- #ifndef CVUT_UTIL_H
- #define CVUT_UTIL_H
- #include "cvutMatrix.h"
- #include "cvutImage.h"
- #include "cvaux.h"
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- using namespace cvutMatrix;
- using namespace cvutImage;
- namespace cvutUtil {
- /************************************************************************
- image rectification
- *************************************************************************/
- template <typename T>
- void do_morphing(Image<T>& RightImage, Image<T>& LeftImage,CvMatrix3* F_Matrix) {
- CvSize ImgSize;
- ImgSize.width=RightImage.width*3;
- ImgSize.height=RightImage.height*3;
- int line_count;
- cvMakeScanlines(0,ImgSize,0,0,0,0,&line_count);
- line_count=2400;
- int* scanlines1;
- int* scanlines2;
- int* scanlinesA;
- scanlines1=(int*)(calloc( line_count * 2, sizeof(int) * 4));
- scanlines2=(int*)(calloc( line_count * 2, sizeof(int) * 4));
- scanlinesA=(int*)(calloc( line_count * 2, sizeof(int) * 4));
- int* lenghts1;
- int* lenghts2;
- int* lenghts;
- lenghts1=(int*)(calloc( line_count * 2, sizeof(int)*4));
- lenghts2=(int*)(calloc( line_count * 2, sizeof(int)*4));
- lenghts=(int*)(calloc( line_count * 2, sizeof(int)*4));
- // IplImage* dst1 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(ImgSize.width,ImgSize.height),8,3);
- // IplImage* dst2 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(ImgSize.width,ImgSize.height),8,3);
- // IplImage* dst3 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(ImgSize.width,ImgSize.height),8,3);
- uchar* dst1;
- dst1=(uchar*)(malloc(ImgSize.width * (ImgSize.height+1) * 3 * sizeof(uchar)));
- uchar* dst2;
- dst2=(uchar*)(malloc(ImgSize.width * (ImgSize.height+1) * 3 * sizeof(uchar)));
- uchar* dst_pix;
- dst_pix=(uchar*)(calloc(ImgSize.width * (ImgSize.height+1), 3 * sizeof(uchar)));
- int* runs1;
- int* runs2;
- runs1=(int*)(calloc(ImgSize.width * ImgSize.height * 2, 2 * sizeof(int)));
- runs2=(int*)(calloc(ImgSize.width * ImgSize.height * 2, 2 * sizeof(int)));
- int* first_corr;
- int* second_corr;
- first_corr=(int*)(calloc(ImgSize.width * ImgSize.height * 2, 2 * sizeof(int)));
- second_corr=(int*)(calloc(ImgSize.width * ImgSize.height * 2, 2 * sizeof(int)));
- int* num_runs1;
- int* num_runs2;
- num_runs1=(int*)(calloc(ImgSize.width * ImgSize.height * 2, 2 * sizeof(int)));
- num_runs2=(int*)(calloc(ImgSize.width * ImgSize.height * 2, 2 * sizeof(int)));
- ImgSize.width=RightImage.width;
- ImgSize.height=RightImage.height;
- cvMakeScanlines(F_Matrix,ImgSize,0,0,0,0,&line_count);
- cvMakeScanlines(F_Matrix,ImgSize,scanlines1,scanlines2,lenghts1,lenghts2,&line_count);
- // IplImage* image1=cvCreateImage(RightImage.size(),8,3);
- // image1=cvCloneImage(RightImage.cvimage);
- // cvPreWarpImage(line_count,image1,dst1,lenghts1,scanlines1);
- cvPreWarpImage(line_count,RightImage.cvimage,dst1,lenghts1,scanlines1);
- // IplImage* image2=cvCreateImage(LeftImage.size(),8,3);
- // image2=cvCloneImage(LeftImage.cvimage);
- // cvPreWarpImage(line_count,image2,dst2,lenghts2,scanlines2);
- cvPreWarpImage(line_count,LeftImage.cvimage,dst2,lenghts2,scanlines2);
- if (scanlines1 != 0) free (scanlines1);
- if (scanlines2 != 0) free (scanlines2);
- if (scanlinesA != 0) free (scanlinesA);
- if (lenghts1 != 0) free (lenghts1);
- if (lenghts2 != 0) free (lenghts2);
- if (lenghts != 0) free (lenghts);
- if (dst1 != 0) free (dst1);
- if (dst2 != 0) free (dst2);
- if (dst_pix != 0) free (dst_pix);
- if (runs1 != 0) free (runs1);
- if (runs2 != 0) free (runs2);
- if (first_corr != 0) free (first_corr);
- if (second_corr != 0) free (second_corr);
- if (num_runs1 != 0) free (num_runs1);
- if (num_runs2 != 0) free (num_runs2);
- scanlines1 = 0;
- scanlines2 = 0;
- scanlinesA = 0;
- lenghts1 = 0;
- lenghts2 = 0;
- lenghts = 0;
- runs1 = 0;
- runs2 = 0;
- dst1 = 0;
- dst2 = 0;
- dst_pix = 0;
- num_runs1 = 0;
- num_runs2 = 0;
- first_corr = 0;
- second_corr = 0;
- };
- /************************************************************************
- calculate the skew symmetric matrix of a vector
- *************************************************************************/
- template <typename T>
- Matrix<T> skew_sym(Matrix<T>& vec) {
- if (!(vec.channels == 1 &&
- (vec.rows == 3 && vec.cols == 1 || vec.rows == 1 && vec.cols == 3)))
- {
- cerr<<"wrong type of matrix!n";
- exit(1);
- }
- Matrix<T> skew(3,3,1);
- skew(0,1) =[2];
- skew(0,2) =[1];
- skew(1,0) =[2];
- skew(1,2) =[0];
- skew(2,0) =[1];
- skew(2,1) =[0];
- return skew;
- };
- /************************************************************************
- calculate fundamental matrix using two projective matrixes
- *************************************************************************/
- template <typename T>
- Matrix<T> calc_fundamental(Matrix<T>& mat1, Matrix<T>& mat2) {
- if (mat1.rows != 3 || mat1.cols != 4 || mat1.channels != 1
- || mat2.rows != 3 || mat2.cols != 4 || mat2.channels != 1)
- {
- cerr<<"wrong type of matrix!n";
- exit(1);
- }
- return skew_sym(mat2.get_col(3)-mat2.get_cols(0,2)*invert(mat1.get_cols(0,2))*mat1.get_col(3))*mat2.get_cols(0,2)*invert(mat1.get_cols(0,2));
- };
- /***********************************************************************
- histgram equalization
- ***********************************************************************/
- template <typename T>
- void hist_equalize(Image<T>& src) {
- if (src.channels > 1) {
- cerr<<"fail to equalize histgram!n";
- exit(1);
- }
- int hdim = 256; // bin of HIST, default = 256
- CvHistogram *hist = 0;
- int n = hdim;
- double* nn = new double[hdim];
- uchar* T = new uchar[hdim];
- int sum = 0; // sum of pixels of the source image 图像中象素点的总和
- double val = 0;
- // calculate histgram 计算直方图
- hist = cvCreateHist( 1, &n, CV_HIST_ARRAY, 0, 1 );
- cvCalcHist( &src.cvimage, hist, 0, 0 );
- // Create Accumulative Distribute Function of histgram
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- {
- val = val + cvGetReal1D (hist->bins, i);
- nn[i] = val;
- }
- // Compute intensity transformation 计算变换函数的离散形式
- sum = src.height * src.width;
- for(i = 0; i < n; i++ )
- {
- T[i] = (uchar) (255 * nn[i] / sum); // range is [0,255]
- }
- Matrix<uchar> T_mat(1,256,1,T);
- cvLUT( src.cvimage, src.cvimage, T_mat.cvmat );
- };
- } /* namespace cvutUtil */
- #endif