get_group_id('Registered','ARO');
- // array_unshift( $gtree, moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '0', '- Select User Group -' ) );
- }
- */
- if ( ( $node->attributes( 'blanktext' ) ) && ( ( $node->attributes( 'hideblanktext' ) != 'true' ) || ( $value == 0 ) ) ) {
- array_unshift( $gtree, moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '0', $node->attributes( 'blanktext' ) ) );
- }
- $content = moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $gtree, $this->control_name( $control_name, $name ), 'class="inputbox" id="' . $this->control_id( $control_name, $name ) . '" size="1"', 'value', 'text', (int) $value, 2 ); // size="10"
- return $content;
- }
- /**
- * special handling for textarea param
- */
- function textareaHandling( &$txt ) {
- $total = count( $txt );
- for( $i=0; $i < $total; $i++ ) {
- if ( strstr( $txt[$i], "n" ) ) {
- $txt[$i] = str_replace( array( "\", "n", "r" ), array( "\\", 'n', 'r' ) , $txt[$i] );
- }
- }
- $ret = implode( "n", $txt );
- return $ret;
- }
- }
- /**
- * This class is EXPERIMENTAL WIP (reasearch Work In Progress)
- * It is not yet ready for use in CB API and will be developped in a probably incompatible way.
- * That's why it's licence is not yet GPL. It will be released GPL once completed, but that's not this version yet.
- * @license For CB 1.1 internal use only. Copying outside CB not permitted, as it's not yet final. Thanks.
- */
- class cbDrawController {
- /** CB page navigator (and ordering)
- * @var cbPageNav */
- var $pageNav;
- /** @var CBSimpleXMLElement */
- var $_tableBrowserModel;
- /** <actions> element
- * @var CBSimpleXMLElement*/
- var $_actions;
- var $_options;
- var $_tableName;
- var $_search;
- var $_searchFields;
- var $_filters;
- var $_statistics;
- var $_control_name;
- function cbDrawController( $tableBrowserModel, $actions, $options ) {
- $this->_tableBrowserModel =& $tableBrowserModel;
- $this->_actions =& $actions;
- $this->_options = $options;
- $this->_tableName = $tableBrowserModel->attributes( 'name' ); // TBD: does this really belong here ???!
- }
- function fieldName( $fieldName ) {
- // search, toggle, idcid[], order[], subtask
- $arrayBrackets = '';
- if ( substr( $fieldName, -2 ) == '[]' ) {
- $fieldName = substr( $fieldName, 0 , -2 );
- $arrayBrackets = '[]';
- }
- return $this->_tableName . '[' . $fieldName . ']' . $arrayBrackets;
- }
- function fieldId( $fieldId, $number=null, $htmlspecs=true ) { //TBD: htmlspecialchars....
- // id
- return 'cb' . $this->_tableName . $fieldId . $number;
- }
- function taskName( $subTask, $htmlspecs=true ) {
- // for saveorder, publish, unpublish, orderup, orderdown
- return $this->_options['task'];
- }
- function fieldValue( $fieldName ) {
- if ( $fieldName == 'search' ) {
- return $this->_search;
- }
- return '';
- }
- function subtaskName( $htmlspecs=true ) {
- // saveorder, publish, unpublish, orderup, orderdown
- return $this->fieldName( 'subtask' );
- }
- function subtaskValue( $subTask, $htmlspecs=true ) {
- return $subTask;
- }
- function setSearch( &$search, $searchFields ) {
- $this->_search =& $search;
- $this->_searchFields = $searchFields;
- }
- function hasSearchFields( ) {
- return ( $this->_searchFields == true );
- }
- function quicksearchfields() {
- $result = '';
- if ( $this->hasSearchFields() ) {
- if ( $this->pageNav !== null ) {
- $onchangeJs = $this->pageNav->js_limitstart(0);
- } else {
- $onchangeJs = 'cbParentForm(this).submit();';
- }
- $result = '<input type="text" name="' . $this->fieldName( 'search' ) . '" value="' . $this->fieldValue( 'search' ) . '" class="text_area" '
- . 'onchange="' . $onchangeJs . '"'
- . ' />';
- }
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * returns HTML code for the filters
- *
- * @param cbEditRowView $editRowView
- * @param string $htmlFormatting ( 'table', 'td', 'none' )
- * @return unknown
- */
- function filters( &$editRowView, $htmlFormatting = 'none' ) {
- global $_CB_framework;
- $lists = array();
- if ( count( $this->_filters ) > 0 ) {
- /*
- if ( $this->pageNav !== null ) {
- $onchangeJs = $this->pageNav->js_limitstart(0);
- } else {
- $onchangeJs = 'cbParentForm(this).submit();';
- }
- */
- $valueObj = new stdClass();
- $saveName = array();
- foreach ( $this->_filters as $k => $v ) {
- $valname = 'filter_' . $v['name'];
- $valueObj->$valname = $v['value'];
- // $filterXml = $v['xml'];
- $saveName[$k] = $v['xml']->attributes( 'name' );
- $this->_filters[$k]['xml']->addAttribute( 'name', 'filter_' . $saveName[$k] );
- $editRowView->setSelectValues( $v['xml'], $v['selectValues'] );
- }
- $renderedViews = array();
- foreach ( $this->_filters as $k => $v ) {
- // <filter> tag: $v['xml']
- $viewName = $v['xml']->attributes( 'view' );
- if ( $viewName ) {
- $view = $this->_filters[$k]['xmlparent']->getChildByNameAttr( 'view', 'name', $viewName );
- if ( ! $view ) {
- echo 'filter view ' . $viewName . ' not defined in filters';
- }
- } else {
- $view = $this->_filters[$k]['xml']->getElementByPath( 'view' );
- }
- if ( $view ) {
- if ( ( ! $viewName ) || ! in_array( $viewName, $renderedViews ) ) {
- $lists[$k] = $editRowView->renderEditRowView( $view, $valueObj, $this, $this->_options, 'param', $htmlFormatting );
- }
- if ( $viewName ) {
- $renderedViews[] = $viewName;
- }
- } else {
- $editRowView->pushModelOfData( $valueObj );
- $result = $editRowView->renderParam( $this->_filters[$k]['xml'], $this->control_name(), false );
- $editRowView->popModelOfData();
- $lists[$k] = '<div class="cbFilter">'
- . '<span class="cbLabelSpan">' . $result[0] . '</span> '
- . '<span class="cbDescrSpan">' . $result[2] . '</span>'
- . '<span class="cbFieldSpan">' . $result[1] . '</span>'
- . '</div>';
- }
- }
- foreach ( $this->_filters as $k => $v ) {
- $this->_filters[$k]['xml']->addAttribute( 'name', $saveName[$k] );
- }
- if ( count( $lists ) > 1 ) {
- $adminimagesdir = $_CB_framework->getCfg( 'live_site' ) . '/components/com_comprofiler/images/';
- $lists[] = '<div class="cbFilter"><input type="image" src="' . $adminimagesdir . '/search.gif" alt="' . _UE_SEARCH . '" align="top" style="border: 0px;" /></div>';
- }
- }
- return $lists;
- }
- function setFilters( &$filters ){
- $this->_filters = $filters;
- }
- function setStatistics( &$statsArray ) {
- $this->_statistics =& $statsArray;
- }
- function & getStatistics( ) {
- return $this->_statistics;
- }
- function control_name( ) {
- return $this->_control_name;
- }
- function setControl_name( $control_name ) {
- $this->_control_name = $control_name;
- }
- function drawUrl( $cbUri, &$sourceElem, &$data, $id, $htmlspecialchars = true, $inPage = true ) {
- global $_CB_framework;
- $ui = $_CB_framework->getUi();
- if ( substr( $cbUri, 0, 4 ) == 'cbo:' ) {
- $subTaskValue = substr( $cbUri, 4 );
- switch ( $subTaskValue ) {
- case 'newrow':
- $id = 0;
- // fallthrough: no break on purpose.
- case 'rowedit': //TBD this is duplicate of below
- $baseUrl = ( ( $ui != 2 ) ? ( $inPage ? 'index.php' : 'index2.php' ) : ( $inPage ? 'index2.php' : 'index3.php' ) );
- $baseUrl .= '?option=' . $this->_options['option'] . '&task=' . $this->_options['task'] . '&cid=' . $this->_options['pluginid'];
- $url = $baseUrl . '&table=' . $this->_tableBrowserModel->attributes( 'name' ) . '&action=editrow'; // below: . '&tid=' . $id;
- break;
- case 'editrows':
- case 'deleterows':
- case 'copyrows':
- case 'publish':
- case 'unpublish':
- $url = 'javascript:cbDoListTask(this, ' // cb //TBD: this is duplicate of pager.
- . "'" . $this->taskName( false ). "','" // task
- . $this->subtaskName( false ). "','" // subtaskName
- . $this->subtaskValue( $subTaskValue, false ) . "','" // subtaskValue
- . $this->fieldId( 'id', null, false ) . "'" // fldName
- . ");";
- break;
- default:
- $url = "UNDEFINED_URL-" . $cbUri;
- break;
- }
- } elseif ( substr( $cbUri, 0, 10 ) == 'cb_action:' ) {
- $actionName = substr( $cbUri, 10 );
- $action =& $this->_actions->getChildByNameAttr( 'action', 'name', $actionName );
- if ( $action ) {
- $requestNames = explode( ' ', $action->attributes( 'request' ) );
- $requestValues = explode( ' ', $action->attributes( 'action' ) );
- $parametersValues = explode( ' ', $action->attributes( 'parameters' ) );
- $baseUrl = ( ( $ui != 2 ) ? ( $inPage ? 'index.php' : 'index2.php' ) : ( $inPage ? 'index2.php' : 'index3.php' ) );
- $baseUrl .= '?';
- $baseRequests = array( 'option' => 'option', 'task' => 'task', 'cid' => 'pluginid' );
- $urlParams = array();
- foreach ( $baseRequests as $breq => $breqOptionsValue ) {
- if ( ( ! ( in_array( $breq, $requestNames ) || in_array( $breq, $parametersValues ) ) ) && isset( $this->_options[$breqOptionsValue] ) ) {
- $urlParams[$breq] = $breq . '=' . $this->_options[$breqOptionsValue];
- }
- }
- $url = $baseUrl;
- for ( $i = 0, $n = count( $requestNames ); $i < $n; $i++ ) {
- $urlParams[$requestNames[$i]] = $requestNames[$i] . '=' . $requestValues[$i]; // other parameters = paramvalues added below
- }
- $url = $baseUrl . implode( '&', $urlParams );
- } else {
- $url = "#action_not_defined:" . $actionName;
- }
- } else {
- $url = $cbUri;
- }
- if ( ! cbStartOfStringMatch( $url, 'javascript:' ) ) {
- // get the parameters of action/link from XML :
- $parametersNames = explode( ' ', $sourceElem->attributes( 'parameters' ) );
- $parametersValues = explode( ' ', $sourceElem->attributes( 'paramvalues' ) );
- $parametersValuesTypes = explode( ' ', $sourceElem->attributes( 'paramvaluestypes' ) );
- // add currently activated filters to the parameters:
- if ( count( $this->_filters ) > 0 ) {
- foreach ( $this->_filters as $k => $v ) {
- $filterName = $this->fieldName( $k );
- if ( ( $v['value'] != $v['default'] ) && ( ! in_array( $filterName, $parametersNames ) ) ) {
- $parametersNames[] = $filterName;
- $parametersValues[] = "'" . $v['value'] . "'"; //TBD: check this.
- }
- }
- }
- // add current search string, if any:
- $searchName = $this->fieldName( 'search' );
- $searchValue = $this->fieldValue( 'search' );
- if ( $searchValue && ( ! in_array( $searchName, $parametersNames ) ) ) {
- $parametersNames[] = $searchName;
- $parametersValues[] = "'" . $searchValue . "'";
- }
- // generate current action (and parameters ?) as cbprevstate
- $cbprevstate = array();
- foreach ( $this->_options as $req => $act ) {
- if ( $req && $act && ! in_array( $req, array( 'cbprevstate' ) ) ) {
- $cbprevstate[] = $req . '=' . $act;
- }
- }
- $parametersNames[] = 'cbprevstate';
- $parametersValues[] = "'" . base64_encode( implode( '&', $cbprevstate ) ) . "'";
- // finally generate URL:
- for ( $i = 0, $n = count( $parametersNames ); $i < $n; $i++ ) {
- $nameOfVariable = $parametersValues[$i];
- if ( $nameOfVariable ) {
- if ( isset( $parametersValuesTypes[$i] ) && $parametersValuesTypes[$i] ) {
- if ( $parametersValuesTypes[$i] == 'sql:field' ) {
- $nameOfVariable = $data->$nameOfVariable;
- } else {
- // $nameOfVariable untouched
- }
- } elseif ( ( substr( $nameOfVariable, 0, 1 ) == "'" ) && ( substr( $nameOfVariable, -1 ) == "'" ) ) {
- $nameOfVariable = substr( $nameOfVariable, 1, -1 );
- } else {
- $nameOfVariable = $data->$nameOfVariable;
- }
- $url .= '&' . $parametersNames[$i] . '=' . urlencode( $nameOfVariable );
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $htmlspecialchars ) {
- $url = htmlspecialchars( $url );
- }
- return $url;
- }
- function drawPageNvigator( $positionType /* , $viewModelElement ??? */ ) {
- }
- function createPageNvigator( $total, $limitstart, $limit ) {
- cbimport( 'cb.pagination' );
- $this->pageNav = new cbPageNav( $total, $limitstart, $limit, array( &$this, 'fieldName' ), $this );
- $this->pageNav->setControllerView( $this );
- }
- /* $this->pageNav =& $pageNav;
- $this->filters =& $this->filters;
- $this->search =& $this->search;
- */
- } // class cbDrawController
- ?>