资源名称:xssshell.rar [点击查看]
- #Region "GPL License"
- 'This file is part of XSS Tunnel.
- '
- 'XSS Tunnel, XSS Tunneling tool
- 'Copyright (C) 2007 Ferruh Mavituna
- 'This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- 'modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- 'as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- 'of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- 'This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- 'but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- 'GNU General Public License for more details.
- 'You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- 'along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- 'Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- #End Region
- Imports System.Net
- #Region "UriManager"
- ''' <summary>
- ''' UriManager Settings
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Class UriManager
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Lock Object for thread-safety
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Private ObjLock As New Object
- Private _Proxy As WebProxy
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Proxy Settings
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>The proxy.</value>
- ''' <returns></returns>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Property Proxy() As WebProxy
- Get
- Return _Proxy
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As WebProxy)
- _Proxy = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _proxyEnabled As Boolean
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets or sets a value indicating whether Proxy Enabled ?.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value><c>true</c> if Proxy Enabled; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value>
- Public Property ProxyEnabled() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _proxyEnabled
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- _proxyEnabled = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _userAgentString As String
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets or sets the user agent string.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>The user agent string.</value>
- Public Property UserAgentString() As String
- Get
- Return _userAgentString
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- _userAgentString = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _Credential As NetworkCredential
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets or sets Network Credentials
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>The Network Credential.</value>
- ''' <returns></returns>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Property Credential() As NetworkCredential
- Get
- Return _Credential
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As NetworkCredential)
- _Credential = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _browser As Browser
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets or sets the browser.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>The browser.</value>
- Public Property Browser() As Browser
- Get
- 'If empty Load new one with defaults
- If _browser = Nothing Then
- _browser = New Browser()
- _browser.UserAgent = "XSS Shell"
- _browser.KeepAlive = True
- End If
- Return _browser
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Browser)
- _browser = value
- End Set
- End Property
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Add new cookie if it's not in already and not expired
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="OldCookieCollection">The cookie.</param>
- ''' <param name="AddCookieCollection">The add cookie collection.</param>
- ''' <returns>New combined cookie collection</returns>
- ''' <remarks>Synch cookies, remove expired ones.</remarks>
- Private Shared Function SyncCookies(ByVal oldCookieCollection As CookieCollection, ByVal addCookieCollection As CookieCollection) As CookieCollection
- Dim RetCollection As New CookieCollection()
- 'Combine Old Cookies and New ones
- oldCookieCollection.Add(addCookieCollection)
- 'Do not add
- For Each OldCookie As Cookie In oldCookieCollection
- 'Add if session cookie or not expired
- If OldCookie.Expires = Date.MinValue OrElse Not OldCookie.Expired Then
- RetCollection.Add(OldCookie)
- End If
- Next
- Return RetCollection
- End Function
- Private _Cookies As CookieCollection
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets or sets the active cookies.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>The active cookies.</value>
- Public Property Cookies() As CookieCollection
- Get
- SyncLock ObjLock
- If _Cookies Is Nothing Then _Cookies = New CookieCollection()
- 'Add Custom Cookies
- _Cookies.Add(CustomCookies)
- Return _Cookies
- End SyncLock
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As CookieCollection)
- SyncLock ObjLock
- _Cookies = SyncCookies(_Cookies, value)
- End SyncLock
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _CookieContainer As CookieContainer
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets or sets the cookie container.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>The cookie container.</value>
- ''' <remarks>Returns a new cookie container for HttpWebRequests</remarks>
- Public ReadOnly Property CookieContainer() As CookieContainer
- Get
- If _CookieContainer Is Nothing Then
- _CookieContainer = New CookieContainer()
- _CookieContainer.Add(Cookies)
- End If
- 'Accepted by Unit tests for now, seems OK
- '_CookieContainer = New CookieContainer()
- '_CookieContainer.Add(Cookies)
- Return _CookieContainer
- End Get
- End Property
- Private _RequestTimeout As Integer
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets or sets the request timeout as miliseconds.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>The request timeout.</value>
- Public Property RequestTimeout() As Integer
- Get
- If _RequestTimeout = 0 Then _RequestTimeout = DefaultRequestTimeout
- Return _RequestTimeout
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Integer)
- _RequestTimeout = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _maximumRedirect As Integer
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets or sets the maximum redirect.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>The maximum redirect.</value>
- Private ReadOnly Property DefaultMaximumRedirect() As Integer
- Get
- Return 3
- End Get
- End Property
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets or sets the maximum redirect.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>The maximum redirect.</value>
- Public Property MaximumRedirect() As Integer
- Get
- If _maximumRedirect = 0 Then _maximumRedirect = DefaultMaximumRedirect
- Return _maximumRedirect
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Integer)
- _maximumRedirect = value
- End Set
- End Property
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets the default request timeout.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>The default request timeout.</value>
- Public Shared ReadOnly Property DefaultRequestTimeout() As Integer
- Get
- Return 60000
- End Get
- End Property
- ''' <summary>
- ''' New UriManager Settings with default values
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- Public Sub New()
- End Sub
- Private _Headers As Dictionary(Of String, String)
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets or sets the Http Headers.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>The Http Header.</value>
- Public Property Headers() As Dictionary(Of String, String)
- Get
- If _Headers Is Nothing Then _Headers = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
- Return _Headers
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Dictionary(Of String, String))
- _Headers = value
- End Set
- End Property
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Adds the header.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="Name">The name.</param>
- ''' <param name="Value">The value.</param>
- ''' <returns></returns>
- Public Function AddHeader(ByVal name As String, ByVal value As String) As Boolean
- If Headers.ContainsKey(name) Then
- Return False
- Else
- Headers.Add(name, value)
- Return True
- End If
- End Function
- Private _CustomCookies As New CookieCollection()
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets or sets the custom cookies.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>The custom cookies.</value>
- ''' <remarks>Will replace value with old custom if already exist.</remarks>
- Public Property CustomCookies() As CookieCollection
- Get
- Return _CustomCookies
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As CookieCollection)
- _CustomCookies = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _UseDefaultCredentials As Boolean
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets or sets a value indicating whether request should use default credentials.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>
- ''' <c>true</c> if request uses default credentials; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
- ''' </value>
- ''' <remarks>Current application logged user credentials </remarks>
- Public Property UseDefaultCredentials() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _UseDefaultCredentials
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- _UseDefaultCredentials = value
- End Set
- End Property
- End Class
- #End Region