- #ifndef CVUT_SEQ_H
- #define CVUT_SEQ_H
- #include "cv.h"
- #include "highgui.h"
- #include <string>
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- namespace cvutSeq {
- /************************************************************************
- Seq
- *************************************************************************/
- template <typename T>
- class Seq {
- public:
- CvSeq* cvseq;
- CvMemStorage* storage;
- int is_sorted;
- public:
- /************************************************************************
- constructor
- *************************************************************************/
- Seq(int seq_length = 0,int flag = 0) {
- storage = cvCreateMemStorage(MAX(sizeof(T)*seq_length,1<<16));
- cvseq = cvCreateSeq(flag,sizeof(CvSeq),sizeof(T),storage);
- is_sorted=0;
- };
- Seq(Seq<T>& src) {
- cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage);
- cvseq = cvCloneSeq(src.cvseq,storage);
- is_sorted=0;
- };
- /************************************************************************
- deconstructor
- *************************************************************************/
- ~Seq(){
- cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage);
- cvseq = NULL;
- };
- /************************************************************************
- access seq element
- *************************************************************************/
- T& operator [](int index){
- if (index<0 || index>=cvseq->total) {
- cout<<"seq access out of range!n";
- exit(1);
- }
- return *(T*)cvGetSeqElem(cvseq,index);
- };
- /***********************************************************************
- whether seq is empty
- ***********************************************************************/
- bool empty() {
- return (cvseq->total == 0)?true:false;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- get the length of the seq
- *************************************************************************/
- int length(){
- return cvseq->total;
- };
- /************************************************************************
- remove all elements in the seq
- *************************************************************************/
- void clear(){
- cvClearSeq(cvseq);
- };
- /************************************************************************
- add an element at rear
- *************************************************************************/
- void push_back(T elem){
- cvSeqPush(cvseq,(void*)&elem);
- };
- /************************************************************************
- add some elements at rear
- *************************************************************************/
- void push_back(T* src = NULL,int num = 0) {
- if (src != NULL) {
- cvSeqPushMulti(cvseq,(void*)src,num);
- }
- };
- /************************************************************************
- remove the last element in the seq
- *************************************************************************/
- bool pop_back(){
- if (cvseq->total <= 0) {
- cout<<"Seq is empty! fail to pop back!n";
- return false;
- }
- cvSeqPop(cvseq);
- return true;
- };
- /************************************************************************
- add an element at head
- *************************************************************************/
- void push_front(T elem) {
- cvSeqPushFront(cvseq,(void*)&elem);
- };
- /************************************************************************
- remove an element at head
- *************************************************************************/
- bool pop_front() {
- if (cvseq->total <= 0) {
- cout<<"Seq is empty! fail to pop front!n";
- return false;
- }
- cvSeqPopFront(cvseq,NULL);
- return true;
- };
- /************************************************************************
- insert at any position in the seq
- *************************************************************************/
- bool insert(int index,T elem) {
- if (index<0 || index>=cvseq->total) {
- cout<<"out of range! fail to insert!n";
- return false;
- }
- cvSeqInsert(cvseq,index,(void*)&elem);
- return true;
- };
- /************************************************************************
- remove an element at any position
- *************************************************************************/
- bool remove(int index) {
- if (cvseq->total < index+1) {
- cout<<"index out of range! fail to removen";
- return false;
- }
- cvSeqRemove(cvseq,index);
- return true;
- };
- /************************************************************************
- invert the seq
- *************************************************************************/
- void reverse() {
- cvSeqInvert(cvseq);
- };
- /************************************************************************
- sort seq
- *************************************************************************/
- static int cmp_func( const void* a, const void* b, void* userdata ) {
- return *(T*)a < *(T*)b ? -1 : *(T*)a > *(T*)b ? 1 : 0;
- };
- void sort() {
- cvSeqSort(cvseq,cmp_func);
- is_sorted=1;
- };
- /************************************************************************
- search seq
- *************************************************************************/
- int find(T elem) {
- int index=-1;
- cvSeqSearch(cvseq,(void*)&elem,cmp_func,is_sorted,&index);
- return index;
- };
- }; /* class Seq */
- /************************************************************************
- output seq
- *************************************************************************/
- template <typename T>
- ostream& operator << (ostream& out,Seq<T>& seq) {
- out<<'{';
- for (int i=0;i<seq.cvseq->total;i++) {
- out<<seq[i]<<' ';
- }
- out<<'}';
- return out;
- };
- } /* namespace cvutSeq */
- #endif /* CVUT_SEQ_H */